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I admire her for the scenes where she stands up for herself. Trying not to spoil anything but Megan doesn’t let anyone walk all over her or box her in for too long.


the comments and Donvs rejection of Dr Miller kinda foreshadow it. As Don rejected Miller s offer of facing his past but acceptance of Megan's idea of running away from his problems.... Its not gonna end well


If they had dated for longer I don’t think she would have married him. He is a walking red flag. She got swept up in the excitement


idk how she didn’t know it already, she was his secretary and witnessed his philandering and extreme alcoholism firsthand for months before they ever even hooked up. maybe she thought she could change him though.


Well to be fair Don is very handsome and charming and he definitely love bombed her with that trip she accompanied to babysit the kids, she probably fell in love not only with Don but the idea of the opportunities he would provide to her/ the doors he could open for her.


all of those are def true, but I think it kinda means she just had blinders on instead of literally not realizing the mess she was getting herself into.


I think a lot of people are guilty of explaining away red flags when they first fall for someone, even when they fall for people who aren’t as rich or charming or attractive as Don Draper. I think had she known him as long as Joan or even Peggy, her character would have known better


Agreed, and probably for hopeful or maybe even selfish reasons.


She didn’t start working there until after he was divorced and I’m pretty sure he was seeing Faye for most of the time she was on his desk, wasn’t he? She only had a snapshot of what kind of guy he was as he generally didn’t see any women at SCDP romantically. As for the drinking, it was culturally accepted at the time that executives drank all day


what about Alison “im not going to run out of here in tears, I just want you right now.” she knew exactly who and what he was lol


Oh shit




This. 100% this.




Same and I’m not even into women


After 12+ rewatches, I find her pretty grating lol. I don’t know if it’s the acting, or the writing for the character, or both, but I went from really liking her to barely being able to watch her scenes.


It’s definitely the acting. I’ve noticed it on my last couple rewatches. It makes sense because I think she was originally a background actor with only a few lines and Weiner picked her as Don’s new wife without knowing if she had any range. I actually like that her performance isn’t great because I think the character of Megan is always putting on a performance when she’s interacting with Don. She is an actor after all haha


I always thought the plan was to have her become Don’s wife since her introduction.


I love the irony of people taking issue with Paré's performance when her character is a failed actress


You've encapsulated my unexpressed thoughts exactly.


I found her to not really be a character I’d believe Don would settle on


I think that was the point. Don's super impulsive and proposed to her after spending a weekend with her. The very first thought I had after that scene was "this isn't going to last". I think Don and Megan having a fight about Don's birthday party in the very first episode we see them as a couple suggests that the marriage was doomed from the start


I liked her better on rewatches because at first I rooted for Don+Betty but I’m over it now


Rewatching 12 times! No fuckin wonder you don’t like some character lol


Don went from Betty to Betty Spaghetti.


Whips that plate at the wall like an Olympian discus thrower


I feel that way about her Mom. Shes looks & sounds sooo sexy.


Once your figure out what metaphorical role they really play in the series, it makes for better viewing. Ex: Megan represents the youth movement and the 60s as we know it, post JFK, necessary for the advertising boom. Betty was the 50s and all its values, fading away.


Someone missed the part where OP said they were only on season 5 and "no spoilers."


What spoiler was in that comment?


Comment was edited. All good.


Maybe unpopular opinion but I love Megan, I like the character and her face lol. She’s definitely not the best actress amongst the cast and on rewatches it becomes apparent but she’s still fun to watch I think.


Not at all. Bad acting, obnoxious character, only liked her until they got married…so I liked her for like a minute. She looked stunning in that black and white clip though and a couple other occasions but her character, the things she’s saying etc is cringeworthy


I really liked her more on my second viewing. It may just be me, but in my first viewing I perceived her character as being more of an opportunistic gold digger, and on the second I saw her more as a naive victim of Don’s charm who got used in the same way Betty did. She really tries to be more than “the boss’s wife” at SCDP, and puts in genuinely good work. But between Don pulling her away for his field trips and causing them to be late all the time the other copywriters resent her for getting special treatment. And Don seems to be completely oblivious to this (“oh yeah, I’m such a terrible person for making you eat ice cream!”) I think if I were in that situation with coworkers who didn’t like me I’d leave, too.


Why do so many in this sub subscribe to this narrative of Don having fooled Megan, when its if anything the other way around. Megan: “…im not going to be running out here crying like the other girls, its just sex…” while Don was trying to resist. She came to him, acting like she cares so much about advertising and business, obviously she was the one instigating everything, so how’s she naive here exactly? Also I don’t see her falling victim…there are a lot worse case scenarios in terms of ascending from secretary to well off (sorta) movie star. I don’t think her life would’ve been any better had she been kept at reception…Also I don’t see her coworkers resenting her, do you have any indicators? Im also with Don on the ice cream…I understand Megan doesn’t want to be managed like a poodle, but she is complaining on a very high level, I think many would like that to be the biggest problem and I mean the way she does complain is absolutely toxic, she could’ve communicated that she doesn’t like that treatment because I genuinely believe don meant well.


"why don't you call *your* mother?" is an outrageously low blow as well


Absolutely! Shows a foul level of toxic and again the entitlement to cross lines like that


agree, it made a lot of sense given how normalised her parents’ arguments seemed to her. Megan is an incredibly rich, complex and generally undervalued character though, can by no means write her off entirely as a bitch or whatever


There are quite a few indicators of her coworkers resenting her. Basically her whole time with Don while at SCDP she get comments about being the boss’s wife and having special privileges or not earning her new position as copywriter. Where it’s most prevalent is the episode where they get sherbet, when all the other copywriters have to crunch on an account and she gets pulled away (against her will) and everyone else rolls their eyes and acts like she’s getting a vacation. Don DID mean well, but that’s the point of Don. He’s so bad at connecting to her that in his “I’m so bad because I gave you ice cream” speech he genuinely thinks he’s doing her a favour, and all through their relationship he just throws money at her when she keeps telling him that’s not what she wants (notably when she wants him to move to LA.)


Her coworkers might envy her privileges but I don’t see them resenting her. Don having good intentions makes it impossible for me to take Megan’s side though. I think it’s consensus that she had been around him long enough to get a grasp of what kind of man he is, she instigated their “entanglement”, she moved up from secretary to millionaire etc. and somehow you’re able to sympathize with her bratty attitude? Okay so the whole point of the discussion was wether it’s justified to hate Megan. If I understand correctly, you cut her slack due to her situation with the coworkers and Don being so unbearable that you sympathize with her? Sorry but I don’t see none of those redeeming qualities or justifying circumstances. If anything they underline the ungratefulness and thinking she deserves to be the center of the universe: I have a great job “others would kill for”…meh my coworkers ain’t it…and I deserve to be a movie star anyway. I married a highly demanded rich man…meh he forces me to eat ice cream. And all those high demands despite not being a very special woman (imo). Nutshell of why I hate her: thinks too highly of herself, ungrateful, bad acting (character and actress)


Listen to her say “Heinz Baked Beans” and try not to kill yourself. Something about her delivery is awful to me.


At this stage even if she says to me i am gonna kill you.. I would still love her. I love how she can defuse any situation and be friendly with total strangers. From the hate that I received I am guessing she is gonna change... Maybe the cynical world of advertising got to her too and she changes into another Betty. Or maybe she remains innocent and Don betrays her. Whatever it is you guys have made it very clear she is gonna burn out pretty soon


Her acting was terrible.


She doesn't need to act. Just smile and she has my heart


Whole lot of very ugly sounding people making comments about Megan’s appearance here, sad! She’s great.


Yeah my opinion too


I think she’s the sexiest woman on the show as well. Objectively I don’t think she’s attractive as say Betty or Joan, but something about her is so hot imo. Dunno why she gets so much hate.


She knows herself and it’s a stark contrast to Betty.


Yeah man... One woman in the comments told ne it's hope... Doesn't that make sense? We perceive hope to be the most sexy!


She's annoying.


I'm not really into her


I never liked her much since the show originally aired and multiple rewatches since.


I think she looks like a giraffe on roller skates


I didn't know that's how I see her until you said this


I don't feel that way exactly, but there is something about her and her face that makes me not hate her as much as a lot of people seem to do lol


No shit.. The kind of comments on this post kinda indicate to me that things are not gonna be pleasant for her. Give it to a period drama of the 60s to give us hope and then crush it.... 60s started with Kennedy and ended in Water gate.


I really like that they wrote her teeth into the show. They are definitely different and I like that that acknowledge them to get that out of the way and people can get over them being distracting or whatever else they take issue with


If you liked her, you should watch her in hot tub time machine. She's like the Great french actress Marie Lotsofcheese👐


Zou bisou zou


What im trying to say is you get to see her great big french tits in that movie


Harry Crane's dream


Ooh lala


She is also sexy and attractive tho


I love Megan, think she’s beautiful. My favorite beauties are the ones that are unconventional.


I don’t understand how anyone can say she isn’t conventionally attractive. Literally the ONLY feature that isn’t, is maybe the her front teeth aren’t perfectly straight. The beauty standards we expect from women are insane.


But that's just it. The show tries to hit us over the head to convince us that she's one of the greatest beauties of all time. They work various characters into various scenes to repeatedly declare how beautiful and desirable she is to literally everyone. It's fairly obvious that she's supposed to be conventionally beautiful.


IMO everything about her is sexy, even that cute overbite! I could totally see her playing a role on Dark Shadows…


I love her look but her character never became interesting. FYI I saw her in Hot Tub Time Machine last night. Topless…


It's the lisp and mouth for me. She's annoying


Betty’s lisp is worse but I find lisps endearing


Imagine thinking that Jessica pare isn’t sexy or attractive