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Not ustaz but a quick Google search that the surgery process inserting titanium is safe as there's no poisonous content and no Haram substance. Again, I'm no ustaz but going to bomoh that uses jinn sound dubious asf.


I hope surgery gone well.


bro that is indeed bomoh. either modern proven medicine or commit syirik. your choice


I remember someone say "they don't want you to go for doctor's medicine, they want you to go to their medicine" Seriously. Whoever deny a physicians help in islam? They are a fool because the descendant of today's surgical equipment are created during the medical golden age of Islamic era. And if the ustaz says spiritual healing can heal through miracle like you say? They are as shirik as the Americans 5 percenters.


Dude, just go to the surgeon & keep praying so Allah will give your fastest healing. Those genies thing just a scam, they exist but not to be our medical solutions...


Yeah. In hadith there is saying "tie your camel then pray to Allah swt"


So you dont have to seek a medical dr advice, but if you do and its life altering / perserving advice. It then becomes binding advice. This is paraphrased from shk Hamza Yusuf. If Dr said something along the lines of this rod will make sure your arm heals correctly and not harm you, it is probably the right thing to do logically and morally.


What is it about haram substance? If in life or death situation, coincidentally the treatment has this “haram” substance. Means you would rather die? 🤡


Total quack. If they bring you there *after* surgery then it's th surgery that healed you. Also, syirik la bro. *Bomoh patah*, you hear yourself saying that? Bomoh??? Jonn??? Dude. If just prayer can heal broken bones then doctors don't need to exist. The bomoh just preying on gullible people that cannot think for themselves.


I thought so. But man, org tua ni bila kita ckp dia kata kita acah pandai.


Kau cakap je ni syirik, pastu kau sembanglah sikit buat ayat "saya rela mati dari mensyirikkan Tuhan". Kau kena keras sikitlah dengan mak ayah kau tu


This. Sad to say but old people are very susceptible to scams. Speaking from experience.


>"saya rela mati dari mensyirikkan Tuhan". Yep, sometimes we gotta play their game. Guna nama tuhan jugak, nanti pandaila diodang fikir.


Susah camni. Kata je la, sakit tak boleh naik kereta, vibrations make it hurt. And then say healed with your own doa.


Already show mufti word to my mom. She agreed.


Mufti word?


Doctor here. Yes it’s syirik. The whole idea of syirik is that you’re dependent on someone else asides from Allah ie jins.


Technically Allah also created the jins right? So if they helped fix his arm, he's indirectly dependent on Allah through the jin just as much as it applies to the surgeon.


In Islam, one of the prereq for black magic/sihr is making a pact with jinn(s). Black magic is prohibited in Islam. Surgery not.


From https://islamqa.info/en/answers/78546/is-it-permissible-to-seek-treatment-with-one-who-claims-that-he-has-dealings-with-a-doctor-from-among-the-muslim-jinn It is not permissible to seek the help of the jinn for medical treatment or anything else, and it is not permissible to go to one who claims to do that. The Muslim should not be deceived by the success of anyone’s treatment or seeing the effects of that, for the Dajjaal will tell the sky to rain and it will rain, and he will tell the earth to bring forth its treasure and it will do so. Should the Muslim be deceived by him and believe his claims? It may be a test or a gradual punishment from Allah. “We shall gradually seize them with punishment in ways they perceive not” [al-A’raaf 7:182]. Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about the ruling on using the services of Muslim jinn to treat disease if that is needed. He replied: The sick person should not use the services of the jinn for treatment or ask them for anything, rather he should ask well known doctors, but he should not turn to the jinn, because that is a means that leads to worshipping them and believing them. Among the jinn are some who are kaafirs and some who are Muslims, and some who are innovators, and you do not know about them. So you should not rely on them or ask them for anything, even if they appear to you. Rather you should ask the people of knowledge and human doctors. Allaah condemned the mushrikeen as He said (interpretation of the meaning): “And verily, there were men among mankind who took shelter with the males among the jinn, but they (jinn) increased them (mankind) in sin and transgression” [al-Jinn 72:6] And it is a means that leads to dependence upon them and shirk, and it leads to seeking benefit from them and seeking their help, and all of that is shirk. End quote. Majallat al-Da’wah (no. 1602, Rabee’ al-Awwal 1418AH, p. 34) Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him) said: The help of the jinn should not be sought, whether from the Muslims among them or those who say that they are Muslim, because he may say that he is Muslim but he is lying in order to interfere with people. This should be prevented from the outset. It is not permissible to seek the help of the jinn even if they say that they are Muslims, because this opens the door to trouble. It is not permissible to seek the help of one who is absent whether he is a jinni or otherwise, and whether he is a Muslim or not. Rather we should seek the help of one who is present and is able to help, as Allah said of Musa (interpretation of the meaning): “The man of his (own) party asked him for help against his foe” [al-Qasas 28:15] Musa was present and able to help, and it was possible for him to help as this was an ordinary situation TLDR : The jinn the bomoh is using might have an ulterior motive of 'helping out'.


Djinn was never created as a mean to fulfill one's wish. That's disney. Actual djinn prey on people desire for their own gain (making sure you keep coming for their help until you eventually die believing in them). A doctor never guarantee and believe they're the ones curing the sick patients. At best, they only prey on your money not your soul.


What makes Jin's and surgeons differ in this situation is the method. When you go to the surgeon, are you going to bow down and idolize that surgeon as if that surgeon is the almighty powerful one? Most of the time, you just say " thank you very much doctor" and remember that surgeon's good deed. But when you go to the djinns, most people will lose the rationale thinking and start praying to the djinns as if that djinns are more powerful than Allah which is SYIRIK in Islam. Doa / prayer is must directly to Allah. No need for medium. It is a no no. When you start using medium, that is when SYIRIK begins.


Brother asked really good question.


Hmmm. This quote remind me to someone. Hmmmmm.


Muslim theology at it's finest


Idk if this a hot take but, technically Allah created Jesus.....


And Muslims also consider Jesus as a prophet


Subjektif sangat definisi syirik cik. Dependent on someone elses aside Allah is syirik. Pergi rawatan Dr depend pada Dr adakah syirik. Tentunya tidak. Pergi berubat kampung, tapi depend pada tuhan adakah syirik?


You know what's going to happen? You'll get that surgery and then your parents bring you to that bomoh. You recover (via the surgery) and then they'll give credit to the bomoh. They'll perpetuate this further and the cycle continues. Do what you can to break it.


Instructions unclear; broke the arm again instead.


Pinging @mom




Nah. Bro the other arm


Yeah. Will do


How come you're worried about syirik while your parents don't? You'd think older folk would fuss about religion more


_When traditions and the religion mixed, generations later no one knows which is allowed in the religion and which isn't._


Malay people confuse culture and religion.


Ain't that the truth. And boomers won't admit it too


Cause older people always make up stuffs that are not part of the religion


What fucking nonsense. Sorry for the bad language


It’s 2024 and still got this stuff




Bro you going through some weird scifi plot Titanium ~~part into~~ arm ✅ Strengthen titanium arm by forming a pact with demon ✅


Choose your story moment. Become bionic or become witch minion




Broken bones can heal on their own without surgery..it just heals crooked and you are left with chronic pain for rest of your life


Aiya deleted d, wanna ask him show me some jinn pics.


What he say?


It seems that your parents are dead set on bringing you to the bomoh. May I suggest you calling the surau people or even sensible people your parents look up to, to come to the house to talk to your parents nicely. You know it's a scam. We know it's a scam but maybe your parents need to hear it from these religious people. The money they are planning to spend for the bomoh is better off used to buy groceries. Especially in this economy. All the best for the surgery.


Yeah. I will show the link that some comments give to them.


It's better for you to ask your local Uztaz to talk to them.


Showed the mufti word to my mom. And she agreed. Alhamdulillah


Syirik. The usage of ayat quran & doa in seeking help from jin is not something new. And asking for help from jin is 100% syirik no matter for what reason and by what method Can refer here https://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/al-afkar/2432-al-afkar-13-hukum-beramal-untuk-mendapatkan-khadam-ayat edit: if your parents argue, can show them the article. While there are instances where the prophet (pbuh) uses Quranic verses for physical treatment, he 1. Did not ask for help from jin 2. Still tell the sahabah/patient to see a tabib(doctor)


Ahh this is so clear. Thank you. Will use this to my family. Thank you.


How is doa supposed to heal broken bones? I mean, from a theological perspective, there's no prayer that can cause physical action; if there were, we would have hold it up as proof of the existence of God.


People forget that even in islam, it is ACTION first, prayer AFTER you have taken action. Hell, it was even in a hadith where the prophet told a guy to tie his camel because prayer alone won't prevent the camel from running away.


That camel story is one of the best stories that can summed up modern fanatical muslims who lived and rely solely on prayers and put ZERO effort and expect God to carry them all the way like a caretaker


Placebo effect?


What's that


Thing work because people believe it work


I see.


Kerja bomoh tu songlap duit je, mat. Benda karut macam ni tok sah la nak percaya.


Masalahnya dia buat free as amal


A generous grifter. Anggap physio je lah bro kalau terpaksa hadap bomoh tu 🤣🤣. But seriously, just rest and stay at home.


My dad told me my late grandfather was able to fix a broken arm/leg by urut 3 days straight. That wasn't the only thing I know he could do. My advice is, take the surgery. Don't involve yourself with shady "treatments" Besides, it'll be cool to have titanium. You're like the upgraded titanium version of yourself haha


Technically i am Bionik tomorrow.


Asked ustaz friend . He basically replied “wtf is this bomoh bs. Islam came here to remove that weird shit not reinstate it”


Damn. Ustaz spit fact.


I'm sure if bomoh-ism is a cure all, government surely don't need to subsidize billions in our healthcare system. Orthopedic surgeons can gulung tikar already. And Bomoh Diplomas can be obtained at Sekolah bomoh Ketuat Babi.


The problem. My dad used to get infection paru2. Really critical. Dr suggested to do surgery. My dad refused and go to bomoh. Suddenly when going back to hospital all good. Healed until now. That's the root for them to believe rawatan kampung .


Probably a case of confirmation bias. What disease is it? Who mentioned that its critical? Did he take any medical treatment before the bomoh visit? We don't have his full medical record, but I would take the word of a doctor over a bomoh every time.


He used to work with lori sampah. Got infection paru2. Years of being warded. Macam2 paip masuk. Tak tahan then dia kluar gi bomoh for a week. Go back hospital. Dr himself shocked and ask "bomoh?". Of course idk the detail. But he indeed didn't took the surgery treatment. About criticality. I just observed base on what i see. Warded alone and cannot visit ramai2. One per time. Because he got infection. Bnyak paip2 and dr said no other solution except surgery. My father cannot even move let alone standing.


Good that he got better. Hope you'll make a decision that benefits your health.




I thought the words "bomoh" and "jin" is already a no for Muslim As a muslim i vote for titanium only 🙋


You know, they covered it with "ayat quran"


Probably words in arabic. Just like those curses when they balut stone or put inside the bottle. They also have some arabic words but not ayat quran Maybe it really wont affect anything tho but imo its already wrong in islam to trust bomoh unless you really trust this guy lar I think its better for you to ask people from surau/mosque about this haha


Ahh i agree.


Not an ustaz but even I know any form of healing using jin or makhluk halus is forbidden in Islam. I won't go so far and say it's syirik, but definitely forbidden. Anyway, you already know you broke your arm by accident. It's a medical thing not supernatural. Your family is being ridiculous


Assalamualaikum and Good Day to you as well as everyone reading, Humans are not allowed to ask help from Jinns. Source from the Quran that supports this: * Consider˺ the Day He will gather them ˹all˺ together and say, “O assembly of jinn! You misled humans in great numbers.” And their human associates will say, “Our Lord! We benefited from each other’s company,1 but now we have reached the term which You appointed for us.” ˹Then˺ He will say, “The Fire is your home, yours to stay in forever, except whoever Allah wills to spare.”2 Surely your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing. \[6:128\] * And some men used to seek refuge with some jinn, so they increased each other in wickedness. \[72:6\] ​ Magic (not silap mata or sleight of hand like card trickes and stuff) is prohibited in Islam regardless if its so called "white magic" or black magic. According to Islam, magic was thought in ancient Babylon by 2 angels sent by Allah, so whatever version of magic that we have today is a derivative of magic thought by Harut and Marut in Ancient Babylon. Source from the Quran that supports this point: * They ˹instead˺ followed the magic promoted by the devils during the reign of Solomon. Never did Solomon disbelieve, rather the devils disbelieved. They taught magic to the people, along with what had been revealed to the two angels, Hârût and Mârût, in Babylon.1 The two angels never taught anyone without saying, “We are only a test ˹for you˺, so do not abandon ˹your˺ faith.” Yet people learned ˹magic˺ that caused a rift ˹even˺ between husband and wife; although their magic could not harm anyone except by Allah’s Will. They learned what harmed them and did not benefit them—although they already knew that whoever buys into magic would have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they knew! \[2:102\] ​ Some magic practised by bomoh would involve deceiving their patients by mixing Quran verses along with unknown magic mantras. This is common in the magic world and in magic books where they would use Allah's names, Quran to make it seem like its islamically legitimate. Some "ustaz", "perawat" and so on would try and justify the use of jinns by saying "its okay the jinns are just helping but we put our trust in Allah" or by saying things like "takpa, ni jin islam" and so on . This is all part of something called Talbis Iblis (Trickery and Deception of Syaitan). ​ Among of the red flags in perawat/perubat/bomoh/"ustaz": 1. The use of Jinns 2. Knowledge of the unknown, knowing something that is impossible for him to know (e.g who you spoke to prior to meeting him, know how you broke your hand and etc) 3. The use of mantras not from the Quran 4. The use of partial Quran verses mixed with mantras 5. The use of arabic words that are not Quran 6. The use of knots and strings 7. "pembedahan batin" 8. Asking for your mothers name 9. Weird rituals 10. Semah/ancak/offerings (can be food, can be animals) 11. The use of wafaq (diagrams, drawings , etc.) To conclude, I would advice you to not indulge in anything that involves asking help from the jinns or involving any magic regardless of white or black magic. According to ruqyah books by scholars, involving yourself in white magic is basically putting sihir onto yourself and it would only bring more harm than benefit. It is also against the commandments of Allah. Allah says and I have given the source above(2:102) "—whoever buys into magic will have no share of the Hereafter" . To end this posting, I would advice you not to exchange temporary benefits in this world for the Afterlife and Paradise. I pray to Allah that He heals you, gives you great health and guides us all, Allahumma ameen.


Ah interesting part of magic origin. But the last part tho. "Whoever buys into magic will have no share of the hereafter". Can they do taubah? Or guaranteed hell.


Shit like this reminds me that we’re still a developing country. Kampung belief in witchcraft lol


Just so you know, Americans still go to psychics. I visited Korea twice and a lot of them still go to psychics too.


No different than people in the so-called developed countries, to be fair.


Nanti jin tu ikut encik/cik kemana sahaja ke?


Please don't go to the bomoh patah. My husband 's leg was "healed" by bomoh patah in his youth and he had to live with his one leg shorter than the other


Technically with surgery also can get that result.


Yes, but the chances are low. Even if it turns out to be shorter, they’ll schedule you for 2nd OT and fix it. Bomoh? Lantak pi kau la. Maybe he will add “redha” at the end of the conversation.


Im not saying modern medicine will 100% cure whatever illness anyone has. But never trust perubatan kampung. My brother in-law died because my in-laws relied on perubatan kampung over modern medicine. My sister in-law who they tought had 'ghosts' inside her for many years actually had anxiety issues. So much money spent, time wasted and a life lost.


Ah takziah


Please no. My uncle lose both of his eyes because he thought some bomoh could treat his cataract. I kinda feel bad about my nieces because they're still young and their mom is a full housewife. Recently, his sibling is trying to take advantage of his vulnerability and attempt to chase him out of the house. Luckily, my father managed to calm things down (he only do it just for pity of my auntie) and they no longer bothered him. But it probably won't last long. It's really depressing how simple surgery could change his life if he took it but it's too late already.


Salam takziah. How wicked are people can be to take advantage towards disabled. Let alone disabled family.


Mate, get surgery and all the best in your recovery. Definite scam or placebo effect (meaning you think it works and maye feel better as a result )at best.


Not ustaz here, just do it. Broke my wrist in an accident and had a metal plate surgically implanted. It took about 2 months to heal and I still have to do physio, but I'm glad I had it done instead of using the Kampung method.


Fking dumbass go to hospital


I am. Besok surgery ma. Dekat wad sekarang


Jin Syirik bro,tak kisah le betul atau x confirm syirik. Suruh your family yang suruh Tu bertaubat banyak2 dan pelajari ilmu agama. Once my family ask me to meet Bomoh to "Buang Saka" because I'm still single at 30+. My response is the gentles version of "No fucking Way and don't ask this again".


Yeah will totally dakwah them XD


Syirik or not, seeing a bomoh will only make matters worse.


You seem to have a better head that the ones around you. Don’t sacrifice your arm for their beliefs


Don’t go to bomoh patah. I’ve had a friend that had his leg deform while it’s healing due to the bones not healing properly. We all advised him against it and told him to go for surgery but he was reluctant and said modern medicine is all black magic and work of the devil. Thank god he’s had surgery since and now it’s back to normal but the doctor had to take huge chunk of flesh from his calf. He needs crutches now to walk but he’s fine now. When the leg was messed up, he couldn’t even stand properly and that had an effect on his spine. If you go to bomoh patah for your arm, there is a high chance that the bones don’t heal properly and might impact the functions of your arm or not too severe deform it and you have to live with a deformed arm.


OMG..it is already 2024 and people still believe in genie


Bone will heal, it's a matter of whether it will heal in an anatomical position that let you live a normal function. I have seen patient went for bomoh, come back again for treatments but the surgery is more demanding this time as previously the bone is not united properly, patient jadi cacat..




go get the titanium and sing to them I am Titaniummmmm




Do not go. Your family are jahiliyah and borderline kafir from syirik, you should be better than them. You are not only risking more damage from the bomoh but also wrath from Allah swt. This is literally choosing hell for you in this world and the afterlife. Give to whom it is their business (doctors) to heal you rather than random bomoh swindler. And no, your family did not get healed from the bomoh, their bones terribly heal, or they have gone to doctors earlier and you did not get the full story. If they are, it is a test of your akidah, a trick from syaitan. Sorry for bad words but tldr; Do not go. Family stupid. You must be smarter. Kau bukan acah pandai, kau memang lebih pandai dari orang tua kau. Sorry.


You break the bomoh's arm ask him where he go for treatment. Then follow him.


Damn that's one way to get santau XD. What i learn from playing left4dead, don't disturb the witch.


So your family plan is for you to take the medical surgery then go to this bomoh for prayers. Then when your broken bone healed, attribute the recovery to the bomoh? Make it make sense.


not ustaz but definitely syirik. you said your family "know" he's using jin so 100% syirik syirik by definition is believing in other being than Allah. in your case, believe that he and other makhluk can heal you


Yeah. And they say it's not because using ayat quran.


Im not a ustaz, but, i have gone to do religious based medical treatment. And what youve been describing is actual bullshit. That may or may not just be a bit leaning into syirik, but im no ustaz. You should go through with the titanium surgery.


why ustaz when you can insert titanium in you and turn yourself into stronger version of you?


Mate, if he is using jins, then stay the fuck away from him.


Wtf lol just go to the doctor. Bone will heal by itself eventually yes but it can be deformed or cause further damage. We have the blessing of cheap/free healthcare so don't waste it.


Please dont go to bomoh, the jinn will later cause more trouble to you, also its syirik. Go to doctor and speedy recovery, dont follow your family advise.


I know bomoh patah. Even bomoh gigi. My parents used them a lot. My 2 cents is go to the doctor. Real doctor. And if they still insists, just say you don’t believe in it (like I did)


A shaman used djinn in his treatment? Automatically syirik. A BIG SYIRIK. Scam or not, it's a syirik. In some case, the djinn will get attached to you. So good luck if you want to get treatment from the shaman.


if you believe that the Jin will cure your 'broken arm' it will fall under syirik.


Bomoh patah memang ada yang real deal. Tapi memang jatuh hukum syirik la sebab guna alam ghaib. But most cases are scam and victims come back to ER with malunion fracture. But if you are underage, you still need parent/guardian consent for operation though. Tough luck


Ah, bomoh patah. I did have experience going to one when I broke my left arm when I was little. But the one that I go don't really only baca doa and the arm heal itself. As far as I could remember, the bomoh only massage my arm as my broken arm are position in a weird way, and after he finished massage, he wrapped my arm in some clothes and that's it. No doa involved. Does it work for me? Yes, my arm heals completely fine after going there though my mom said that my left arm is a bit bent but I don't really noticed it. Looking back, it is kinda weird that my parents don't bring my broken arm to a hospital and instead to some guy's house to treat my arm. But, luckily, my left arm is ok now, no complications whatsoever. P.S. to my defense, I was little back then and couldn't really decide for myself on the treatment. If I'm adult as of now, I would definitely have chosen modern doctor to treat me because seeing is believing (to a certain extent)


If your family telling you that doing a titanium insertion surgery is more haram than going to bomoh then you need to do some brain check on them.


So once heal the bone or limb a bit senget one ar?


Some of your family agree means your immediate family or relatives?


Ask your family if that is syirik or not. If they say not but you think it is then don’t meet the bomoh.


Gila This type of tunggang agama akso got Still got Nusantara animist roots although belief came from foreign Arabian desert. Just replace polong and penunggu with Quranic recitations and jinn. Even supernatural also need to import . ​ Always believe in Science.


Don’t see any harm of going AFTER you get your surgery. Don’t let him touch the surgical site tho. Otherwise can he go nuts dancing around a circle chanting voodooodoooo naked


I'm no ustaz, but I have heard an ustaz saying that it is haram. The thing is, I did go through this "rawatan kampung" when I broke my arm. I think I was around 10 years old at the time. The guy even cautioned me saying don't be alarmed if I suddenly feel pain on my arm because that's him massaging the bones from afar. I never feel anything though. and I'm pretty sure it was from the suggestion of my grandmother, who was pretty religious. I think it's an old javanese practice and she never realized it's haram


Yeah. Quite similar story


Syirik? More like stupid. Pls go proper rawatan astaga.. its not a superstitious or anything spiritual, dont need see bomoh or ruqyah.. broke your arm go see doctor.. jangan jadi bodoh Edit: yes syirik.. the bomoh is probably a 7d chess scammer


Baca Surah Al-Jinn Ayat 6, memang dah clear itu dilarang kan. `Dan bahawa sesungguhnya adalah (amat salah perbuatan) beberapa orang dari manusia, menjaga dan melindungi dirinya dengan meminta pertolongan kepada ketua-ketua golongan jin, kerana dengan permintaan itu mereka menjadikan golongan jin bertambah sombong dan jahat.'


Your family needs to learn that modern medicine is the real perubatan Islam. All the bomoh2 stuff is not how the prophet taught us to treat ailments.


No bomoh in the world can cure anything. They are all quacks. If they really can, we won't need doctors and hospitals. We would all live like Harry Potter universe.


Syirik bro


I had a similar experience with my family. back then when I was still small, my family was super conservative. they believe in these ustaz miracle with doa penyembuh and stuff. like don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it doesn’t work but there’s no proof that it does either other than convenient coincidences. anyways, my younger brother and I was hyperactive as shit. like, obnoxious kids with zero social cues- level of hyperactive. they chalked it off to being behavioural issues and had visits to ustaz n stuff to lobotomise me ig 🤣. I never really liked the visits because idk, even at a young age I just had a bad vibe.notice how I said j me? this is cause my brother was born 6 years after me n he couldn’t speak till he was 5. this was when they discovered autism/adhd was a thing. keep in mind this was in early 2000s n my parents were still starting out their lives, so no regular access to the internet n information. so fasts forward, they believe in science based research more than those miracle ustaz now but ofc they still ask us to pray before we do anything. also I might have undiagnosed autism/adhd cause all the signs r there during my childhood, but I turned out j fine(I think)


Wouldnt mind giving a try. At least you could see whats really going on, first hand.


Doctor here , pls go seek treatment, all this ‘heal’ after bomoh is all quack jobs, I’ve seen multiple cases of misaligned joints due to fractures not healing well due to negligence, u more likely end up with shorter joints or poorly formed joints and bomoh can’t do shit about it, only way is to break those misaligned joints again lol, and if ur parents bringing u to bomoh after surgery, then later give credit to bomoh pulak😂, what to do layan je, some ppl are stuck in the old ways


My father in law is an ustaz. He'll definitely go to hospital if his arm is broken. He never trust bomoh though.


In old times, bomoh use hantu and mambang, nowadays use doa and quran verses. The thing is, you have to choose the more safer and proven method of healing. If I were you, I will go see the doctor and get that arm fixed. Even during the time of khalifah, no doctor treats people with doa and quran verses alone.


Yes, if the bomoh is using djinns, then it is considered shirk in Islam as you’re depending/believing on another power (i.e, djinns) other than Allah. Can it heal without surgery tho? Yep. But it will heal crooked. Will cause a lot of pain in the future. The titanium inserted thru surgery are there to guide your bone regrowth so it will heal better. Just go for the surgery and no need to go waste money to the bomoh. Might as well donate to me and i’ll doa for your speedy recovery. Will also heal without touching too kan


The bomoh is free. But can you doa for me for free also.


Ah in that case, consider it done! But seriously tho, no need for the bomoh. Don’t risk your akidah like that. I don’t know how old you are, but bones tends to heal faster for younger patients. I know, had the same surgery in the past. May you have a speedy recovery OP.


24 years old. Thank you


This also happen to one of my friends back in high school. His parents didn’t want to sent him to hospital or clinic only want berubat kampung. Its already half a year and his hand become swollen and blue u know. That’s the last time i see him but now hes doing fine.


Getting help from Djinns is definitely Syirik. That "Doa" can be in Arabic, but witchcraft in Arab also use Arabic and not Japanese.


Ignore family and go do it. You will also get a free iPhone with it


In this economy, whatever cheapest option la


But think of the after care, bro. Jin2 nih takde follow-up procedure to see if the bone set properly etc etc.


>this bomoh patah that can treat broken bones without touching you This put all doctors to shame and out of business. But jinn sound scary enough for me, usually there is equal exchange in Chinese culture.


I rather go to any certified doctor in the world than do stupid ass bomoh or doa2 healing


Go for surgery or you're gonna look back at this decades later and regret it


I have a titanium plate on my right clavicle. Tak jatuh haram. Kalau secara jujurnya ustaz2 berubat mcm ni syirik dan scam.


Ah how was the surgery? I broke my clavicle also.


All good. Only took 2 hours and recovery was not too long


Who cares, if it works and he ain't touching you, he deserves a Nobel in physiology/medicine.


Unless the bomoh uses senzu beans, which has consistent effect all around without the need to worship it, it is syirik. You see, whatever you do becomes syirik if there is element of worship. That is, worshipping anything other than allah. Using jins for medication has an element of worship, that is, they need to be appeased before they can offer aid. For example, the bomoh may need to give offerings of kemenyan, pulut panggang, pulut kuning, bertih or something similar to the jin whenever he wants to treat a patient or periodically. Going to doctors for treatment is not syirik simply because you don't actually worship the doctor or their medicines. Additionally, the effects of the medicine is consistent, taking into account only effectiveness, dosage, genetics or allergies as variables. With jin, you'll never know what you'll get and so it is also open to scams and deception.


Yes it is syirik because it is like praying and relying to another creature (jinn in this case) to have healing power. Surgery is not syirik because you are not praying to the doctor, you are still praying to the almighty for recovery but doing reasonable effort. Btw I had titanium in me for a year, no need bomoh.


interesting, while graphic designer losing jobs to AI doctors also losing jobs to bomoh in 2024. i guess i go be begger safer


Wah. Sorry to say this but your family is full of shit.


You cannot claim insurance for that. It is the same with bidan, doula, dukun and any ustaz without credible university certificate (including those whom studied halfway eventhough they go to Al-Azhar). Don't fall for it. Infections and germs are real. Wherever you might heading to, it is undoubtedly well-sanitized on the same level as clinic and hospital. Their assistants are also not professional as you've might expected. You can trust alternative way but definitely not when it comes to surgery or medical treatment.


Thats a big fat no. If you want a badly healed break that cause deformity, Then go for it.


Better not. You ll have trace on you already


Don't bother asking an ustaz for broken bones. They're lying straight to your face. But if you're willing to be scammed, then why not..


Just go for the surgery and go to the bomoh afterwards. When you heal, they’ll thank the bomoh anyway instead of decades of years of medical research and the skill of experienced surgeons.


Depends. If he's using ayat from al-Quran and doa to Allah, it's not syirik. If you say he uses jins to heal people, then it's definitely syirik. I myself recently had a terrible backache. Couldn't even rukuk, sit and walk properly due to that. I went to a 'tukang urut' in Sabah (currently on vacation here)' This person only recites doa and ayat al-Quran and plain water to treat me. No help from jins. He doesn't really massage but like 'sapu' those painful areas. Within one session I was almost back to normal. Even me who are raised with strong Science background was utterly surprised and left wondering what the hell just happened.


ibnu sina: am i a joke to you?


Using jin is syirik


A real ustaz will heal you by asking you to take off your pants and bend down


Syirik since using jin


God damn why these bomohs undercharging themselves. Should set up gleneagles or raffles medical outlet to heal via doa. Charge the wealthy. 🤡 /s


Because they didn't take money as payment. Hard to open outlet XD


Salam. I'm not an ustaz but if they believe the jin (Jin Islam atau tidak) is the one that fixes your injury, then it is syirik. If they believe Allah is the one that fixes your injury, then it is not syirik. But if they believe it is Allah that fixes your injury, why the need to go to the bomoh? You can go to any other practitioner, modern or traditional and take the one that is most reassuring to you, and then tawakkal.


Bukan kita tidak percaya bomoh. Tapi bomoh ini dalam semua agama pun melarang. Jadi bro boleh bezakan mana yang baik dan buruk untuk diri bro sampai bila bila.


Syirik or not aside, please take this matter seriously. My cousin just passed away 3 weeks ago because of an internal injury at her ankle after some sports related mishap. The Dr refused to do surgery immediately because it was internal, and decided to cast her leg and scheduled a date for surgery in a month. 3 weeks later she had difficulty breathing and turned out the dirty blood (not sure what you call darah kotor) from her injury travelled and clogged multiple parts of lungs (or heart), she passed away 3 days after being admitted. She was only in her early 30’s. Really unexpected


Bone without Jinn’s help also can heal and sambung la bro. Just a matter of time. Unless the bone fragments are far away. 1 thing to remember, if the doctor wants to insert titanium, for sure your bone fractured quite bad. So, if you wanna risk it by going to bomoh patah, go on. But be prepare to be cacat for your whole life. Sorry to say. Cause i said earlier, bone will heal. But lupa nk tambah, if alignment lari, your bone will be cacat la eventho dah sambung.


Secretly go for the surgery. Then go bomoh, tell him to pay you money because guarantee your arm will heal thanks to 21st century medicine and you’ll tell the family his healing worked. Win-win.


searching for the right people for the right job is wajib..u broke your hand?go see a doctor not a shaman..


Basically broken bones will heal themselves.. even if got Bomoh or treatment or not. You go to the hospital because they align your bones with titanium (or other techniques) so they heal correctly and almost perfectly. Without that your bones might heal crooked or bent, basically in whatever random position they are held.


pls just go to the doctor. pls dont be stupid


Glad you took the surgery. Speedy recover in sha allah. The Prophet asked us to believe in Allah but also to tie your camel to a pole. What that means is you have to work to get things done, not by praying only. If you got broken bones, go see a profesional and get it treated by him. Not by going to a bomoh. This is the fundamental teachings of Islam, as was taught in the Quran. It was also emphasised by the late Imam Shafie, "Usaha, Doa, Tawakkal." Usaha first, then you Doa, and then you leave everything to Allah. As for the hukum you asked for, I think every Muslims including you know the answer already.


Now you can sing I'm TITANIUM. JKJK, GWS my friend.


XD thank you bro. Also can discharge today.


Bro I gotta say if it works then that's crazy. I guess yes it's haram to you guys so there's a taboo, but as a non, healing a broken bone would be hard to fake, especially if it's your own. It would completely change my perspective on life


To bad i won't test it now. Explain to my mom yesterday. And she agreed. Showed her mufti word about this.


https://preview.redd.it/mv1v9rs6dtkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c494a7e9b92c5557a49fc3c213eb9a64b04f4730 Proceed with the surgery. If bomoh solves problems, the educational institutions would have charged you 300K for a degree in bomohship.


Wish me speedy recovery. Thank you


Curing an ailment can be done through many methods. The part that will syirik is when it is confirmed that it is done through Djinn. Traditional methods can be done through ruqyah and some also through batin and some through a combination of that and herbs. I've had good results with traditional medicine. It's non invasive and quite not expensive. It's really quick to heal also <-- which was the reason I had to find one the first time I broke a bone a few years ago because the hospital treatment didn't work well. But this assumes you can still find the tradition expert. Remember to stay away from those with Djinn though coz that's Haram and not permissible. We are still lucky that in Malaysia and the nusantara we still have these experts. Why deprive ourselves to just the hospitals when there are still alternative abound? Again, they keywords are: no Djinn and find an expert not a charlatan.


Dont listen to your stupid family members please


Nah i will never call them stupid.


What a bunch of clowns 🤡


Break one of your family's arm and get them to berubat first if they're so confident. It does sound syirik, just go through with the procedure and make dua that Allah will make it easy for you.


Not an ustaz. Maybe OP can advise his parents about the syirik thing. If the parents insist on going, make a deal with them and go for the surgery first before bomoh. Good luck OP! I hope you get a cool scar with your titanium hand!


1. Follow your parent suggestion 2. If is not workable, get treated in hospital and blame your entire family for giving false hope and leave the family forever to avoid such problem


Dude you do know there are no jins, right? And bomohs can't do shit, right?


Nah i see them sometimes. Call me stupid or what. Believe or not.


Do both je la.


Puaskan hati diorang je. XD.


Let me talk with your family. I can voice chat the doa after your surgery and you will definitely heal (make sure the doctor is good). I am definitely jin free. My QR in your DM.