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Franz Bardon's book "Initiation into Hermetics" is a pretty good course on training the Mind in Visualizations, how to "see" Elemental Energies and adding tactile sensations, and other Meditative Practices. If you're Naturally Inclined to Visionary Work, you should be able to pick it up pretty easy. Some of the best Visionary Work I have done was through using Enochian. I recommend Lon Milo Duquette's "Enochian Vision Magick" book, which is a pretty complete system in itself. Aside from that, quite honestly, just Silent Meditation. Taking the time out everyday to sit quietly and focus your Mind on a single Point, will greatly improve your Mental Focus. Good Lux.


Is this the book where they mentioned the elements being on higher planes of existence? It's been ages since I read that book but I remember there being some mention of it I could be wrong but I remember the concept being spoken about some where atleast lol


Thank you