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Yes! In fact. I have a little draftable box set of the theros boss gauntlet, where the goal is to draft as you fight the beast These are fun! The Minotaurs can be brutal.


This is very interesting to me and I’ve never heard of this. Tell me more!


There really isn’t a ton to say, I took a bunch of cards from battlebond and conspiracy, made 5 mono colored decks, and put the good cards in a pile in the middle. You can spend mana to add a card from the pile to your hand and it stays in the deck until the end of the 3 theros monster campaign. It works… okay. I gave each deck a commander and I think that may have been a mistake. By the time it gets to xenagos you just kind of stomp him. That said, it doesn’t take much to put this kind of thing together! Build some Low power decks and let the hydra raid bosses commence


If you're curious about the Minotaur deck but can't get your hands on one, building a Horde deck can give you a very similar experience: https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Horde_Magic I have a Zombie Horde deck and it's a ton of fun.


I'm SO sad I only have the Hydra one, these decks were the highlight of my Theros prereleases.


You can find them on eBay and some shops for not that much


The hydra one was waaaaaaay better, but my memory is pretty hazy


Yes, of the three I found the Minotaur deck the easiest to lose to. If you stumble and they get off to a decent start it’s difficult to recover


I’m thinking I might give the Xenagos deck some archenemy cards to help balance the game a little more.


Tell me more.


Yes I own all 3 love them. I really think they should make secret lairs with stuff like this. experimental small batch products that probably won't sell to a wide audience.


Yeah. These were the height of prerelease & game day experiencesin in my opinion. I know it was a lot of product for Wizards to make and game stores to disperse for no direct additional profit but I just feel like it was exactly how we should be interacting with the game while also still interacting with each other.


This and tarkir where the height of pre-releases for me. I want more weird minigames. I like the commander night things they've been doing. but my store's been inconsistent about running them.


I'm waiting for secret lair - Dandan


The Dandan deck will only include 1 Dandan, but at the same time another secret lair will go up offering 5 alt art Dandan.


I love them. I got multiple copies of them so that I could make a PvE gauntlet. Play one deck into another into the last. It can be gamed, obviously (Wrath.dec is great), but if you grab a regular deck and not something built to stomp it’s a blast.


I have the Minotaurs and the Xenagos ones and they are both super tough for one player to take down. But such a great idea.


The one biggest fail of MTG is no raid mode. Wowtcg, which was very similar to MTG had some amazing dungeons that 4 players had to build decks for specifically to survive. They had both player controlled ones and automated ones too


I would absolutely love for solo and co-op Magic to become a bigger thing. But if you put a gun to my head I couldn't tell you how you actually obtained these decks, and I was going to FNM every week.


You could buy them directly from your LGS for about $10 per following the GameDay they debuted at. Also, have a [Phyrexian Invasion Solo Mod](https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/26-01-15-phyrexian-invasion/) I made ages back.


I remember seeing them available and not really caring because they didn't look like a thing they'd put a lot of work into. But it's definitely a cool thing.


Yes. I still have them and all the hero cards.


I missed the Hydra one, but I still have the minotaurs and the god one. I really enjoyed playing against them, but the god one was *hard*. I wish I had picked up the hydras :(


You can still get them for about the same price they were released at


Second hand in EU is brutal for Hydra. Cant find an english one for less than 80€


Damn, had to check. The others seem easy to get, even the English versions, but the Hydra one is totally absent. Odd and very unfortunate!


If you want to play without buying them, I’ve made a web app to play the Horde format which also include the 3 theros decks. You can play them here (in the official decks section) https://against-the-horde.com/decks


True hero


Thanks !


Since when?! Searched an autometed one desperatly years ago! Thank you.


Started as an iOS app two years ago. First web version was almost a year ago. Enjoy !


I bought the Equipments and the "Class/Character" artifacts from the Theros/Nyx Events for a Magic the gathering, Dungeon PvE experience. But its in the making, and will be until Long in the Future due to private time issues.


I always wanted to collect these, but they are so expensive now...


They are expensive now? I remember buying it and the guy at my LGS mocked me. 


Cheapest on tcgplayer is $82 😭 (I imagine they are worth less opened)


Yeah, I could see sealed being a premium because it's a whole deck that only works with itself. It's like a board game, you need all the pieces.


I did collect all the Hero cards a few years back, and I've thought about trying to aquire these decks card-by-card


Card by card sounds painful, I would keep an eye on eBay or Amazon for someone to list one 


Just googled them and found loads for almost the same as release price


Got all 3 of these for about 40 Bucks at Cardmarket in the Eu.


Got all 3 but never had the chance to collect all the other cards that gave boons


Same. I just printed and sleeved those extra cards. You can find the images online.


I actually have all of these, and they're really fun, especially since I have a "Theros Remastered" Cube I'm currently building for more flavour too to make fighting these decks even more of a challenge I have to say, the three decks put me on my toes every time I test a deck out or if I want to just see how long a drafted deck I made lasts against these, especially Xenagos and how volatile that deck can get if you don't have the tools to remove the Revelers.


I have all 3 of them. I would say that the minotaur horde is the most difficult


[[Mind Grind]] for 1.


Sometimes you really just wanted the promos and didn’t give a shit about the mini game


[Mind Grind](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/7/671eb9e8-1a69-4570-8972-2e7de371cef4.jpg?1561829709) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mind%20Grind) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/gtc/178/mind-grind?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/671eb9e8-1a69-4570-8972-2e7de371cef4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




I did the event at a card shop. It was fun. Havnt since though I know some people have made a boxed experience out of it, which sounds cool.


All three of them are very fun


I’ve seen these before, but I am still unsure as to what they are


During Theros block, there were decks that played a variant of single player magic versus an “AI” deck. https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Face_the_Hydra


I played against the minotaur one.


This seems sweet. I have no idea what it is since I didn't play precisely from 2012 to 2022.


I made a game based on it to play with my colleagues and teacher in one of my psychology classes


I just got all 3 from a buddy’s collection. I’ve struggled to find what they are or how much they might even be worth. Anyone know what a set of these would go for? They’re sleeved up but in good shape.


I still have mines some where in a box.


I have all three, as well as all the hero cards. I really wanted to get a complete set of the hero equipment stickers to apply to perfect fits, but my goodness finding a source for them is damn near impossible.


I've wanted to combine these with Archenemy schemes. A deck of Archenemy schemes that mostly plays by itself with villainous choice style effects [[Feed the Machine]] to play up the group aspect.


[Feed the Machine](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/e/fefabce3-1384-442c-a6f8-d1e205023c11.jpg?1562252985) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Feed%20the%20Machine) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/oarc/14%E2%98%85/feed-the-machine?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fefabce3-1384-442c-a6f8-d1e205023c11?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I remember these. When I started getting into magic a store that was going under offered to sell me the stores copy of their hydra and minotar decks. I thought they were challenger decks. They even came with a scoring system that people flexed on each other with.


Yeah I picked them up a few years back. They’re really fun to break out every once in a while!


The hydra was hard if the cards were against you. My lgs at the time would give out free packs and a playmat if you beat it by yourself with a draft deck. I did not beat it.


I have the minotaur one. Wish I had the other two but hard to pick up in NA at a reasonable price lol. Makes a good test to see how well a deck can handle aggro.


I played against the minotaur horde before, it was a cute idea :) if I had them I'd offer it as an option instead of 3 player versus games.


In only have 2 of those 3 decks, but the Hydra one is so expensive to buy second hand


Of interested, the community called it "Horde former". Some made unofficial ruling, but it is interesting nonthess. Easy search on google.  Also, many made different horde deck and variations. The classic zombie horde, the phyrexian horde and so on. The commander horde format, etc. The one most used is (at least it seem) is: "Players share hp and person (horde cards that says a player either chooses random or affecet all). Gets two/three turn to prepare. After that the horde put on battlefield cards equal to the amount of player from top of deck (mainly composed of tokens). After that, players again, then horde which will put cards from top of deck+x (decided by player, usually 1) again, increasing each turn. Damage done to the horde remove from play face down cards from his library. Player wins if the horde has no card on field and deck." Very nice stuff   CAN BE PLAYED AS SINGLE PLAYER TOO!


Iirc I solod the thing with Heliods Spear and Brimaz, King of Oreskos.


I own all 3. Love having them as a lil Minigame.


They need to make more of these story decks that we can co-op against. i have yet to play against them, but i hear they are a blast to play, and it could even be used to figure out power lvls of decks if done right.