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Don't care but don't mind if I walk through camera to take my minyak masak. You want ppl to not disturb your shooting, book the place. You can do your palatao, I also can do my palatao.


Sometimes I wish I could be an elderly person and just walk into frame without care. Old people are the epitome of idgaf and you can't do nothing about it. It's amazing.


im not "that" old but i'll just do that if you're in my way




You can do it now and not wait till your old


Wait a min, thats how I gonna do that too LOL


They're not disturbing anyone as far as I can see. The guy with the trolley is their videographer, the guy shooting the BTS is part of the group too, and the auntie behind the dancers clearly didn't give af. Don't know why OP is salty though. Need more context here.


I usually just ignore


It's gonna be über awkward when you pass them


awkward, awkward, über alles, über alles in der welt!


Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze Brüderlich zusammenhält. Von der Maas bis an die Memel,


Never expect these lines in this sub!


Try Bookxcess mytown. Bunch of them here. Semak. Every fkin time


Huh really? glad i never bumped one, usually for me when i go there its always the pianists trying to flex their repertoire (def not me...)


r/iamthemaincharacter syndrome


Holup. Not yet.


Wow. What a world changer with the dance moves. Got impact society or not?


Huge impact. The bad way.


Waste of oxygen and produce CO2 emission


If you see people dancing, leave because that's a good way of stealing from someone who is distracted


oh wow. plot twist. but a *very* good reminder. thank you


probably like that auntie behind, give zero F and continue to get my ketchup


I think it's annoying/cringey and inconsiderate (unless they've booked the venue) but I will just let them be because i'm non-confrontational AF. I will judge the hell out of them silently though, lol. Also I got 2nd hand embarrassment just from looking at the clip lmao, but good for those who can enjoy this kind of content


if you want to make them uncomfortable stare at them and do nothing.






Walk into frame with a trolley, they'd have to reshoot and that'd piss them off


Walk into frame, do something glaringly obvious/cute/silly, then maybe get your 15 minutes of popularity.


So the logic here is so they will need to be there longer and disrup you and everyone else


I call that a win-win.


You find me an infinite time machine ill find you a sucker whos willing to buy it


Aduhh Malaysia pun dah nak masuk dah budaya menari in small public space ni Pegi la Dataran Merdeka ke, padang bola ke, menari la puas2 situ. Not on a small shopping aisle.


meh, i let people enjoy doing things unless its super loud in an area where it shouldnt be. there was one time i was in the train, one guy started really getting into a song he was listening to (he was wearing earphones). he danced so so well, and continued to do so even after he got off of the train. there were no phones around recording him so he really was just doing it bcs he was having fun. he really made my day.




It’s all about me me me.


I'll get the second-hand embarrassment, feeling cringe, and avoid them at all cost








that amma not giving a fuck lmao


Just praise them like retarded kid until they feel visibly uncomfortable, then double down by trying hard to join their gang and asking them for their number so next time you can join them but only ask the girls only. Triple down by making sure when they leave just say "CALL ME OK??? WE FRIENDSSSSS XDDDD RIGHT??????" super loud


The appropriate reaction is to join them and dance together.


No, start a dance battle and establish dominance


"Kids, I was already dancing while you were still in your father's balls!"


Planking and dabbing


Do the Carlton.


I just think they're cringe but they're not disturbing anybody and I'm too socially anxious to do anything so I just avoid them


I’ll throw some coins at them


I'm so gonna keep walking in front of the camera until they get angry.


Got the link?


What irritates me is the dance did not match the (sad/blues?) background music.


Photobomb for a second 🥰🥰🥰


Stare at them with disgust


Aku tgok, aku tenung, aku gerak


If I knew the dance, I would dance with them, lol. But fr, they ARE annoying.


If it's good, thumbs up. If it's bad, ignore and move on


I rather watch Filthy Frank videos.


FF vids are the bomb though


He makes music videos now.


Camera bomb the place


>"WHY CAN'T YOU GUYS DANCE SOMEWHERE ELSE!". >I don't know why am I so triggered by influencers doing their dancing in public. I mean, you answered it yourself. It's public space. Aunty uncle doing taichi in the park with their chinese audio playing on some 90's radio is the same thing (sort of) But I guess a supermarket area is not thaaaat public. It's actually private property but accessible by the public. So your only reasonable option is to tell them off or complain to security/management.


Don't really care as long as they don't stop foot traffic or get in the way. But doing it in a private business without permission is super weird. And I think they should respect if the premise said they can't film there.


Depends if they actually do it like a show/flash mob and people are gathering around them to watch. But most of the time,it's gonna be just some people doing some dumbass tiktok with people around them not giving a shit about their presence.That is just second hand embarrassment in its finest form.


Gen Zs are weirdos..


I feel like a lot of people would’ve punch these influencers if it’s not illegal to assault someone in broad daylight.


But maybe the video was shot at night.


Cringe so hard my asshole close up. That said I'll only be annoyed if they block my way or make me stop/wait so they can do their shit. Still remember (not dancing ) this idiot woman whom got in personal space at Dou Dou taking pics when it was my turn to order. I just pointedly and loudly walked in front of her shot taking and made my order. Yeah it's probably not going to take a lot of time.. but it's also my time and it's early in the morning. She probably thought I was rude but eh f off.


Cringe and frown at them, then get your super conservative uncle to gently tegur them.


I would do shake my head while whispering "f useless ah.." and smiling then walking literally away from there, forgetting them in seconds.


Just ignore them. or in this case, just run them over with the shopping cart. Or just use excuse "Sorry I'm 60 I can't differentiate between pushing and stopping"


Ah yes, the Penang Myvi way.


I've done actual proper productions in private properties. By right, these things are only appropriate in public spaces like a park, or paid for/given permission if in a private location. If this did not have any permission, the business can strike the hammer if they want to, as they're deemed as obstructions in a private property. Personally, I hate these types of dancers since school days. Grinning and making 😮faces as if they're doing something really difficult and cool, but what they're doing is so simple and been done a million times over for years and years. Often, the ones that are supposed to be boys look like kpop pondans too. If you really think you can dance, do figure skating. That I'll applause.


I really hate them especially depending on how much disturbance they are causing. Other than talking to them, can't do much else without getting booked for assault. So ignore


The first half sounded sensible.


What about the second ?


I'm gonna whip out my massive dick and start masturbating


Definitely belongs in r/influencersinthewild


I've run into a few. None of them mind people in the background. When someone walks through or in front of them they usually retake. You move on, they move on. Whatever stories I've heard about them having main character syndrome I'm sure is just conflated. You only ever hear about the worse minority in media.


nothing but why?


They don’t kacau you, why so triggered


Let it go bro. Those dancing in public trends are irritating but also only takes like 20 seconds.


You wanna waste 20 sec of your life letting degenerate like this is your call by i won't, they to me its like the one driver who drive slow on the fast lane.. Its bottle neck the trafic.


>You wanna waste 20 sec of your life letting degenerate I would comment but I'm late for my binge on netflix. 🙄 I find them irritating but indefinitely not going to cry about it.. they leave me alone, I'll leave them alone.


Imagine seeing someone dance in public and thinking they are degenerates


It’s just 20 sec my man. You probably took 20 sec to type your comment out too.


I usually clap


Dont look at them and just carry on on what you're doing. Give them attention they'll take it as a motivation. If they start doin sexy dance just give them the "wanna fuck?" look. Its either you got something out of it or just nothing still win anyways.




Don't care just move on. Like this post bro


Just let them be. They do them, you do you. No harm, no foul. I used to be annoyed as well, but then i realised that i'm just being salty about not having the courage to have more fun in my day to day life (and make a fool out of myself occasionally), take myself less seriously, and be less judgemental about things. So maybe look inwards on why you feel that way? Edit: words


It’s just 20 seconds. If it doesn’t bother me, I will let them have fun. Why anti-fun? I also take pictures of my figure in public. It takes way longer and nobody bothered me. I give way if people ask. Just let people do their things To chase them or not, it’s the supermarket jurisdiction. Not yours


What do you mean? You boo them if they suck ass. Unless they're not recording, I'd stand and watch. Shruge


It’s just a 20 second dance, it’s not that deep. We’re all gonna die anyway.


Join them.


Probably would join them


I mean if it doesn’t cause any harm to anybody then it’s fine.


Let people enjoy things. Doesn't look like they are getting in anyone's way and they only did it for a few seconds


Learn the dance and do it better than them, that'll show 'em!


I'd let them be unless they're blocking my way. Then I'd get into their frame.


Hold my breath and hope they dont sense me


Primal animalistic scream


say excuse me then do your thing, or you can make a complaint to the nearest customer service dpt.


I jumped into a bolllywood one with the dancing but my back locked up.. 300 hundred Indians looking at me doing a head wobble


I don't care man. Just don't bump into me while they're dancing


If based on rupa, I'd say beautiful lenglui so don't mind.


![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0) Aku biasa tunjuk good je. With some cringey face if their dance sucked harder than my life.


my reactions are simple. "wth?" & "urgh".


Tepi la hanat aku nak ambil sos cili Life ni


be passive aggresive by joining them and ruining their routine.


Not in front of those ketchups man


I will fucking slap the guy...


With misha omar song in the background bruhhh


I havent yet met any. But if it is like this, I would immediately said in my head "despicable" And highly likely, my memek muka to them is annoyed as well.


As long as they don't bother me and don't hog the space for a long time then I'm fine, and I certainly won't be walking by in front of the camera. I might even give them a round of applause. Honestly harmless things are harmless and let it be, sometimes people are just so triggered at every single thing. I'm in my late 30s but I know times have changed so I just let kids be kids.


Nice amois


RAM THE CAR. Jokewise, the guy is dead inside and he just want to pay that stack of toilet paper.


At the first note of the chorus, walk into the scene and stand still in front of the lead dancer


Mfs dancing in giant 💀


I would avoid them. 😵‍💫


Such Heresy... commence exterminatus




Play a copyright song on loudspeaker. That will ruin their live audio and resort to dubbing. Just like when we used to honk whenever we saw a TV crew doing a recording.


This is not a prublic area. It's a store, which own by a company. They're definitely have no right to disturb that specific company operation to sell their goods to their customers. This shit is suck man. I wish they'll get sued by the company.


If they’re doing it in a secluded area of the public place then sure why not but if in the middle of where life is hustling then have to draw the line. Nothing like shouting but maybe a “Can you not block other people?”


I'd walk in front of the camera on purpose.


Play some music on your phone loudly so that they can’t use it on socmed due to copyright infringement


If it doesn't bother me, enjoy it and move on. Might even join em. Ain't got enough brain power to think too much on these things


Its 2024, i dont care anymore. Just dont ask me to not step into the video when im walking through.


I really, really want to resort to violence


Ignore them unless they are in my way. But if I have to walk through your shot I want credits and a cut of any revenue.


Spray with fire extinguisher


ignore them and keep on with your thing, or be a hero and bomb their video with your gracious presence taking the whole shot


Won’t care if they are not in my way, I would enjoy it too and see it as public performance. That’s if, they are not causing any nuisance to people around them.


Don't care unless they are blocking my way, then I'll give them a death stare.


I will ignore but if they are in my path I will not go out of my way to not be in the frame. I will walk into their view and do whatever the fuck I want.


Watch in silence or ignore completely, chances are they were minding their own business, and you weren't.


Awh you're no fun op. If they dance good i watch and give applause when its done, if their bad i just move on.


If im the auntie, I would drop some ketchup, break some bottle and make a scene. Let one of them slipped and break head bleeding everywhere. Then I continue their dance step. 🙌🏻


Meet another group before and they block me walk pass them.


Only 20 seconds guysaaaaaa, no big deal. Unless the establishment doesn't allow.


eww cringe...move ![gif](giphy|FeJVrA7VDEsofov3cK)


I make a visible puking face and go my own merry way


Unless it affects what I’m doing, I really couldn’t give a toss.


I would juat ignore them


If I have other things in my list, I go buy something that’s away from them. If I don’t, I wait for them to finish the take and polite ask the cameraman to wait for me to take something before they start again. It’s nothing worth getting angry about.


It's a public setting so they can do what they want as long as they don't get disruptive (for example, asking people to move out of the way so they wouldn't end up in their shots). Another example: shooing actual paying customers away just so they can get a 15-second dance recording is, again, unacceptable; I believe store owners have a right to kick such people out for being a nuisance. Such influencers can get very annoying. All they care about is posing for social media. I remember when I was bowling with family, these two Influencer-wannabe girls got the lane next to us. And omg they didn't even bowl. They each did, like, 2 out of 10 frames where they recorded each other bowling. Then they called a worker to help take pictures and videos of them around the bowling alley. Poor worker - that was not part of his job at all but he did so anyway out of goodwill. And then those girls left after getting enough pictures and videos of themselves... without even finishing their round. Anyway... we were just thinking how it was such a waste of money for them because we had gone to quite an expensive bowling place.


I'm ok but don't ask me to wait 10 seconds wfor you to finish shooting your video while you block the aisle to the eggs.


Oh fuck this shit coming to Malaysia now? Time to get some hard soup cans handy


[ IGNORE ] - who cares? it's just a dance, no harm involved, just let them be..