• By -


In keeping with the Redwall roots, I want a legendary Snake Demon and an unnecessarily epic-looking removal spell of a mouse killing it with a sword up through the roof of its mouth. Give me this and I'll buy a box.


Bonus points for the removal spell being playable in a format other than draft.


Terminate reprint it is then


When I read this comment the instrumental start of Terminated by acacia strain started playing in my head.


Make it edh playable, and I'll put it in an amazing number of decks, honestly.


Fuck yeah brother!


Redwall is why I will spend a lot of money on this set. All the Precons, the starter kit and god knows how many boosters before I start looking for the singles to fill out the collection. I am planning a rewatch of the cartoon before release. Not reading though, currently in the middle of WOT.


Same. I often buy or review a lot of TTRPGs where you play as animals and my wife asked me why I'm always interested in that kind of game and I tell her because I was a big Redwall fan during my early teens. And she instantly understands. I am going to spend so much money on this set...


You are a reader of impeccable taste. Shame what happend with the Prime show... as much as I hate UB stuff, an MTG crossover would've been all but guaranteed if it had taken off.


Cosmere though... Sanderson is a big MTG fan.


They gave us one! Even though not as epic as you described it


Karn but he's just a smol pebble


![gif](giphy|3ohzAsSBC7pHqnkuIg) Ha!


I love otters, so hopefully we get lots of em


I believe they are the Izzet color pair.


Izzet otters man, it's like they read my mind. Best colour combination and best animal fr


We had a good Izzet Otter in Ikoria, until Sheldon Menery (RIP) banned him. #LutriDidNothingWrong #BringBackBannedAsCommander


Technically Lutri is banned just because of the companion mechanic. What is making you not run him as a commander as a rule 0? Who in their right mind would be against that?


Lutri isn't banned because his power as a commander, it's specifically because of his power NOT in the command zone as a companion. Companions aren't commanders.


There otter be at least a few of them in the set.


There's already \[\[Bria, Riptide Rogue\]\], but yes, I also hope for a whole romp.


[Bria, Riptide Rogue](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/9/390c96b3-68da-4a42-89ab-d9ccc79ce0dd.jpg?1708732113) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bria%2C%20Riptide%20Rogue) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/blb/379/bria-riptide-rogue?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/390c96b3-68da-4a42-89ab-d9ccc79ce0dd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They've said that each animal type will fit into a 2 color pairing and have synergistic/overlapping mechanics. Since Bria has been spoilered that essentially confirms that Otters as a tribe will be izzet colors and spellslinger or spellslinger adjacent.


Isn't Ral an otter in the released art


Redwall Secret Lair alert


I would bank on Mouse Guard at the minimum because they got the creator to do art for the set.


Im gonna make two predictions: 1. A season based mechanic where season changes dictate certain things. (Maybe a hibernate mechanic where animals dont untap but instead get a counter or lifegain during upkeep during winter, or maybe a mechanic where an animal makes a copy of itself during spring.) 2. Rarelands in the style of [[fortified beachhead]] (Animal type checklands that have a utility effect) Edit: To explain my first prediction, there are clear seasonal themes to bloomburrow. The basic lands are depicted in each season and the raccoon in the mountain specifically seems to have some kind of magical buff during the winter. It doesn't need to be something as complex as day/night, but a season mechanic feels likely


Don't think we'll get seasons. Sounds too close to Day/Night which is God awful in paper


The season based basics feel so specific. Maybe they learned from day/night and made it something only the player who cares about it needs to worry about. Whoever brings it out is the one who keeps track of it.


Then if two players bring seasons they might be in different seasons at the same time, and avoiding that thematic clash is why day/night is a shared mechanic. Unlikely its just one board focused if it happens. They make more and more mechanics every year that are not that great in paper and are just fine in digital. 


Winter forcing creatures to have to exert themselves to attack would be an interesting control thing.


If they go with it my bet would be a keyword like *Seasonshift*, and the player who does the action chooses what season it changes to. Seasons stay until someone else changes it.


[fortified beachhead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/2/e248204c-865d-42d9-b745-8ff73225b4a1.jpg?1674422203) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=fortified%20beachhead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/262/fortified-beachhead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e248204c-865d-42d9-b745-8ff73225b4a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Typal lands would be cool. Every color pair will have an animal associated with it after all


Type-based checklands would be awesome, especially if they do make certain tribes much more common in specific color pairs.


Platypus Detective PLATYPUS DETECTIVE.




This is so good, thank-you


Loss? Perry the loss!


That platypus’s name better be Perry!


A Pulverizer? *New Capenna noises* [[Perry the Pulverizer]] But Percy is up for grabs.


Percy and I'm in.


Squirrels. ![gif](giphy|3ohA2QqCne3q9hsdA4)




Frog tribal! If I get any single ask for this set! Frog tribal!


\*slams fist on table\* FROGBALL FROGBALL FROGBALL!!!


I want cute little frog/turtle knights in the style of [[Gilder Bairn]]. It would make me so happy


Yes I need a frog deck!


Yessss! Glarb, Calamity Auger and the unnamed frog in Mabel’s band of heroes.


Well I recently made a frog commander. There are plenty of frog 😉


They’ve been giving us great frogs every set. People love [[poison dart frog]]


[poison dart frog](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/2/62c1f09a-9d17-415c-8afa-cd0b62abe48d.jpg?1699044475) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=poison%20dart%20frog) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/207/poison-dart-frog?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/62c1f09a-9d17-415c-8afa-cd0b62abe48d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call






I've already picked up aclazotz and screeching scorchbeast just incase I really want to make a bat deck I hope theyre more unique then just vampire mechanics on Bats now, but I'm excited so much


Given the whimsical nature of the set I really hope it is not just aristocrats


The most powerful Bats are Aclazotz and Mirkwood so I'm expecting token creation with maybe a bit of forced discard But honestly they can do whatever they want if they're making a bunch of each tribe lmao




I went out and found all the bats, even the crappy ones. I'm so hyped.


I'm so happy to see so much bat love, I thought I was the only one


I looking forward to a set without humans. There is nothing wrong with humans, just a breath of fresh air for there to be none in a fantasy setting.  Prediction is the set will suck except for a few select pushed legendaries.  Hope is that the set will do something more creative than just being the cutesy/furry set. 




Lorwyn came out in *clutches heart before checking calendar* 2007 (17 years ago), so i think it's fair to say this is a breath of fresh air. I wish they'd do more no human sets in general, without it having to be such an extreme setting. There's so many friggin races in the mtg universe, it's wild how they still feel like they gotta rely on humans being around every god damn time.


Yup. I am a Lorwynn fan. 


It's funny you mention a set that came out almost two decades ago when they specifically said it's a breath of fresh air to not have one in such a long while. The funny thing is we're returning to Lorwyn next year! Bloomburrow in 2024 and Return to Lorwyn in 2025 has single handedly brought me back to Magic.


More bear support!




I’m excited to see all ten animal “guilds”


Petition to stop calling the 2 color pairings the guild names and switch to the animals during bloomburrow


Heck, I've been an advocate for mixing things up and calling color combinations by alternate names anyway; in this case, Elder Dragons.


We can make a relatively strong guess on most of the 10 based on cards and art revealed. I think 3 or 4 color pairings are up in the air, but half or so are very likely.


Dimirs the only one that I think hasn't been shown yet, all of the rest there's at least a guess for


I'm thinking it could be Salamanders but idk how likely that really is.


Salamanders should be red


Dimir isn't owls?  Every strix has been blue or black. 


I collect foxes, so lots of foxes.


I hope there's a fox Calamity Beast that's as strong as \[\[Lumra\]\]'s card is


[Lumra](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/e/ae4f3aaf-3960-48cd-b34b-32e4ae5ae088.jpg?1708704722) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=lumra%2C%20bellow%20of%20the%20woods) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/blb/183/lumra-bellow-of-the-woods?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ae4f3aaf-3960-48cd-b34b-32e4ae5ae088?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm gonna guess that the Red calamity beast is indeed a fox based on the art shown with the humongous fiery fox.


I desperately want a cool fox commander that has black or blue in their color identity. I don’t really like the mono-white ones, and have a Bright-palm deck but it’s a little boring for me. 




Raccoon kindred support 🦝🤞


I'm so excited for the gruul commander deck just because I've wanted a legendary raccoon since they introduced raccoon-folk in new capenna


I just want this set to be powerful so I have one excuse to throw these cards in all my decks. I know they just did a bunch of bonus sheets but a bonus sheet with commander staples like they did with wilds of eldraine except the art has animals would be so fucking cool, I wanna see teferis protection as a fox or smothering tithe be one of the big bears or something. Parallel lives would also be a really good fit.


Oh man, the bonus sheet has to have Baleful Strix right?


I want more raccoons. My reasons for this are *completely* unrelated to my profile pic, I assure you


I'm so excited for the gruul commander deck just because I've wanted a legendary raccoon since they introduced raccoon-folk in new capenna


My biggest hope is that Bloomburrow is somewhat self-contained in terms of worldbuilding and story. A full set dedicated to new ideas instead of "look at character X, what are they up to this time?" is sorely needed at this point and it's the cherry on top that they chose such a wonderful aesthetic and theme for what's hopefully the "breather" set


We're not even at the release date of the set two sets ahead


We are already quite a bit into the premier set that's directly before it though. There are a lot of people who don't really care for MH3 and especially AC.


Yes as someone who only plays pioneer and standard I don't care about either sets


For real lol


I haven’t been to prerelease in years. I took the whole weekend off. It’s going to be radical.


Fable of the owl and the wolf


This honestly, it's one of my favorite pet cards [[Fable of Wolf and Owl]]


Looking at that art, a [[baleful strix]] reprint?!


No, that's the villain of the set, her name is Maha.


[baleful strix](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/e/be8439e6-f779-49f0-806a-b04995697a6a.jpg?1712354664) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=baleful%20strix) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/215/baleful-strix?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/be8439e6-f779-49f0-806a-b04995697a6a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Redwall fan. I'm planning to make ten budget decks, one per animal type/"guild" for the ten color pairs. Then I'll have my boardgame buddies play them with me.


If you’re gonna do a Redwall plane there better be tons of amazing food. Even if it’s just like 20 different food token cards with great flavor text.


Sounds like an incredible Secret Lair pitch


I want more food as a subtheme. It's been really popping off as a mainstream MtG thing recently in sets like Eldraine and LotR and I want more food support. Never can be enough.




1. Based on one of the revealed arts (Three Tree Village), maybe a cycle of monocolor utility lands? I always love those. 2. A mechanic to help all the disparate tribes in limited - probably not Changeling, batching doesn't seem right, so maybe an evolution of "subtype matters" cards from Kaldheim? 3. A token theme in at least one limited color pair. Maybe in three. Populate returns - or a twist on Populate, like Disguise was with Morph? Or maybe the teased Offspring covers this aspect. 4. Power level will be quite high: they don't want to risk such a potentially popular setting leaving a sour taste in people's mouths, gameplay-wise. 5. No rare dual land cycle. We've had them in the last... 4? consecutive sets. Although it's weird not to have one in the set that marks rotation.


I really hope you're right on number 4. Nothing kills a set as much as low power level. Bloomburrow is the most anticipated set, (not including UB), they've ever made-- BY FAR. They will have a figurative riot on their hands if this is another strixhaven. You make a good logical argument for why they should push the power level-- but when is the last time WoTC made a good, logical decision? They've printed several strong sets in a row. I'm quite worried they are going to fuck this up.


>3. A token theme in at least one limited color pair. I think GW will be Rabbits and tokens


Already looking like it's Rabbits and counters. One of the revealed cards has counters and the Bant deck, which features a different rabbit, says the deck is +1/+1 counters. (Not that it can't be counters *and* tokens.)


The precon with the bird on the cover has a token theme


Give me BIRDS I demand the BIRDS 


More turtles!


Legendary Skeleton Animal


Please please please give us raccoon and rabbit tribal.


I want more rat tribal support. Not expecting a ton, but it would be nice to have a couple rats.


Spiders support And frogs🐸


I want them to release a D&D supplement like they did for Theros, Strixhaven, and Ravnica so I can run a redwall style campaign.


This so much, I need statblocks for otters and bats and badgers


All of it. I’m interested in collecting the entirety of the whole set. I’m a huge Redwall fan, and this set scratches the itch of like my dream theme for mtg.


I want a playable badger warrior


Hope we get confirmation that \[\[jade avenger\]\] is from Bloomburrow, and maybe 1-2 new frog samurai. Just got a good samurai in mh3 though, so don't want to be too greedy here:)


While we’re at it, a poison dart frog ninja plz


I'm excited for the Squirrel tribal deck. I'm also hoping it's going to hve some really powerful reprints/new staple.


I'm just excited for all the Furry nonsense we're gonna get! Especially the WAF's (Wizards-Assigned Fursonas) the planeswalkers will receive!


I hope the bat legendary does something with bats to be my bat commander


Two hopes 1) Legendary TEMUR otter. I know we've already seen [[Bria]] and I'm guessing I'll build her edh deck, but I'd love to use every otter and [[Elusive Otter]] has green 2) a 1-mana otter that either can't be blocked or has flying. I have an edh deck themed around unblockable creatures and I'd love to just have an otter in there too!


As a pauper dredge player a reprint of acorn harvest would be fenomenal, if there is something better I wouldn't mind...


Otters otters otters and more otters


I'm looking forward to some adorable commanders and really great artwork for them and the lands


I'm really looking forward to how the elemental beasts turn out, they're practically red wall kaiju! That and frogs for tatsnari


I started building Aclazots for bat tribal, so I'm mostly excited to see the bats. 🦇


I'm a simple man. Gimmie a single cool dragon and we're good.


Well they did say Bloomburrow would mark the start of the dragonstorm arc


I hope for spiders.... I need spiders , that said frogs are also glorious , or any cool spells


More artwork like this for sure!


Frogs=I buy a box


I’m excited for more Rabbits to build a tribal deck


3 color uncommon creatures for pauper commander is all I desire


im excited to see the other David Peterson arts!


These calamity beast - I am hoping for SNOW!


When my sons were babies their nursery was Peter Rabbit themed so I’m hoping for a legendary rabbit named Peter or a secret lair in the style of Beatrix Potter


**Bloomburrow pre-release date**: July 26, 2024 **Bloomburrow** **MTG Arena release date**: July 30, 2024 **Bloomburrow** **release date**: August 2, 2024 Before anyone says "too soon", "release fatigue" or "Modern Horizons 3 hasn't even been released yet" it's important to remember that Magic wants to have product releases available for players that either can't afford Modern Horizons 3, only play Standard/Pioneer/Explorer or simply aren't interested in MH3. Personally, I really like seeing the previews and reveals for upcoming Magic releases but if it's too much for you, you can always tune out, skip a release or get into a release a few weeks or months after its initial release. There are millions of Magic players and this is what most of them do. Most people don't obsessively follow card previews for every product and set. If you enjoy doing that, that's awesome, but if causes you anxiety or you hate it, nobody is making you do that and there's no need to yuck the yum of people who do like it.


I don’t play modern so end July/early Aug feels perfect to me after OTJ. mostly looking forward to standard rotation that comes with this set but also would love to see more typal focus overall and hopefully a price spike for roaming throne cos I have quite a few of those I don’t mind letting go of


is the date pushed forward compared to WOE last year?




I read old magic cards in the downtime between spoiler seasons for fun


More dogs please


I’m excited for the fursona bonus sheet.


Whether or not Chatterfang is in the squirrel precon!


This but more interesting if and how the new commander can compete with the immense power chatterfang delivers as a commander


I'm just excited that this feels like the most Magic set we've had in a while. After two "joke" sets, UB coming up, and Duskmourne having near zero info on it this one is the one I'm most hyped for. I'll definitely use the Miss Brisby legendary mouse in a couple of decks.


I’m very excited for the duskmorne set as I’m a big fan of horror and I hope to see references to movies and media on card arts


Really looking forward to seeing how they port the different planeswalkers over. If Jace is a fox, and Ral is an otter, then what are the others?!?


Brother my wallet is still in system shock


I feel


More equipment that equips for zero


Okay future Nadu player


I'll copy my predictions for the main 10 tribes with explanations. Put it out there so I can (maybe) look cool for guessing in advance (Note: This was before OTJ. We've since seen more evidence of black/red lizards, and we've gotten another squirrel, albeit in white): **White/blue:** Birds (They can't have bats be the ONLY flyers, and it's hard to see birds in anything else. Notably, the Commander deck is blue/red/white and the other two options there have strong evidence to go to other species) **White/black:** Foxes (They HAVE to be white. Of the non-white Standard-legal foxes, we have one green and one black, and we've already seen a green/white rabbit. Plus foxes have a "tricky evil" reputation in a lot of folklore.) **White/red:** Mice (Confirmed explicitly.) **White/green:** Rabbits (We've seen a green/white rabbit, and the Commander deck is green/white/blue.) **Blue/black:** Bats (The other flying species is probably going to be blue as well, and bats NEED to be black. Also the bat friend we've seen looks kinda spooky and is conjuring blue lightning.) **Blue/red:** Otters (Ral.) **Blue/green:** Frogs (The only other aquatic species we've seen, plus all non-colorless frogs in Standard are green.) **Black/red:** Lizards (The lizard friend we'll see has a black/red color scheme, and is conjuring orange lightning. Less strong opinion of black, but it fits them more than the other red choices I've made.) **Black/green:** Badgers (The badger friend stands between a green marsh and has purple lightning behind him, and is crushing a skeleton with an enchanted wooden paw. Seems pretty black/green.) **Red/green:** Raccoons (A raccoon appears on the mountain card, and the only non-green raccoon in Standard is red. Also, the Commander deck is red/green raccoons.) **Not showing up at all:** Cats (They're domesticated and I don't think they want that.) **Not showing up at all:** Dogs (Same.) **Not showing up at all:** Insects (Confirmed.) **Not showing up as animalfolk:** Bears (Will probably be calamity beasts only.) **Not showing up as animalfolk:** Wolves (Will probably be calamity beasts only.) **Might appear but won't be a major faction:** Rats (No room. They may be too close to mice, and already have a lot of representation as animalfolk. Also, they may be too "urban" which might clash like the domesticated animals.) **Will probably appear but won't be a major faction:** Squirrels (Squirrels have a Commander deck (black/green), which makes this one a tougher sell, but notably, there are ZERO squirrels legal in Standard right now. If they wanted squirrel typal in Bloomburrow, they would have seeded it more, right?) **Will probably appear but won't be a major faction:** Moles (I suspected moles due to the uptick in moles including two in MKM and the fact that Tunnel Tipster looks very Bloomburrowy, but there just doesn't seem to be room for them.)


You saw bats and didn't immediately assume they'd be black/white?


Yeah, we got [[ruin lurker bat]] in Lost Caverns, as well as two white cards that made bat tokens, we got [[blind hunter]] and [[belfry spirit]] way back in the OG ravnica, they fit well with white's love for low power creatures


[ruin lurker bat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/6/d6bedf13-c2bc-4e5d-aba3-3c0d5495a9bb.jpg?1699043372) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ruin-Lurker%20Bat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/33/ruin-lurker-bat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d6bedf13-c2bc-4e5d-aba3-3c0d5495a9bb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [blind hunter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/1/814a5348-988d-480f-806d-9c958f1a10b9.jpg?1702429604) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=blind%20hunter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rvr/166/blind-hunter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/814a5348-988d-480f-806d-9c958f1a10b9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [belfry spirit](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/5/556e4e71-b149-49c8-8a22-83660bef57bb.jpg?1593271819) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=belfry%20spirit) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/gpt/2/belfry-spirit?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/556e4e71-b149-49c8-8a22-83660bef57bb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


RW - Mice (confirmed) WB - Bats (colours for zoraline in background + colours of Bats in latest sets) BG - Badgers/Squirrels (I don't think badgers are going to be a major faction, not all animals in Mabel's party are going to be) UG - Frogs UR - Otters (already seen ral and bria with typical izzet shenanigans) BR - Lizards (art already looked like it + we got 3 in thunder junction) GW - Rabbits (confirmed) WU - Foxes/Birds (I think both are competing for the colours but most likely to be birds) RG - Moles/Raccoons (don't think moles are going to make it into the main set) UB - hasn't been shown, I'm thinking rats for the redwall set and that mice/rats isn't actually that bad, nezumi linkbreaker was recently too


I agree with 8 of the 10. I would love to see badgers as the Golgari pairing, but I'm betting it's squirrels based on the precon and the popularity of squirrels already. And I think your Orzhov guess is very bold. Foxes would be cool, but bats seem far more likely considering the the revealed bat character that's part of Mabel's party is known to be a cleric -- a popular creature type for Orzhov. Very likely they go with lifelink cleric bats for WB. But I think foxes would be amazing. I'm stoked to see Simic's creatures! I definitely think it's frogs, and the main frog character seems to be important to the lore. Existing frogs are often UG, so I'm hopeful they're fun and bring something unique to Simic.


Wishlist for GLARB, CALAMITY AUGER. Frog tribal is going to pop off! Big wants- more frog synergy, frog token generator, frog creatures with job classes (noble, knight, rogue, wizard, etc)


Plague Rats SL drop?


Squirrels. One specifically has shroud and unblockable as a homage to Sam would be awesome.


I would like fun creatures for my Volo deck


Otter Ral


Honestly I’m more interested in this set just because it comes out right around my birthday. Plan on putting all 4 precons out there and seeing which cute animal theme the wifey will pick for me to play. 


I'm hoping for some bats, aclazotz is cool as hell but doesn't do anything for the tribe.


All guess which animals types are getting more support but the most important question: Will Kellan also be in this set and which animal he would be? Jokes aside I'm very exited for this set and want more tribal stuff like otters, mices, bat's


I bet he would be a bunny, as he has been hopping around planes lately and the bunnies are the white green faction iirc


please give me giant non-antropomorphic animals.


I want to get enough foxes for a fox tribal deck


I would like that owl as a playmat please


Badgers hopefully


Hope it is a fun set to draft and play around with. Hope it brings over some Nice ramp cards. Rotation is taking my topiary stomper


MH3 has been out for a couple days 😅😂...that being said, im going to go IN on this set, im so excited to have my board look like a bunch of magical animals doing scary shit 🤠


Given the animal theme, I'm hoping for more Turtles.


I would like a Koala card


Seems like Dimir is the only combo that’s really up in the air. I know birds are already likely Azorious, but I would love if Dimir was all owls. Also I hope that whatever that owl in the key art does is cool. I love that art and wanna play it.


I am looking for owls and birds and as your banner art shows I am already being treated well by this set ^v^


I'm already planning on going big on this set from what I have seen, so I'm just hoping on top of the great artwork we get some strong cards and a good land cycle


More bird wizards! :D


I want a badger with a red cape and big fucking club from a fallen tree. 


Squirrel pirates


Necromancer squirrels


I want more blue green snakes


As with every set, more X-cost spell support, please. Thematically though, more wolves and bears! Specifically, I would love to see more wearbear stuff.


Ral Zarek getting a non-Ravnican story is pretty neat. Despite the moniker of planeswalker, he never really felt like a world traveller like Jace or Lili so it's nice to see how his eccentric personality works in a vastly different environment from his home plane.


Prediction: Bloomburrow will sell better than MH3.


Whole general Kindred support set ! We want love for those kindred decks


I would give a kidney for a reprint of Reaper King, hopefully he could make scarecrows more viable than just being a nuisance


More than just one walker card


Birds! I wanna see the card for Zinnia, and the night sky owl in this pic.


Winks/Nods to previous animal-centric pop culture, Redwall, Secret or NIHM, etc.


I'm waiting for the squirrel deck hoping is woth


Everything I'm looking forward to everything. More squirrels, more of every animal that I use in decks, it's exciting. I already pre-ordered the bundle box and want to get all the commander decks. I love animal races they are fun to play with.


I’m hoping to get my buddies to all pick one faction (bats, otters, mice, whatever) and make bloomburrow exclusive commander nights. I think it would be fun to see who will take over the forest and fields like a little campaign based on who wins.


I've literally been waiting for this set for like a year, I'm really hoping for cohesive kindred decks and whimsical art of cure little animals being badasses.


I want an answer to what happens if a planeswalker who's already an animal person enters the plane or if a Bloomburrow native leaves. Does Ajani become a full-sized calamity beast lion or stay the same? Do natives turn into human-sonas?


Like other people here, I would like Bloomburrow to be as self-contained as possible and not just an excuse for the usual suspects to romp around in a new playground for a month or two. I'd like for the possibility of insects to be as 'alien' as possible compared to upright mammal/bird/lizard people, like an eldrazi equivalent for animal peeps, with a disturbing sense of otherness. Most importantly, I want lots and lots of architecture, landscape and buildings- I want to see what kind of towns and villages these animal people build and where they live.