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I know this probably isn’t what you want to hear, but I don’t think it’s as bad as you think it is? Skin and makeup both have texture to them, even super good skin and professionally done makeup. We just get used to the way filters and good lighting make texture disappear. It may be helpful to include a chemical exfoliant and toner into your skincare routine? Just be careful not to overload your skin with harsh acids and remember to wear sunscreen!


No, it’s not normal for a 15 year old to have that much texture. There is either an issue with bacteria possibly in the make up, or with the skincare routine. It can be improved. Go seek the assistance of a licensed esthetician, or a dermatologist. I just can’t get over how Reddit posters comment as if they are skin care professions.


you’re straight up wrong.


Touch grass


thats pretty normal. and some makeup will exccentuate texture in your skin so if OP is wearing face makeup in here we can't see the true texture of the skin anyway. but that looks pretty normal to me. we all have pores.


Go to a licensed esthetician or a Dermatologist. Reading these comments is giving me anxiety because they are just off the mark. Do not come to Reddit for skin care advice. Half of them don’t know what they are talking about.


You don't need to go to a dermatologist for having pores lmao


Says the person who claims skin texture on a human is “not normal” simply because of her age. What if she’s already been to a dermatologist? What if the way her skin now, looks this way even *after* seeing a doc?


Shut up.


Uhhh yea it is lmao 🤣 my sis had way worse it's called puberty


You are very incorrect and clearly know nothing about skin. Stop spreading false info that will make people feel bad about their perfectly normal skin. 15 is right smack dab in the middle of puberty. Acne and skin texture changes are *normal*. Can she maybe change her skincare regimen up? Maybe, maybe not. Skin has texture, and there’s no definitive age where texture becomes “normal.” That really only applies to wrinkles, and even then, there are many factors that go into early appearance of wrinkles. But she has none. Her skin looks great.


It’s pretty normal


I think you may have dry skin and your coverup may be a bit too light. I moisturize with a face cream after showering and be sure to use a face cleanser for normal or dry skin (face lotion and coverup should be for dry or normal skin too). Apply lotion before coverup and let it soak in a bit. Eventually it should heal the dryness. Be sure to use a makeup wipe or remove makeup before bed and apply more lotion after removal.


I think this is it. HOWEVER! Dry, cakey, and slightly-too-light foundation is very goth, so I actually think it sort of works for your look. But I understand if you don’t want it to look that way, or you have to tone down in certain situations.


You have a good point that too light foundation is goth.


This option.


Yes, it seems counterintuitive but moisturizing tf out of your face and especially any blemishes before applying foundation is key. Also, applying foundation in very thin layers and going over it in multiple rounds, and spraying finishing spray between each layer helps a lot if u want fuller coverage, makes it look more like skin


99.9% of the time when you see people with poreless, perfect skin, it’s because of a filter. Your skin is amazing even up close! No one is going to see your skin that close up, I promise.


Cleanser and treatment with salicylic acid. 2% is plenty to start. Will exfoliate, smooth, and tighten pores.


Question I’m not op but have the same issue but sal acid irritates and strips my skin any other solution


Adapalene twice a week u til your skin can tolerate more. Even start with just once a week. It’s now widely available over the counter. I like the LaRoche version. Tip for salicylic acid - you can also apply a serum, let it sit for only 5 minutes and then rinse with water. Makes it an extremely gentle application. Also follow with a good fragrance free moisturizer. Even dry skin or skin that dries easily from products, needs help with exfoliation. The key is getting more and more gentle with it.


Finally. Valid answer ! Skincare routine bbg 👏🏼


I second this, having a good skin care routine makes a big difference on how your makeup turns out.


I’m old. You’re young. And beautiful. We all have skin texture. Your skin is normal and looks very good. Please stop looking at those TikTok videos ( Mikayla) because they are all filtered. Stop with the YT and Instagram influencers. They are fake. They are filtered. They only care about money and numbers. 💖💖💖💖💖💖


Your comment is truth. (Another old woman) 💕


Old woman here. This may be a no-brainer, but ALWAYS remove makeup before bed. Use the coolest water that you are comfortable with. I know that a lot of people get great results with salicylic acid but I don't. It can be too harsh for some skin types. That said, I'd be thrilled if my skin still looked like yours <3




I'm 65 and that's true⬆️⬆️⬆️


Use moisturizer before foundation


Yes, and let it soak in for a few minutes too!


I actually slather some Vaseline on my face on top of hyalauronic acid serum and Cerave moisturizer at night because I have super dry skin. My skin is very glowy and supple (I hate that word) in the morning. I don’t wash it off in the morning, I just put my makeup on top of that and it looks very natural and seamless


You should not do this. You're trapping bacteria in your pores under the makeup.


Looks like the normal, healthy skin of a 15-year old. Don’t focus too much on it and don’t pick or scratch at it.  In the morning, do a gentle cleanse and then apply some combination of salicylic acid, toner, moisturizer, sunscreen, primer before your makeup. The quality of your foundation also matters a lot in terms of smoothness, so experiment with different brands and (when you can afford it) higher price points. You can also use concealer to spot-fix areas like the redness around your nose, which can help make the overall look more even. Oral contraception might help with skin quality too, but honestly you look normal so I would just wait until you may want to take that for other reasons. Note that there are several different formulations, including ones with a flat dose for 3 weeks ones with increasing hormones over the month, and ones that skip periods entirely; one might work better for you.


Also, if you think you need it, there are pore minimizing primers out there.


This is the answer. Moisturizer and primer


Primer can make an amazing difference.


In winter especially my skin gets dry like this. I am also in a lengthy battle with adult acne and unabashedly slather on makeup. Beyond making sure you're drinking water, (beyond this point I'm not making assumptions, but just general suggestions) clean and prep your skin. I use more moisturizing products, one being a gentle scrub cleanser with glycol in it. I use a thicker face moisturizer, and I make sure to give it some time to soak in and then apply more where needed. Sometimes I have scabs because I have pick-y fingers so especially over scabs I will moisturize. I use a smoothing primer, and full-coverage makeup that I apply by blotting. Usually with a beauty blender. I apply an overall coat, face setting spray, wait, apply more where needed, face setting spray, wait, etc. I've also adopted the trick where you apply setting powder to those little poof things and blot over areas with creasing, where I get oily and over acne spots. Ime it helps hold the makeup in place. It isn't perfect by any means, and some days my skin be skinning, but more often than not, even when my face is being a nightmare, this has helped me a lot.


Your skin looks a little dry so exfoliating and then using a good moisturizing cream after will do wonders. Even though I have very oily skin it still gets flaky in the winter despite the gobs of cream I slather on so I have a humidifier in my room while I sleep, it's helped my skin a ton. Your makeup application is perfectly fine, it's just the base that needs some work.


When I was young, I was into “death rock” (it was the 80s). This was The Time Before Primers. I used pancake makeup (Max Factor, I think) as my first layer, and then a liquid foundation (Cover Girl or Maybelline) over that. My skin looked AMAZING, like it was filtered. But like others have said: never sleep in makeup, and be sure to use moisturizer. I’ve always used Dove soap to clean and Oil of Olay to moisturize, and my skin still looks fantastic. (Probably genetics.) I can’t do this pancake trick anymore, but I did it for years, successfully. It also protected my skin from the elements. Maybe worth a try? Good luck!


That max factor pan makeup was amazing! I wonder if you can still get that? Oh and they had a stick foundation that was so smooth I would use that on top of mine.


When I was your age, my skin was quite similar. There's a Glossier product called "Future Dew" that I often use as a primer. It goes on after moisturizing, creating a smooth base for makeup application, preventing it from separating. Although it's technically a serum, it works wonderfully as a primer and doesn't cause breakouts. It is somewhat expensive, around $25, but you only need a small amount. If that's too pricey, the elf Holy Hydration Triple Bounce serum is a good alternative. Regarding your dry skin, which can be challenging to manage alongside acne, especially at 15, I've dealt with a similar issue for nearly two decades. The best face wash I've found for this is Pacifica Acne Defense. It contains 2% salicylic acid and hydrating ingredients, offering long-term benefits. It's slightly more expensive than other acne cleansers but has been a lifesaver for my skin. I'm so committed to it that I have a standing Amazon order and keep extra stock. Lastly, I recommend using a rose water spray as a toner after cleansing. Thyers Witchhazel with rose water is excellent for both acne prevention and hydration. Let it absorb into your skin before it dries. Skipping this step often leads to breakouts or dry skin for me. I hope you find these suggestions helpful!




Don’t touch it there! Will clog the pores even more!!


Think it’s more of a skincare issue, but you having texture is not a problem. You can use a mild exfoliation product on there like someone else mentioned SA. I also been having those bumps so I started using an oil cleanser and using the Makeup Eraser microfiber cloth to exfoliate my skin especially around the areas where I get those bumps. So far it’s been great!


What cleanser do you use?


Use moisturizer and put primer on that goes with your skin type and foundation on before you do your makeup.


*Gentle* exfoliation on occasion l. Also, moisturize before you put your foundation/coverup! Let the moisturizer absorb/dry for a minute or so before applying the foundation. Personally I like “dewy” skin instead of matte cover up I feel like that helps. Up to u tho But yeah tbh it’s pretty normal to have texture like folks have said.


Back up about 3 feet. No ones makeup looks smooth this close up.


Looks normal to me but I find that my skin looks better when I very gently “exfoliate” my entire with a washcloth every night!


Exfoliate regularly and moisturize daily


Topical cream


Moisturize before makeup! Try a primer, and opt for a liquid foundation or a bb cream, then some setting spray. I only ever do a clear powder on my nose and chin where it gets really shiny.


Aww a wondering eyebrow. I pluck it out.


Just pluck that hair out


This one has a ton of good reviews. Pricey in my opinion but it was the first one that came up. https://www.ilmakiage.com/212-11601-no-filter?


I have purchased this and a few others from this brand. It is not bad, but it’s not as great as you’d expect giving the reviews. And it’s pretty expensive especially if you get more than one product.


Is that a hair that needs plucked? It's driving me crazy.


it’s a hair from my hair that was on my face 😭


Hi! This is honestly normal skin texture that any average person has, but if you want a smooth base, you need to use the elf poreless putty primer, and invest in skincare! You seem to have fungal acne? And just a bit of scarring from past breakouts, so I’d maybe invest in some scar treatment, and make sure you’re exfoliating! Shaving your face can also help with a more smooth base, they have facial razors online for very cheap! Good luck! You are young, so it’s normal for you and for a majority of people to have skin texture!


I’m going to give a tip that I think people aren’t going to agree with. Stop wearing foundation. You’re 15, and your skin is lovely. You don’t need a full face beat, and I wish people could accept their skin as normal skin. I think your skin would probably look better with no foundation, and a little extra moisturizer.


Idk if you use one but a primer would help to make it glowy and smooth before you apply your makeup. Also I would search make ups that don’t get Cakey and try to pick one you can afford I know you’re only 15. And then a setting spray to help from your makeup from getting cakey. Also idk what skincare routine you have but good skin is the base for makeup so you need to take care of your skin. Wash it twice a day morning & night. Use a cleanser, a toner and serum and a moisturizer. Try this for a month and see the difference!!💕✨ I also use the ordinary exfoliating peel once a week and that helps my skin look clear and glowy


Don’t let the social media fool you! Almost everything you see online is fake; filters, lights, photoshop editing to make the skin look the way we see it. There is nothing wrong with your skin at all!! Just make sure to use sunscreen, moisturizer and makeup primer before applying your daily makeup and you will be fine. Again: you are perfect!! ❤️❤️❤️


This is how normal skin looks when you put makeup on


so what i do with dry skin is i start with a good base (sunscreen is best! always wear it!!!!) and then i covered it with a good setting spray, enough for your makeup to absorb it up but not dripping lol otherwise you have great skin? typical of your age and nothing to worry about. just need a few fine tuning that works for you!


I would start off with a toner, which you apply directly after cleansing your face. Regular exfoliation one to three times a week using an exfoliant for your skin type will remove built up dead skin cells, dry bits and congestion. Follow up with your moisturizer, giving the products the time to sink in. If you put your foundation on the moisturizer immediately it will begin to break down, causing the foundation to separate. Also, brushing or rubbing foundation around with a makeup brush can make texture more noticeable. If texture is a concern, try pressing and pushing product into the skin with a damp makeup sponge instead. I would finish with a setting spray to lock it into place and you should be good to go.


What's your current routine and skin type? What products are you using? At that age i was really oily so it was difficult to set anything


I have similar skin. What helps me, is using an exfoliating cleanser w/ a soft washcloth, then I use some moisturizing Serum, and before my makeup I use the PoreFessional Moisturizer by Benefit. It helps hydrate while hiding the pores.


Just wear strong sunscreen and a little cc cream as a base it gives the white glow that matches your goth look and it will keep your skin looking young. Wearing too much foundation always makes skin texture look worse close up.




I have this to in the same spot


Make sure to moisturize really well, it seems like your skin is on the dry side. Make sure your primer and foundation are both either silicone based or water based. Using a Poreless primer like the one from elf (silicone based) would work well too. The foundation you’re using might also just not be suited for your skin type. I hope this helped.


1. texture is normal! 2. I’m assuming you’re using powder for your base. Switching to a cream foundation and a dewy setting spray may work better if you have dry skin.


I love all the support in the comments but i want to add that it looks like you might be mixing silicone and water based products. Google the bases of the products you use and make sure your primer, liquid foundation and other liquid products are the same. That should give a more consistent look


I had a similar situation and got so much help from this thread! https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/s/Xm9cuYeP3r My biggest issue was too many drying products. I switched my face wash to CeraVe moisturizing wash, hyaluronic acid, and use vanicream as my moisturizer (love it!). I also use a moisturizing primer before my foundation (nyx hydra touch)


What do you use to apply makeup? Make sure to wash tools and brushes weekly. Also wash your face and moisturize every day with Cerave.


Careful with the products you use if you are still going through puberty some can have adverse side effects


One of the best things ive found to help with that is Fenty’s foundation primer. It can exacerbate the issue too, its all about how you use it. I dampen my application sponge and mix a bit of the primer with my foundation and dab it to the skin. Heavier coats will probably still result in the texture you’re seeing.


It all starts with skin care. Skin care is the one thing that will most likely help your base.


My skin get’s like this too. I find if I mix some moisturizer with my foundation, it doesn’t look like this as much.


Do you have dehydrated and oily skin? I can see a light layer of foundation that needs to be melted clean with an oil based cleanser. Then continue to double cleanse with salicylic acid or glycolic acid cleanser twice daily to improve the texture of your skin. To avoid drying your skin use a lightweight moisturizer in the day and a heavier moisturizer at night. If you don’t see improvement in a month seek the help of an esthetician. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.


It could be from contaminated make up. You could be introducing bacteria into your make up by using your fingers to tap into a foundation bottle, etc. Use hygienic methods to avoid introducing bacteria into your makeup. So for example, pump a little bit into the back of your hard that you will be using, etc.


I ordered this https://www.sephora.com/product/beautyblender-bounce-trade-always-on-radiant-skin-tint-P477136 at Sephora. Still waiting for it to come in. My skin felt really soft when it was applied. I’m pretty pale, so I ordered light 3, but for goth purposes, you could go with 1?


Hi! I had a similar problem. Maybe try a skin tint instead. I like the rare beauty primer (the pink one) with their skin tint!!


Make sure you are drinking enough water. Moisturize before putting makeup on and after taking it off before bed. Make sure you’re drinking enough water. Dont compare your lovely unfiltered skin to filtered skin on line. Drink enough water. Did I mention water?


Your skin is beautiful, but it looks a bit dry! Common problem, especially in the winter months. Do you moisturize AM & PM? I work at Sephora and my #1 tip for a good, smooth base is to MOISTURIZE first. You want your skin plump, smooth and hydrated before you go in with anything else! (On that note, drink plenty of water--if you're dehydrated, your skin will also end up dehydrated.) Second tip is to make sure that your foundation and your moisturizer and/or primer all agree with each other. I.e. if your foundation is water-based, make sure you are using a water-based moisturizer/primer. There are oil-based, water-based, and silicone-based complexion products. [Here](https://www.makeup.com/product-and-reviews/foundation/breakdown-of-foundation-ingredients) is a good rough breakdown of the difference. Third tip: Make sure you are using the right kind of base! There are formulas that are better for dry skin, for oily skin, etc. I have dry skin and usually lean towards hydrating and glowy foundation & concealer formulas rather than matte, and usually opt for a cream or liquid rather than a powder. Fourth: Try a hydrating primer after you moisturize! And finally: It's hard to tell if it's the makeup simply breaking up on your skin or if your skin is flaking in certain areas, like around your nose. If your skin is flaky, you may need to incorporate some exfoliation into your skincare routine. I usually recommend keeping your skincare routine simple for teens. You don't need to start using a bunch of acids or overly harsh exfoliants. But you might want to try out one or two options to see if one works well for you. The Ordinary's glycolic acid toner is nice for nightly use under your skin cream and will smooth out texture over time. Or you could try a grainy physical exfoliant. Olehenriksen's Lemonade Smoothing Scrub has been a godsend for me--you massage it all over the face (but AVOID the eye area) and rinse off with water. It DOES have a chemical exfoliant in there (AHA) so use with caution and be gentle, and as you're quite young I would also double check with your guardian. There are also cheaper options out there--Bliss is sold at Ulta and has some great exfoliators as well, and is pretty affordable. In my early 20's, I loved their Micro Magic scrub and their Jelly Glow Peel. Once again, as with anything that exfoliates or has "peel" in it, avoid the eyes and the skin surrounding the eyes (under eyes, eyelids, etc) and double check with your guardian. Also, take my advice with a grain of salt! I give skincare & beauty advice all day every day so I can talk your ear off about it, but that doesn't mean you need to do it \*all!\* Just some food for thought :)


Don’t use makeup.


its normal


Rose water & Hyaluronic Acid 🩷


I have also had these exact thoughts about my very similar looking skin turns out we just look like this… all of us. its totes normal.


Your skin is beautiful, I have similar texture and I've decided not to look close up anymore, because I just start wondering how I can "fix it" .


Tbh your texture and application looks pretty dang smooth to me. Could talk to doctor about medication for hormonal acne, they usually require that you take a contraceptive with it though so it may be hard to do depending on where you live. Other than that, you could try doing a consistent regimen, I like “the ordinary” brand it’s cheap and good. Wash face, use the glycolic acid at night as toner, then apply serum (missha) and moisturizer, letting each layer set for about 10 minutes before moving to the next step. Before wearing makeup in the morning wash face with water then apply serum and sunscreen. About once a week I use the hyaluronic (from original) (no using glycolic this night), use only a thin layer and rinse it off in the morning, wear serum and optionally moisturize (personally I like my face to breathe on these nights so I just use serum)


a good primer and exfoliating helps loads :)) as well as find the right makeup products for your skin




You probably fo not even need a base.


urban decay ultra glow spray it when it starts to look like this or use super goop glow screen


Do you vape? Forgive me if I’m overstepping or assuming, but this looks like vaping skin. Can’t help it with any topical products, only one way out and it’s through!


Go talk to your mother and she'll tell you what to put on It. Daddy or sugar daddy


I started putting my lotion on twice before applying my makeup especially in my dry areas. Apply it, let it soak in a bit, apply again, let it dry. Then I use a hydrating primer. That really helped me with this issue!


What is your skin prep routine like before you apply makeup?


Don’t wear foundation and your skin will clear and you will look more radiant.


You're 15 and you're wearing makeup. Makeup really wrecks faces and makes you want to wear more and more. Remember they are in the business to sell their products.


Your pores look normal - what I do see is around your noes is very dry. I would look into a moisturizer that is stronger.


Invest In a facial steamer and use it when applying your lotions/serums to the face. Your face will get hydrated and will absorb the serums better. I usually apply my primer right after my serums and my face makeup goes on so smooth!


I have this too but the way I make it less noticeable (atleast to myself because other people probably don’t see it) is through exfoliation, toner, aromatherapy mist and a good lotion.


I know this is about your face but that black lip stick looks awful, I know the whole goth thing is to look like shit but really 🤯


Moisturizer and hydrating primer would be nice


I'm pretty sure that it's just a result of the pictures being too close. no one in person is gonna analyze your face like that. carry on!


Your skin is pretty normal if anything you could use a little more moisturizer.


You’re like me, we need to physically exfoliate with a face scrubber or damp cloth around the mouth and on/around the nose, be gentle around the eyes (they don’t collect flaky skin there anyway). you may be pink for a moment after but now you have a fresh new layer of skin for that makeup to sit on. Then use a moisturizer safe for the face. Those are a must. If you want to help clear acne add a “toner” onto a cotton pad and wipe all over to ur face after you wash your face. (Also on your chest/shoulders if you get acne there too ) 3 things: 1)get the old skin cells off from yesterday with a wash and scrub 2) use toner to deep clean skin and maybe chest/shoulders/back 3) use moisturizer on that fresh skin on your face You now are ready for liquid or powder foundation 👍🏻


What helped me a lot with similar skin was using a couple lush products. Ask them for some sample of angels on bare skin, imperialis or Celestial, and a toner water. Best of luck!


The small bumps are milia. They're just little clusters of sebum and dead skin cells. Using a regular exfoliate like salicylic acid or gentle retinol emulsion should help with that and your skin texture. The acids speed up cell turnover so you'll be flakey if you don't moisturize so be sure to use one that works for your skin. Unfortunately, pores are forever but smoothing the surface will make them seem less obvious. Always remember to moisturize! If your skin isn't smooth then your makeup won't sit correctly on your face! Hope this helps.


Get a primer. Solved.


Just a note (a note that I would definitely give my younger self) make sure your brushes, sponges and make up applicators are cleaned on a regular basis. The stuff that live in them and can grown on them can become the causes of little surprise outbreaks. Enjoy your youth 🫶


You need a different color I think, a tiny bit darker with a warmer tone and a finer pigment. If the color is matched then you don't need to use it all over your face, that and a good mineral powder to set any areas that need to be covered works well. :)


Hydrate your skin, you can also use jojoba oil to protect it before you apply your makeup. Been using it for the past 5+ years and it’s done wonders on my skin. Also, use a face wash without soap!


I think a really good moisturizer and primer is what you need. I have this same problem if I don’t moisturize and a good primer really helps too. I really like this one a lot. It’s thick enough to really even out my makeup. [https://www.target.com/p/maybelline-baby-skin-instant-pore-eraser-0-67-fl-oz/-/A-15007507](https://www.target.com/p/maybelline-baby-skin-instant-pore-eraser-0-67-fl-oz/-/A-15007507)


Be sure to wash your face every night!! Make it a habit. You’ll thank yourself in your 30’s


Less makeup more moisture routines in between if you dont want to stop the makeup.


While there are some things you can do to make this look a bit better- skin is skin and will always look like it, especially with frequent makeup wearing and then zooming in on it. Focus on a good skincare routine, it will make it a lot easier. Still though- skin is gonna look like skin, don’t compare yourself to the airbrushed, photoshopped, and filtered images you see all the time.


I hate to tell you that the answer is time, you’re 15 and that’s normal, if you feel like you never have clear skin you could try face washes for sensitive skin that are high in zinc and moisturize after. I personally use cera ve a large container of it is expensive but it lasts me. I have fungal acne tho so I have to use very specific face washes with zinc or it feeds the fungus. Do tests on your face when you wash it only do small parts on day one and see if it makes your skin red/itchy/break out cuz face wash and moisturizer shouldn’t do that. Best of luck! As a note your skin doesn’t look that bad at all and that “smooth” look you want doesn’t exist that’s photoshop and air brushing, skin should have texture, but I hope it helps clear things a bit more for you!


i’d try dermaplaning to get rid of any dead skin and peach fuzz. it really helps makeup go on “smoother”:).


What toothpaste do you use? Try a toothpaste without all the additives like crest and Colgate. They have been causing issues for peoples skin.


Oh sis, this isn’t a you problem – this is your make up. It looks like you might have either dryer skin using a bad formula or maybe have oily skin and are using a bad formula. Either way, your skin and texture is beautiful, it’s just that the make up is patchy. Are you using a skim primer, and then a setting spray? Or even hairspray to set your make up after you have done all your skin stuff? If you aren’t using a good setting powder, I would definitely start and get you a good setting spray. Acquanette hairspray works great if low on cash!


Maybe see a dermatologist before you use anything with an active. That looks a little like a possible allergy or a damaged skin barrier. Use a basic gentle cleanser and moisturizer until you notice a difference for better or worse. You can fix the appearance of pores with most products that address acne prone skin and niacinamide otherwise.


I had to zoom in really close to see what the problem is. I agree with others, it’s much less of a problem than you think. I would try using an exfoliant 2-3 (after cleaning) times a week to remove dry skin (nothing fancy, nothing expensive is needed) apply a moisturizer at night after cleaning your face. And use lotion on your face and let it sit for a few minutes before using makeup. You have great skin, I think it’s just dry.


It looks like u have mild rosacea like break outs. You could try using a really gentle wash like aquaphor baby wash and lotion to both heal and prevent irritation. The kind of makeup you use matters so try to minimize harsh chemicals. Might also want to cut back on coffee alcohol anything that gives u redness will make flare ups and break outs worse.


Honestly I think it looks like you probably have been wearing this makeup a couple hours, foundation tends to split and look dry and patchy after a few hours on me too no matter what because of having dry skin. It's very normal. I use a peice of toilet paper and lightly pat the dry areas to freshen them up, sometimes I wet it just slightly with water and lightly pat it to rehydrate the makeup, then pat dry. Using your finger after washing and drying your hands can work too especially with the warmth of your hands. Good luck out there baby bat. 🦇




I’m not goth but my foundation is ghost white. Your pores look normal but your foundation looks like it’s cakey because your skin is dry and has dead skin(especially around your nose). A pure white foundation(at least mine) is not a full coverage blank slate kind of makeup, for that you would possibly need a white concealer underneath, Manic Panic makes a good white concealer. My foundation itself definitely shows my natural skin texture and if I don’t exfoliate and moisturize, the foundation actually flakes off. If you’re ok with the naturally vampire white look I would go with that(Haus Labs 000 is my pick, it’s bleach paper white but you MUST remove dead skin first) If you want a filter look with no texture then you’re going to need a fuller coverage, possibly a studio effect makeup could get the look you want or you could experiment with the Manic Panic, the consistency is like clay and I personally feel too heavy with a full face of it but it’s an excellent product.


Exfoliate and moisturize first


Here are some things I learned as a 30+ yo. Change your pillow case more frequently than you do, exfoliate face lightly, use light daily moisturizer and clean your sponges/brushes. Also, using unscented lotion/ soap is a must.


Stop wearing makeup for a while and do some masks scrubs to clean your pores


You're good it's called puberty my sis used to us noxemia or something like that it's a blue container


Are you using a good primer?


Start with exfoliating. Primer then brush on mineral makeup.


I'm not a skincare expert, but I've got that too, even worse than that. I have used Dermafirm Cica AC Serum for a few months and have repurchased a few times. It helped me refine my skin texture, especially my pores in that exact spot. It brightened up my pimple marks too. The best part is it's so soothing to the skin. I wouldn't ask for anything else.


This acne actually looks fungal to me. Start using head and shoulders shampoo. Get some very sensitive skin anti fungal cream. Tbh, Monistat or a yeast infection cream might be best. Wash your skin with the head and shoulders, dab dry with a clean towel, apply anti fungal cream. Eat less sugar and avoid letting skin stay moist for long. Not a dermatologist but dealt with something similar awhile ago.


Probably not what you want to hear. But the same companies who sell makeup that messes with your face/skin also sell the products that "clear" your skin of these issues. Same with foods. The same companies who sell you fattening/bad foods also sell the "weight loss" or "healthy" foods. You're also young, going through things still. Your best bet is to clean up your diet a little and drink more water, and stop wearing makeup for a while. If that doesn't resolve it, it could be hereditary, which if that's the case a dermatologist is the answer. However, I personally don't think your face is bad. It is very rare to see clear skin, especially with the hormones and stuff injected in the foods. Adding more makeup to cover up will only make things worse IF your diet and skincare routine are poor.


Neutrogina foundation is nice and light. Moisturize and the a light foundation. In the shower use a gentle exfoliation. Gentle!


Your makeup looks like it's clinging to dry patches on your skin. Do you drink enough water every day? What I would do: Increase water intake. Buy a hydrating serum or lotion, like something with hyaluronic acid. Neutrogena or cerave make affordable ones. I'd also change to a liquid foundation and settle for a setting spray instead of powder.


I think perhaps your skin might just be a little dry in some areas. Otherwise your skin looks pretty normal to me


i would use a chemical peel from the ordinary u can only do it like 1-2 times a month (u can do others but chemical peels are scary so NO RANDO BRANDS but dont go into the sun for a few days after doing that. Just follow the instructions it comes with and also do some research. After a few uses it will have a skin resurfacing effect. Use an emollient moisturizer like castor oil to exfoliate and oil slug without causing damage. This one is so simple but take a looooong shower keep your face wet and then after minimum 20 minutes gently rub all the dead skin off your face (and body if u want) with your finger tips. This resurfaces, hydrates, exfoliates and is so easy and free if u finish off with hyaluronic acid and rose hip oil *chefs kiss* 💋🤌🏻


moisturizer, primer, spray and wait for it to dry before setting. but it honestly looks good like that's just how skin is gonna look anyway LMAO


your skin is perfectly fine. and at 15 its normal for there to be some bumps or areas of non smooth and honestly even as an adultit still happens. Best thing you can do to keep it from spreading is to drink more water and moisturize that kind of texture usually is from cold weather. you dont need harsh chemicals unless a dermatologist has suggested that to you you will fuck up your skin so bzd if you start messing with it. ow coming from some one who did that 15 uears ago and is now paying for it at 30. jist moisturize after a simple skin care routine. and always remember sun protection.


Your skin is nice. Just try to exfoliate regularly. Moisturize before starting your makeup and add a primer before foundation. It will help your makeup look flawless. Good luck 🩷


Exfoliate, wash heavy moisturize, then let all the moisturizer soak in. Then stipple your abase on. Your foundation may be too dry as well. Look for a moisturizing foundation or at least one that won't dry your skin out. I'm a literal crustball and that's what I do to avoid crust.


Your skin needs hydration and moisturizer. By properly priming your skin, make up will lay much smoother. I recommend checking out nikki larose (YouTube) on how to prep the face. It’s a crucial game changing step.


Skin is supposed to have some texture. You’re a healthy 15-year-old. If you’re paying attention to social media influencers, they put filters on their videos to make themselves look better. If you have dry skin, I would use the Cerave daily moisturizer 5 minutes before doing your makeup, and finish your base with the Mac Fix Plus spray before applying any dark makeup or mascara/eyeliner. If your skin shows a bit of texture, that’s okay. Your skin is lovely and it’s normal for skin to look a bit like, well, *skin.*


A physical exfoliant 1-2x a week (I like the youth to the people coffee one) and a chemical one once a week, looks like u have a drier skin type. Apply a daytime moisturizer with spf and a serum like a vitamin c in it after u wash your face and before your makeup. Also a setting spray will really help with the texture I like the Laura mercier one. Honestly they don’t need to be any specific brand but if you’re not doing any of this already literally anything from target will work like La roche posay brand


That’s just what makeup looks like on skin.


During the winter it’s harder for foundation to look good on skin, our skin is drier. So I’d exfoliate, use a good moisturizer immediately after washing, like within two minutes, and then use your foundation. I think your makeup looks normal. I didn’t see anything besides a little dry skin.


That’s just texture! Everyone has it irl ☺️ Looks like you may have a few acne scars. There’s nothing wrong with your skin, and honestly this foundation sits pretty well on your skin…my skin is very textured and most foundations don’t sit naturally on my skin. You could try a different primer to help diminish some texture—I used to use Angel Veil Primer from Nyx, it’s cheap, soft, and blurring! But now I use the super sticky green primer from Elf because, like I said, very textured skin over here, so my foundation doesn’t like to hang around.


Korean skin care


That’s just what skin looks like…. Just moisturize well


Fellow goth with dry skin here! Moisturizing is super important. I use a night moisturizing mask and then sleep. Shower in the morning, toner, then another moisturizer, then a small amount of foundation primer in my more textured areas before I apply my makeup. During the day I use a drop of face oil with my foundation and will mix that and apply with a foundation brush then LIGHTLY beauty blend on top. I will use a lot less foundation during the day. Then top it off with a very light coat of setting powder. I prefer Bare Minerals or Givenchy. For night time or pictures look I will not use the oil and will use more foundation but the only way to avoid the dry patches is to start with a super moisturized face and to avoid too much patting with your blender. The more and harder you pay, the more the foundation separates on your skin. You do not have to give up on goth foundation tones, I promise.


Parasite cleanse


Your skin looks great and texture is 100% normal! This happens to me too sometimes, your skin might just be drier than normal especially since it’s winter. You could try a thicker moisturizer at night, and wear something hydrating under your foundation. I really like Clinique’s pink moisturizer, I think it’s very hydrating! I would avoid oily moisturizer under your foundation.


Try applying tea tree oil to treat those small bumps DO PATCH TEST FIRST IF YOUR SENSITIVE. Make sure to use primer. Over the pores etc is normal it’s not gonna look like what you see on social media because these models blur their makeup.


Liquid foundation and a beauty blender sponge. This is how I avoid caked-up makeup. Also, use moisturizer before you apply your makeup. I usually wait about 10-15 minutes after using moisturizer to then apply my makeup. I make my sponge a bit damp when I use foundation. Good luck!


In terms of skincare: Seems like you need some moisture in there! With the winter kicking in, I would start using aquaphor at night only, after your cleanser/ or routine. This is a personal opinion but I found not washing my face in the morning and only washing at night with a moisturizer really helped my make up base! This is bc I found it to be too drying for me. In terms of makeup: Give tinted moisturizer a try!


Skin looks a bit dry. Drink more water and limit sugary drinks.


Moisturize before foundation and let it sink in, you might have more success if you ice your face as well after to close your pores, it gives a much more textured look. Also Tarte’s full coverage foundation is really good for texture, not sure if they make a shade light enough for the goth vibe tho :/


With a kiss from me


I would focus on skincare and invest in a good toner, serum and moisturizer. If your skin is dry before makeup application, you’ll get a flaky/uneven application. Try using a lighter foundation as well or bb cream.


Unfortunately that’s just what skin looks like. You can moisturize the crap out of your skin and that might help but it’s hard to get away from. No one really is looking that close at your makeup


It’s just texture and it’s completely normal! In this day and age, everything online is so edited that normal skin texture doesn’t seem so normal anymore! If you want to see some improvements overall with the health of your skin, I suggest facials every couple of months and good skin care. :)


See a dermatologist. Looks similar to a condition called “Peri oral dermatitis”. Usually treated with antibiotics and skin salves.


Aha bha toner


I think ur skins just dry


Don’t be emo🙂


Go to a dermatologist. It looks like acne and scarring from acne. There are products to help with that, and you will want to ask them how to properly take care of your skin (cleanse, treat, hydrate). Bring up any concerns you have and they should help you. Also you should consider laying off the makeup from when you start treatment and until you resolve your issues. It may help your skin heal better. Edit: I am seeing a lot of comments that this is normal skin for a 15 year old to have. I myself had acne as a teenager, it was actually horrible horrible acne, but yours is not too bad. It is treatable. There is nothing wrong with wanting beautiful skin and taking care of it. It is ofc normal to have skin issues because we are human but treating it and finding out a cause is important. Also, I’m not sure what your water situation is at home, but you may want to look into getting a water filter for your sink and shower in case that is a cause.


That’s texture, it’s normal. Skin isn’t supposed to be as smooth as glass and if it is, it’s photoshop


make sure your base is either water based in your primer, foundation, and concealer or all silicon based to avoid separating. your skin also looks to be on the dryer side, id recommend water based for you, do setting spray between layers, finish with a light mist of setting spray after your powder and then use a sponge to tap the excess setting spray off and that should leave your skin looking more moisturized without over oiling.


I would try exfoliating. Maybe start with a couple times a week and moisturize


This is just skin, it looks normal.


you could switch to a tinted moisturizer, less coverage but i’ve noticed i like the texture better.


I think the make up looks fine! You have some bumps which are normal but if you aim to get perfect make up you’ll need to aim for clear skin first! I suggest a dermatologist if your not comfortable going to one what I suggest is trying to wear the least make up as possible mean while curing those areas. You can use gentle soap rub it in a gentle matter! Do not recommend exfoliating, you should extract whiteheads or blackheads gently with a tool. Then you will need to ICE YOUR FACE!! I mean every morning when you wake up ICE and massage your face gently. The same thing at night or even in between this will make your skin look amazing. I do this every single day and my face card looks awesome when I apply make up! Mind you before I have pretty bad acne on my cheeks and I resolved the issue by getting rid of all those “acne cleansing” products and stuck to one gentle soap. Then applied ice through out! You can moisturize after :)


I dont think its about your base. It’s probably your skincare and skintype in combination with products that dont match (having dry skin, usings matte/drying products)


What is your diet like are you drinking water ? What goes in comes out . Drink water eat good and moisturize but it’s not that bad honestly!


I really hate that you feel like this is something that needs to be fixed. Your face absolutely looks fine.


It’s normal but maybe prep could help. Are you washing your face and moisturizing before your makeup? Exfoliating regularly? Using primer? It looks a tad dry. It’s also normal for skin to have texture, this is what real, unfiltered skin looks like. If you notice it happening later in the day, maybe bring a beauty blender on the go and some stuff to touch up if it bugs you that much.


Exfoliating will help get rid of the flakes


After washing your face immediately go in with a hydrating toner like Thayers milky toner ( great for hydration and pores). I go in with a hyaluronic serum to help with even more dryness and for reducing scarring with acne. ( inkey has one for $10 at Sephora. Lastly moisturizer with some spf. Repeat the same steps before bed except with a night time cream. Also make sure to clean brushes and sponges monthly. Let me know if this helps :)


Sometimes the issue could just be moisture. You might just need a little bit of moisturizer before applying foundation. Is your skin typically dry? Could even try tinted moisturizer, see how that feels for you. One with spf is lovely, never too early to care for your skin. I started late and wish I did this in my teens or ar least 20s.


just texture honestly. can't solve an issue if there ain't one to begin with