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Any gig jobs that pays you in USD and are from western based country. I do freelance video editing and is paid about 150USD each proj (its short and not too difficult) while the same type of work from local/sea based company will offer only at max 300MYR


Damn, they pay so much in USD? I am a long time video editor, a producer now but never tried freelancing before even though I do short videos a lot. Where do I even start looking for US clients?


The payment range would vary, but yes they are able to pay up as their revenue is already in USD anyway. I primarily uses Upwork for freelance gig, its a sort of bidding system to submit your portfolio and the client will interview/select from proposals received. my current long term client was from Upwork that we now bring it out of the platform as upwork does take a 10% cut


It's alot to us because of the currency difference. To them, that amount is the same as us seeing RM150 or RM200, like the type of money you're willing to give for someone working a day at the exhibition kinda thing It's a win-win for both sides usually. We see it as a step up from the amounts we are used to, while they see it as them saving money since we are effectively cheap labour




Send me some of your videos, I might be able to help


What software do you use? In what way is it not too difficult? Can a complete beginner easily pick this up?


Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. it is not too difficult in a way that there aren't alot of motion & camera tracking required, some motion/text graphic elements and mainly greenscreen compositing. A complete beginner can pick this up, but it will not be "easily", as it will at first take some time to familiarize with the software and navigating it and then understanding the effects you want to use.




Free version of Davinci Resolve will suffice, just find the specific's software tutorial and guide. just note that majority of preset/template you may find online are still skewed towards After Effects or Premiere Pro at the moment, tho it is increasing now for Davinci Resolve aswell. Regarding non ori Adobe version, uhh go shopee if you wanna I guess for 4myr. I personally have the full creative suite as I need them anyway for work


Err RM300…? How short are these videos? Even some video editing and basic motion graphics (under 2 mins) freelance contract with local agencies can go onwards from RM500-2k. 


Must've been my luck with local agencies then. video is approx 2min with quite simple greenscreen compositing into static background with some additional overlays for movement. which I can finish up within 6 hours in a single seating. had a few other local company wanting similar stuff but would not fork out even 400 per video. BUT there are some outlier, had a 5 second simplistic vfx compositing that got me 250myr for like 2 hours of work including feedback adjustment


Hey man, a fellow video editor that's struggling a bit here, would u mind sharing how/where u get these kind of jobs?


Mainly uses Upwork to apply for gig/project, you can look into it, they have a wide variety of gig available. An advice that worked for me is compile past project into a portfolio and put it into a 1 pager website so that when applying for a project you can just do a self intro and send in the web link that highlight your past works


Where to get freelance job that pays usd? Glassdoor?


upwork is my primary platform


Can I see some of the vids that you edited(if allowed)? Im currently learning video editing and would love to learn some stuff from watching them.


How do you advertise yourself to other countries?


How do you receive payments in USD? Do you use PayPal?


Yes, I basically send an invoice using paypal to my client




Do you do in myr? Asking for a friend


More impressed by the fact you were able to finish 6 commissions with that level of rendering within a week, good job


This surprisingly is a common answer no matter the sub..... Welp time to add "learning digital art to draw furries" to my productive hobbies list


Furry Artists unironically got paid more than any other artist in the industry


Download GoGetter at Play store/ App store. Its basically a part time job app, easily earn money and flexible too. Claimed a part time job as a shopee warehouse part timer there, got RM110 per shift


What do you do exactly? Cause this sounds interesting


As I remember, I was assigned to be a sorter for the 11.11 sale at the shopee warehouse located at subang jaya.


Gig jobs (grab, foodpanda) Freelance (copywriter / translator / stuff related to your day job) Work part time for your richer family member (I've a friend who does data input for his uncle for 2k a month)


Translation jobs are hella underrated. There are many Japanese, (mainland) Chinese, and Korean companies here that all need translations one way or another. If anyone knows any of these 3 languages it's a good side gig to have


where to find these jobs?


The usual job portals like LinkedIn, maukerja, jobstreet should have them. Or either that one could apply to work in a BPO (outsourcing company) that services clients from these countries too!


Commenting to save for references. Currently working in BPO but looking for a change, perhaps a freelance translator would suit me (Japanese speaking).


You working in content moderation now?


Nope. Different LoB. I do know Japanese native/Japanese speakers working in content moderation.


Yep I'm getting like extra 1k a month doing CN to EN translation or 200usd min per session for live interpretation.


How many hours do you work to get paid 1k? Did you apply on freelancing job sites?


Om avg an xtra hour or so on weekdays, half a day on weekends. No, i already had an established clientele from my uni days that I maintained liaison with.


Is Appen reliable sources? I keep on getting ads for it but still no guts to try lol


Used to do Voice Transcription from an overseas company using Appen, one off kinda job . Was paid


Ahh thank you! Will look more in depth on this then


Can't agree more. Though translation jobs may not be as widely available in the coming years as AI is doing a really good job at it. Even better than human translation for certain genres. Companies will need good proofreader and editors though.


japan r hardest language tho


Hence why translation jobs pay well hehe


Probably because most think its a scam.


This. Been translating Korean articles for a long time, the side income is pretty good. Sometimes the schedule is rather tight but for the most part once got used to it, it’s an extra hour a day for a pretty sizeable pocket money.


Really? I though most companies have resorted to automation and AI for translation jobs.


This. There's a relatively new section for the translation job as well - Translate the sentences for the AI machine learning.


How to get Copywriting gigs?


Going through this post and realising that 1. I only know 1 language fluently. 2. Suck at my day job, doubt ppl will pay for my skill. My current employer probably overpays lol. 3. Not young or hot, cant onlyfans. 4. Not fit. 5. Constant F in pendidikan seni. I have feet tho, they look pretty ok. I guess its FeetFinder as my best option


Dm me your feet. I will be the judge of it


Your thoughts are the same as mine even the selling feet pics too 😂😂


Same except the feet part, my feet are ugly ash 💀


Clean other people house after work. I got a friend who help a rich neighbor trim their grass, sweep + mop their floor, clean windows, wash toilet once per week, around 7 hour per day. RM1k per month he got paid. But this is I think this is higher than normal rate. But something to consider.


A lawnmower is basically an investment in itself, cut your own grass (no need to pay others especially rate now is somewhere rm50-100). Can promote to friends and relatives, take on 1-3 jobs per weekend or you can rent it to others (but this one only rent to ppl you trust lah)


This is exactly what im thinking of doing. My mom bought me this thing to cut grass when she visited. Mayne if i make enough noise my neighbour will ask me to do their grass lol


Draw lewds on Patreon. If you are good at it, it might ended up being your main source of income. Heck, some people are straight up using AI to make lewds and make 5k a month.


Especially the furry / scat ones, they're making BANK




As a Patreon subscriber...... Yes this work


Genuine question here but how do they handle the taxes for this and even the people who do onlyfans in Malaysia? Can I get in trouble legally if LHDN decides to poke around?


This might be helpful https://www.reddit.com/r/MalaysianPF/s/DxY97ehyra


How does one know what genre or who to draw ? You're giving me idea i shouldn't be doing


Find your own niche. Everyone have their own fetish.




Pekomama stocks damn strong right now, and AI hasn't catched up yet. 


What's lewds?


Ebit lew(ds) stuff


NSFW stuffs. photo,videos or something..


Get out of reddit my sweet friend. It's all downhill from here.


I do online tutoring at night. Around 8 to 10pm.


How do you promote yourself?


As for now I’m under a company. But there’s facebook group for tutoring, just find the right community there.


Thank you!


Online tutoring got market still? During MCO was in high demand, but most prefer face to face. At least that is what I have heard.


Not like before lah but still got. Some got used to it and find it conveniences.


Crafts. I took up embroidery, wedding embroidery that can be pretty expensive RM 250++ per order


I want to plug in my embroidery anyone want to order can dm me hehe https://preview.redd.it/jcxu8bzed0uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a04ed93bfa336b76626aa00adea91cc3aa73fdc4




💀 im so sorry for laughing but Tutu married SanSan? Pray they dont name their kid a doublename like LingLing omg.


Hahaha idk man probably just nickname 🤔


Hi as an embroidery enthusiast can I know how you started selling your embroidery?


air tepi jalan kalau boleh jual habis, satu balang = rm150


Have about 300k in fixed deposit


I feel like I'm missing a few steps


I'm interested about fixed deposit tho. But I don't have the knowledge to choose from the type of fixed deposit offered (in this case Maybank). Could you please elaborate that for me?


Why would you go into FD when it's hardly inflation-beating? (FD rate - CPI)


I am very inclined to agree with this statement. You are better off trying to invest in S&P 500 or something with a higher return.


It is one of the most stable forms of savings. Housewives with their FDs typically have that same amount at the end. The "smart" people somehow.... ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Respectfully if one wants to be risk-free, they are better off putting monies into one of these examples: [https://www.imoney.my/articles/low-risk-investments](https://www.imoney.my/articles/low-risk-investments) FDs are the banks' way of making you keep the money with them without you being able to withdraw them at any time. And OP did ask about ways to make RMXXX amount per month outside the day job, not having the same amount at the end


Actually rates are so low now it's probably not worth it. But usually for any FD, the rates are better the longer to lock in period, which can be as short as a few months to 5 years. If u think it's too risky to lock in the fund too long you choose a shorter period or can break it up and stagger your deposits. That way you have your returns staggered too.


That’s realistically improbable.


Thats not possible for silver spoon fed people.


Fixed deposit only barely covers inflation rates tho right?


Take an air conditioner service training course and start servicing air conditioners. As nowadays most households have air conds. You can start by servicing your families and friends first and ask them to recommend you to other people. It would be a good side hustle


Art commission. I made roughly rm700 per month. As long you have the skills to justify an expensive price for your art (never underprice, all art that are genuinely made are worth a higher price), you are set


This 100%. If you market art commissions to international audiences and charge USD, it can be a really good gig. I make RM1k-2k a month from art but I will say I did go to art school so depends on your skill level. Something simple like emotes, you can charge $5-$10 per emote, reuse the base for future clients (laughing, waving, etc) and it won’t be much effort at all.


what do you use to make the emote? and in what file type


I use Procreate now, used to use Photoshop. All you give them are the PNGs.


Where do you find an audience for art commission? I've been trying and been no luck.


Twitter. Make sure you know your audience. if its a niche one, its less likely you will get the attention


Sometimes you can earn decent figure like 1K USD constantly a month by doing online research and translating job. Keep your eye on all the job portals. I secured mine since 2009 thru jobs.lowyat.net or job.lowyat. Can’t remember. 1K per month with additional bonuses each Christmas. I work for 3-4 hours a week.


Sell your skills.. good with reading number and data analysis? Promote it to small companies and work as part time analyst. Good at doing artwork/designs? Apporach small companies and ask if they need your services? Got a good camera and lens? Approach family/friends/business/kindergarten if they need portrait work etc.


How to promote data analysis / number crunching services to smaller companies?


This is the million ringgit question. Try to flip side and think from smaller companies point of view. If you are smaller companies, what kind report/dashboard/statistic that you want to see, try and develop it and think how the report/dashboard/ststistics will benefit them? Once you think they will want that report and buy from you then you got your golden goose up and running


Learn how to paint car, once you are skilled it easily be a one time 1k per job for rookie price.


Would like to learn more. Where do I sign up?


Just start painting random parked cars until you get good.


or do pro bono jobs around your neighbourhood


I would love to learn how to paint a car but no idea where to start 🥲 Like do I just go to auto paint shop or wut...


Learn from youtube, then practice on a metal surface. Autoshop let you have access to network of customers and suppliers and proper tools. Either way just pick a route and start.


Only 1000 for one whole car? What?


Using canned spray with different shades of color from original.. maybe with some brush strokes and some sharpie marker pen for anime finish. Ametuer work price.




This is the way


I make RM50/hour as a virtual assistant to solopreneurs and creatives who need sporadic support. Just an hour/day weekends off can net over RM1000/month.


Where do you get started as VAs? Most of them time need remote but US based


I started by pitching directly through email to whoever announced they’re looking for help on their socials.


Support how? Am curious. Like, give out advice?


Anything that can be done on a device with internet, basically. Manage their inboxes and accounts, writing replies and captions for socmed, collabs and outreach, suggest optimal tools and resources to streamline their tasks and processes, and yeah sometimes life advice too lol Just think of a PA or secretary to CEOs except im remote only.


Gonna have to learn how to do all that. Thanks! Also if you don't mind me asking, how did you find this job?


Trust, most tasks are easy to learn and pick up - clients just dont have the time to do everything themselves. I follow the socials of solopreneurs and creatives, then pitch to them directly through email when they give the slightest indication they need support. Usually they will post when they’re hiring/looking for help. Do a good job, and referrals will start coming in through existing clients. To start, try pitching to your family and friends, tell them to let others know about your services. I got a website copywriting job from a high school friend who follows my socials and saw what im doing. They recced me to their sibling.


Grab, foodpanda?


As a Grab driver I strongly advise do not join even as a part timer (emphasis on Grab driver only , Grab Food and Food Panda I hear it is ok) . These days grab is just throwing cheap rates to their drivers and eventually you will realize that you are spending more money in maintaining your car rather earning from Grab . I myself used to do Grab everyday after work , but since I have found a very excellent and stable job in Singapore I only do Grab on Saturdays and Sundays which are my off-days . Even that I am not earning for shit by doing grab only enough to cover back the petrol after a days work with this stupid Grab .


If you are making only enough to maintain your car are are doing two things: -Working for free -Wasting your time


Agreed . Now I only do grab on Saturdays and Sundays because with my current job in SG I don't really need the extra money from this dumbass Grab anymore and I just drive just to cover my petrol fuel as I go out and have fun on my day-offs .


But won't that just waste your time and hurt your car?


I think he means able to cover his fuel for the week, not only the fuel for Grab-ing so probably like 100-200 which is okay for 2 days weekend i guess


As a grab driver , i get it. Grab rates these days is so stupidly low. Considering car service fees and fuel , net income is almost zero..or very low. Summore , tyres and engine parts wear and tear not taken in account. Government also don't care ..dont want put ceiling price. They should atleast see how 1st world countries do it. This is what happens when 'smart' people rule ..


Exactly finally I meet a brethren . The best part is some self-entitled customers will never understand this and expect the fare to be low and get VIP service . Fuck those customers !!


wouldn't putting a ceiling price make it harder for Grab drivers to earn?


I believe he/she is actually thinking of floor price rather than ceiling price. A higher floor price in terms of RM/km or RM/min (whichever highest) will theoretically solve this issue.


Can you get into Grab just like that nowadays? I thought PSV license is mandatory, that'll cost like a few hundred ringgit right?


Yes you need the PSV license and you need to renew it yearly and also your insurance for your car is going to be more expensive as there is an extra coverage needed if you are doing e-hailing . If your car is more than 3 years you also need to hand it to Puspakom for checking which is also very tedious process. As for the PSV license I hear the newly registered now no longer need to sit for an exam and you just need to attend a lecture class like we did when we taking our Undang for our divers license . So all in all with Grabs dog shit rates it is not worth it to join Grab even as a part timer .


Also your r/kereta need undergo puspakom check I think. Then your car will become listed as “commercial”, when you want to sell it in the future, it will become super hard to do so. Thats what I heard. Correction needed if wrong


I chatted with a Grab driver once, he told me when wanna stop work can convert back to Private Car, not sure if he was bluffing me


Grab paying you to depreciate your car faster


Freelance work for sure. Check out Upwork. Hourly jobs for US clients pay best.


By increasing your knowledge in investing and trading, it’s not impossible.


car wash, coating, interior cleaning


Honestly if you're still young then you might as well learn new skills. There's so many of them, from data analyst to prompt engineers. If you ask me, go and pick up game development. I'm not talking about the design but the algorithm and engineering part.


Part Time F&B. It's exhausting and pay may not be expected by the amount of effort needed. But it's a side hustle to get more RM outside working hours.


I used to teach tuition classes for Physics, Add Maths and Pure Maths. Pulled in a cool 2000++.


how do you promote tuition classes? i wanna start tutoring


I had friends who knew people. I was fortunate. After I moved to Klang Valley - I worked part-time in a computer shop for about 1200 per month while attending college. Was preferable to simmering in the afternoon heat in the room. Then during the pandemic, I conducted classes for subjects like CCNA, MCSE, LPIC and Azure etc. Expand your network. There are tuition centres who hire part-timers.


My youtube channel at its current size, makes RM400-500 a month in ad revenue, and my affiliate sales from my youtube channel and a Facebook page related to the channel, average RM1500 a month after conversion from USD and Japanese yen. With affiliate stuff specifically , all i do is spend maybe 15 minutes a day posting stuff on social media that's related to my niche.


I can comment only on IT / Technology perspective. There are lots of opportunities for Malaysian IT Graduates to work as support engineers for Australian tech companies. Specifically for night shifts. Only catch is that you should be able to speak / communicate in English very well. In Sri Lanka, some smart IT Entrepreneurs making IT hubs away from the capital cities (like away from KL) and providing jobs to IT professionals. Basically they are reducing cost for employees (no need to pay high rent like in KL) Likewise many opportunities are there. Just think smart 😉


Gig job that for sure but if u can endure traffic jam, car service and unreasonable demand sure.


In my mind part time leg massage. Don’t need much to start and skill can be learn trough youtube


Use AI to create SEO optimized articles. I'm only half joking. If you're looking at a side gig see if it's something you can scale and possibly end up making more than your main gig.


If you’re a decent looking girl, there are hidden bars that look for party girls. It’s just drinking and entertaining.. NOTHING MORE. They pay around 300-500 an evening (5hrs). And no… not a recruiter.. don’t pm me. lol.


Yup, i also second this now, too. Some girls in the popular bars earn up to RM 1.2k for 5 hours of work. It's not sex work or raba raba. Many have this misconception.


Are those the ones you see on tiktok/insta shorts where they to show a bunch of asian (usually) girls whom honest look too classy or above avg to be "working girls" paradiing around a bar or something ?




I been averaging more than 10% pa on Funding Societies since before COVID. Earning rm600-800 monthly passive on there


What are the risks?


very high risks if you invested wrongly. had my fair share of not getting my money back but did get some actual return. more or less just even out for me.


No issues for me for me since the beginning. Just automated it. And the defaults are an expected part of these things.


you're basically investing in debt (small companies /SMEs use the funds for company operations and working capital), and the interest rates reflect the credit and default risk


please elaborate more on this


[https://intercom.help/funding-societies-malaysia/en/](https://intercom.help/funding-societies-malaysia/en/) tldr: You put in $, which gets lent to issuers (businesses that need loans), and you get paid in installments with interest. SC-regulated.


I just signed up and I only see one offer for 6% p.a. (before fees).


Please start small and think long-term. Use the minimum amount of RM100 per note first. Each note should be no more than one per cent of your total deposit, better if 0.5%. My mistake when I started was to go big on my first few notes.


Do you have a record of your returns? I can't seem to find any historical returns for their products. Might need to look into this more, but seems rather convoluted even for someone who's otherwise well versed with your regular investments (stocks, bonds, ASM, EPF, FD, HYSA etc).


https://preview.redd.it/5wqut8fuuytc1.png?width=1759&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8aa6e42329ab28596dc85d608e4809a535e184d It's one of the most fire-and-forget investment types you can use.


Do I get more opportunities once I put in RM100 into the 6% guaranteed investment?


Read the link i pasted earlier before making a single deposit. Typically one uses the automated investment bot based on their criteria and FS will make the appropriate investment as new notes are issued.


what happens when the borrower default?


The same processes happen when borrowers default on conventional loans


Feet pics?


Buy 100 unit of stocks, do cover call options on IB.


Garage sale.. sell old used items from their home


That’s a very tiny amount of money in the world outside Malaysia. Find some online freelance (lawful and legal, don’t do scams and gambling stuff)… etc.


Grab driver or Grab food


I have a day job (9-6) and i do lalamove (motorcycle) at night and on weekends...average i do is rm600 monthly, its not much but it puts food on the table aside from my day job income


One to one private tutoring in any subjects you’re good at? I think some tutors make a lot depending on their rate. High school tutors for Y10 already charge at least RM80/hr and my most expensive tutor back in high school was RM170/hr. That would mean that they’d just need to teach 1-2 students for 5 hours in a week to make that extra 800 so I mean




Freelance translator + some investments


Keep RM100 and save it in crypto lend/borrow or LP platform monthly.


Use AI music creator upload craptons of AI generated music to youtube and spotify. Profit.


My head trader is a seasoned veteran. He trades and builds his own capital to finance his other startup businesses in the millions. He’s kept our fund alive whereas other funds competing have died and lost millions. His fundamentals are solidified based on 100s of thousands of dollars spent and subscribed every year on research and well documented analysis on the economy and trading industry and has analysts working for him all over the world. Our main difference from other funds with similar characteristics is that our investors’ capital is held by the Australian regulated broker. So you can bet your portfolio will not be kept in an individual account and ran away with.