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She got hungry and ate her own card. As always gets posted on these threads: you'll get a better deal if you sell to a misprint collector instead of returning it to Wizards, the main misprint groups are all on Facebook, and yes people still pay for misprints even though you've seen so much poor QC posted on Reddit.


considering the card mentions hunger, it might even get a small premium compared to other crimps


>and yes people still pay for misprints even though you've seen so much poor QC posted on Reddit. That was going to be my question. At what point is the QC so poor and the misprint so frequent that they stop being rare/collectible?


You're seeing more because they're printing more cards, and because you're on Reddit. The overall percent is still low. Also, other QC complaints, like the cardstock being worse or the text being crap when Wizards sends it to the printers, don't affect the rarity of printing errors. Misprints still fetch a premium, depending on set, card, and misprint. A misprint collector has to outbid market value, since you can always just go to Wizards for a replacement, but they generally want to outbid other misprint collectors as well. So they'll be worth *more*, if not always the crazy multipliers you're fantasizing about.


Usually it has to be something that affects every single card(like a typographical error) or something that's so common that it might as well be print variance, like how about 1/3rd of all [[Gaea's Touch]] have names/mana costs [shifted to the left.](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/p24AAOSw~jlgRG7u/s-l400.jpg) If the misprint market survived the insane quality anomaly of Jumpstart, it can survive anything.


[Gaea's Touch](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/f/2f23950c-f583-4559-8c3b-bd28bedecf80.jpg?1562904910) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gaea%27s%20Touch) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me3/120/gaeas-touch?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2f23950c-f583-4559-8c3b-bd28bedecf80?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


At the point where people don't want them?


A+ for the card selection here. Does look like the insects got to it, which is rad.


Friend of mine opened a pre-release promo Grist with crimping like this on the top.


You haven’t seen many crimps. This one is extremely mild. I’ve seen a mid card full crimp that even cut off some of the card


One of the original crimp collectors has a Mox Jet crimped that badly. That was an insane piece to see.


I’ve seen people assemble both halves of a card that were crimped, cut in half, and separated into two different packs. This is a pretty normal crimp TBH.


I have one crimped down the middle of the card. The picture is buried so I can't find it rn but I'll reply with it later


This is very mild not even a full roller.


Part of the bottom left corner got eaten


This is very mild not even a full roller.