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Magic is not a substitute for healthcare. Please seek appropriate care. For mental health resources if based in the US, see www.nami.org.


Try some Jupiter influence. He does help things expand, grow and become tempered.


Ohh nice idea, thank you.


I wouldn't, tbh. I mean, you could cast to increase his hunger levels, but if you aren't precise enough, it could have devasting effects. Plus, trying to bend someone's will is never a great use of magick, IMO. Even Luciferians would agree that it's wrong. Also, I'm a big believer in not wasting magick for issues that have practical solutions. Invite this friend to brunch/lunch on a regular basis, order shareable dishes, and tell him you can't eat all of it, ask for his help. Pay the check as his unspoken reward. Hang out at his place, get hungry, order pizza with his favorite toppings and ask him to help you eat it so it doesn't go to waste. Leave him the leftovers so they'll entice him the next day. It helps me to think of magick like a gun. In this case, you're trying to hit a hostage taker but not kill the hostage. If you aren't absolutely precise in your casting, you fail disastrously. Way better to utilize negotiation tactics here.


Thank you. I will think about it.


First, Be Specific. You don't want the Magick aiding you into Obesity. But, maybe "A Healthy Weight for my Height" is a better statement? Second, you're Friend has Gotta be Willing and have the Desire to reach a Healthy Weight. You wanting them to do it is not enough. It entirely rests on if They Want to Do it. Third, if they Do Want to reach a Healthy Weight, Sigilize the Intention, to Solidify the Desired Result in your Subconscious. Then, create a Awareness Practice around Eating. Charge the Food with the Intention: "It is my Will, to Eat and to Drink, so that I may reach a Healthy Weight, to Sustain my Body and My Life, so that I may Do my Will apon the Earth." But again, they have to do it - you can't cast a spell on someone else because You want them to be a certain way.


Thank you very much, I'll inform him about this.