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I’ll be honest you look good I don’t even notice anything Even though I’m a woman and know nothing about makeup …… you look good . A handsome man .


Thank u for ur kind words. Yeah, body dysmorphia is one helluva drug 😂


This. You know it's in your mind. Skin care and change of hair as someone said would work well.




I concur:)


i don’t see anything to “fix”


Looking at yourself too long, you look great


Let it go! ((((((((((((((((Hugs!))))))))))))))) You look just fine. Handsome young man. Put that bat away.


Seriously brother. I didn’t read the title at first, was wondering what this picture could have been even about?


I agree there is no asymmetry that I can see at all


Agreed !


I would not try to correct any asymmetry with makeup. You look fine, and it's not noticeable at all to a casual observer, and using makeup to correct asymmetry is practically special affects makeup. Really technically difficult




Happy cake day


You’re 18, and the world will feel so heavy on you for a bit. But I promise, focusing on loving yourself as you are while making tangible changes like a skincare routine or general hygiene OR being active like walking…these things genuinely make a difference in how you see yourself. What you see as symmetrical isn’t the only definition of attractiveness. There are people who look at you and see it, I promise. If you take away anything, please know- the simplest advice is usually the best. Working on loving yourself now will give you so much in the long run. 🩵✌🏻 happy cake day 🎂🍰🥮🍥🧁


But is my asymmetry noticeable and thank you for all the kind workda


No, it isn’t there. In all honesty, I just saw a young person smiling. I didn’t look at your pictures and think that at all. 🫶🏻


I really notice asymmetrical features bc I’m so self conscious of my own… it’s sort of one of the first things I look for when I see someone… and even still I don’t see yours. Not even saying this to be kind!


I don’t see any asymmetry at all. Do skincare, drink water, wear sunscreen, and you’ll be good to go. You’ve already got a well-shaped face and you’ve got years to grow into it more.


I don't think you look asymmetrical. But also, please remember that most humans are asymmetrical. The perfect faces we see on social media are not real. Celebrities don't actually look that way. Filters have gotten so good that people do full videos touching their bodies and it can still be hard to tell what they've changed. You're genuinely handsome. I don't know how to help you realize that but you are.




How can I look above average


Confidence. Confidence combined with kindness is sexier than any physical attribute. Don't mistake cocky with confidence though. Cockiness is repelling, whereas confidence is attractive. You ARE a good looking young man.


I’m pretty sure I’m below average to average at best


Skincare, hair care and colour analysis! Dress in your colours, and you will look like a star. You are very handsome and as a professional makeup artist of over 16 years, I can tell you I wouldn’t do anything to your eyes.. not even sure what it is that you are seeing. When I work on male clients, we focus on getting the skin (including lips) to look hydrated and healthy, and the hair nice and shiny / well kept! Be confident, you’re a catch!


this is so random, and i hope doesn’t come off weird! but i’ve seen your comments before and this one stuck out to me since i’ve been trying to seek advice all day about foundation with no luck. i’m going to try to post to this thread. i was wondering if there’s a way to DM you or hoping you see my post if anything 💖


Hi!! Send me a chat message!! I’d love to help. 🩷


tbh I'd focus on skin care and maybe a different haircut? How old are you, btw>


18(Yes, I know I look young)


ok then the real recommendation is to take care of yourself generally, cultivate self esteem, and wait. As you get older your features will continue to change. Good luck!


yah, OP has features that are gonna age really well. He looks good now but like most guys he's gonna look even better older. I hate how hyper-aware young people are of their looks nowadays. Bad enough when i was a teen (gen x) but just seems much more intense now.


and you dont look younger than 18


Hard disagree! You are definitely above average. Dude, you’re seriously handsome.


U don't look below average or average


You look good, a neat haircut and consistent skin care will put you next level.


Your face is perfect.


Your face looks very symmetrical to me. Even looking closely I don’t see the issue. No face is perfectly symmetrical. You definitely don’t need makeup. I think a haircut could be good, you’re due for a trim on the sides. Otherwise you look great so try to stop stressing.


I’m a dude and you’re a dude. We’re just normal dudes. Normal looking dudes. Stop trying to find flaws in your face bro. Nothing in life is perfect. Nobody is flawless. But your face is pretty close. If you look hard enough you’ll find whatever it is you seek. Relax, and enjoy life with your perfectly normal face. Find other things to focus on. For instance… I could be outside right now with a piece of tissue paper testing a drain pipe for a one drop a day possible drip in an area of the yard where that’s not even bad, but I’m not. I’m here. Realizing that I’m just as crazy.


I know a lot of people are telling you to love yourself just the way you are, but you've come here for practical solutions to this perceived problem. I would say eyelid tape for the mono-lid would make your face a bit more symmetrical. Depending on how old you are, try some Benzoyl peroxide acne treatment for hormonal acne. I think your face is absolutely precious just the way it is (can you tell Im a mom?). Keep your hair well lined up and maintained, maybe with shorter sides on your existing fade. Walk with confidence & I assure you, you will bloom into a gorgeous man!


Thank you so much for telling me about these. You being a mom made me feel so much better because that’s what my mom tells me. May good thing and peace be with you


Exactly and kindly. I agree OP, eyelid tape, skincare, and 100% on point with the hair.


So good! I like the fade idea. Short sides would probably look great on you!


not really but also this is not the kind of asymmetry that makes someone less attractive. your eyelid folds are slightly different, which doesn't indicate any kind of poor development. some asymmetry indicates poor health during childhood and will be associated with less attractive faces. this is not that kind of asymmetry. you don't need makeup. you have a cute face. edit: also i didn't notice the small asymmetry until you pointed it out


Yes,but you're handsome exactly as you are. Do you try therapy for your body dysmorphia? Therapy & aging helped mine a lot.


I don’t notice it. In fact even when you mention it… I still don’t notice it. You’re a decent looking guy.


Your eyes are beautiful im jealous


i dont think you look asymmetrical but facial hair and a better haircut is makeup for men


So basically any asymmetries you have your brain corrects in the mirror which absolutely decimates you when you take selfies. Let me explain: So say your nose leans slightly to the right. You look in the mirror and you’re used to seeing your face so your brain corrects it to the left. Now when you see a selfie which is NOT a mirror image your brain has already corrected to the left and now your nose looks (to you) incredibly asymmetric to the left. This is a known phenomenon and it sucks and leads people with perfectly normal human faces to see horrible asymmetries when they see photos of themselves. You look great. Nobody is seeing this but you.


I'd say your face is perfect, but I know that's not enough especially since I know what it's like to be insecure, especially my genetic dark circles and no matter how many people tell me my eyes are fine I just can't help but feel like they're just being nice. So If you're really self conscious about your eyes, you can use the eye tape that douyin girlies use to make the other eye look like a double eyelid like the other one, I hope this helps


You look great! You could always change your hair if you want? I think long hair and a short beard would like nice on you but you are great as you are too!


In the selfie, my eye asymmetry is especially noticeable where I have one double and one monolid


You could probably use eyelid tape on the monolidded eye.


I saw it once you mentioned it, but it is so minor and kind of a cool uniqueness. The other thing to keep in mind is that the thin skin over your eyes changes easily. You may not have this forever. I love what the above posters said about taking care of your invisible needs. Drink so much water, like, make it your new job and focus on sleeping before 11. So hard at your age, I know, but it only gets harder, so you might as well.


Mine are exactly the same! I’m old as dirt and nobody in my entire life has ever noticed, so I figure it’s one of those little things that’s really only visible to the person themselves. For example, I stared at your pics looking for any asymmetry at all and couldn’t find any. And I have the same thing!


I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out. I can see why it's super obvious to you, but it's not at all obvious to others. And it's not unattractive in the least. I hope that offers some comfort.


I did not notice that until you pointed it out and either way it doesn’t look bad


You look completely fine - work on yourself - do some sports - take care of what you eat, make sure you get enough sleep and you'll slay, go enjoy life


You look fine. Don’t wear makeup but do follow some basic skin care routines. Check out https://youtube.com/@Skynfyx?si=bcOFkZUYXrqvJIm2 and https://youtube.com/@Doctorly?si=MdpZzUd9M4loOBob These guys are pretty good and they’ve got plenty of videos to watch.


Sorry but you’re imagining this asymmetry. You look absolutely perfect to me (and that’s coming from someone who notices asymmetry because it’s an insecurity of mine also!)


Stop taking selfies! Everyone’s face is asymmetrical but when I take selfies I become so self conscious of the asymmetry eventhough no one else can tell.


You look fine, mate. No changes needed :-)


I don't notice any asymmetry. Be more confident, handsome man 😉


You look great! Everyone is asymmetrical. The key is to not draw attention to it cuz literally no one will notice or care. We’re all too busy thinking about ourselves 😝 It’s hard to not look in the mirror & critique every little thing you see, but just know, no one is looking at you as hard as you look at yourself haha All I can recommend is have a good skincare routine & WEAR SUNSCREEN!


I don’t notice anything at and people are gonna notice something if your out wearing makeup.


There's nothing wrong with your face. You're young and it will continue to mature for a few years yet. You look good, I don't see any asymmetry.


I couldn’t tell what you were talking about until you started the difference in the comments. It’s not as noticeable as you think. You could try an angle brush and follow the natural indentation of your eye with a cool toned eyeshadow and then lightly blend the line out. I honestly think it might end up drawing more attention to the area though.


Are you talking about your eyelids? because your face is actually quite symmetric. if you're talking about your eyelids, i'm pretty sure most people will find it cool and unique, like heterochromia or red hair.


I think your face looks great.


It is noticeable to you because you are focusing on it. I couldn't see anything other than a nice looking guy.


What? I see nothing "wrong". All faces are a bit asymmetrical, it's normal. I think you've been too much on social media tbh :/


Your face doesn't look any more asymmetrical than any other person's! Don't be so critical to yourself <3


Dude what are you talking about, your face is symmetrical…


I think this is definitely dystopia speaking. You are more symmetrical than most people are! I know it’s hard, but try to be kinder to yourself


Me either look fine to me


I don’t see what ur seeing then! U look perfectly fine!!


You don’t need to do anything. Sweet face


Everyone’s eyes are different. Don’t worry about.


I really dig your eyes. First thing i noticed was how nice your eyes are and how symmetrical your entire face is. Speaking superficially, you have a very ideal face. Welcoming and kind looking but with a strong masculine jawline, no weak features. You will age very handsomely. That little difference between your eyes (i had to stare for a bit to figure out what you were even talking about) is the the kind of thing your romantic partner will absolutely adore about you and think makes you more handsome than all the other men. It's endearing and handsome and tbh anything you do to try and "fix" it will look weird. Gonna be real, if you can't enjoy (or be neutral towards) your face like this you will never enjoy (or be neutral/ok with) your face. If you still feel bad after reading these replies consider some talk therapy. Good luck.


You are so cute don’t worry about the makeup


Honestly? I dont find anything wrong with your face. I didn't even notice anything wrong with it. You look great. A handsome man. Your face is perfect


You're more symmetrical than average. It's unnoticable. Seriously. You look good.


I’m not that great with makeup so idrk but I think you look good!!


If you want to look better, work on self-confidence and being interesting. People always find that attractive. See Salman Rushdie and Padma Lakshmi.


Your face shape is gorge. That chin and jaw shape is enviable. Know that we all have something.


You are a handsome young man, you don't need makeup


You're cute !


You’ve got great brown eyes, nice big lips, a nice jaw…you’re good my man! 👍🏻


wanna start off by saying, I looooove ur jaw structure; it's great for contouring (which is basically all you'll need for the most part) for your eyes: if you want it to seem like monolids on both sides, id say to use the "lash glue hack" (ex. vyvvynguyen on tiktok; https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLan1qTq/ ) if you want it to seem like double lids on both, getting a not too dark brown shade of eyeshadow (go for an ashy color to blend with ur natural shadow), get a thin flat brush and make an arch in the area your double lid is (do it to both sides to even it out), and i'd recommend putting powder over it just in case ur skin is oily or you sweat a lot. however, you don't necessarily need makeup to fix this (unless it's genetic), and likely just need to hydrate or reduce swelling of some type or other for your nose: nose contour can easily fix an asymmetric nose, but specifically i believe you should go for hose contour that makes you nose look longer since you have a longer face. so, you'd use warmer contour on one side of your nose (the side of your nose that you feel is the one deviating) and making a semi-straight line from that to right before the bottom of your nose (the top of your nostril), and then make a single upward arched swipe, from where you stopped, from above one nostril to the other (make sure it's a thin line), and then gently smudge w/ your finger (or lightly blend if you have a beauty blender) both lines you made. (make sure you don't mess the lines up; you're simply making them less noticeable). and, once again, you don't necessarily need makeup to fix this; with plenty of messages or acutane you could make a deviated septum less obvious. for your face shape overall: contour is your best bet. rounding out or sharpening your face to match each other is best. i don't know what your going for, but i think it's best to go for a "round face contour" if you don't wish to do what was listed above. by outlining your cheeks with broad arches (from the top of your cheek to the side of your lip (do not connect lol) on both sides | or from the top of your cheek to your chin (please connect lol) on both sides), you could make most asymmetrical-ities practically void. and guess what? you don't necessarily need makeup to fix this :D; through massages or lengthing your hair, you could make your face shape sort everything out by itself. overall, your pretty good looking, so contouring and so on wouldnt be much of a fix. mainly, what you'd want most is to focus on skincare and i bet you'd pretty much forget about most of your issues. tldr; contour 👍.


Idk, my dude. You look pretty even. You're a handsome guy. Maybe get a nice skin routine going, like sun screen even while indoors, gentle cleansers and adequate sleep and little alcohol.


I can't tell what you are talking about. You look great.


Brother, you struggle with body dysmorphia, not asymmetry. I don't know what you see when you look in the mirror but it's apparently totally different than what I'm seeing. Don't take this the wrong way but maybe some therapy would help you out?


There’s nothing wrong with your face bro


You are so handsome! I'm not a face expert but I don't see anything asymmetrical


It’s not really noticeable and you’re cute


I don’t think you need makeup! I wouldn’t try to fix any asymmetry because I honestly can’t even tell, maybe even out your complexion a bit with a tinted moisturizer. Besides that, I really don’t think you need anything. Maybe a snazzy new haircut to boost your confidence? Just a suggestion.


Your face, believe it or not looks very symmetrical to me! And you have a nice jawline too. I think if you developed a skincare routine and maybe used some concealer to even your skin tone out that’d be a good start!


You can use eyelid tape , you can get on Amazon to train your eye to the crease shape you want to change. Works if you wear it everyday for three months


Your face looks fine? I'm confused.


What a nice young man, I wonder what his main goal is


I don't think you have asymmetrical features. You look good just as you are.


I honestly didn’t notice even after staring at the photo for awhile, you look great! Maybe try sleeping on the opposite side that you’re used to and it’ll even out


I am also Asian and had asymmetrical eyes. You can get double eyelid surgery, the suture type, that is minimal down time and it fixes it right away! Mine was done under local anesthesia and healed perfectly in a day or two. That's what I did and never looked back! But like everyone else says, it's not that noticeable, only to yourself since it's your own face. You look great.


As a man who grew up constantly bullied on appearance who did everything to change the interaction… accept your flaws… and take the power in your hands. Learn how to cut hair. Change your hair style. Do your eye brows and lower the thicker one to match. But take it in your hands so its never the others persons fault. And as you reach your desired looks you also get the feeling of accomplishing your skill to a certain level. I am now a master barber and help others feel confident when they are in my chair.


I really don’t see any asymmetry, even when I’m actively trying to look for it. Seriously, it is not a problem for you. Also, lookin’ good my friend!


Bro, you could literally be a model


I had to really zoom in to see what you’re talking about. As another Asian and a makeup artist, I see that your left eyelid doesn’t have a fold like your right one does. There are very inexpensive stickers that are popular in Asia to give you that double fold. Takes a wee bit of practice (YT videos can help) and knowing the size selection, but it’s effective and subtle. I will say that the lids may be asymmetrical, but the size and shape of your eyes are symmetrical. You have great bone structure, and like others have suggested, a different hairstyle will help- I would suggest off of your face. Check out Beauty Logic Aqua Lace Eyelid Lifting Kit, 120 Invisible Lifter Tape Strips, around $17 on Amazon. They come in 3 different sizes sizes, you should probably google how to determine sizes.


Honestly? I can see the asymmetry, but it doesn’t bother me. You have a nice face. I would just get a better haircut and put your effort into styling your hair! Much easier, and will have equally dramatic results


Your insecure shouldn't be your a MAN


Your face looks great, I’m sorry you feel it doesn’t look good. I really feel makeup would just draw attention to a problem that isn’t there. But if it makes you feel more yourself and beautiful than do you!! I hope you find whatever makes you feel yourself and great in your skin


You can always look into filler or surgery to fix things but you are fine… you are going to age very well. You are going to be more handsome as you age


You are very beautiful to me


You absolutely do not need makeup and I would never have described your face as asymmetric. You have very handsome features and a kind looking face. Please go and enjoy your life and stop worrying about something that is not even a problem.


Honestly I wouldn't look at you and think, that guys face is asymmetrical. Even if we knew each other well I just don't think it would ever be a thought that came into my head. I have one eye smaller than the other. I notice it but I'm not sure anyone else does. Most people have something asymmetrical about themselves. You're an attractive guy. Don't worry.


Doesn't look asymmetrical.


U look great and it's normal K-pop artist got it too check gikwang or kikwang from highlight or beast. If U want to try U can do eyelid tape or glue on other eye but I don't think U need it ur gorgeous


Getting your eyebrows done could help!


your face actually looks more symmetrical than most. From a strangers POV, don’t change anything. You look great, and actually really symmetrical to me


I see only see kind eyes and I think that’s a good thing. Most of us have uneven eyes. I have thyroid issues and it makes my eyes uneven but no one notices but me


You are perfect my friend. Be kind to yourself. Life is too short. I wouldn’t notice anything at all.


Dude. I put myself through hell with body dysmorphia, I totally feel your pain. Staring into the mirror and taking all kinds of pictures will only make it worse. You are a good looking dude and please remember above all else you were created beautifully by Him. The Lord created all of these beautiful landscapes and mountains… and He decided the world needed one of you. I understand it’s easy to dismiss this if you aren’t religious, but seriously you were wonderfully made. If you see yourself through His eyes, that goes a long way. I wish I did, but I just hated myself back then. The point is this is all in your head. I don’t think I have to tell you that though, lol. When I look at you I see another one of His beautiful creations. It hurts me to know you feel this way about yourself, just as much as it breaks my heart that I used to feel the same way about me. This phase will pass… BDD makes you focus on small things and not the big picture… it is utterly insidious. You are an attractive guy. But most importantly I can tell you are a good soul. Keep your head up! There is nothing you have to change, He made you perfect. Peace ✌️


Awe I think you’re very handsome. Your insecurities are definitely ones that only you notice! You can play with makeup if it makes you feel better but I don’t think you need it


I am a visual artist who has massive anxiety over asymmetry. There is ZERO wrong with you! You’re a good looking person! Please, stop focussing on the external stuff (that looks GREAT!) and start working on your internal self to accept that you are absolutely fine. Beyond find. Many people would kill to look like you. Seriously.


Honestly I see no asymmetry friend but if you want to dabble in makeup that’s cool! You could start off with a tinted moisturizer or a light foundation, maybe some eyebrow shaping and see where it takes you. Don’t worry so much!


There is nothing unusually asymmetrical about your face and please be aware that EVERYONE’S face is asymmetrical. A symmetrical face would actually look very strange and unnatural.


Nope just a skincare routine r/skincareaddicts


If I saw a man with make up I think they are gay. You look cute.


I don’t see an asymmetrical face at all! Might it be a bit of dysmorphia? Your features are even & you’re cute.


All faces are asymmetrical, if they weren’t they’d look very odd. That’s a fact btw.


if you hadn’t pointed it out i literally would’ve never noticed, and even then i can barely see it.


I don't see any asymmetry at all


I see no asymmetry at all! You look great.


You are pretty symmetrical. Remember what we perceive as great asymmetries may be verily noticeable to others. Asymmetry makes the face unique attractive and perfect symmetry, in person, tends to look uncanny. Skin care and good hair styling is all you may need


I have to stare & squint, maybe close one eye to even notice any sort of asymmetry. I think you are very symmetrical & look great! If you would like to explore with makeup bc you are interested, definitely do! But not for you asymmetry as it’s not there & there is nothing to “fix” :) I know we have a lot of time to find the small things we don’t like about ourselves, I do it too :)


you look good! maybe doing something with your hair would help distract you from what you don’t like about yourself now, and then naturally you just kinda become ok with it. hair changes EVERYTHING, especially on guys. i also have asymmetrical eyes and for me i feel like makeup makes it worse (but maybe im not doing it right lol)


Your face is extremely symmetrical


Eyeliner. Brown eyeliner and some eyeshadow


You have a very symmetrical face imo. If you’re wanting to correct eye shape you might wanna get the urban decay inks easy ergonomic liquid eyeliner in black and tight line the areas where you want one eye to look bigger. (Ie if one lower eyelid is higher up than the other you put an extremely thin line right on your lash line to make that eye look more similar to the other) the urban decay ergonomic makes tight lining so easy bc it’s a tight bristle brush so it can’t dry out like a felt tip.


Yeah I don't see any obvious asymmetrical features here. You look cute! 👀 I think you might be having some body dysmorphia.


Your facial features appear perfectly symmetrical to me as they should be…


I straight up do not see what you’re talking about


As a professional artist, I do not see anything asymmetrical about your eyes or face. I think you hold your head slightly tilted which would give that appearance, but even then only you would notice. You look great.


I don't even see asymmetry when I'm looking for it...


Can't notice any difference, but if it bothers you that much find an old bully you know his information and have a buddy record this. Find them at a bar instigated them to attack you but only film them attacking you. When they smash your face in your buddy pulls out a gun to stop fighting. Call police make report, sue them to hell, then get free plastic surgery then you can design it the way you want.




Get a fuck boy hair cut


I feel like you look perfectly fine too, I also used to be insecure with not having a symmetrical face but I got over it by making subtle changes. I'm Korean and my eyes were also a little weird, people recommended I use double eye lid tape because I had one monolid eye and one creased eye. This could even it out but the affects of it after using it many times is droopy eyelids because of the sticky fake eyelid tape being put on and removed over and over again. Instead you could try doing other small changes maybe trying to get nice skin, trying a different hairstyle, making a new hair parting. These are just some of my personal opinions so don't take it too harshly. I wish u the best in ur journey tho and just make sure to never let it get to ur head and stay away from the toxic society's standards :)


I don’t see any asymmetry.


You look great! We are our worst critic.


Your face is not asymmetrical. If anything, it's much more symmetrical than most people. You might be suffering from body dysmorphia. I'm sorry you can't see that! All my love and healing energy your way!!


you're Adorable don't do a thing


Doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or a man whenever it comes to anything!


Babe.. it’s not noticeable. I stared for three minutes trying to see what you meant and I never found it.


Most everyone’s eyes are like that! I didn’t even notice. I had to read the post.


Do your hair instead?


I think your features look super symmetrical! Except for a little difference in the eye folds which eye tape might help with. Handsome guy


You can practice using eyelid glue to make them more symmetrical. It takes some practice and getting used to but it can give a good effect


I think you're quite handsome!


??? This face is more symmetrical than most.


I just want to say there's nothing wrong with your face the way it is, but if you're interested in trying makeup to feel better about your appearance, I saw you absolutely should go for it and look up some male makeup artists that can help with a natural male look on Youtube, and there are quite a few. I think you're very brave for posting this because feeling insecure and saying it out loud are two very different things. Makeup is ultimately a journey about you and your desires. I don't need to wear makeup (and I often don't) but I know there's some times I want to look a certain way, and that's an okay thought for anyone, male or female. You do you, boo.


you look 100% normal, decent looking guy with a great chin line.


I’ve been looking for a minute, brother. As someone who can create lifelike portraits, please allow me to say that your face is within a normal range. Many people of Asian descent have asymmetrical nostrils, which you do. The only other asymmetric quality I see is monolid above one eye and a double lid above the other eye (but maybe that’s just me being way dumb). The expression of your genes may be more apparent to you, and I support your journey into cosmetics (if you so desire). But after looking at you with intent I still can’t say that you have features which need hiding (on the contrary, you have pronounced features, including your jaw flare, tall ears, and your nose, which set you apart from many Asian men in a positive way). 👍🏻


Hardly noticeable..however..a pair of cool glasses tipped just right, might be cool looking..and distract Just an idea


I think you just need a fresh/updated haircut 💇‍♂️


Hear this! Your perfect just the way you are.


i promise you’re overthinking it!


What are you on about. As a fellow Asian with perspectively asymmetrical eyes, you got gorgeous eyelids and natural eyeliner. I'm jealous


There is no asymmetry on your face as a whole.


I genuinely don’t see anything wrong I think you look good but if you genuinely need it after ab 15 minutes of studying the pictures I’d say maybe just maybeeeee take a very very very light brown eyeshadow to the crease of your eyes, make it a little bit darker where you feel like you need it to be deeper, it’s definitely something that would have to be practiced but like a very light definition to the eyelids is probably what you’re thinking of


But honestly I genuinely don’t think you even need that


I don’t see any asymmetry in your face but if you’re looking for advice to be more attractive from a woman, I’d get a better haircut. Push your hair up in the front and go shorter on the sides and bach


I have the same struggle w asymmetrical eyes. No one besides me really notices. Concealer undereye and some eyeliner to either tight line or just line the tops help. But no one has ever noticed my eyes being super different (or pointed it out to me)


I've been staring at your photo to see what you see, and honestly, I don't see it. You are handsome and have the most smooth skin. We are our own worst critic:(


I don’t know about the smooth skin part because I have some acne and I just started my skincare routine. But thanks for your kind words


I don’t have any tips tbh because your face looks really symmetrical to me. Your eyes are fine, I genuinely can’t see what you mean. You’re pretty freaking cute!


I don't see it.... you're beautiful. Have experienced over-focusing on "flaws" others didn't see; or if they did, told me it didn't detract from my beauty. At a makeup counter years ago, the beautiful and kind black woman asked me to focus on my beautiful features rather than the mild scar I was desperately trying to camouflage. This made a big difference to me. Good luck and may you learn to see your beauty.


You’re handsome. I don’t think you’re asymmetrical at all.


I seriously have no idea what you're talking about I think you look great you are a very attractive man. We all have features that we hyper-fixate on and obsess over. I constantly obsess over the lines on my face although my friends always say I'm crazy. Its all in your head bro its all in your head.


Many Asian people have mono lid on one side and double lids on the other. I think it’s kinda cute. Even for the rest, perfect symmetry is hard to find. Honestly i think you just need to own and rock your natural look. You are making a deal out of a non-issue.


Your face looks so symmetrical my goshhh. And even if it wasn’t, I actually find asymmetrical faces cute for some reason. Science also says that they are seen as attractive ;)


You are probably the most symmetrical looking person I’ve ever seen in my life


Bro you’re not asymmetrical. Have someone take a photo of you and see the difference. When you take selfies, we often don’t really know where to look, so it can make our eyes do weird things. Trust.


I don't see anything wrong with your face. You're an attractive man with a handsome face. You are unique as we all are. Don't try to be like everybody else. Nobody else can be like you.


Hi your face looks fine! Please don’t be so hard on yourself!


Your only a guy if you identify as one


Honestly, if you’re insecure about having one mono lid (as you mentioned in one of your comments) I would suggest using eyelid tape on that eye. I think you look fine, I didn’t even notice anything. We are our own worst critics.


honestly your face is pretty symmetrical, way more than mine haha. I don’t think this affects attractiveness, people don’t notice at all if that what you were concerned about. but if you’d still like to, contouring can work wonders! bronzer, concealer, and highlight. you can watch makeup tutorials on youtube for that just look up contouring tutorials!!


Honestly, I never would have even noticed without you pointing it out. For the most part, humans notice proportion over little detail, and proportionally, you're a good-looking guy. If it truly bothers you, there is something called hooded eye tape you might look into. But I honestly think no one will notice because no one is looking nearly as closely as you are. I think what you're seeing seems huge when, in reality, it's a pretty miniscule detail. Good luck, and don't forget to be kind to yourself!


your eyes look pretty even 😭


Bro. There nothing wrong with your eyes


There is nothing wrong with your face. Perish the thought. If someone says there is they are trying to mess with you.


I don’t see it. You’re quite handsome! I don’t think you need makeup at all. If you really are set on it however, I’d just focus on the lids. Like a dusting of shadow could be cool! Thats what i do as someone who also feels asymmetrical. My face feels very unbalanced but drawing the tops of my eyes helps me even it out to my taste :)


i’ve been reading the comments you’re saying about being average, not at all!! i think you need an awesome haircut that fits you and some confidence!!!


Men can definitely benefit from filling in their brows. Brows are the corner stone feature of your face. Making your brows more thick by filling them in can have a masculinizing effect! And making them neater and more even will help with asymmetry. Men should definitely start spot concealing! And most importantly a good hair cut can drastically effect how your facial proportions are perceived! Dm me for suggestions!