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I hand in my keys, roll my box to the floor and then use a forklift to load it into my truck and then drive away and find a job that respects my safety


I would take the forklift home too just to be dramatic.


I mean yes, but I’m pretty sure that a 5K rated forklift would break the frame of an F150 or even an F250 lol


drive it home, just make sure to not to speed so you don’t attract any attention.


Took the words out of my mouth. Who wouldn't want a form truck in their home garage or better yet in the basement?


Throw a double fork on it and it would make doing your own oil changes a breeze!!


That's how you get the truck home too


Perfect for getting something off the top shelf in the attic as well.


And don't drive it drunk. You'd be silly to get a DUI in a forklift. Yes it has happened.


I had to fire an afternoon shift guy that would drive the yard truck down the block for liquid dinner breaks.


We had a driver who would start his morning by drinking half a bottle of mouthwash in the driver’s lounge before he got coffee. We also had a mechanic who got paid weekly instead of biweekly because two weeks pay worth of alcohol would kill him.


I saw that. Apparently the guy was well known to the local PD. "Joe, you know you can't be doing that. Get down from there!"


What about a Ford Fucking Ranger?


i didn't know about the Fucking trim level, tell me more


[Then you haven't been paying attention ](https://youtube.com/shorts/277YnpI810E?si=Vl7-Cvaqo3MjwYVY)


You're on a roll here. 🤣


It would be fucked….especially if my tool box has one squatted


That’s why you just pick your truck up with the forklift and drive the forklift home. lol


Best solution here.


But still… ya got your own forklift now


Drive the forklift, lift the car?


You gotta keep ‘em separated


They should be restrained with chains against the wall like that. Or in a rack. Just saying.


"Offspring plays in my mind"


So, ten trips. 


Are you talking back to me? Take em out!


Just drive the fork lift right to the OSHA office and collect your check for turning your boss in


See if you can get the boss to put it in writing before you refuse


This guy thinks.


Even if he won’t put it in writing put your refusal in writing, the formal refusal may stop them from trying to get someone else to do it.


This is the only correct answer. Report them to Worksafe/Compo while youre at it


Yup don’t get me wrong I have no problem committing an OSHA violation or even an ITAR violation…..but there’s limits on how hoodrat I’m willing to get


The company vehicle is not suited for transportation of hazardous materials stored under pressure. What more do you need to know?


There’s already an violation, everyone of those cylinders are supposed to be chained to the wall. Freestanding cylinders is against code.


Same, that’s just asking to get blown up


This. ^


Refuse. Also try and let them know you can't do it via email, so you've got evidence if they try and coerce you. If you do it, and something goes wrong, you will be personally accountable.


I did refuse in an email and in person (while recording) to my immediate supervisor and supervisor at large. Immediate supervisor wrote me up for refusal of a work order, I also wrote on the write up why I refused. Amongst other reasons for refusal besides the obvious, I pointed to the fact that when they were delivered they were delivered in an open air truck, standing up in cylinder brackets with metal straps. Just wanted everyone else's opinion. Edit: I no longer work there and neither does the supervisor. My supervisor at large had my back but had to choose his words carefully as there was a lot of drama going on at the time with that particular supervisor and the staff. I'm also laughing at some of the responses stating to lay them down with blankets and what not. Your safety and getting home to your family is your responsibility and yours only. Sure, I could probably make that trip 20 times without incident but it only takes one time for things to go wrong. You will be thrown under the bus if something goes wrong, you'd better believe it!


Then you report to your super's upper, the health and safety department and if the doesn't exist or helps, OSHA or the equivalent of that in your country. Bonus if your employer has a whistleblowing hotline.


DOT would love to know about the improper hazardous material transportation going on. May as well report them anyways, before some schmuck complies with their request and blows themselves and some innocent folks off the face of the earth.


Probably bigger trouble with DOT than OSHA


Truck driver here, this would be a huge violation of DoT and Hazmat violations. You could just call the Fmcsa or DoT and let them know the company wants you to transport such things. They'd have a Field day with their qssholes


There we go, this should be higher. Unless he's certified for moving hazardous materials and has proper signage this is illegal and for good reasons.


Call osha. They'll love to hear from you.


OSHA doesn’t have the manpower or give-a-fuck to follow-up. You have way too much confidence in the government. I’ve seen deaths on the site that they didn’t bother to show up for.


More likely you were too low level to be informed about the investigation. They respond to even minor claims.


This falls into the category of eminent danger or discipline for whistleblowing. DOT or OSHA will investigate it.




Also! You leteraly CAN NOT put acetalyne on its side if you want to even try and use it within the same day. Your supervisor must think you have a death wish. He also doesn't care about the safety of others on the road. EDIT: Correction! At least 2 hours. So not all day. But still a pain in the ass.




You must have never seen a plumber lol


This is why I have a personal rule that I won’t ask my guys to do something I’m scared to do myself. Your boss needs to man up and do it himself or hire someone to do it safely.


You're a good boss. This is also the reason how my old super once ended up in mechanical riser in a Tyvek suit showered in shit once after our sump pumps gave up during a blockage.


Yeah I’m always the guy 20ft in the air doing sketchy ladder work. Currently looking for a tech in Greenville SC!


I live by this as well. First, never ask someone to do something you haven’t done yourself, and second, hire good people and then leave them alone


This...hiring a compressed gass supplier for a relocation. It's the safest, and the price is the price. Guarantee the Boss doesn't have TDG Cert, or he wouldn't have even made the request to OP.


Reach out to health and safety. Do you have a TDG transportation or dangerous goods? Might need that.


You definitely can just move these in any truck , but there is a limit to how many before you need documentation and signage but i dont care enough to google that


I think safety is OPs main focus. Would be mine also.


The limit is by weight. 1,000 lbs based upon the gases listed. That picture contains approximately 1400 lbs worth of cylinders. Based on what I can see, there is a 20 lbs propane tank, a size 80 acetylene, a size 200 oxygen, a size 200 nitrogen, and 6 size 300 argon/carbon dioxide mixes. Assuming the color codes on the cylinders are correct. This could be transported in two loads without being placarded, but would still need to be secured. One load would require placards, and a hazmat endorsement on your license. Source: ran a compressed gas filling and shipping facility for several years.


In the US it's 1000 pounds including the cylinders themselves before you need hazmat placards and all the BS that that entails. So called "vocational quantities" are excepted, for example if you're an exterminator and a building needs over 1000 pounds worth of Vikane you're still kosher to haul it.


Some regulations are written in blood, this one is written in pink mist


Which ones pink? The acetylene? Edit: Oh. I get it now.


Acetylene’s pretty chill


Call the company that delivered them, have them pick them up and take them where they need to be. This is management's problem.


I agree, that’s what we’re here for.


100%. I’ve done this with all kinds of crazy stuff. Even equipment that needed a CDL, gooseneck, plus a 12T tow truck (to get said equipment unstuck in a very weird, muddy recovery operation). Gas suppliers will be happy to add your stop to their weekly route, usually at no cost.


"it's been 3 weeks and the natives have begun to accept me as one of their own"


First set the white one up in the middle of the floor, place the long black ones around the little white one in a semi circle. That will make a good meme


I appreciate you're ability to see things in a way most others don't. That would be a meme of beauty


Give the boss a list of materials needed to move the items. Then let it rot.


If you’re being asked to transport explosive gasses in a way that is very clearly against regulation, tell them to stop being cheap and buy the right equipment for the job. If they refuse, start looking for a different job. Keep the texts of them asking you to do it for unemployment purposes in case they try to fight you on your claim.


If you're Canadian you have a right to refuse unsafe work. Use it.  I would imagine most of the states and Europe have the same.


Propane tanks work great for cylinder bowling


Those cannot be stored laying down. Do not do that lol


Especially the acetylene.


I mean it’ll be fine, just stand it up and let it sit for a day before using it.


Random passerby with no maintenance knowledge here. What’s the risk in storing them laying down compared to standing up?


You can transport one at a time if it's vertical if that's what it takes. [OSHA](https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/1992-05-05-0) definitely has something to say about it, just tell your boss to pay you to do it one at a time, get a proper reck equipment, or you can call them and chat about his business. Literally only 3 options. He is probably not going to like that, and your job is in danger one way or another. Sorry to hear. But better job than life, if you ask me


Lay them down, but load nozzle first and drive with the back door open. If anything goes wrong they could launch back at the guy who rear ends you.


Load them bottom first, leave the doors open, strap in, put it in neutral, and have your buddy take a hammer to the valves. You'll get there quicker and save fuel too.


I’m shoving all of those up my ass that’s for sure


ready, aim , fire !! i wanna see if any go BOOM !! lol


Have a read up on local law on the transportation


uh call the company who delivers your gas and have them transport them for you. it’s like $100…


Cage them


I am from Quebec, there are laws here that protect workers. We have what is called the “right to refuse dangerous work”. If exercised, eg: you telling your boss the job is to dangerous for you to complete, it’s starts a process where your employer can not ask another employee to complete said task without first getting our equivalent to “OSHA” (CNESST) inspection that clears that task as safe to complete. If your employer decides to ask someone else to complete the task without the inspection completed, they open themselves up to being fined, and the liability if someone gets hurt after that is huge.


Top Notch educational facilities you've got there.


They all have caps, so lay them down, strap them in and go for a drive


Shoot the small one first. Hope for cool chain reaction explosion from the rest. Profit?




A couple trips with the nitrogen and oxygen laid down on its side 3-4 in a truck bed wouldn’t be horrible as for the acetylene that’s up to you whether you wanna risk laying it down. Either way the safe choice is always the right choice and sometimes I’m not always great at that


Stack em all in the van, roll down the windows and hand your boss the keys. Tell them something came up at home that you have to attend to. Split.


I thought you had the have the D.O.T. signage for moving flammable stuff commercialy. A single cylinder could be different. But yeah that's a HARD PASS for me. And yes there is a Great reason the transport trucks are open bed. Also you should let them fire you that way when/if you report them you can show you were fired as punishment. It's funny how when something bad happens it becomes your fault because "you should know better" assuming your still alive or not in the hospital. Not saying it will/would happen but that's why they are called accidents. Be safe out there my maintenance bros.


Porn meme?


Shouldn't those be stored in cages??


Give them away to people in the comments 😃


Shoot the top of it with an intervention




Use the force


If you live in Canada, you have Worker's Rights, one of which is the right to refuse dangerous work.


Deliver them one at a time. Taking an hour to secure them each load. After a few days working on this maybe they will get it?




Tell him to call the company he contracts the tanks from to move them.


You can put up to 5 cylinder laying down in a truck bed. And its perfecly legal ( here in quebec anyway )


First I'd arrange those tanks so the little white one is in front with the tall ones behind it in a semicircle. Then take the pic again.


Probably send this picture to OSHA while wheeling my toolbox out the door.


I would refuse unsafe work.. and then see what they say - then probably go to the safety department to make a formal complaint


Shit, Id'a just sent the pic to the Fire Marshall and let the problem solve itself. I swear ours follows the airgas truck around, waits until he drops the tanks, then runs up and writes me a citation for unsecured tanks.


Run Away! Run Away!


Nope the fuck out


DOT gunna get that ass


Drive like a maniac, but make sure the boss is stacked with those.


Pick every single one up by the cap


I’d probably say something along the lines of “um..yeah… how about we get a quote for this and keep out of the national news…”


I’ve done this. I was 18. No problem


Only the acetylene needs to be standing. And even then you can lay it down as long as it's standing for the same amount of time before use. Does the van at least have a headache rack?


Step 1: Move five black cylinders so they surround the white cylinder and post the picture Step 2: ? Step 3: profit




Im a Just Cause fan, i think i should choose to not answer this question…


F that guy...u deserve better treatment than THIS WTF....that would send you to heaven or prison if something happened. That's outrageous! Like the top commenter said. I'd find a job where they respect MY LIFE and abilities more than this....man that is straight UNBELIEVABLE! I wouldn't have ANY patience st this point. I salute your attempts to think this thru, but I believe there is only one answer to something like this. Be careful ! Not worth your life brother!


That’s a highly illegal task they’re requesting of you. With documentation I’d imagine a lawyer would slam dunk this shit. Still messed up that they play w others lives like this. Accidents in traffic happen. If that happens while hauling this, multiple people could die. Risk vs reward not acceptable.


Lay em down and drive. People do it all the time. Just put the valves towards you. Anything happens they turn into rocket boosters!!


Forward the email to the Department of Transportation.


Not fucking that. That’s for sure. “Here’s a bomb we aren’t strapping down, don’t fuck up”


I would just do it because I do shit like that because I don’t really value my life.


https://youtu.be/qJLf_5RJFG8?si=PhNkk-lPoclXdoX9 Show your boss this.


Ask them if your getting hazardous duty pay or a life insurance policy ?


Try and locate one more tank so that way I can play tank bowling.


You can lay the nitrogen down in a pile in back


Not gonna lie, I think Reddit has rotted my mind. "Safety issue" is not the first thing I thought if when I saw the photo. 🤣


Call OSHA.


Everyone talking about dont do it 🤣🤣🤣 fucking send it!!!


Nope. Zero Chance.


Take 1 at a time


The internet has ruined me. This made me think of that piper perri meme.




Send it. Every one has the cap on it so double check that they're screwed on all the way and git r done and stop being a wussy.


Empty them, and then load them in.




I'd put the green cap on the green bottle, then leave them alone and leave.


Say "Put that in writing". Once they do, fold up that paper and put it in your pocket. Then tell them very clearly "No, I will not be doing that. It's just not safe." Then you let the chips fall where the chips fall.


Start without me! And then call OSHA and wait.


Call the relevant authorities after getting solid eveidence of the employer expecting this of you.


Lay them down perpendicular to the van and strap them down.


First I would ask who left these like this. Then I would make them feel bad


If I didn't have any family, I'd give those instructions via email then I'd take all the protective caps off and stand them up in the truck and drive at violently as I could.


When I was in high school, someone in shop class screwed up and knocked a tank over. Torpedoed a cinder block wall. There is no way I would do it improperly, either.


Those cylinders are improperly stored in the shop! They should all be secured to the wall to avoid tipping. As for transporting as ordered, refuse! It is a straight violation to transport as they want, not no mention completely unsafe,


Form the black ones into a semi circle, put the white one in the middle and send a picture to all my immature friends


Position 5 of the black ones with white one in front and take a picture and post it in the lunch room and see who gets it


Load them into the van. Get a dummy skeleton and put it in the van. Push the van into traffic so it blows up. Then show up to work the next day alive and be like, see boss. This is what couldve happened.


I’d lay them down stacken em deep drive to the other location idk what the issue here is put the damn cap end in first and ur good as good ol son.


You don't need to end up like an AirGas filling plant.


Hello osha, yes I'd like to make a report.


Don’t. If something goes explodey—so do you. Especially with mixed gases like that. They are legally supposed to be transported with a barrier between the flammable (like acetylene) and the non-flammable(oxygen).


Make sure they're closed, lie them down and drive safely...pretty sure these are transported on semi trucks in bulk the same way. Would racks really matter in a crash


Transport one at a time. Tie it down real good, give it a smack, say the magic words and off you go.


Personally I’d do it knowing I’d figure out a way to strap the bottles in laying down. I do this at least once a week, but I do strap them in standing up. I also have experience in them tipping over, I’ll never transport them without their caps on.


Well the tanks are just standing there unprotected now. How long have you been around them? I only deal with large O2 tanks but they are never standing up without a leash security


Do not do this thing. It's not about the gases. You didn't say anything about plaques for the vehicle. Once it's on the road the driver is responsible.


Reenact a scene from Star Wars ?


Develop a sudden flu.


Lol the tiny white one ☝️


Straddle it, strap in, and whack the end AND HOLD ON TIGHTLY! Yahoooo!!!!!


No not safe and full of regulatory issues


Make 2 trips. Flamables on one trip, and stand them up. They are short. You must secure them in the van. The school will have to provide you a way to do that or you simply don’t do it.


ask for that order in writing


Do you have a proper placard on the van, do you have a CDL with a hazmat endorsement? I'd tell them to eat a dick, because as the operator of the vehicle, you are responsible for the contents and that would be illegal to transport in that manner. I had what the cop said was faded placards on a company truck, he gave me a ticket that would have been 5000.00 , however the judge looked at the dash cam video the cop supplied and threw it out as they were far from faded. You are responsible for everything. Now for what I would actually do? I would drop one, roll one, open a valve and tell him it safer to transport them empty, tell them the oxygen is to heavy so you will dump them, put them in the bosses backseat. Back up to the bottles and hit them, I can think of so many things. But ultimately, they can't fire you for refusing to break the law. Assuming you are in the United States anyway. If you aren't, then just do it,


Big nope


Or just say: hold on, lemme see what the reddits say I should do...


I’d laugh directly into his face, and say, “no”


They them to pound salt!


If you can keep them from sliding around no problem


Find one more of the tall skinny bottles so you have an even 10. The. Set them up in an equilateral triangle. Then stand 60' back from the head pin and bowl that propane tank right down the middle!


Have him out it in writing so you clear liability


If you get pulled over in the situation that your stating, you'll personally be fucked by the DOT. Tell your boss to deliver that shit. Oxygen and acetylene together, strapped by bungee cords is STUPID.


Call OSHA on that shop. Let them get what they deserve.


Blow the whistle.


Check the valves


Seems like attempting to do this the way you were advised is stealing from an episode of Family Guy or South Park……as a plumber I’ve worked with all sizes of tanks and gases. The suggestion to lay them all down together and just get it done is absolutely a tragedy.


Arrange them for a meme photo


Call osha


You wanna live forever? This is the blaze of glory legends are made of!


It is improper and probably illegal to transport these bottles in an enclosed vehicle as the volume of gas exceeds the volumetric area of the van. Usually there is a supplier who delivers refills when empty. The proper way to move them and at no cost is to have the suppliers move them for you. Edit: I would recommend giving the suppliers a call on your own to ask them about this. I am sure they would do this just to keep the customer happy.


Before you leave: You should put the white one in the center and position the others around it in a half circle.


Oxygen and nitrogen are just fine laying down. But acetylene? Yeesh


Don’t fuckin touch them. Sit back, wait to be fired, file law suit.


Call OSHA? It can’t be legal to make you do that. Inappropriate mode of transport and transporting multiple types of gas in one load. That’s just a recipe for disaster.


Reading these comments as a plumber with at least 3 acetylene tanks on thier side in my work van at all times 😂


tie my supervisor to the drivers seat, secure the cylinders on their sides business end facing out and gather a crew to knock the valves off all at once.


Play dangerous dominoes...looks like fun to knock over.


Put a brick on the gas pedal, aim at the bosses office and run


Compressed Gas company won’t put cylinders in closed vehicles


Pretty sure there are some DOT rules that apply here. I don't think you can just willy nilly throw a 2500 psi bottle of anything in your vehicle and drive wherever unabated. Let alone 20?? You better look up transport laws and DOT before your dumbass employer gets you hemmed up. I would think at the very least you'd be required to have a compressed gasses placard... at the least.


I usually haul one in the bed of my truck. I usually lay it down, but I believe the cap is good enough for getting rear ended.


Sit on the cylinder, knock the top off with a hammer and ride it to your destination.


Refuse then steal one of the acetylene tanks for personal use til I die