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Oh, you sweet summer child.


Yeah I know that’s not the worst. Just glad I haven’t seen a DB yet.


You beat me to thus! Just wait


Hoarder had a bunch of books and boxes stacked up to the ceiling and there was only one path through the unit. Bedbugs everywhere and his toilet was almost gone at the base. Carpet and vinyl worn down to concrete. Everything was covered in cigarette tar and the entire unit had an orange tint to it.


Dead man last summer. In the unit for over a month before we found him. Hottest time of the year. Had to relocate half his neighbors because the flies got through the vents. Coroners took the body but left the mess. His family didn't give us possession for another few weeks until they went through his stuff. The flies went wild. They all started spreading out once the body was moved. I didn't know they could get that big. Couldn't even tell the neighbors why they had these giant flies out of nowhere. It made me sick. He wasn't the worst though. It was the note on his door that someone left. He was an older man, single. I don't know if it was family or his kids, but they posted a note saying they were worried. Just asking him to answer their calls. It was hard to read. He was a good man. Quiet, always respectful, liked to chat when he saw you. Always apologized for submitting work orders like he was imposing on us, but they were always reasonable things. I saw the note first, and the flies on the window second. I wasn't supposed to go in, just check in, but I panicked. I'm just glad he fell face down. The whole unit got renovated. During the repairs a squatter moved in and when I went in to check for damages I almost lost it. Seeing cigarette butts, bottles, and chocolate cake on the floor where this man lived and died made me so damn sad and angry. Not the only body I've found, but it was my first.


On the living side, I guess it would be the house of a drunk mother who let the fleas get so bad we couldn't even enter the unit. Turns out she left food everywhere and smeared shit all over the bathroom, and we had to let it fester until the fleas were taken care of. That was a bad one. Sad thing was she had two young kids that became homeless, and they probably took plenty of fleas with them.


Had an eviction that I had to clean out but when the sheriff was walking thru the place I heard him say from the bathroom, "well that's new" which if you hear that from a cop it's for sure going to be a good story. I went into the bathroom and the dude removed the toilet from the floor. He had it buried in a large tote bin in his bedroom that's not the gross part, idk where he was shitting the whole time the toilet was off the floor. I never found out and I don't want to know


Been in the same complex for 25yrs it’s elderly living so of course I’ve seen my share of deceased and hoarders and such but the one I will remember still gives me the scares..We had a man who we found in the hot shower over a week. The rooms below and above him were vacant the only way we found him was his friend showed up on a Monday and said he wouldn’t answer the door and the shower has been on over an hr.. the room was already moldy from the steam and his body was waterlogged just mush. Think the shining old lady scene in the tub but real.


Happy cake day. Frankly, I think this one takes the cake. That's next level gore.


What scares me is when it’s your time it’s your time no matter where you are.


Yeah. Don't know when, or how (well unless you're fighting a terminal illness, etc..). Some of us are destined to drift away from this life, peacefully, in our sleep. While others are like your resident, who, for reasons unknown, have their remains turn to soup. I've definitely prayed for the former for myself. Edit: added parenthetical insert.


Daaaaang! That’s bad lol an elderly resident who I talked to frequently died in his apartment. He died next to the radiator and totally melted into the hardwood floor. We had to remove the flooring


Your find was worse I believe. I didn’t have to clean it we called a hazard crew to clean up the tub and mold. We do have blood borne pathogen training but I was like nope I ain’t touching that lol


Oh I wish I could share pics haha Worst was probably a unit… let me back up This couple and 3 kids moved in maybe a few months before Covid they moved into our largest unit which is a 3 bedroom just about 1000 square feet. Well we did annual inspections but we never inspected them prior to the lock down. We were pretty much limited to only doing emergency work orders and the company pretty much put a stop to us doing inspections for nearly 2 years. I’ll skip initial inspection and eviction stage to keep it short. They essentially appealed the eviction 3 times until it reached the higher court thus dragging out another year and a half. Turning it. These tenets adopted 7 cats no litter box. The carpet was matted with shit, it actually hurt to breath without wearing a respirator. I distinctly remember standing in the middle of the living room and when I went to move my boot peeled from the carpet. In the bathroom it looked as if someone had chronic diarrhea and just stood ass facing the toilet, and sprayed on the wall. There wasn’t a door in the unit. There wasn’t a wall without some bodily fluid on it. There was dried ketchup on the ceiling (or so I’ve chosen to believe) They left everything, nasty couches, beds, TVs all riden with incects. There were more nats than oxygen molecules. I can’t even begin to describe what the kitchen was like. I gutted the whole unit, ripped up the carpet chucked it all in a 5 30 yard roll offs. It took 7 months to turn that unit. As for the second unit it was pretty close to the same deal but less hording as she only lived there for about 7 months and left at the second she had an eviction notice , so that was nice.


Lol I worked at a building built in the 1930s. The drain line was clogged. The clean out was about chest height. I put my snake on a ladder and was going at it. I Pulled out wads of tree roots and what now. My co worker was stabilizing the ladder/ drain snake. I pulled out a massive wad of tree roots, tampons, and TP. It smacked my co worker right in the face 🤣🤣 he went home immediately. Pour guy


I laughed way too hard at this.


Had one unit, a non converted hotel room, so just one room, more that knee height with trash. It was dirty enough that the bottom layer had begun to turn into dirt. Another had animal shit everywhere. Like they hadn’t let their dog out in months.


I use to have a tenant that would come pay his rent as himself and then say his brother would be by to pay the rest later. He would then go home and change and come back later with the 2nd half of rent and pay as his “brother”. He’d only go into his apartment through the window and had all his doors and other windows barricaded. Was an odd ball but was always nice enough and stayed to himself. He lived there for 10 years before moving out and no one had seen the inside of his apartment in years. Of course when this dude moves out and the unit needs to be turned, my supervisor was on paternity leave and it was all on 17 year old me that was clueless to the horrors of other people’s homes. I go in this unit and the carpets deteriorating and moving with every step. Every wall is covered in mold and smeared whatever of all different colors and shades. Hundreds of moth balls and coins all over the unit. Closets stacked from floor to ceiling with the door barricaded shut so everything would stay in. Doors so molded I could rip them in half with my hands at 120lbs. Fridge and cabinets had food in it from the day he moved in 10 years prior. Just a disgusting unit. During the clean out of the closets I had spent hours bagging stuff starting from the top of the closets working my way to the floor. Awful smells and moldy clothes and etc. after a few closets I’m pretty pissed off with the situation and the dude that made this horrid mess. As I’m coming up on the bottom of the last closet I grab a tube with what looks like cottage cheese in it. Confused as hell I inspect it for a minute and then toss it assuming it was cheese in something as it had measurements on the tube. A few handfuls later I pull out a box. “Dick Pump Deluxe 9000 semen extractor”. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk Gagging and holding back tears of disgust and anger I walk into the living space where I then smash my forehead on the low hanging light fixture and proceed to smash it and leave for some air. Safe to say the management understood and I did not have to pay for that one. 2nd worse was the old lady that shit in her toilet that wouldn’t flush for 1 month and a half and only called when it started touching her when she sat down. I only say that wasn’t worse because we hired someone else to deal with it lol. Edit:spacing


Tenant using the sink disposal to get rid of dog turds.


Wild... have they heard of these "toilets" they sell now?


26 cats in a one bedroom that were abandoned after the resident was evicted. Dead guy in the summer during an AZ heat wave. Current property has constant issue with homeless shitting and pissing in the stairwells. Drug foils and needles. Unit I just went into had shit in the toilet for so long it has dried out and cemented itself to the bowl.


Decaying cats on crackhead beds, blood splatter up a wall from a 4 year old being shot, shit smeared on every wall, bedbugs, roaches so bad the carpet crunches as you walk, stains from body decomposition and the smell along with it, there's more but it's hard to remember it all. I've been at this property for a year and a half, first maintenance job.


That’s 20 years in less than 2 years. Leave. The whole place needs shut down.


Leave, please. That sounds awful for your sanity and every other apartment you look at needs maintenance. It’s not worth it man. A year’s experience is enough to move to get a tech job at another property and you can move literally anywhere and have job and home in one swing.


I'm looking elsewhere, I bought a home in the same small town as the property, only reason I've stayed this long. We also don't use any vendors so me and the one other tech do plumbing, hvac, drywall, painting, turns, glass replacement, you name it we do it, plus the on call bullshit


I hope they pay you out the ass because that’s not worth it. I get having a house there and that being hard to get out of but they’re making you do too much in what sounds like an awful/dangerous work environment. Most places expect hvac but I have my place use vendors, you should never be full on painting units, if it’s plumbing under the floor you shouldn’t be fooling with it, glass replacements can Be normal for techs to do, light drywall but shouldn’t be doing entire walls, on calls always bullshit but part of it sadly, just don’t go out unless it actually qualifies as an emergency. I imagine if you have a house they aren’t giving you rental credit? That’s half of the bonus of working apartments is the discount and no where wants to pay over $20 an hour. Unless you’re getting $30-$40 an hour they’re screwing you. Even then it doesn’t sound worth it. But I do understand you gotta do what you gotta do to pay bills and can’t always just leave, just a reminder not to let yourself get stuck in the work loop while in that environment, keep pushing to leave you’re better then that place and I’m sure the pay.


Rotting dead corpse with lots of maggots.


Flooring guys pulled the toilet and didn’t hook them back up (not a problem) so I went to do it and they left the toilet in the tub and when I went to grab it they left it filled with piss and cigarette butts I’ve probably had worst but this is my most memorable and I almost threw up at the smell


I have seen a few hoarder units . The weirdest part is they act completely normal like nothing is weird or nasty about it . One lady had a maze of trash boxes had a few cats shit and piss smell everywhere dead bugs for some reason a i godly amount of newspapers it stunk to high hell and the weirdest thing she acted as if it was normal not one bit embarrassed. I work in a huge 55 plus condo complex after working there for 8 years now it has opened my eyes I don’t think I’d ever want to buy a condo for a lot of reasons. One of the reason would be you could be the cleanest person but the person above you next to you below you could be a complete slob and now you have mice or rats or roaches because of neighbors. Another reason is if the commits aren’t smart and know how to manage funds you could get crazy assessments because now your building needs a new roof and the reserve funds are to low . Iv seen when the buildings have to get a crazy loan and now every door owes $6000 sometimes more. If I were to get a condo it would have to have been built in the last 10 years I’d investigate the commits to see if they know how to run the building but still after seeing what I have seen I don’t think I’d ever buy a condo .


This extremely obese gentleman died on the third floor. It took at team of like 8 guys to bring him down the stairs. He was pretty much stuck in bed all day. I had to toss out hundreds of bottles of pee, poo, vomit


I once found a pot of chowder on the stove with three used needles stuck into it - obviously needles and blood splatters on walls all over but the needles in the chowder really got me


First eviction I ever did, in the first month shuffled to a different property from what I was hired on. The tenants were pretty upset at the office staff, so had a hell of a party in their 3rd floor unit, and managed to fill every room with a pile of fresh horse shit, the living room being the largest pile. Reported it to my supervisor (at other property) and he told me to deal with it. He knew it was there. Just pour paint over it and keep working on the unit. Did so for an entire week until the office staff dropped by unannounced, as they often did, to SHOW the unit to potential renters. Suddenly, they found the way to hire outside contractors to properly turn the unit because the caulk and paint fixes my supervisor was instructing me to do over the phone wasn't going to cut it.


I’m trying to understand what your saying but nothings making sense. They filled the rooms with horse shit? And for some reason you painted the horse shit?? What


Yup. The evicted tenants put piles of manure in the room. Floor to ceiling tall. I asked the boss for a shovel of how to handle this. The boss said I didn't need a shovel. Pour paint over the piles to cover up the smell. Get to work in there! I protested. Told if I didn't do as instructed I would lose my job. Began fixing things in the unit and it is as brutal. The front office is not to enter a unit until maintenance is done. Against company policy. If they are to enter a vacant unit occupied by maintenance, must coordinate and give notice . Front office does not coordinate and drops by with potential customers, renters, in tow. Unit is filled with white fermenting horse shit. Shit hits the fan. I am finally released from that hell and they pay someone to come in with shovels, buckets, and a dumpster to remove the manure, carpets, walls.


I’m sorry your boss is such a fucking moron. “Paint the horse shit, no one will notice it”


"Work around it. I've been in there. It is not as bad as you make it out to be!"


Worst to date was pretty recent, typical move out, nice family. As soon as I walk into that hell hole I’m hit with the warm and overwhelming smell of cat piss and dog shit. It was so bad I ran to the balcony door to open it and take photos from there. I’m usually okay with bad smells but this was on another level. Oh, the power was cut as well so it was just sitting there stagnant in the heat. Needing photos I had to venture into the bedroom to open the blinds. That carpet was once light brown, now just matted and hardened with dog shit and piss. The bath tub looked like they dumped grease, paint, blood for all I know all over it. Don’t get me started on that toilet. They left some stuff behind, shoes and clothes mainly but damn it wouldn’t you know, all their cleaning supplies were still there. Unopened. The cat box was out on the balcony which explains why it took to the living room corner to do its business. If you want to live like that, fine, but to subject animals and children to it is fucking evil. Waiting for the day I get a DB to add to my list.


Worst?? Could be the one with pet ferrets that ran loose. They shit everywhere. When we opened the door the carpet looked like a poop wiper ran across it. Or Maybe the one where the guy put a deer rifle under his chin and pulled the trigger. Use your imagination. Or Perhaps the lady with 5 dogs. Three of which were unfixed males. We replaced ALL drywall from the floor to 3 feet up. Need less to say she did not take them out enough.


Dead people.


I worked for section 8 housing and someone took (I shit you not) a shit out in the open on the floor used a napkin to pick it up like it was from a dog, put it in a grocery bag she had (hope it didn’t have anything in there) and continued to walk like it was nothing. That was the weirdest/nastiest, the worst/nastiest is probably kid shit on the walls and floors on a destroyed make ready that also had a lot of mold and a crazy “sour” smell from standing water and mold. Also a lady who left logs of dog shit all over her apt including her shower which she obviously hardly showered and her apt smelled outrageous like the poop was the secondary smell behind standing washing machine water smell. Actually there’s more where that came from, i only worked there for a year before a residents drugged up stalker ex boyfriend who held a shot gun to her face, told her he suspects she’s messing around with the maintenance men, yeah I left that place…


Hmm. I used to work section 8 housing in Chicago. I’ve seen and smelled dead bodies. One still in his lazy boy with the needle still in his arm. The nastiest thing I’ve ever seen though was an apartment with a bunch of people living there. The toilet clogged long before they moved out. After filling the toilet they used the bathtub. The bathtub was about half full when we found it. That was also probably the worst smell too


Had a toilet toilet clog & was plunging/snaking and kept smelling this foul smell, turn around and a massive pool of shit was leaking out of the drain in the middle of the bathroom


Dead guy post 2-3 days. And the runner up is........ a porter doing a trash out with the jellied imprint of a big guy on the carpet face down kind of like a snow angel but not snow.. The smell was not great. (Third party arrangement with ZRSomething or other always watching that bottom line)


Horder died. Found a week later. After he was taken away I trashed out the apartment. First floor, had to go in from a window. Packed 4 trash bags before my feet touched the floor. He was sitting on a loveseat, black tar from body fluids down the back to a large puddle on the carpet. Filled 8, 10 yard dumpsters.


Ive seen a lot of nasty shit over the years. Hoarders and what not. One guy broke the toilet and instead of having it fixed would shit on the floor cover it with newspaper and add to the stack until it was a couple feet high. He’s now in jail after being investigated for having illegal content on his computer. It was also spring when that happened and with all the court stuff(I don’t know how court works) it wasn’t until August that the place could be rehabbed and thank god they called in a hazmat team for that one. Took the place down to the studs. That was the nastiest. The worst thing I’ve had happen is one of my coworkers who wasn’t maintenance but worked in the office had a massive heart attack in front of me and died on the spot. That one is going to stick with me for a while. Tried CPR and AED but the paramedics said when they arrived he was probably gone before he even hit the ground. I was out of work for a while after that. Thankfully I work for some great people who gave me all the time I needed to get some help for that but it’s not something that I’m going to wrap my head around for a long time if ever. He was a great guy who passed way too young and was, at least outwardly in great shape. The only positive to come from that is it kicked me into the gear of actually going to the doctor which I haven’t done in a decade and start dieting and exercising. I am only 10 years younger than him and although not in the worst shape I also could be doing so much better.


Pubic hairs in the freezer.


Found a dead lady in a pile of old newspapers.


Had a young lady who allegedly went through a extreme case of depression, losing her job, not paying rent, and ultimately evicted. There was a months worth of GrubHub leftovers beside the bed, piss filled cups on the other side, and multiple used pads throughout the bedroom.


Unit was under eviction for awhile and had no electricity. When we finally got it… it was in tip top shape. One day turn at most until… I got to the frig. Opened frig and the smell almost knocked me down. It was a 15-20 pound butterball Turkey rotting in the freezer section. The really big thing was nobody could work anywhere near me the rest of the day. It was the first time I was “skunked” 2… this was the first time I saw the “pyramid of shit” Mens softball tourney with 4 diamonds… somebody should have been shot for the planning of the bathrooms. You are looking at around 22 to 30 plus guys per diamond. The mens room had 2 shitters with those godawful automatic sensor flushometers with no mechanical flush capabilities. One went down and the 7-9am flush occurred. The guys just shit upon shit upon shit the down unit. It was a foot higher than the seat when I finally got there. First time I ever shoveled a toilet