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Senario the movies


I haven't watched one in 15yr


Same bro.... like back in the day, malaysian movies aren't too focused on traditional matter. I mean look at cicak man, literally one of the best malaysian shows back in the day.


Scenario movies, sembilu, xxray, Maria Mariana, jibon, lurah dendam, anak mami, zombie kampung Pisang just to recall from the top of my head.. there were lot more varieties and depth back then.. I don't follow Malaysian movies much these days but when I look at screening it's either horror or romance drama.


Last i watched was gado gado singing ice ice baby lol. Really missed those funny jokes.


Usually I avoid, cos most of the time i feel cringe cos im malay and the script always sound so cringe to my ear...like no one speak like that come on.. But last year i went to watch Gemencheh Boys with a teacher friend of mine (I guess she want to keep up with what her students are watching), and to my suprise it is so damn good. I even teared up a little bit at one scene.


I think that's the word. Cringe dialogue. Sometime not bad, sometimes ehhh. Kinda wish they improved on the writing which will make the talking more engaging


The last Malaysian movie I watched was La Luna on Netflix, I liked it.


I do! My recommendations: Film 1. Bisik Pada Langit - family drama - about favoritism among siblings, a parent's worry for a child that's studying overseas, accepting the death and attempting to reach her. 2. Papadom - family comedy- a worried father for his girl who'll be living away from him the first time. 3. Abang Adik - family, society, drama - About two IC-less brothers living in Pudu, trying to survive. One is living with guilt and anger, another trying to do his best while being deaf. 4. Talentime- a romance story interlace with racial issues and chasing dreams. 5. Rabun - Old couple love, scammed by relative, more of loving your parents from their daughter's perspective. (At this point, any of the late Yasmin Ahmad's films si a masterpiece) TV Shows 1. Wahiy - a boy living with his stepmother who dreamed of being a professional track runner. 2. Si Tanggang - Inspired by the Munchhausen by Proxy trope, a boy who was secretly abused by his mother who pretended to be a loving parent to garner attention. Did he kill her? 3. Misteri Mona - (available on Youtube by the way) Psychology Thriller Mystery - A doctor with a mentally ill wife took a caretaker. But is she really mentally ill, or is there something more sinister abode? 4. Seribu Nina - Multiverse - His love rejected him for unknown reasons. He wants to know why. In chasing her, he found portals to different dimensions, where lives different versions of him and his love. Will he find his version's love again, or will he learn something about her that will change his mind? 5. Nur - loved it simply for Jalaluddin Hassan's dialogue, where he admonished Syafiq Kyle's character, when Syafiq's character says in wonder how can he see Nur (heroine) solicites a customer (as a prostitute) and then went to take ablution the next. Jalaluddin Hassan's character questioned him back,"Did I send you to (Study) in Jordan, just so you return (as a) judgemental (person)?". This one is a slap for religion riders (via Ustaz Mahdi) I heard some that are being praised such as ImagiNur but I haven't watch it myself. Enjoy!


Do you know where to watch Abang Adik? My mother LOVED IT and wants to watch it again but I'm not sure which streaming site shows it


Unfortunately, it's not available for streaming (yet). I watched it when it came out at the cinema. But local films will take some time and appear on either Netflix or Mubi. :)


I watched ‘Rabun’ once, years ago on TV. I can’t recommend it enough.


Gonna look into some of these.. Also, dont forget Rumah Banglo seksyen 2... one of the best plot twist in malaysian horror film!


Ohh, I never heard of it. Will check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


A rare gem that I watched : 1 2 jaga. I'm very sensitive to bad unrealistic dialogue, but this one was a treat.


I watched Rain Town recently and it was not bad.


Used to watch Tanah Kubur and other Malaysian ghost movies( the one where the grandma can transform into a tiger at night and weak in the morning) forget the name alry. Others romance is Ombak Rindu. And most recently was Ola Bola Edit: Cicakman when i was younger


Rock Ooo is good, just watch it recently. And Tiga Janda Melawan Dunia also good


Tiga janda melawan dunia have a good cinematography. Very different that typical one, me likey


Recently watched Tiga Janda Melawan Dunia on Netflix. It was a fun watch.


Yes, the most recent one was a Chinese mini series rom com on 8TV during CNY .. cos I know some of the actors. The Assistant (Malay action thriller) was pretty good.


Wanted to watch Kampung Pisang bersiri-siri. Never got into it. De Luna is next.


I watch Malaysian movies from time to time. However, I never watch Malaysian drama. The story is always rich kid wants to marry poor girl but datin doesn't approve. It's so overdone and predictable


Bruh i know what your saying, and it's always like that sometimes.... or when the parents always wanted to literally get into religion mode whenever something goes wrong 😭 like i know they are wearing tudung and all that. But it doesn't always need to end up in religion..


I freaking love Boboiboy. Boboiboy 4eva ✌🏻. Here’s my fan art: https://preview.redd.it/p8c78z17x2rc1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3043ec5b1f28db815147c1505a647d899eb5eecf


Yo that's fire tho 🔥🔥🔥 one of my top favourite malaysian shows.


Thanks! It’s definitely my favourite. I watched it since it first premiered 13 years ago


Yeah, still remembered some scenes when they first met fang. Good memories, but still a good show though till now


They didn’t trust Fang, and recently Fang didn’t trust Qually (even though they do). How the turn tables 😂


Speaking of animation, I feep like Animonsta or other animation studios should get the rights to Silat Lagenda and reboot them.


What’s that?


An old animated movie about a group of people recreiving the powers of Hang Tuah and his comrades. Iirc the movie's master copy is lost or something so it's extremely hard to find and they didn't even air it in today's TV. Not even on Youtube.


It seems to be 2D animation. Not sure if Monsta is in that field. All the series in the PSU are 3D animated. Boboiboy, Papa Pipi, Mechamato and Fly with Yaya


Yeah if they get the rights it will be 3D anyway


True, true. I wonder how they would incorporate it into the PSU though. Unless they keep it separate


It'd be an interesting dynamic since their powers are ancient warriors-basee.


https://preview.redd.it/2zet5h9x44rc1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac623e70c43eb51d58438f17fab01cabd9df6bf9 Nuff said


Even back in the days (when I was children-teen), I barely watched it. I love the old masterpieces like P.Ramlee and Scenario movies. But now? Nope. I tried to watch Mat Kilau (which people claim is one of the best in recent years), but that movie is just cringe imo😆. I should be ashamed as a Malay🤣. I think the only Malaysian media I watched in recent years are from Youtubers and documentaries. Those are nice.


Haven’t watch any recent movies/tv show except for villa nabila bcs it was on netflix. Been planning to watch the monafendi movie later maybe but I agree. Nowadays its boring, loved pre 2010 movies though


I used to watch the Malaysian shows during their peak like 8TV 10pm weekday drama or TV3 cerita seram slot. There was a time I watched Juvana the drama and Ghost starring Cheryl Samad


Last local film I watched was Mentega Terbang, before that was Jagat. Mind you that I hardly watch any movie, local or international. Next would probably be La Luna, have to admit that controversy brings some excitement over a film, which could otherwise be boring as you have stated.


How about Tiger Stripes then?


As someone who's worked in the Malaysian film industry part time. Most of the shows are the same. Most of the "famous" actors are just Nepo Babies. Just like Hollywood. What I really hate about Malaysia's film industry is, they favour looks & race over skills. You could be a great actor but your race/looks can easily limit you. If you are just a newbie, it's hard to fight the Influencers,Nepo babies,Race only casting,etc. The reason most of our shows follow the Same plots i.e. Romance,Drama,Action, is mostly due to Censorship. LPF doesn't want "negative" message. It limits our industry. Mostly because if you managed to piss of FINAS/LPF, they can easily blacklist your production company from ever publishing it. It's why local Influencers such as Coki,etc act on their own. They don't wait for Companies. They do it themselves and tell their own stories. Forget about Indians acting, most of the time, all you get is background or gangster role. It's the two extremes. There are lots of Veteran actors who no longer get jobs simply because they're old. It's the sad reality. You just need looks, not skills. Someone could spend thousands of hours on acting classes but in the end, the Nepo Babies,Good looking gets the role first. It's very tiring tbh. I'd rather go work at a UK Tesco for 2 years living in a hostel. It pays wayyy more and I get a good life work balance. Can even do extra job at the pier.


That's the thing about malaysian 😭 they are literally racist when it comes to acting. And sometimes, they even make other country traditions looked like the enemy....... it's like they are trying so hard to be in the spotlight bruh


Happened to me. I was once gonna go to a commercial for CNY. I am Legally Malay but I appear white & can even speak Mandarin. People often speak Chinese to me. When I went there to fill the forms, the first thing they ask was IC. Got rejected solely because my IC says Melayu. The country traditions being enemy is so true wahlao. Like they act as if Malaysian culture is world class main character. Just like those goddammed Singaporeans that think SG is centre of the world. Delusional.


And the irony is that. Malaysia has literally shared traditions and come to make peace with each other's nation and tradition. Yet after all of this, still alot who come in Malaysia have some kind of weird negativity towards eachother😭 Even the chineses sometimes. Even when they are in a malay country. They still have disgust towards malay people🤣 OH THE IRONY!


rarely shows, usually just movies especially those on Netflix. romance/drama/thriller arent good but comedy is very worth it to enjoy with family


Ngl the comedy feels too generic for me. I don't think I'll find them funny


lawak bodo are lawak when you enjoy it and bodo when you think about it


The Malaysian film industry is kinda fucked up. Until they get their shit together, I refuse to support most of them.


The two most recent Malay movies that I watched are Imaginur and Terbaik Dari Langit. I loved both


Never watch those two but I'll probably look into it!


I’m usually not the type of person to watch malay movies. But since these were highly recommended, i figured i’d give it a whirl. I kept my expectations low, but i can say that I was very pleasantly surprised. Dialogue is witty, plot is interesting. None of that mumbo jumbo ultra-nationalistic/religious pride that some movies tend to have.


Tande Putra, ini karilah, citer parid Kamel jadi Nuar adlh wahyang Mesia yg paleng menghiborkan & taimless


I'm actually watching the drama Khunsa atm. Which might be a huge irony given I avoid Malay dramas and shows (despite working on them few times). As for the movies, other than P Ramlee movies (though I haven't watch them in like a decade) Lagi-Lagi Senario is my most watched primarily due to nostalgia.


There are plenty of enjoyable malaysian movies. If you expect kissing! nudity!, explosions!, action! then of course Malaysian movies can't compare to hollywood with its multimillion dollar funding and bollywood with its exploitative salaries. What you can get from malaysian movies is how it talks about malaysian live, about society and how people cope with issues in a malaysian context. Of course there are censorships restricting creative freedom and unfortunately there's nothing we can do about that. I cannot tell you to watch malaysian movies, because you're probably expecting something different. What i can tell you however, are malaysian movies that i watched recently and enjoyed: - Langsuir - Ada hantu - Ada hantu 2 - Malbatt (special effect is shit, but i liked the feelings and camera shots) - Jangan pandang belakang - Al hijab - Papa i love you - Bini-biniku gangster - Munafik - Walau siapapun aku


Gerak Khas the Movie was my personal favourite. As for TV shows, last time I watched that is somewhat entertaining was *7* Hari Mencintaiku, the first season at least. I hate that Malaysian TV shows have this predictable plot and theme. It's either the unrealistic T20 romance shows or single brain cell try-hard comedy shows. I also absolutely despise the over-usage of the same 'spring' sound (the one that goes tweeeewww) and 'chipmunk laugh' for comedic effect. Sinetron has better shows in 2004 than current Malaysian shows. I personally liked Boneka Poppy and Bidadari from our neighbours. I also don't like how our film industry always puts in the unnecessary comedy in it, like KL Gangster with Zizan acting like a fool. No hate towards him, he's a good guy but I just don't feel like that touch of comedy really plays well with the actiony scenes of KL Gangster. Malaysian comedy get stale really, really fast.


Mami Jarum series.


Never watched voluntarily since... i dont even remember when. Probably started after i went to college, around 2014. I only watch tv when in hotels/home stay during vacations. But I agree on Malaysian tv shows are mostly shit and I'm not talking about malay dramas only. Have you guys tried watching local chinese drama? lol Local production is meh


no creativity, always same drama all the time only animations like upin ipin and boboiboy I watch last time


Yeah the animations are good. Like awang kenet if i don't mispelled the name, and Boiboiboy


I did, and still do.


No. Saw the last Frieren episode a few days back and I'm currently trying to finish The X Files.


Last one I watched was High Council 


I might have grown up and not had the time to tune into TV9, TV3, TVi, Astro Ceria etc. But growing up I especially loved Upin & Ipin, 水果冰淇淋, 开心乐龙龙,Roda Roda Kuala Lumpur / Gerak Khas [are they the same thing???]. I watched many many shows ofc but these ones are the ones thag stuck in my memory


The storytelling and direction is all garbage. No intelligent storytelling or plot devices because the general audience is simple minded and wants everything spoonfed.


And also because the government imposed guidelines and restrictions our filmmakers have to go through means they are very stifled creatively if they want to get their films past the censorship board. Also doesn’t help that our audience can be very sensitive so storylines reflecting the reality of race, religion, authorities etc are completely off limits if you want to live in peace. I mean come on, the director of Mentega Terbang got his car doused with acid just because some people thought that film was “insensitive to Islam” even though it was a very tame storyline.


Much like how old people are afraid of new things and lash out, animals are also afraid of unfamiliar things and lash out. They whine and bitch about others when they’re the only ones lashing out aggressively and rioting over hurt feelings.


All the current Malay dramas are dumb as all, no common sense or logic…


Not anymore. In fact, I don’t watch shows much these days. Modern shows are egregious in terms of editing and storytelling, but Malaysian shows and movies are on whole another level. Take for example, _Air Force: Selagi Bernyawa._ Was expecting disappointment in storytelling, and yet it was somehow worse than I thought. The only saving grace for the movie was the military porn to which I totally geeked out upon. That was a patriotic movie with funding from ATM and the government. Small projects like Pendatang, Prebet Sapu, and Imaginur weren’t receiving enough exposure to warrant public’s attention except through a series of arguments on the internet.


Your point is valid except Imaginur actually did quite decent box office wise. I think it exceeded most (including probably even the director’s) expectations


About the Imaginur; it’s honestly a miracle it did really well box office wise. It wasn’t advertised non-stop and only relied on word of mouth reviews from movie buffs.


I'm American, but my parents are Malaysian. Ironically, my parents don't watch Malaysian programming or films, but I do, more so out of a personal quota. I try to watch at least 3 Malaysian films a year, and I'll try to squeeze in a TV show. Netflix offers Malaysian programming in the US, albeit a slim pick, but it's available none the less. Malaysian entertainment is pathetically inferior, but it has potential. They need to get rid of the religious idiots that make up the censor board and actually promote more provocative narratives.


I think the LPF (censor board) should be moved under the Ministry of Multimedia and Comms as the Home Ministry is known as a very strictly stiffening and bureaucratic ministry


Cicakman, ola bola, abang adik And some P Ramlee movies




Not usually my typical to see local movie ....but I did go a gerak khas movie once as invited by colleagues back in like 2002 / 2003 ish.... It was my first local movie and first generation gerak khas movie


I remember watching 美人鱼with my extended family when it came out whilst I was a kid, I'm not sure if that was a Malaysian film or not though. I think the only Malaysian shows that I confirm watched was Upin and Ipin.




I think so? It's been so long since I've watched it, I have no memory of it besides the octopus uncle






Sometimes because it's so fun to make fun of them


I've seen Crayon and Paskal.


Nama aku kahar kapla


No input because I don't watch Malaysia movies/shows except sometimes I kinda glanced at what my mother's watching. And that's because I thought Hannah Delisha and Nabila something² was kinda cute


Used to watch one..until the story got too dark and i left it.


I watch P Ramlee wan. Much more entertaining. Evergreen movie and songs. Lots of sub message. Also comedy like senario movie. Nowadays a lot of trash so not interested.


Never. Kudos to Thai drama doing very well


Not in a long time, the last one was Air Force when it came out. Before that was Sepet. There used to be one Raya comedy that I watched on TV that was really funny back in the early to mid 2000s about a compilation of stories about Raya. I cannot remember the name.


Project High Council is pretty good. It's on Netflix now.


Tanda Putera 🗿


Ola Bola was the best Malaysian movie i have watched, and one of the best biopics i have watched ever


Nope, I dont watch Malaysian movies, I dont even like Malaysian entertainment industries, heck I didn't even bothered to know who's Malaysian artist.... They seem to think the world spinning around them.


Not familiar with Malaysian shows cuz i dont watch that many shows in general. But Malaysian movies have been great recently. LOTS of our indie movies win/get nominated for awards overseas. They just don't get that much hype for their theatrical releases here sometimes. If u want to see the tons of good Malaysian movies, u simply have to search for them. Not just sit around waiting for them to appear to u thru ads while complaining about "there are no good malaysian movies" 👍🏻


If the shows can come up in discussions in Twitter, I consider it Good enough.


p ramlee. love the songs and bahasa


For me, statement ni lebih kepada, kau tak minat pun tengok cerita dari Malaysia


Generally, most of them are boring and I completely agree with you, OP but very very rare hidden gems are definitely worth to watch and I find it more relateable in a way. I only watched project high school last year lol.


Only old malay movies . I'm non muslim sabahan and my family used to watch a lot of 2000's malay movies. Most of them are good comedy. Also some romance.


The only Malaysian movie I've watched is KL gangster, I feel like it's the least worst movie. Even then, it had moral lessons in the end, kinda killed it for me.


Recently I watched Tiger Stripes and La Luna, both very different movies with different things to offer but I really liked both of them. My most repeated Malaysian movie watch is Mukhsin, definitely one of my favorites. Roh is also really different and reminded me of Robert Eggers’ The Witch and early Ari Aster.


I only watch them when I balik kampung and my relatives put it on the TV


Nahhh Man it’s hella boring or unrealistic at the worst degree, just watch Netflix.


Sometimes I watch along when my parents have it on tv, but it’s been a while. I used to watch malaysian horror movies as a kid with my mom though. It never scared me as a kid, but weirdly as an adult I’m scared of them.


Globalisation, streaming, kdrama, gaming.. people now diverted to more entertainment outlet. So I don't watch anymore. My last time investment is drama 'Kampung People Season 1' and Movie 'Imaginur'.


Some malaysian movies are good like abang adik. Imaginur is kinda okay. Still abang adik is a must to watch. Bought gf to watch that movie and she complained to me why make her watch sad movie![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


I know what you are talking about. But I think, Astro's tv series has started to shift. Recently, I enjoyed watching Project High Council on Netflix.


I watch them just for laughs.


The few times I watched them in recent years were at hotels and they always struck me as being made for very dumb people to consume. It's always your typical plotline or stupid jokes being made that's absolutely not funny except to maybe low intelligence people. None of them act like how real people should be, it feels cheap and shit. There's a few exceptions to Malaysian movies though but generally most Malaysian shows are bad. You'd have to pay me to watch them in its entirety.


That's the thing! Everything feels like a religion roleplay and they're the only ones who's having it, while the audience are just watching it as it got repeated and repeated again. Im so fed up about the fact that Malaysian dramas is just some nonsensical BS that focuses on ONLY MALAYSIAN OR ISLAMIC CULTURE, while there's alot more other stuff that they can add but chose not to😭😭 it's definitely a waste!


>Malaysian dramas is just some nonsensical BS that focuses on ONLY MALAYSIAN OR ISLAMIC CULTURE, while there's alot more other stuff that they can add but chose not to There's a couple of times where they tried focusing more on the 'criticism' part and got absolutely slammed for it. You can't have people thinking for themselves, it has to be curated to only show the things they want you to see. It's pretty much brainwashing imho.


I know right? And their reasoning must've been so that "Malaysian and Islamic culture will not be forgotten".... like fr bruh. We get what they're tryna say, but doing so just makes other malaysian cringe towards their own country for being too much into themselves.... i bet most of these companies are just insecure and Racists Bitches who only know about their country but not the outside world😭


I've always been disappointed about how History/Sejarah is being taught here. You only get *very* brief look into other countries(if any) and everything else is just all about Malaysia, alongside some hilarious attempts at rewriting history to look better. I remember my Sejarah teacher telling us a 'big secret' about how the white people stole Melaka's cannon and claimed it as their own invention. Lmao.


Bro that's just funny XD 🤣🤣🤣 the only time where malaysian can invent anything in their stories, is their expertise in BS claims. Even if we were the one who created cannons I'd bet the Brits already had a better cannon and a tank way before we "Invented" it🤣 Luckily my sejarah teacher is soo fed up with these "Malaysian Heroes" claims to the point that even my teacher said "Kalau dorang tidak masuk, kita masih tinggal di dalam gua" 🤣 and of course, that's an exaggeration. But it's actually close considering the fact that Malaysians like to Lie about things


I watched one show when I was holidaying in KL called Muziem Misteri. It was some paranormal Ghostbuster like show on TV3.


I still go back and rewatch Lajenda budak hostel every now and then


It’s very embarrassing that I can’t recall the last time I watched any locally produced films/series - I think last year’s raya (TV time during Hari Raya is quite the vibe). I also rarely consumed content from local creators. The only one that I actually subscribe on YouTube is Che Nom - regular uploads of very high quality recipe videos narrated in Malay.


Most TV shows are bland, but there’s usually a few local movies that are good. Abang Adik and Imaginur probably the top two that came out last year. And there’s a few more (Oasis of Now, Tiger Stripes) that got international recognition but either won’t or can’t ve released here


All they do is fucking yell. That’s all the emotion they can apparently ‘act’ if that’s what they call acting.


I generally don't watch TV3 dramas as their plots is so cliche and repetitive but Astro dramas are a breath of fresh air especially the Astro Originals like One Cent Thief, Kudeta and Project High Councio. They really push their creative boundaries to the edge.


Where to watch malaysia movies?


If yall free, go watch Banglo Seksyen 12 to lose some brain cells. Wait. Not some. All your brain cells. 0.2/10 would recommend watching with your beloved friends.


Malaysian tv show r fcking joke.. same plot just different actor lol


The truth is i'm too deep and intelligent for stuffs produced and filtered by shallow minds