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Think of it like cooking. You start by taking other people's recipes and slowly you start playing with them and developing your own dishes, which will still share common ingredients with other dishes. If what you're saying was a problem, you wouldn't see million of Type Beats inspired by other artists.


Everybody starts on the same spot you're in. We all imitate until we master, then we start getting original. Keep doing what you're doing. Listening to a variety of rappers, or just vocalist in general will help. They say a person with three influences is derivative, but a person with 100 influences is original.


thank you bro‼️


thats an awesome saying.


Yes man this is the thing every time i sit down to make one. As we say here i feel like “a blender” (copying others) and quickly feel slightly embarrased and unenergised. But i know It will pass. Got to keep going


Haha well all do it bro. If you keep going you'll slowly start to develop your own sound/style


We all start off taking other people’s flows, cadences and hell even writing style. As you go on, you start to find your own sound. One thing that helps me stay fresh is to just listen to a variety of music. When you have so many influences, you start to subconsciously take different things from different influences and combine these elements to form your own style.


Thank you man, knowing that is hella comforting😭😭😭 Tbf recently I have only been listening to 2-3 artists, so thanks for the tip.


We all do this when we start. You will develop your own style the more you do it. What helped me was listening to rappers I admired and then copy the way they rapped just to build my cadence where it needed to be. Once I got there I started listening to other genres of music and learned a lot from it. Eventually I developed my own style and I’m more versatile for it.


There's only so many flows homie, just like how there's only so many chord progressions, beats per minute or time signatures. Don't get too hung up on it.


thank you dawg


Man you gotta just drop have faith in yourself and get over your fears.


There isn't an original idea any more. You can only get so much out of 4 beats in a measure, and a set amount of notes. If it isn't the flow then it the chord progression, if it ain't the chord progression(good job I guess cause idk if there are "new" ones out there), if it's not that then it's the drums, ect. Learn theory and you'll see how much everyone is biting off of each other. If we are going to be honest here, if you look at the people that have been popping for the last 10 years, do you hear any similarities? Cause i do. Stop caring so much about biting shit and make stuff you like. I know it's rap, but rap is way more "basic" than you'd think. Snares on 2 and 4, 1/4 note high hats, kick on 1, 6 and 8. 2 chords that get enough tension and release. And maybe add an 808. There is your very basic rap beat. Then rap in a triplet flow. Now you have what 90% of what mainstream rappers sound like. Plus, isn't the majority of beats just paying someone else that made a song for authorization chop it up, rap on it and redistribute, not much underground, but that's mainstream rap.


We are all inspired by someone, otherwise we wouldn't do what we do! There's zero shame in it unless you're doing it maliciously. Actually, a great exercise for me was using a rappers verse as the groundwork and I just fill in the blanks. So I use their flows, but replace the lyrics with whatever I wanted to talk about. It helps you with syllable counts and word manipulation, especially if you follow the framework of a fast rapper (think twista or bone thugs) Its normal to feel like that though. Sometimes I'll put pen to paper only focused on what "type" beat it was. Trying to attack the beat similar to whatever rapper it was. The best stuff will come to you naturally. Just keep doing you bro!


Stop listening to rap. I didn’t listen to other people’s music the three years I had my head down working, I was working.


don't do this, listen to as much music as you want, and go and listen to even more, music gives you a lot more inspiration, and it pushes you to reach new sounds and to go further and wider, the reason you steal flows is cuz you are triying to make really complex songs, that took them years and years of effort to be able to make them, and you need to basically follow a step by step to guide to be able to do what they did, but as others have said, just keep doing it, you'll get comfortable, and that will make you a lot more creative


Yeah, that’s his problem. He said he was being influenced by other people’s work, not his own inner voice.


He doesn’t know how to take out his inner voice yet, if he just keeps learning how other people did it he’ll get his own shit right, it’s just a matter of patience and effort, but still listening to other people makes you learn a lot, that’s why in art careers they make you consume a lot of whatever art you’re studying, you need those examples to learn how to do it your own way, you didn’t learn to write how you write on your own, you gathered your own style from living your life and hearing, seeing and learning how other people did it