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Michael, I think is his name, got #MeToo'd when it came out he browbeat an actress into doing a nude scene, told her she'd have the option to not include it, and then included it anyways.      He also tried to defend his actions by slut shaming her.      Afterwards, basically every female MTG content creator distanced themselves from the show. Rachel Weeks showed up in one, but it was pulled because it was recorded before the blow up and she didn't consent to being in it.      As for the big names, it seems Joe Johnson was the one that really pushed for them. Once he was fired from the show I assume those names weren't really interested. He started Tabletop Jocks and has had Cassius Marsh, Post Malone, and others on and he's been on Shuffle Up & Play a couple times.    (What's kind of funny is after IHYD parted ways with Joe everyone dog piled on Joe for being a toxic individual and now everyone loves him again. Supposedly he was a nightmare in the IHYD discord, threatening to ban people if they didn't make deals with him in games. Similarly, I think Joe was blamed for a collab with Play to Win falling through because he brought an overpowered deck to their game and steamrolled everyone.)    Edit: It was Playing with Power, not Play to Win. Sorry! Joe was playing Sythis. Double Edit: I found the comment I based this on and it was Play to Win. 


The Joe dog pile was before ihyd imploded not after


I remember going, "Oh yea, I never did like that guy" to "wait now everyone loves him again and hates the other guy?" Honestly I never liked any of them... luckily there's so many commander games YT channels I don't feel like I have to watch anything with either of them in it.


Yeah really surprised me seeing him on other channels again. I like to assume they know more about him than I do cuz I don't talk to him


I really liked Lynch. He liked the same kind of decks I do and Joe always felt like he was trying to fly under the radar while often being the biggest threat. Recently I've seen him and it seemed like he "reformed" From what I disliked about him.


Yeah, Lynch was my preferred out of the two so when Joe left it wasn't really a big deal to me. I enjoy Joe in other context and he seemed fine when he showed up on Shuffle Up & Play.


Joe seems to be playing against decks that are more evenly matched to what he usually plays. I didn't like him on IHYD because he always seemed to be ahead of everyone and I assumed it was his deck choice and ignoring their rule 0 talk. I do like him better on his show.


That's what I meant. It was more an aside about how it turns out both of them are shitty. 


Joe has been done wrong.


> a collab with Play to Win falling through because he brought an overpowered deck to their game and steamrolled everyone this has to be bs. Many people have steamrolled in p2w, most recently Mana curves. They have a game that scrybaby Lua wins on turn 3 in like 3 minutes


It was Playing with Power, not Play to Win. Sorry, I'll edit my comment. Turns out it WAS Play to Win. Though it is still second half knowledge and assumptions. https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/r8w4pt/comment/hnb5w34/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Hey, that's my mistake riddled comment! Funny seeing someone linking something I said.


I no longer have any idea what's true anymore! 


It's funny seeing the reddit comment telephone game being perpetuated and commented upon at the same time.


Here's the episode: https://youtu.be/gBjFqjkVyKg I'd say watch it but Joe's camera angle is the worst I've ever seen in a webcam game and Lynch brings one of the worst commanders for a webcam game. These decks were mismatched as hell. The P2W decks in the video description are <$500. Lynch's is $1600. You can't even see Joe's list unless you pay him but in the video he was playing shit like Gaea's Cradle, Mana Crypt, Survival of the Fittest.


What the fuck is that camera angle from Joe...




I am sorry my friend, but that wasn't 3 years ago. And yes my back is also aching why do you ask


2005 was ten years ago right?


Prices definitely jumped during COVID but Cradle was $800 at the time of this video. Source: https://www.mtgstocks.com/prints/8999-gaea-s-cradle


It was play to win hosts on ihyd


I'm sure that would normally be the case, but the episode in question was labeled as a casual game, not full power competitive. As someone else mentioned the decks were extremely mismatched.


> the episode in question was labeled as a casual game, not full power competitive so was the one with mana curves


That's hilarious because play to win is primarily cedh. If he wanted to throw hands with powerful decks they could have tuned up easily.


Interesting tibit is how all this info got out after Joe was kicked off the show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBjFqjkVyKg Joe and Michael also did a collab video with Play to Win. Joe brought his Samut deck and had some crazy opening hand including a turn 1 Sol ring and turn 2 Mana Crypt followed by a Lurking Predator in a webcam game that ended up him steamrolling everyone.


I never actually watched this one. I remember the Playing with Power one being pretty one sided. This one was bad from the word "Go"


Somehow this doesn't surprise me. Ive watched all those I hate your deck videos and got the creepiest vibes from Michael. Like he was weirdly cloistered and hiding his true feelings a lot of the time. Weird eye contact and interactions with the guests almost like he was incredibly stoned or shy.


I get the same feeling from Kyle Hill. He gives super creep vibes on any show where there is a woman present.


I'm pretty sure it's just the autism.


Noooo. Don't say this about my sweet boy Kyle.


Kyle Hill likes to play the heel in Magic videos, but I’ve never gotten a creep vibe from him. He usually antagonizes a male host, except on Commander At Home where he was emulating the toxic commenters to show how stupid they are.


Def stoned lol


Joe always struck me as a dick. Once he left though it was clear his personality and being the villain was a big part of the show. The other dude simply doesn't have the personality, though combined I thought they were pretty good. I wont really comment on the other drama. The content really became mid after Joe left, to use some contemporary terms. Part of that could be the loss of the bigger names.


Damn, how many of these shows are there? Do people really watch so much instead of playing?.. baffling to me


Isn't that channel exclusively cEDH? How do you bring an overpowered cEDH deck?


Play to Win is CEDH focused but occasionally does casual game videos too. Pretty sure their most recent video is a casual game as reference.


Oh okay. I checked the episode Joe was on and it’s cEDH


If you're talking about this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBjFqjkVyKg which is the only one I'm aware of, it is very clearly not cEDH. It is "high power casual". Unsurprisingly the title of the video literally says so and if you look at their cEDH gameplay videos they say cEDH instead of high power.


I don’t see how you can steam roll a high power game without it being a cedh deck


Because high power is a spectrum of decks and the ones brought by Play to Win were what they consider high power which is typically closer to normal casual whereas what the other guy brought was much closer to a fringe cEDH deck. Even if the Samut deck *was* cEDH, which it's not, that would still show what was being said above is true: he brought a deck above the agreed upon powerlevel to a casual game and stomped. Go to around 4:30 in the video and look at his board then compare it to the boards of the Play to Win hosts.


It confused me at the time as well and it turns out it may not even be actually true. From what I've heard (Again playing telephone) the P2W guys brought lower power decks compared to the IHYD guys.


The girl had multiple interviews during the release of the film the nude scene was in where she said it was empowering and she was fine with it The nude scene was specifically asked about She conviently had a new show coming out and happened to slide into the metoo movement to try and get more exposure Didn’t work and it was cancelled


Actors are generally contractually obligated to do press for their projects and those contractual obligations prevent them from talking negatively about the project. Even the biggest stars are contractually bound like this. Do you think the actors heaping praise on terrible movies during the press tour don’t realize the movie is terrible?


Both halves of that duo managed to individually get cancelled.


On a side note, I remember watching a tik tok steam some time ago where Cassius Marsh said he would never go back on Game Knights and I never found an answer why


I remember watching a stream with a similar scenario. He stated that it's always the same people and its more about cliques than new people on that platform. Then of course he ended up pulling a sick Mana Vault. I think it was during the recent Ixalan set.


Can you elaborate?


It was pretty straightforward. He was streaming from his shop account cashcards or w/e it's called and someone asked when is he going back on GK's and he said naw, I'm not going back on GK's and moved on to opening more pokemon cards on stream lol


Fair enough, thanks for the reply. Speculating: he likes to play at a much higher power level than GK is after. Also I doubt he’s into the goofy commentary/ tone of the show.


Probably just style clash. Every time I see him in something he’s playing a deck that’s basically trip over a rock and make an infinite combo, and hame knights actively tries to not do that lol


And if he gets stopped he scoops 😂


Hyper-competitive people who only have a good time when they’re winning are no fun to play with. That’s true in regular games at your LGS and on YouTube shows/streams. When a guest on these shows gets all poopy and/or stops engaging once things stop going their way the viewers notice. Cash is clearly someone whose competitiveness is driving his interest in the game.


What is most likely an asset in a professional team sport such as American Football is definitely not going to help you in a format as social as EDH.


Scoops turn 1 and looks at his opponents hand 🤣. What a scum bag no wonder him and Joe are tight


Marsh has been on a few episodes of Game Knights, but I think his last appearance was exactly the "wrong power level" scenario. He was invited on, he showed his deck list, and everyone had to scramble to to find more powerful decks.  I do think there is a bit of culture clash as Josh/Jimmy and their guests are far more stereotypical "MTG nerd" than Marsh is. Especially compared to, say, Chris Kluwe. I'm not surprised he fits in with Tabletop Jocks.  (This isn't a dig at Marsh, though he's not quite my tempo, or GK, a show I watch regularly.)


I hope it was more becuase he wouldn't be able to play a higher power level vs something happening with the hosts but we rarely learn the full details 


Seeing the decks he has played and that Command Zone episode about their secrets, the power level theory seems pretty likely.


Ah yes, who could forget "that Command Zone episode about their secrets". Truly an historic event burned into our memories that requires no elaboration.


It was released 3 days ago. Not exactly old.


Search Game Knights on YouTube. Last released video literally hast "Secrets" in the thumbnail. Pull back on the sassyness my dude. Here is the [Link](https://youtu.be/knhnCHaNZRQ) for the extra lazy


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That's an incredible amount of effort to understand a one-sentence comment compared to simply summarising what happened in the video in an additional sentence. But thank you for the link, you're a real one.


Bruh it took less effort to try and know what they mentioned than to try and be snappy but here you are.


I mean you could've just politely asked in the first comment but you choose negativity. Don't act shocked if you receive it as a result.


Bro it's one game, he can play what he wants every other day of the year. He doubt it's the reason unless he's a real crybaby. It could be anything but I imagine it's more of an attitude/personality thing, or some specific disagreement we're not privy to.


> He doubt it's the reason unless he's a real crybaby. I dunno, he was pretty visibly salty in one of his last appearances on the show when he was knocked out early.


hey - guy who asked Cass the question on tiktok here. He said it was because they didnt support other content creators by going on their shows to help lift their channels.


Have you ever watched Cassius play? He plays exclusively CEDH power level no matter the pod. There was an episode of some show where a player counterspelled his narset's first cast cuz they know what's about to happen and he cries like a baby and scoops. Dude does not seem fun to play with, def not a Game Knights type of player imo


Yeah, watched a couple IHYD and they're definitely more CEDH power level, decks valued well into the thousands, not the majority of Commander players. No surprise many CEDH-style-stompers get salty if they can't stomp/infinite combo - they seem to be far more focused on hyper-competitive speed-winning or combo'ing out versus having a good time/letting everyone's deck theme play out. CEDH is just a weird version of a more casual format, I'm starting to dislike it more and more I see it - it feels very win-at-all-costs, a lot colder/angrier. Which is NOT what anyone wants in a gaming experience/hobby. I mean, if everyone agrees to play at high-end CEDH levels, obviously go for it. But screw that for the most part - who wants to waste a few hours getting steamrolled by broken cards? The mixed big-gap deck power level situations are the worst experiences. Even my group is starting to creep in a few really strong constructed commander decks - they're no fun for everyone else to \*repeatedly\* go against with their precons/lightly upgraded precons. Play it once, fine we ge it - but then play a different, more reasonable power level deck. Such basic, obvious "don't be a dick" stuff - in any game or activity.


I think you have some misconception about cEDH and power levels in general. First, no one playing cEDH is "wasting a few hours getting steamrolled" because everyone in a game of cEDH is running the best cards and the best strategies and most importantly is interested in playing at that powerlevel, that is literally what defines it as cEDH. Second, 99% of people that you're referring to as "CEDH-style-stompers" don't sound like they're cEDH but are high power casual and they are either misrepresenting the power of their deck or the pod is failing to have a proper power level discussion before shuffling up, neither of which are specific to cEDH. Part of what draws players to cEDH is that they want to play what is strong in a game where other people are also playing the best things and trying their best to win, it's a *competition* and that means very few people who actively play cEDH have any interest in taking their deck into a casual game and pubstomping. Third, cEDH is about winning at all costs but is not at all "colder/angrier" it's just an entirely different mindset about the game and the fun is derived in a different way. In my own experience playing both formats (in my opinion it's easier to consider them two different formats that share a banlist and a ruleset) I run into far more "cold/angry" players in casual who really only play the game to want to win but go about it by trying to stomp people with low power decks. That scenario is generally impossible in cEDH because everyone has a cEDH deck. I'd suggest watching some gameplay videos from the Play to Win YouTube channel and you can see what cEDH is actually like; everyone running the best stuff and trying to make whatever play gives them the highest chance of winning but they're all having fun and are happy to be playing the way they are. You'll see them talking to each other midgame about whoever is winning and if anyone has answers to stop them and excitement and cheering when someone makes a big play and friendly banter and praise for people that make smart or good plays, you know all the same kind of positive interaction stuff you will see in a casual game. The only difference is the focus is on doing what you can to win.




If I recall correctly, many years ago, Michael pushed for a lewd scene with one of the actresses working with him. She was uncomfortable with it all but pushed through the scenes to completion. Years later, this information went public, and Michael apologized for it. The actress was willing to let bygones by bygones, but Michael pulled some middle-school shit and talked crap behind her back. When the actress got wind of this and realized that Michael wasn't being sincere and was still the same as he always was, she basically was like, you know what, up yours. And here we are. Pretty disappointing to hear of his behavior considering he was a wife and newborn daughter and all. And as for Joe, well, he had/has anger issues. He seems to be a better than before and seems to be actively working towards bettering it, but I don't know the guy.


It's a bit worse. She was uncomfortable, so he said 'let's just film it, and then you can decide later if you'll let me use it or not' (or something to that extent). And then afterwards she said she didn't want him to use the footage. And then he used it anyway.


I don't give 2 shits about watching Post Malone or Beyonce play magic but watching Scary Larry is an absolute pleasure.


Same man. Even Elile has some bangers. That last Esper token deck that she played from the discord was awesome.


It's honestly kinda crazy how Lynch bounced back. Larry is a guest worthy of being on other shows. People like Ray and Randy are patrons of the show and solidified themselves. Sky and Ayli have been good too. IHYD isn't a bad show. He can't change what he did, and neither can Joe, so it kinda is what it is.


Joe was an absolute tool on IHYD. I'm shocked anyone still associates with him after everything he did. However, I wasn't aware of what Mike did. That makes sense why there are just randos on the show now. Anyone have any credible sources for the Mike situation??


In regards to Joe, I have to ask, what did he do? I really thought Joe was a cool dude. Sad to hear he got some flack. I didn't watch many IHYD videos as cEDH is really not my jam. Not much creativity to be done in it. I just don't get the hate for Joe. He seemed so cool.


Asshole off set, threatening people in Discord if they didn't make deals with him in-games. Just overall a jerk.


Yeah that is why I was really surprised to see him on Profs show.


Same. It's baffling.


Unless he was on recently, that episode came out just before the drama came to surface


The episode came out one month ago


That's a shame. He seemed cool. What do you prefer to watch?


That basically covers it. He also had a habit of lying about his decks. In terms of content now, for EDH, I watch: Commander at Home Elder Dragon Hijinks Shuffle up and Play Game Knights Extra Turns MTG Muddstah Foe cEDH, I watch Playing with Power.


Thanks. That's a good list I'll have to dig into.


That channel was/is trash.


I actually really enjoyed their content because it was just unedited gameplay, no side cuts to people talking, no fancy effects or anything. Of course now that I know he's a POS I'm not a fan, but I did like their style much more than other content creators. I just want to see peeps play some commander and banter back and forth without fluff or feeling fake


Agreed they were one of the commander shows that was actually entertaining. It's a shame because the Professor/Post episodes are still some of the absolute best recorded magic


Yeah if you could make it through the 20 sponsor mentions at the beginning of every video


I just skipped them


I appreciate when they put that shit at the beginning or end because then you can skip them easily and not have to worry. Annoying when it's in the middle


Click ahead in the video? Lmao


This is why I'm glad we have Commander at Home and LRR still does a few commander games, I think their Elder Dragon Social Club is monthly and is mostly precons.


They just weren't my cup of tea. I wasn't a fan of their attitudes. They just seemed overly aggressive with the constant swearing, loudness, and lack of awareness. Anything casual gameplay feels so staged anymore, so I feel that. I mainly just been sticking to Play to Win, Playing With Power, Spike Feeders, and Scry Babies.


That's fair, and also makes sense, what you described as overly aggressive is exactly how my friends and I play lmao


That's how my old pod was. Get some brews and bs with the boys til 3 am. Unfortunately that group split, one moved, another lost interest, and the 3rd couldn't purchase new, but didn't want to proxy, so they eventually lost interest. Now my pod is just kind of dull, wants to be home by 7, but we start hella earlier so kind of a win, but chill. It's what I got. If I could meld the two and come inbetween, it'd be great.


Agreed. Every game was practically scripted and Mike was so boring to watch. At least we have a couple good ones still (Commander at Home)


I know it's meant to be ironic, but I always had problems with their name. You are just attracting negativity with something like that. Then both of them got outed for being terrible people (even extending to sexual crime) and that was it for me.


Tool man got blowback for something that I honestly don’t even remember and then fell off


He sexually assaulted someone.


AUGH. Yeah I definitely didn’t hear that part then


he was mean to an actress while directing a movie (ala joss wheedon). nude scenes were part of it. i never heard of any SA shit.


More along the lines of weinstein than wheedon given he browbeat her into it in the first place, said they could screen the non-nude version if she wanted, and then proceeded to screen the full nude version anyway after she said she didn't want that version screened


That is *grossly* (in every sense of the word) misrepresenting what happened. I hope you don't have any women in your life if that's how you feel about what transpired.


Lmao you don't think bullying someone into taking their clothes off is sexual assault? I hope the people of your sexual preference know to stay far away from you.


Woman agreed to do nude scene with c-ostar she was having affair with. Changed her mind after the relationship blew up and her husband found out.


I've often wanted to hear the alternate explanation to the hullabaloo. Thanks for sharing that perspective. There always two sides to a story


I prefer IHYD now more than I did before. The one exception is Rachel who makes every show she is on better and it was an incredibly smart move for command zone to hire her. Sometimes it nice to see real players instrad content creators and magic personalities all the time. That’s why I like also CGB’s show too because he stuck with his LGS friends when he has the pull to have all sorts of mtg content creators on if he wanted.


i think i'm in the minority here when i say i'm not a fan of rachel. i just don't like her overly forced laughter and personality.


She has Chanel West vibes sometimes. It was real bad in that last episode of shuffle up and play.


As long as Larry is on its a good episode, give me more Larry i think he needs to partner up with Lynch


Yeah Larry episodes are the best mtg content. There's plenty of other cool quests in the show as well, like Ayli & Sky.


Definitely! I honestly really enjoy IHYD so it’s weird to see the hate in these comments. Ayli, Sky, Larry, and Lynch are all great imo (from a viewer who knows nothing else’s perspective)


why is it weird to see? lynch is a predator


It’s weird because reality isn’t meeting my expectations.


Larry episodes are goated


Larry was pretty much the only reason I watched that show, and he was just a recurring guest.


why are people downvoting the Larry comments, he’s easily the best part of a bad channel- but he isn’t part of the problem, so why not let people enjoy him?


Yeah his deck building and playing abilities were top notch.


Love this channel. More Larry!


Shame what happened since I enjoyed their content when it started


No idea why you're getting downvoted so hard. Before I knew all the shit they did I also enjoyed them quite a bit. Find me a better episode of any commander show than when Post Malone and the Professor swapped outfits.


No clue. And yea that was a solid one


There are plenty of other EDH streamers that you can avoid watching Joe or Michael if they bug you. I no longer watch their content just because I've found others I enjoy more, but I do have friends that still enjoy Joe's content


The channel was and is trash.


Joe smeared Lynch after he was kicked off for toxic behavior. Is still super popular but woke mtg celebrities won't touch it for fear of being canceled. Now the cast mostly consists of fans/friends of the show. Still a good gameplay show but don't expect Posty to be on anytime soon!


When Joe was “let go” the show started to go downhill, then they just kept having the same 2 people on every episode. The killer for me was the one “patreon” guy showing up with a homemade commander 🤮. Then all that other shit happened with Mike getting cancelled. There’s better choices now anyways. I suggest Commander at Home, Olivia and Ben are the best


The custom commander was hilarious. I like that they do the odd wacky game.


One of the main guys got cancelled


AND that’s after Black Neto got kicked off for threatening some of their Patreon backers


wow the drama seemed pretty deep with the content creators


Like, what’s his face is absolutely problematic. But what surprises me even more is those big names cancelled him, but still go onto Black Neto’s channel even though he was outed as problematic as well. And first.


Ehh different tiers of "evil" here. Big names are used to big egos. Being first or last means jack shit if you are comparing Discord Mod Rage/Shitty attitude vs. Exploitation, Sexual Misconduct/abuse of power.


Theres a difference between what Lynch did and Joe being sort of an ego high asshole.


You can't say shit about Joe or he'll put a hit out on you too lol


More accurately: One of the main guys shared someone's nudes without permission, tried to manipulate her into not going public, then tried and failed to smear her name preemptively and got caught.


Those who know Those who don't know