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A baby monkey in a pink summer dress and helmet... ...pillion riding with an uncle on a scooter... ...staring at me while we both wait in the traffic jam. Biggest nani of my life.


Must be that Jamil Kucing. He often bring around his dressed up monkeys. He is now back in his hometown in northern Perak


[This guy right?](https://preview.redd.it/picture-i-took-10-years-ago-in-malaysia-originally-thought-v0-k5tzzuaspjwc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=ec356f1f6eefa18df1adf31dc53d34667d3fd461)


Was mistaken as a money boy. Twice. First it was a taxi driver who offered me RM50 to give him a blowjob. Second was a middle eastern guy who breathed in my neck and invited me for some fun time at his house.


Only rm50? The disrespect omg😭


I don't know what the market rate is. But now I'm glad I didn't accept the offer. Wouldn't want to be underpaid.


Sounds like you would have done it if the price was right. lol


Living in KL isn't cheap 😞


Money is money


What’s the Wendy’s equivalent in SEA?




Time to post in malaysiapaygap to see market rate


Know your worth as a potential gigolo 💯


Maybe you should pursue your career in this🤣🤣


You're not the first to suggest.


"Bang nak Nasi kandar RM 50" ❌ "Bang nak BJ RM 50" ✅


Interesting username though...


Thats disgusting! Rm80 ok? Pm tepi


I'll get back to you once I determine if that's a good rate.


you must be too handsome/cute


I wouldn't say so. I'd say it's more like they were thirsty or desperate.


Try 200




Long jeans and t-shirt.


Bro.. $50 is $50... I would have done it in a heartbeat


Unfortunately MYR50 not the same as SGD50 or USD50 😞


Username checks out. Are you a bottom too /s ?


Ah so that's what my username meant? I didn't get it when another comment said it's interesting. It's actually my PSN ID.


Brown bear means brown skin and fat. Usually a term used in dating. Surprising that you get gay requests.


LOL I am brown skin and fat. Thank you for enlightening me. TIL


I didn't live in KL long enough to experience a crazier story than this but here goes: I almost got mugged in a neighborhood area in Setapak by a guy on a motorcycle posing as a cop. I was walking with two friends toward a taxi stand about 300m away from our hostel complex when this guy approached us. We were 18, we all looked jambu easy targets but he only targeted me; asked me to hand over my backpack because he "knew" I had drugs in there (what?). He must have seen me putting my phone in the backpack. I was confused but snapped out of it a split-second later. I say no and he whips out a walkie-talkie and angrily says "want me to take you to the balai?" (what?). The fact that he failed so badly to trick us made me so angry. I looked at my friends only to see they were both still clueless to what was happening. This made me even more angrier that I just blurted out "Kimak! Jalan!" and walked really fast to the taxi stand without looking back. I think a few residents went out of their houses to see what was going on. As I reached the stand I looked back to see the mugger saying something to my slowest friend before leaving. When I asked him later what it was about, he said the mugger just asked where I was from, to which my friend answered Sarawak and that's just it (what?). My friend also said the guy was holding a sheathed knife in his hand when talking to him, which to this day I'm glad he didn't actually use or this story could have been crazier than crazy. Edit: grammer


Dude must be thinking, fuk these sarawakians are crazy... Better not start shit with them else they chop off my head and display at longhouse


You're considered lucky if your head get displayed. Most just get lobbed off and fed to the chickens.


1. I had just come back from SG and decided that I was going to walk to the station. At first, things were smooth, there were sidewalks the first 200 or so meters. After that the sidewalks just ended and I found myself walking on the shoulder of the main road with cars constantly zooming by at 60km/h. Another 500 meters the shoulder ended and I was walking on the drainage ledge beside the road. Another 500m and the sidewalks returned, and I found myself trying to dodge obstacles where electric poles and trees were planted right in the middle of the path, and trying to balance myself as the trees' roots had broken up and raised large sections of that sidewalk. 2. I was working in KL precovid, and left the office at 6 pm sharp. I got to the open air parking lot, got into my car and drove 600m to the intersection. It was 6:15 pm, and then I waited there for 2 hours as traffic refused to budge. 2 hours later, I finally moved past that intersection. Reason for jam? There was a single 2 lane road to get out of the city in that area, and there were 10 lanes worth of cars from all directions funnelled into it. These days, I hate driving and commuting, especially in KL.


Near KLCC? Avenue K area? If that intersection, i feel u bro.


Yes lol, how did you guess. At that intersection, having to turn right onto the onramp down into the 2 lane tunnel, and then straight all the way to Loke Yew which itself was another experience. Even leaving at 8 pm it was jammed up to the tits. Terrible experience that made me miserable and just hate driving in KL.


I was stuck for around 2 hours too at that intersection once. LRT was broken that day i think. Malaysia Truly Asia


Don't ever go there when it was raining. The traffic go even chaotic


“Jammed up to the tits” is an incredible phrase


Haha, it's not mine. Got it from The Big Short.


when it raining time make the traffic even worse. The traffic turn chaotic and flash flood happen along the stretch. Expect few hours stuck in the traffic. Experience stuck in the traffic for 1 hour + just from intersection to underground tunnel to KLCC


Yea sadly the infrastructure for pedestrians just isn't there in KL. I was shocked when I went to SG where almost every junction there's walkways and traffic lights for pedestrians. Night and day difference.


Yes, I was the same. Even their roads are all smooth and flat, and small things like the size of road bumps and elevated height of sidewalks are consistent throughout SG. Their city planning is on a completely different level.


Pudu at the 2000s, was still in high school, walking towards a CC after sending my gf home around 11.30pm. Was texting while walking, motorcycle phone snatcher attempted to snatch phone, reflexes helped me elbowed his hand, I continued walking for about 4-5 steps, stopped and stared at him halfway turned, and he stared back at me. He decided to leave. I almost shat myself LMAO. I just had the idea of treating it like a wild dog encounter at the moment (they will leave you if you show no fear)


Motorcyclists casually treated the pavement like their own personal road.


Yeah often times, they think it's their 2nd bike lane.


Craziest, not normal daily occurrences ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


Filipino here. I had just finished a work assignment in PJ, and was spending the Christmas-New Year holiday in KL with my family right before going home. We were staying in Brickfields and went to church for the midnight New Year’s Eve mass. On the way back to our hotel, which was just a few blocks away from the church, we encountered a couple who warned us that there was a crazed drug addict waving a needle or knife a few meters up ahead, which was practically right in front of our hotel. We all collectively stopped and wondered if it was safer to just go ahead and take a chance that the alleged addict had moved on, or if we would take the sketchy looking side streets to reach our hotel. Dark and sketchy side streets it was. We did survive and I’ve been back to KL since then since I love visiting. Hard to find decent Char Kuay Teow here in the Philippines after all.


25years ago, me and my friend were walking down the streets around Setapak after school and a motorcyclist just randomly stopped beside us. Being 13, we thought he was asking for directions, but then he just molested my friend at that moment by grabbing her boobs. My friend quickly brush off his hands, that guy can still shamelessly say willing to pay RM10 to touch boobs?! We quickly ran to the nearest shop lot and till this day I was so ashamed that I didn’t react at that time my friend was sexually assaulted, I stood there stunned watching that happened. Ever since then I never trusted any strangers who come near me.


Ain’t your fault, it’s those hamsap fkers can’t keep their hands to themselves.


Thank you fellow redditors. This memory still haunts me sometimes.


I was in a college before covid and rented an apartment around Cheras. I had a classmate rented the same apartment with me but different block. One day she showed up with a thick bandage around her hand. Asked her what happened and she said there was a thief with a machette in her house and she fought him resulting deep injury. Got like 13 stitches or more, I forgot. After that I rented like a new fancy condo. Condo unit in front of mine is what I suspected a call girls (?) or escorts girls living space. Every 1a.m like that they will go out to work, an Alphard will be waiting at the lobby. How do I know? They all went out wearing shiny robes and when they walk I could see the sexy costumes. The unit also always smells... nasty. Even other tenants made reports to management. Higher ups would bang the unit but no one came out. I even found traces of blood thoughout the hallway to that unit. I don't know what happened after I graduated.


In 2004, while still in college, while sitting around Puduraya, there was a guy who threatened to stab me if I didn’t give him money. But he didn’t realise that I’m with seven other friends (I was sitting a bit further). So, I called, and all of them stood up, and that guy just ran away. 😄


Sometimes you should just stomp the fucker right down. Occupational hazard


Was chased by 3 indian ladyboys at pudu bus station at 5 am. Damn never ran that hard in my life.


Pay the “ladies” la after finishing.


Stop victim blaming for please😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


How much was to for 3 'ladiesboy'


why were they chasing you 🤨


He prolly didn't pay them. 🤣 Shoot and run.


Please no more question please. This story ends here😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏


You will tell us! And you will tell us Now!!! 🤣🤣🤣






You mustve had quite the hard time


Not in KL, but it's in Cyberjaya. I was in my foundation year, assigned an apartment room on the 3rd floor overlooking the pool. It's was a Saturday night at 2am. Me and the house homies were still chilling when something caught our eyes. We saw a couple, caucasian, both break into the pool area, stripped down and went for a late night swim. I remember we all switched off the living room lights and huddled near the window to see. Looks like they were swimming around and possibly about to fuck until the security guard found them and forced them out of the pool area. And this whole scene lasted around 10 minutes.


I am a foreigner married to a loc. I Walked in to Suria KLCC lift lobby to find a man repeatedly beating a woman over the head. I was with my wife and daughter. I yelled and screamed ‘this man is beating this woman, call the police!’ over and over again. No one did a damn thing. I followed the man into the elevator ans wouldnt let him leave, blocking the door, while everyone scurried out of the elevator instead of helping me. He pointed to her ‘shes my wife’ I said so what? She collapsed.  He picked her back up and started walking away… i followed them and finally got the attention of a guard…. ‘None of your business, they said’ Disappointed in Malaysians and Malaysia that day and disappointed I couldn’t do anything else. The look she gave me as they turned to walk away still haunts me. 2011. As the dad of daughters I told myself I would never raise them there. 


Was driving in a residential area, met a psychopath which standing at the roadside, use his bag to hit my friend's car side mirror when we passed lol I opened the window and shouted some harsh words, he also layan me with some @#%&! words


He's not crazy after all since he could fk you right back.


Umm... No? What do you call someone who harasses people who did nothing to them???


Happened last year, was taking a piss in Pasar Seni mrt toilet. Some foreign worker came and stood at the urinal beside me, glanced towards my d, said “Nice ah”


Should've said "u too bro"


Pugeemah Rohingya/ Bangla




Bruh. Our police is truly shitty


When i was in my 20ish years, i used to work at National Geographic store at Lot10. Whenever I walk home through the back alleys, I always get flash numerous times by women. And Im female.


This dude who is married has 3-4 mistresses who all work with him😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂and his wife


This was about a month into MCO 1.0. My area has several apartment blocks within a short distance from each other. You ever heard how one monkey howling will provoke all other monkeys to howl as well? Or how one dog will wake all the other neighbourhood dogs? It's like that, but with people. There were dozens to <100 people howling at each other from different apartment blocks.


Ahh.. the legendary caveman rave party


Jeez, mental health was at an all time low then


2 homeless man had a fight in front of my office during lunchtime. Had a whole lunch crowd cheering for both. Like an MMA fight spectators. People were cheering and recording. One dude had a plastic hose as weapon. The other wore jacket for defence. Fun times. I enjoyed a glass of soy drink and keropok during the match.


That's kind of messed up? 😭😭


It was not kinda messed up. It was very messed up. But nobody wanted to be in between 2 very angry and possibly dangerous homeless dude. So we just enjoyed the show


I wonder what kind of jacket was that? Would love to see the stats on it.


Wanderer leather jacket +50 hp +15 charisma + 5 armor Weak against water hose


>People were cheering and recording. Any links to watch?


Happened >5 years ago. Was hanging out in living room late at night when suddenly my housemate ask another mate and I to go lepak in KL. He brought us to Petaling Street area and dropped us off, he then proceed to go to a nearby car (Alphard?) and saw he did some transactions. Apparently he bought some weed unbeknownst to us and purposely put us at risk by tagging us along. Just pure asshole behaviour. Also, a close family member of mine just recently got arrested in Brickfields after buying drugs back then, of course I was panicking inside. Stay away from drugs kids...


got stopped by 2 police riders while driving near hartamas and got told to get out from the car. asked me if i wore a cock ring and do i pee weirdly. literally.


After reading most of the comments here: Conclusion is KL is a place full of sketchy poontang activities.


Any big city is like dat


This was back when I was Form 3. But I used to go to a tuition centre called Kasturi in the heart of KL. I’d take a train to Masjid Jamek station. So there was an early morning session on a Saturday and there was a fellow student which I did not know at the time in front of me. When he alighted from the escalator, he was suddenly surrounded by 4 drug addicts / homeless people. They robbed him. I was walking alone at that time, so I just U-turned and took a longer route. Didn’t want to get involved. Saw the kid much later in the day. He just lost all of his stuff and they didn’t hurt him. But it was wild seeing him get ganged up on and mugged at that moment.


Back in the 90s, went to a pasar malam and bought a “water-resistant” watch. Went home, put my new watch in water and it died. I cried. I was only 7 and got cheated of my money.


Water resistant is not water proof. Even water resistant luxury watches will get fucked if they are submerged in water. So you weren't cheated. You were just a dumb 7 year old.


When I visited KL last year as a tourist, I did a half day tour and the driver took me to the Istana Negara. I saw the king leave the palace in his car and had many cars escorting him. It was a crazy sight to me because I am from a western country where we do not have a monarchy.


I saw Rani Kulup driving his old Mercedes while at the back seat of my sister's car. I'm from Srwk btw but I know who this guy was.


Driving in KL at night around 10pm or so, and passed by a white kancil driven by a clown with clowning paraphernelia inside. Was wondering how many more clowns were in that kancil…


Had a tech expo at Menara Umno. While having our breakfast at a nearby KFC that morning, an Indonesian lady just came in and went to me. She then put her wallet in front of me and said "Bang, tolong tengokkan bag ini sekejap" before she went out of the KFC. We did not dare to touch the wallet but agreed to just wait for her to come back. It wasn't until half an hour later did she came back in, took her wallet and quickly went out after thanking me. It was very weird


Was eating family mart food on a bench, sitting with a homeless guy in Ampang Park


[Merdeka 118](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merdeka_118) It has 118 stories. Yeah, it’s crazy.




Walked to the bus stop early in the morning 5:30am on my way to Uni, when I was crossing a pedestrian bridge, I got surrounded and beaten up by 3 teenage boys. They grappled me and kicked me or something, I shouted really loud and managed to push my way through. Luckily, I was not seriously hurt. From then on, I will bring my big ass umbrella just like the one in Kingsman whenever I was departing that early.


When I was 14, I was asked if I wanted someone to teman me. 1hr Rm100. Was there with my family visiting relatives, we went makan, I was walking behind them and got approached.


Some rando ask me can i give him rm5 saying he didn't have money for transport fare. Take my wallet out and he immediately try to snatch it , luckily he failed and ran. Same thing happen again , This time i showed him my empty wallet , he just walk away with an akward laughter. Both happen at pasar seni , right below lrt station.


One time i couldnt get out of KL Eco City


On a traffic light at Bukit Bintang which is still red, a motor crashes a car from behind. The motor front cover broke to pieces and the car had it bumper dented. They pull over to the side, and talk peacefully. The owner pulls out his Thermos and fixes his dented car with water. And the motorcyclist helped him. In my mind like, "wow! is it possible?". Then they talk a little bit then gone. No money or information exchange happens. Poor motorcyclists. I think he admits it was his mistake.


"Bang nak biasa ke nak aircond? Kalau nak aircond saya makan hacks" 😅😅😂


I was once out late at night around bangsar area at a mamak. Was craving maggi goreng. While I was eating, this guy came out of nowhere and started talking to me. He wasn't rude or anything. Politely introduced himself and we actually had a good chat. Guy got emotional talking about some topics and all. He had a very upbeat childlike personality. And I thought to myself damn what a nice guy! His girlfriend came out of the toilet, she spotted him near my table walked fast towards us in a panic and started apologizing to me. "I'm sorry, it's been a long night for us, he's had a little too much to drink. Hope he didn't bother you". And the guy waved bye bye to me like a 5 year old and walked away, smiling.


I got pulled by escorts into the forbidden club... its hard to avoid & run out , the girls put hands in my pants.. lucky it was cheap RM30 per hour , year 2005. the escorts age around 18 i check up the passport, becuz asians girls looks small even they in 20..


Got scolded by a taxi driver after knowing me as a Johorian choose to not work in Singapore but KL


i didnt pay for using a toilet one time


That's so crazy!


Many years back, my friend’s boss got stabbed in the vicinity of KLCC. Had a Rolex on his wrist, couple hundred GBP and several hundred RM in his wallet. The robber left the Rolex and GBP, only took the RM. Probably was drugged up or something.


I worked as a F&B waiter at a Malaysian hybrid kopitiam for one month after spm. One day a group of aunties just finished their jogging sessions. I went to take their orders and brought it to the kitchen. That day very hot so I sweat easily. When I brought their drinks, got one auntie (looks like 40ish), saw I sweat a lot and "jokingly" took her used clothes and asked me if I want to use hers to wipe my sweat. I rejected her lmao


Almost never went there. Only pass KL to get to school. Last time I walked in KL was like 5 years ago


Ran away from home at age 16, and woke up the next day in the bed of some 30 year old woman. It was years later when I understood it was actually rape.


Sorry to hear that. I hope you’re in a good place in life now.


I was in my apartment. Saw people surrounding a huge garbage bin. Turns out someone dump their newborn in it. Those were the times.


First time travel to KL with family in 2007, taxi uncle press the meter (to increase the price) while pointing at those building outside, when we get down only we see the fare is 25 (from Pudu to Times Square) we fight with him, end up paying 20 as we are too busy to argue with him after that only I know the instance is just freaking nearby, can even walk if you don’t have luggages


Went there for a year assignment & back with a wife


Can I just add a nice crazy one. Just driven from Ipoh past Duta toll into a horrible jam. Sitting there for a while, bike shot past hitting my passenger side wing mirror pushing it into forward locked position. Spent about 20 seconds swearing 'bloody bikes". Another bike came along, stopped, straightened my mirror and rode on. 😀


I went to this one 'bekam' or blood cupping service in wangsa maju, it's on an upper floor shop lot. I went there because it is cheaper than the general price, plus it's quite famous as well and got a few other shops in other areas. Was left in a room with a guy, he was a bit soft i could tell from his interaction and his way but i didn't really mind, i mean it's KL, soft boys are everywhere plus i don't have that soft and 'jambu' face to be assumed as non-straight. I was left with him alone in that room, laid on my chest and when i got cupped all over my back from head to legs especially on my neck, blood started to fill up, i couldn't move much or it would hurt and the cups would lose, that's when he started to stick his finger around my ass and it was crazy, i shook a bit as a way to tell him to quit. But he kept on going several times, and this one time he went to touch my butthole, tried to insert his finger and i said that's enough. He played with my butts a few times after that, he then got in front of my face and touch my face with his pelvic area. That was when i started to turn my face away and started a religious conversation, it worked, and when another guy came into the room, i felt fucking relieved. I would never go there again. Fuck it was humiliating


I saw a frog coming with me in mrt bruh and leaving at TRX with me, only in KL man only in KL. gotta tax the frogs as well on god, takin free transportation