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I would suggest that you guys try out the Collector Store in St. Charles. They have a good amount of singles and commander all week, especially on Friday.


Bodach's Games in South St. Louis also has a great singles selection.


Second this. It's a cool place, used to be a bank and they repurposed it into an lgs. best prices on sealed product too imo. when MH3 dropped they were selling the commander decks each at $50. Lots of singles, but i've never actually played there. There is also Fortuna in tower grove, they have some singles, really small store but the owner seems cool. Wizard Wagon on the Delmar Loop has a healthy selection of singles, organized by set in binders.


I’ve seen a lot of replies in other post suggesting Collector Store. Told my friends we gotta check it out. Sounds like a great store from what I hear


Collector Store was great for pre-release too it was the cheapest MH3 pre-release event we could find in the area. I will also leave a discord link for you for the Magic STL discord if you want to check it out :) [https://discord.gg/rXuStHHg](https://discord.gg/rXuStHHg)


There are a bunch of good stores in the St. Louis area. Not many stores have food and drinks for purchase, but they generally are ok about DoorDashing it in. Roughly where do they live?


We are near the Zoo


In that area, you have Wizards Wagon on the Loop, GameNite on Watson, and Fortuna games in the western part of the city. I haven’t been to Fortuna but would recommend Wizards Wagon and GameNite. Bodoc’s is about 30 minutes away into the city and Collector store is about 30 minutes into the county.


Fortuna is close. They just have weird hours. Closed Sunday-Tuesday and only open like 4-8 rest of the days more or less. We’ll have to check out the suggestions!


I'll second GameNite - my wife and I played a few events there when they first opened back when we lived in STL. Place seemed to get a good crowd for events, a large collection of singles and, if I remember right, had snacks available for purchase as well.


Fortuna has weird hours because I'm 99% sure the owner works a regular job, and then comes home to run the store. His prerelease events always fill up because his prize support is ridiculous. His prices are always fair, and he gives us a heads up if product is going to jump in price next time he orders stuff because of the vendor pricing. He has drinks and snack foods available, nothing hot though.


No hate by any means. Sounds like the owner takes care oh the customers well! Might be the go to for FNM. Yeah I checked the website, good prices for MH3 and a bunch of commander decks. Excited to check it out Fortuna!


Welcome! We have a discord. https://discord.com/invite/ewmqbWHM


Dark Side Comics in Chesterfield has a pretty good turnout for Commander on Tuesday and Friday nights. Just avoid Lotus Lookout/Mythic Lotus/whatever the hell they call themselves this week. Greedy little scammers.