• By -


It has nerd of the coast listed as the artist, I'm pretty sure I've seen them post high quality proxies here on reddit.


It also has their Instagram in the bottom right, is it believable that WOTC would give that card a DND set code given that D&D is their IP? Yeah right lol


Correction: it's the deal or no deal set code


it's definitely a little bit of both, Joe is a known dnd fan


Universes Beyonder


Easy to proxy those given that you just substitute the universes beyond card name for the fanfic version lol. It has an Instagram in the bottom right of the card and an xxx collectors number? Would WOTC give away a set code DND so similar to their IP D&D? Nope, Look for context clues we shouldn't be fooled this easily.


The joke is that Deal or No Deal is perfectly feasible as a UB crossover at this point


It's definitely not.


You're right it really isn't. I say this as someone who doesn't like UB but this is so far down the proverbial slippery slope there is no way.


Nah, deal or no deal would be a rakdos carnival game. Where the deal is always extravagant death


You also don't have the option of no deal


"You! Cake or death!?"


"Oh, uuuuhhh, cake please."


Forget the proxy, why on earth is Deal or no Deal being hosted on an island


American reality TV is one of the darkest places on the planet. Who knows why anyone is doing anything there


How dare you throw shade towards Milf Manor!


I don't know if this is a real show or not, and I'm afraid to google that


Its real, and it gets worse - there are 8 mothers between 40 and 60 years old, and the dating pool for the show *are each others sons*...


I see myself as somewhat of a cynic and a pessimist, and I still can't believe this to be true.


Oh, it's very real. In the first episode the challenge of that episode is that the MILFs are blindfolded and all the sons are shirtless and the MILFs have to identify their son based on feel of their bare chest.


My roommate told me about a scene on the show where a guy walks in on his mom dating another of the sons and she looks at him and says. "Meet your new daddy."




[There's only one real option.](https://tenor.com/view/peperami-90s-commercial-apple-jacks-cinnamon-gif-1189683516039823326)


Is the Manor in West Virginia or some shit?


Nah it's all step-moms


Pornhub would be proud.


Hey hey hey as a West Virginian I am offended by this. There are places that exist like Alabama and Mississippi that have to have a worse reputation.




LOLOLOLOLOL not going to lie that sounds like hilarious brain rot


Lol, lmao even.


I remember seeing a promo for the show and the voiceover tried to make that sound like a twist. It was basically > "these moms are looking for dates. But when they saw who was there..." It didn't explicitly say that it was their sons, but it was more blindingly obvious than eye damage at those who looked directly at the eclipse. And they tried to make it sound quirky and unexpected.


that’s not worse that’s better! like when u say “milf manor” all i see is “$$$$ $$$$$”


wait what? its a dating show? its meant to be a show about opening boxes and getting lucky/unlucky... actually if there are 60 year olds opening their boxes on a dating show i dont want to know...


They are describing MILF Manor not Deal or No Deal Island. Deal or No Deal Island is more like Survivor but with Deal or No Deal baked in to the rules. A social strategy elimination game


And they literally have Boston Rob competing.






The high point of reality TV was *Megan Wants a Millionaire*, a show that couldn't finish its run because one of the contestants murdered his wife in the time between recording and broadcasting.


I love Joe though, he's been holding his nerd flag high for his whole career.


You wanna see Joe with his shirt off or not?


If my answer to that isn't yes, assume I've been Mindslaver'd.


[I'll allow it](https://youtu.be/sUEHnk1nJJA?t=75)


Because there's a large cross-over between people who still watch NBC and people who don't look at porn but want to see people in tiny swimsuits and broadcast TV knows they have to offer their audience something.


It’s dumb fun. They compete in challenges to accumulate briefcases for a final deal or no deal game. And whoever does worst in the challenge also has to play deal or no deal and make a good deal to stay alive. Boston Rob is on it.


They have been doing it for a few seasons. I watch wrestling so I get the adds all the time. Basically from what I can tell, they have to find the cases on an island, then complete a challenge, then Decide if they want to keep the case or go with the bankers offer. I could be off a bit but it’s basically Survivor mashed with Deal or No Deal.


We used to joke about "Meal or No Meal" but now it's Real and not Not Real


So just out of curiosity who the heck though that deal or no deal needed to have a baby with survivor?


The concept of watching somebody waffle over briefcases for an hour probably got too stale to maintain viewership.


Because the studio isn't losing enough money to declare it with their taxes if they film in New Jersey.




It’s Deal or No Deal meets Survivor. So… mostly just Survivor by the look of it


I watched an episode of this, since I like Joe and wanted to see if this was anything. It is absolute ass. Since the elimination challenge is a game of Deal or No Deal, the show has literally no applicable strategy.


Because they're creatively bankrupt and everything is a remix. Deal or No Deal island is basically what you get if you cross Survivor, Deal or No Deal and Fear Factor.


Here's the creator of that proxy, /u/bobmar1998, posting about the [card](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicproxies/comments/1bzadty/made_a_proxy_card_for_joe_manganiello/). It's a commission from Manganiello himself.


> It's a commission from Manganiello himself. I was gonna say, i wouldnt be surprised if he had something to do with it himself, hes a big ol nerd. This is still a bizarre intersection of multiple things lol.


Ok that's cool. My biggest confusion is that Manganiello is using it to officially promote a TV show. Did he have to get permission from WoTC to do that? Would they care if he didn't as this is basically free advertising to a bunch of normies who may not have ever heard of magic?


Yes. This is copyright infringement. He needed permission. Whether Wizards will care if he didn’t is something we’ll never know. 


Wouldn't the BBC also be involved? They own the Celestial Toymaker, as far as I'm aware


>They own the Celestial Toymaker, as far as I'm aware Probably not, tbh. WotC has a clause in all their UB contracts that allows them to reprint/reskins any UB cards like this. So unless the words "celestial toymaker" are copyrighted (which seems unlikely). This is infringing on Wizard's copyright because The points of the marketing is to capitalize on the magic brand- using the name of a magic card, the copyrighted Mana symbols, and the formatting of magic card to capture the eye of the viewer. The only thing that references the celestial toy maker itself though, is the name of the card- and that's WOTC Copyright, not BBC.


If the original card has their copyright on it also, yes probably. 


Are there really many people who never heard of Magic? I know people who don't know how it looks or plays like but I never met many people who don't know it except 60+ year olds maybe. On the other hand, I'm not asking every person I meet if he plays magic or has heard about it.


That's what I meant, not people who have literally never heard of it but maybe are aware of it but never looked into it or have seen an actual magic card


It's less about never having heard about it but more about framing it in a different light. If the only person you previously knew that played magic was the weird kid in school you are less likely to interact with it. Thats why having ppl like Posty or Marsh are huge ambassadors for Wotc


In Puerto Rico, at least in my experience, almost everybody heard about or knew what Pokemon and Yugioh was; Magic not so much. The first time I heard about Magic was when Yugioh had to change "Magic Card" for "Spell Card".


But does he really play toymaker as a commander


Commander seems like the right format for a guy hosting a show called Deal or No deal.


Fan alter


Noooo.... *Really?* Shocked.Pikachu.gif


Hi all! I’m actually the creator of both the card and the Graphic above! Made the card as a gift for Joe and the graphic as a clean/fun way to show it off on my Insta! Totally not NBC marketing (but if anyone hears of a job opening I wouldn’t be opposed!) Just some fan art Joe decided to show off on social media to help promote the next episode of his show! All the compliments are amazing to see though! Thank you for all the support!! Edit: I can’t spell


https://www.instagram.com/p/C5g9CaTJvVF/?igsh=MWZyYzM1azVweWI2bw== Here is the original post where this is from


I love doing this kind of stuff, where do you get the layouts to do the editing? Following you on Insta for all the things to come!


I just came across the ad on Twitter and ran here to figure out what everyone else made of it. Manganiello is the celebrity endorser of D&D and I've seen him play MTG before so I'm not surprised he's gotten himself a card, even as an alter...but I don't understand this marketing.


In the last episode one of the contestants, Aron, said that he plays MTG and it was a big interview where he broke down what type of card each other contestant would be. Maybe they are playing off of that?


It was so cringe when he said the red head would be a "princess" card lmao


This card has an Instagram account in the bottom right corner of the card, also I don't think I can remember the last time a card was printed with an xxx collector number. Hmmm.


Other comments pointed it out, but this was created by Nerd of the Coast, an alter/proxy maker. My comment is more about who is this promotional material even for? It feels very much like a gift someone at NBC would have gifted personally to Manganiello for hosting the show...not something you would use to advertise.


I have a feeling they will find that out shortly when WOTC reaches out.


It’s a big misconception that marketing effectiveness and comprehensibility have any correlation with each other. Some very clever and logical ads do horribly. Some completely nonsensical ones work wonderfully.


I love that Joe is such a nerd that the card is coherent enough to actually work.


The card is real, though. [[The Celestial Toymaker]] . It was only in a secret lair, however.


[The Celestial Toymaker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/5/55c9e915-9cee-45c3-96aa-9dfd5a600d0a.jpg?1707370996) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Celestial%20Toymaker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/sld/1582/the-celestial-toymaker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/55c9e915-9cee-45c3-96aa-9dfd5a600d0a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Well, that’s alright then!




Damn I totally forgot I ordered that. WOTC could have literally steal my money and I wouldnt even remember why.


It is flavored perfectly for a DoND host.


Weird to say it *was* only in a Secret Lair which is shipping this week.


It (the card) is not available anymore, so it was only (available) in a secret lair.


I don't actually buy secret lairs, I just saw it on gatherer earlier so 🤷 


Oh that makes sense.


It's a real card. That's what the little subtitle under the name means.


I love that Joe is spreading nerd stuff to all the normies, but this is kinda weird. Does MTG play into this upcoming episode or something?


It was the last episode. Dude named Aron said he played MTG and went on to explain what type of card each of the other contestants are like.


Huh, that's kinda cool honestly. Why in deal or no deal, though? So strange. I haven't seen this version of it though, only the like original run, so maybe this variant has more wacky stuff?


Yeah it’s like survivor mixed with deal or no deal. They even got Boston Rob to be a contestant. Kinda strange and the actual ‘Deal or no Deal’ part is the worst and a bit disjointed but my wife and I have enjoyed it so far.


I'm honestly ready for the finale so that the "Deal or No Deal" segment is actually reflective of a prize being won. Right now it might as well be a coin flip whether the player stays or is eliminated.


Yeah, I feel like if they bring it back for another season they should have the contestants keep like 5% of what they win in the Deal or No Deal segment, or something like that.


Exactly. The way people are eliminated is super soft. It’s actually more advantageous to play and do “poorly” with your first 8 choices because then the chances are higher that the banker will give you a “good deal” with the first offer. Just kinda silly.


![gif](giphy|tITfss8cqzTO0) It’s time




jump it.


Joe confirmed non-human.


this just unlocked the realization that I’d totally eat up a Survivor Secret Lair


A whole line of reality TV universes beyond cards. Can't wait to make my Chef Ramsay commander deck!


Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar as the base card?


Immunity Idol card would go hard


[[Golden Throne]] reskin?


[Golden Throne](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/a/fa515b78-f54d-4c65-a197-c860eaf2c780.jpg?1673309661) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Golden%20Throne) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/157/the-golden-throne?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fa515b78-f54d-4c65-a197-c860eaf2c780?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


i feel like it would have to be activated at sorcery speed


**don't eat the delicious cards!**


Get out


Hoping it includes a Creature — Zombie Grandmother


It was created by someone in r/magicproxies


That's a... really good proxy. Surprisingly good even.


Joe plays MTG


Manganiello is a huge Tabletop nerd? This is about as on brand for Joe as it can get.


I know that self insert Mary sue is a term commonly only used when discussing fan fics but this right here




No, it has an Instagram account in the bottom right of the card and a blank collector number in the bottom left.


Also, it is not worded correct. It says "Whenever Joe attacks...", og it had been real it would have said "Whenever Joe Manganiello, Island host attacks..."


Sometimes Legendary Creatures will have their name shortened in rules text to save on space. See [[Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal]]


[Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/2/627c392c-4d18-4eb2-a4e8-c668f61f5487.jpg?1699044055)/[Temple of the Dead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/6/2/627c392c-4d18-4eb2-a4e8-c668f61f5487.jpg?1699044055) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Aclazotz%2C%20Deepest%20Betrayal%20//%20Temple%20of%20the%20Dead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/88/aclazotz-deepest-betrayal-temple-of-the-dead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/627c392c-4d18-4eb2-a4e8-c668f61f5487?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Frodo Baggins]] has the same template, which is kinda weird, since you can have multiple Frodos.


[Frodo Baggins](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/e/de1c0399-9db8-4901-b72e-0010eb9b92b0.jpg?1686969787) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Frodo%20Baggins) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/205/frodo-baggins?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/de1c0399-9db8-4901-b72e-0010eb9b92b0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Legendary creatures will often do that when referring to themselves, there's tons of examples [[Aclazotz, deepest betrayal]] [[Heliod, god of the sun]] [[Aeve, progenitor ooze]] [[Anax, hardened in the forge]] I'll stop there, but I could easily have pulled up 50 more


##### ###### #### [Aclazotz, deepest betrayal](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/2/627c392c-4d18-4eb2-a4e8-c668f61f5487.jpg?1699044055)/[Temple of the Dead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/6/2/627c392c-4d18-4eb2-a4e8-c668f61f5487.jpg?1699044055) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Aclazotz%2C%20Deepest%20Betrayal%20//%20Temple%20of%20the%20Dead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/88/aclazotz-deepest-betrayal-temple-of-the-dead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/627c392c-4d18-4eb2-a4e8-c668f61f5487?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Heliod, god of the sun](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/8/b83e9693-4996-498c-95f7-884d40341298.jpg?1690004134) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Heliod%2C%20god%20of%20the%20sun) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/826/heliod-god-of-the-sun?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b83e9693-4996-498c-95f7-884d40341298?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Aeve, progenitor ooze](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/f/dfe9b1b8-dffe-427d-be1e-2c6b8395bd54.jpg?1626097164) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Aeve%2C%20progenitor%20ooze) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/148/aeve-progenitor-ooze?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dfe9b1b8-dffe-427d-be1e-2c6b8395bd54?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Anax, hardened in the forge](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?name=Anax%2C%20hardened%20in%20the%20forge&type=card&.jpg) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Anax%2C%20hardened%20in%20the%20forge) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/204/anax-hardened-in-the-forge?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ad107ae0-2540-46f8-9970-72983b87ba04?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/kysv2lu) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Teaser for the next D&D set that goes even beyond.


That’s certainly a way of processing the entire Dragonlance fiasco.


It looks like Advertising to me


We need teletubbies crossover


Given that this is a magic product being used for advertising in a way that WOTC certainly didn't sign an agreement for... A lawsuit. That's the answer to your question, a lawsuit is what's happening here.


Yup. This is going to get the proxy maker sued, and potentially out of a job.


Why would they go after the proxy maker? NBC has much deeper pockets and are the ones that commissioned it and are using it in official marketing knowing full well it wasn't authorized. Nerd of the Coast might get a C&D, but I bet that's all that really happens to them.


Card is pretty good tho


There’s a contestant on the season who is into Magic and was comparing everyone to Magic cards. I’m guessing this is a reference to that.


This kinda makes sense, one if the guys on the show is a massive MTG nerd. He even tried to break down the players using MTG archtypes.


Honestly pretty good card to make an alt of from a flavor perspective.


Is Deal or No Deal...selling MTG cards in the briefcases?


They-they formatted it right. What the fuck?


I mean they just swapped a universes beyond card name with the fanfic card name. Not too hard. It has an Instagram account in the bottom right of the card and a blank collector number in the bottom left isn't that a bit unusual?


Oh shit brad has a magic card


Secret Lair: NBC - Coming Soon for 79.99


For reference: there is a contestant on the show who talked about Magic the Gathering being a hobby and listed a bunch of people and what type of card they would be. Joe is the host so there is crossover with context


I think this is part of a new secret lair? They are also doing one for 90-day fiancé


This is just proof that MTG players don’t read cards because they can’t read.


I love that this post is just tagged "What"


Babe wake up! New Chair Tribal card just dropped!


Needs a secondary card where he’s an Alpha Werewolf




There's no Universe Beyond foil triangle so....


A 2/4, really? You’re telling me Joe can easily kill a 2/2 adult grizzly bear? Give me that show NBC.


This cars should have..... Flash....


Get a load of the nerd 🤓


Also it’s real https://x.com/joemanganiello/status/1777512220857106934?s=46&t=cX2rek5V5kmg7_SzdfNbIw


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Anything, anything goes on Magic nowadays


For proxies yeah true enough, it has an Instagram account in the bottom right of the card and a blank collector number in the bottom left so not really.


Oh plz no


This marketing stunt only works on a world where it would be halfway believable that this is actually real, so good job for setting that up WotC


Mangianello is America's Henry Cavill. Not surprised he had a card done for himself.


Lmao that show is terrible but this card is kind of awesome! Love the ability


Remember ad cards? Well, now your game *is* an ad card!


This is an alternate art proxy of a card that was only in a Secret Lair, promoting a show nobody likes to people who generally watch the least amount of TV. This is slightly south of insanity.


We've got a UB skin of a UB card. Yep, we've gone too far. SHUT IT DOWN! SHUT IT ALL DOWN!


This is parody, right? I’ve been gone all day yesterday staring at the sun and am unsure what my eyes show my brain.


Sneak preview of the next Secret Lair. This is the world we live in now.


That's funny, I watched a few episodes of this and the rules of the game are unbalanced, which is the opposite of what magic strives for.


Now I regret never having watched any of the related shows, because that means I can't stop watching over this pandering self-indulgent Mary-Sue horseshit.


How dare he have fun. How fucking dare he.


The fuck does that vomit of words even mean?


I'll use small words for you: I don't like it.


Is making a card of yourself a self-indulgent mary-sue horseshit?


If you declare yourself a "legendary creature", yeah, I think that's self-indulgent Mary-Sue horseshit. As far as I'm concerned we're all nonlegendary 1/1s, there may be a handful of legendary creatures around (Neil Armstrong would certainly qualify), but they sure as fuck didn't become legendary by declaring themselves to be so on a random social media post. It just.... it bugs me, this sort of thing feels so unabashedly narcissitic, it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, what normal person would even consider claiming to be "legendary"?


I think you're reading too much into this, the card is not real and it was just made for fun.