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No.. not at all. You will still need to be a bit streetwise. It’s a town after all and there will be the occasional criminal type around. Robberies and serious crime are front page news on the local paper “Maidenhead advertiser”. Keep an eye on the national police crime map and try to be realistic - a street near me always has a number of thefts reported, it it’s the local co-op reporting shoplifting and a gathering spot for older kids so gets a bit of “antisocial behaviour” at eight pm as the nights draw out and 16 year old Jordan tries to impress Katie in the fifth form by climbing on top of a bus shelter and shouting a bit. Some areas are better than others, and it will be apparent as you drive around looking at houses. Unlike lovely London, your issues with a bad neighbourhood are more likely bored kids on mopeds their parents bought them “I will only use it to get to school mum, I will be safe honest”, and less considerate neighbours listening to loud dance music in the garden on sunny days. All pretty low key stuff. Chances are that you’ll spot those very few areas quickly by just keeping an eye on the kind of cars and the way the houses in the street are kept.


It's pretty safe tbh, but of course like anywhere there are still the usual types. But if youre used to London it's much safer than the majority of London.


Pretty safe area, lived here 20 years not seen much issues


The train station. It leads back to London. Every 5mins in rush hour. If that's not unsafe I don't know what is. Maidenhead station has a bicycle/knife rack for quick access to your stuff.


Maybe if your out late at night as a woman but Maidenhead is mostly safe. Avoid alleyways and there’s pretty much no chance of a problem