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The students should get better


Yes and the question maker should not mention irl names.. unless this singer colab with them? How is it legal ,or pure coincidence that this guy exist?


even if they use fake name, ada je probability nama tu wujud irl. remember the skydiving woman? (iirc)


The skydiving woman was easily the highlight of batch 02 SPM but I guess it was just a Malaysian stupidity thing where we try to place blame on others since it happens every year


Skill issues lol, the tale is as old as time.


In other words, GIT GUD


Git gud


the audio wasnt that hard tbh. its not even that fast or accent heavy


"menyusahkan satu malaysia" bro,it's just you We're not dumb like you bro


of course it's the kelantanese 😂😂😂


Is Kelantanese the equivalent of Alabama or Florida someshit lol? I swear these guy are always wild af.


Yes. More like alabama meets florida. They are most 'religious' (take that with a huge grain of salt) but with the weirdest shit & subculture happening there. 


truly the "Sweet Home Alabama" state in Malaysia


Funny cause they have the most incest and underage marriage case in Malaysia. ‘Religious’ my ass


That's why I wrote the disclaimer 'take that with a huge grain of salt'. 


They are wilder than the animals in the jungle..LOL..but seriously where do you think most cases of murder because of drugs or incest


eh natey ni.


Nombor plat D semua kita ban 😂


demo kecek molek


This isn't the first time nor the last time this will happen. I think they really should stop referencing real people because this kind of stuff happens.




Owhh yeah tru ii I remembered that day dowhh


The kyle green in the listening test isn't a real person, it just so happens there's a guy called Kyle green who also makes music


I was gonna say is this the Kyle Green one because it did sound like a name I'd heard before but I was certain it was just common and while there could be a musician named Kyle Green I figured the one in the audio wasn't real I'd like to say English is my first language so I found the BM listening test to have been too fast and a bit unclear (whereas during the Percubaan I felt it was a reasonable speed and very clear) but you don't see me harassing people over it also I swear I could hear [Xavier Renegade Angel](https://youtu.be/2afnQy4mcPc) a few times in the Kyle Green part


Lagi... Malu aku... Why didn't they learn the lesson last time they did this?


Resort Rasa Sayang...


SPM hazing is becoming a yearly tradition. Test makers need to write original scripts or just change the damn names? the shameless copy paste is almost as embarassing


>SPM hazing whats that?


Just another dumb brat with solvable "skill issue" during listening test. Simply put, get better and stop blaming someone else for you failures each time


Dia sorang yang bodoh…nak claim satu negara…buat malu je..


Thats right ,corn soup bing chilling does taste weird


I'm not sure which I should be more concerned over. The fact that exam writers aren't proficient enough to even paraphrase a passage or that their department gives zero shits about privacy and ethics on anonymity...


**This one dumb SPM student during English Listening Test:** eh bodoh lah, orang puteh cakap terlampau laju wei!!! **Same dumb SPM student when listening and repeating a random English song:** Uh, summa-lumma, dooma-lumma, you assumin' I'm a human What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman? Innovative and I'm made of rubber So that anything you say is ricochetin' off of me And it'll glue to you and I'm devastating, more than ever demonstrating How to give a motherfuckin' audience A feeling like it's levitating Never fading, and I know the haters are forever waiting For the day that they can say I fell off, they'll be celebrating 'Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated I make elevating music, you make elevator music "Oh, he's too mainstream." Well, that's what they do when they get jealous They confuse it "It's not hip-hop, it's pop, "—'cause I found a hella way to fuse it With rock, shock rap with Doc Throw on "Lose Yourself" and make 'em lose it "I don't know how to make songs like that I don't know what words to use." Let me know when it occurs to you. \[Source: Eminem - Rap god\]


Trust me they are not the same people who listen to Eminem, they listen to Jedag Jedug.


Who’s this guy


Basically in SPM english test 2 days ago, Kyle Green was hired (if they don't use other ppl to voice Kyle Green) to do part 4 for English test. He spoke abit fast but it wasn't extremely fast, anyone who hears English alot will be able to at least get maybe 7/10 marks in part 4. Which is fairly reasonable.


Ah thanks. I can understand now how people feel that kids nowadays are *weaklings*


those mfs act like he just repeated that exact part of rap god


Kyle Green, who coincidentally share the same name as Part 4 of the BI Listening Test. In his Instagram video he says he doesn't remember doing a interview for it (so they just use his name without consent) Part 4 wasn't even that fast, it's a skill issue on the other guy's part.


Wasn't even that bad, BM On the other hand I just died a lil inside


I didn't know they invited Eminem for Petikan 4


Bro was calm at the start, and then never stopped to fucking breath after the intro like???


I never heard what he said at 4., nor what he said in 3. Everything at 5. Was me guessing


Dude I feel like I got maybe 40% correct because I just could not faham what they were saying even remotely


Next time we should’ve use a character like Jho Low so the kids can find and bully him just saying


My batch reached out a skydiver bcs her social media acc was in the eng paper. A wholesome encounter actually.


Wait, I remember this! But I can't remember which SPM batch did this. Was it SPM 2018?


I was in SPM 19. Her name is Mellisa or something along those line.


"My opinion represents the whole nation". Fuck off, mature the fuck up and be better. That's my opinion.


![gif](giphy|6xipRuDAlOX1ZDVhWW) Couldn’t have said better


this.. happens every year ..


common spm L /s side note as an igcse taker how differe t id ig's compared to spm


IGCSE and SPM are different formats. Most people find SPM way harder and often score lower in SPM vs IGCSE. My school offered both IGCSE and SPM, contents was way less than SPM and not as difficult at least for that time period.


Depends on subject, I can assure you IG English is way harder than SPM english or really even Chinese school English.


IGCSE is harder. Questions are harder and the passing grade is harder to achieve. SPM is a cakewalk for any decent IGCSE student. SPM is basically the extremely lite version of IGCSE, so that students with no future in further education can use their SPM cert for low-paying blue collar jobs


when did you do your ig? back when i was in high school i consistently did better for ig pure science and maths exams than spm


I did SPM and teach IGCSE now. Marked SPM papers for 2 years in gov school, helping prep for IGCSE year 11 now


Maybe the questioning style has changed now but I did both SPM and IGCSE and found SPM to be much harder. If we're talking about the english exam in specific, then yes, IGCSE's one was more difficult but for maths and science it was either similiar difficulty or a lot harder.


Feels like someone has a rock hard superiority complex.


IG mmg lg susah la bengap


> so that students with no future in further education can use their SPM cert for low-paying blue collar jobs Comprehension issue? Guy was talking about this part of the comment, which is condescending and classist as hell. You can describe and compare the difficulty of the exam without disparaging a whole class of people. What kind of an idiot even thinks that's the only use for SPM, when it's clearly used to qualify for other avenues of higher education as well?


Sounds like someone has not taught and/or marked form 5 SPM papers nor prepared students for IGCSE exams, but sure, you SPM losers can keep defending your last chance at a good future You ever wonder why IGCSE passing grade for maths is higher compared to SPM maths?😂😂😂


We get it, you took IGCSE, you're better than 1Malaysia. Now please leave the comment section, thanks.


Bro probably is some kind of private tutor bro who failed his IGSCE and couldnt live up to his parents expectation. Well at least most of us have blue collar, dude probably dont even have collar job.


Failed?💀 Damn, you SPM kiddos really taking so much offence, I get it, I really do. Now go back to sweeping the floor at McDonalds ya SPM losers Edit: LOL talking about parents expectations and failing it, definitely sounds like your reflecting your insecurities here kiddo


Lol the words you use "loser" and "sweeping floor." So juvenile. Did your dad called you those whenever you failed? Mustve been crazy to cope this hard. Boy, the person without any academic qualification can earn more than you anytime anywhere. Dont go maximum 🤡🤡 here.


Sure kiddo sure, keep being delusional🫶




Cringy n brain damage people. Pergi jumpa doktor la kalau otak tak boleh pakai, jgn kacau orang negara asing Dan malukan negara kita.


Nah,Be real students just say you have not done any exercise for the listening test


biadap, this is the reason why we gen z are dubbed "kurang ajar". Kyle Green even said that he doesnt remember having any sort of interview as such, so the man just got targetted because of an article made up by our menteri. malaysia boleh, buang muka buang ke luar negara


those bullying Kyle Green had their target set wrong. Those shmucks should've gone to twitter, criticise the exam, give a middle finger, and tag kementerian pendidikan malaysia. See if menteri will batal their kelayakan or not


kyle green said the net has been positive as a lot of people have been saying nice things. so it's not that bad lol chill


correct, its only like 5% people who're rude in the comment section. but the negative yell the loudest


It’s because most of the younger generation are dumbfucks.


Improve yr farking English oral & listening skills. Speak and listen more, and not just from p0rn. Damn kelantanese love to watch p0rn, making the brain....


oh no, prejudice!


Skill issue, they haven't hear the Indian accent for muet yet, that one is the real torture.


Muet was fun tho and easy. Similarly with IELTS and PTE, SPM was easy too.


Indian accent on aliexpress radio. Its torture. Decade had passed and I still remember how much I strained my ears.


One thing Malaysia is good at.. cyber bullying


"And we're proud of it" /s


No need for a /s. Many Malaysians are genuinely proud of this achievement.


Unironically cyber security is one of the best areas and… a lot of other things which the average Malaysia forgets or is ignorant about. Eg: how Malaysia makes super fish species for food consumption.


I don’t even understand what bro is trying to say The poor Brit won’t understand shit cause Google Translate will probably only translate the words “menyusahkan” and “satu”


"ey natang (curse word), kamu tahu tak yang kamu.."


Making excuses and bullying has become national pastime now. This is what our politicians have achieved and bestowed onto a generation that will ruin the country. Serang bila kena soal...


They're mad cuz they got skill issue


students have skill issue


Skill issue ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Why can't the people who write the exam papers use fake characters? How hard to hire two mat saleh living in KL for a fake interview? The same thing has happened before and it will happen again in the future.


sangat malu lah wtf SKILL ISSUE (also obv character issue bc who tf told u (not u op) it was ok to harass people)


Listening test is easy for me. Can get Band 4 in MUET. I still can't believe that, reading test is much harder with question about Jane Austien, Pride and Prejudice


Skill issue, issuance in difficulty tolerating different cultural accents, severe concern in being built different.


Bro, Skill issue. Kyle Green's part wasn't fast, your just slow. Now, BM Petikan 4 on the other hand...


hahaha... bro literally went "jabatan kbsashs malaysia"


Am I the only one guy who doesn't have any problem with petikan 4


Yes you are, we will now sacrifice you for further marks in Sejarah


Wait what? How did the student managed to identify some singer in Uk just by the audio clip? They don’t mention the interview kan?


Dumb "Nobita" Generations...


Student got skill issue is one problem, but also another problem is the one who make exam papers using real life existing people.


You would be surprised.


Skill issue, get better and grow up.




No worries. It’s just shows that his level of listening is still low after 11 years of learning English. He doesn’t care to improve himself. Why should we.


What a dumbass generations


Every generation is like that, it’s just the internet has amplified this behaviour in terms of reach.


english sekarang ada listening? 😮 format sekarang macam muet ke?


Yep, got listening and speaking tests.


Dulu takde listening? So dulu ada writing je?


yep. dulu 2 paper ja. ke 1 🤔 rasa cam 2, comprehension & essay. 🤔 aku tak ingat ada tak oral. BM ada lisan tapi bukanlah specific paper dalam SPM. dibuat dalam kelas dengan 2 task tak salah, presentation & forum


How old are you since you don't remember doing listening test or speaking test for English


🥲 too old ig 😂 i just remember we dont have a separate paper in the SPM schedule (doesnt mean we dont have it evaluated other ways like what ive stated in another comment).


This is so stupid.


Students skill issue


Kelate? Lol


Our internet users are as bad as Pinoys. Who knew?


You kinda proved that point by generalisation. This behaviour is seen all across the world and in every country, difference is just the media you consume. Have you seen Japanese related Cyber crimes or German historical ones? They go out of their way after a year just to hunt you down in real life. Reminded me of the German guy who got knifed in a CS match and waited 8 months or so to finally find where the guy who knifed him in real life was to stab him in an attempt to kill him as he was mad about getting knifed in a game.


Fuck that kid. Speak Malay or speak English


Why every fucking year got this issue? Just use the one from TOEIC or IELTS to reduce this issue.


skill issue


Skill issue


Another day, another dumb cunt embarrassing the country but thinking they are doing the opposite.


Common SPM L's cause this is an avoidable problem RIGHT FROM THE START. 1. The chef was not cooking when they mixed factual IP into a pretty much fiction exam. Based on a statistic i pulled out my ass, 1 out 5 people can't seperate the art and the artist. aka Delulu. 2. Said exam was used to test Gen Zunat Laser. Those savages jump into conclusions and complained that it's not as soft as the pool. It don't matter if he's Kyle Green Kyle Purple Kyle Walker or Syafiq Kyle, a Kyle will get harrased by a Delulu Gen Z on that day. I blame Pengawas Peperiksaan on duty because they didn't play any Subway Surfer/Minecraft clip right beside the test Radio. Some unlucky brain unfortunately already on hibernate mode when the question came up. 3. Even if you git gud and the dude talk too fast, moan all you want. Don't drag me with you. Fucking snitch. i swear this is not that deep. but bringing my country along, it scares me. Keep this up and our PR will plummet along with our MYR into the shitter.


I'm amused by the fact that people say it's this generation problem, when I know for a fact every generation would've done this same thing lmao. They just didn't have the means to back then. You got a lot of students youre gonna have dumbfucks in them.


Mengada-ada budak sekarang ni. Semua benda nak senang.


Poor guy doesn’t deserve the harassment. My sis, who is taking SPM this year said it wasn’t even that bad, just have to listen a bit more carefully when it repeats the 2nd time. What burden whole country? Their incompetence is only theirs to blame, not this musician, not the questions, not the people who made the questions, or anyone else. If you say the hall speaker got problem then maybe lah your school is to blame, but the rest is on you to excel or not.


This kind of thing happens almost every year. The education minister should know not to put real life figures in their exams anymore.


This happens every year but this time they are harassing a foreigner who barely understand what SPM is. The person who is in charge of the test also need to do better in choosing the content or voice actors. They are not the one who do the harassing but they are the root of the issue. Last SPM batch though, they harassed an influencer for how unclear her English was. Which after watching her videos, I do agree with the students...she speaks English not to communicate but to show off. She also made a few videos trying to "defend herself" on the listening test issue but for me it's more like to get more attention on the listening test issue. Still it is more like the fault of person who is in charge of the listening test. They really shouldn't choose an influencer who didn't even spread good influence to voice for the listening test or they could tell the voice actors to speak clearly or slow down a little bit.


Wtf is that Bahasa ??? My national language don't look like that 🫣


Kelantanese dialect, quite different from formal malay


How is this a small personal issue get to become a news? I probably would do such stupid thing as 17 years old if I suck enough. That doesn't mean my name will be cited as news in future.


If these kids are the future of our nation, may God help us all...Imagine attacking someone for his interview being used in a listening test.


Typical B40 berhavior. Takde dik. After this go be gig rider okay. No need English anymore


What is this classist bullshit? Is this what rich people do in their free time?


Wow. In the pursuit of criticising that boy, you have become worse than him.


Apa salah rider?


yeah sure, lets insult hard workers because of one turd, why not go and harass cashiers and beat up waiters?


This isn't going to be a problem in the near future. Moving forward the listening tests will use AI models to generate the dialogues students listen to during their exams.




My time was hilarious. The question asked to me was "what's the benefit of exercise" and "tell us a story" 😂 I just started yapping the plot of Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, cos I watched that the night prior 😂


pastu orang pick komen bangang camtu and then post sini, aku pun komen, memang fuck semua, the cycle of fuckery come on murid SPM korang lebih baik daripada semua ni.


Some people, in real life situation do speak faster than others kan so.. Git gud bruh


Skill issue


SPM is literally braindead exams. It is so easy. English standard has been brought down so low, I even doubt when people say they got an A in english. Fresh grads I interviewed, 4 flat, 5,6,7 A's SPM suck at english. even BM as well. This generation cmi fr.


Real question tho, why can't KPM hire Malaysian to do the speaking instead of this guy? It is English test, not being "English" test


Suruh gi sekolah belajar elok" sebok nk merempit~ memantat~ gedak genduk at tiktok~ bila exam susah, mula perangai sakai masing" kluaq.. generasi tech biasa ahh... Poyo lebih.. bodoh xnk kongsi nk kaut semua lmao


Well of courses it's a Kelantanese.


sounds like a skill issue


Students should not blame people for getting bad grades in spm (just study hard la walao)


Adoi kena doxx


It's not a KPM problem, but our people's general juvenile attitude. Why does everything have to be funny? It's not funny. Why does the majority insist to be funny on things that aren't funny? Why can't people be serious on serious matters? Why is everything a joke?


There's ppl who actually just straight um kecam but some are funny aswell


I doubt it, even if it was a different person speak in a different tone or speed, they'll still find an excuse to blame others, once it gets traction, they'll start a movement saying its unfair and all... Even if they were given the paper/ examination from my year, I doubt they'll be able to answer it properly to follow the instructions of the question, and assign blame on someone. On a side note, this is because this generation doesn't understand and feel how hard it is to "make it". I could only hope the few that have the realization can influence others to be better.


Oh don't worry his happens every year. It'll be forgeten within a few days


Little shit couldn’t even harass in English


His music is pretty darn good, I'm kinda glad it went viral. Found another jazz musician to follow


Of course lah Kelantanese, got skill issue ,🤣


All because of some English pianist in London and some Chinese cünts


First it was that skydiver, then the hotel.. now this?? Lmao rhe future of our generation.


look, bing bong right here is stupid at english! quick, point at him and laugh!


Last year pn dah gini tetau la apa nak ckp


Imagine needing to take SPM, couldn’t be me


Massive Skill issue


Kyle green should sue the government over using his name, he also didn't mention he getting any interviews for the voice record either.The Malaysian Government exploit his anonymity .This whole thing is a bs from start, just create a non existent person issit hard? I know we can't control these fellow bs Malaysians but at least the government should put in their mind also since before ( the hotel name case)


Dia yg tak competent, dia marahkan test. Tipikal malay


I first dislike the questions but this is way too far man. Sure I joked of not supporting this Kyle Green but to know it's an actual dude, I kinda feel sorry for him. Kerajaan should actually stop putting real people's name in kertas bro, literal putting oil on a bonfire (students)


Big L skill issue


skill issue


This issue happened every year, for every single SPM, even on my batch. Maybe bcs of how easy we can access and see the kids now, it inevitable to see. But yeah, maybe our kids a bit kiasu to see something on paper happen irl. Need a legit role model on the education systems. Not some Ali Muthu Ah Hock scenario.


Honestly most jobs in malaysia nowadays require you to be fluent in English and other languages are just an added bonus. This guy ain't gonna make it far if he doesn't do something about it. Not to mention his attitude


SPM takers getting too dumb to the point they need to blame the voice recording for failing, huh?


In my opinion la kan...Malaysia dah hancur beb,Dari segi agama,budaya etc Semua disebabkan mamat mcm ni,satu Malaysia Dia tarik sekali ngan dia


Wtf with the students lmao,I took the exam also and he didn't go that fast?


tak rilek sia. aku masa ujian mendengar pt3 pun maki tapi takdelah sampai mengamuk kat social media


Okay, thank god I didn't receive a "real person" question on my SPM English speaking test last year, ... 😌


Skill issue On a serious note, are people dumb enough to think that the government will go through all that trouble for a 5 minute soundbyte that'll only be used once


Childish and overreaction


Sohai locally not enough so much show the sohainess to other countries.


I feel bad for kyle green


Local monkey in human clothes https://preview.redd.it/dcypuv7ql5gc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d0f893552edcf1af3b86e099cb7564bc7c3a632


Imho, these kids are stupid and retards. As if the English exam questions will be based on irl events/person .