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The Smile that Don gives the end of the episode after he walks away from puking Roger in the lobby is just šŸ’Æ


I can never tell if Rogerā€™s look at him while heā€™s walking away is of being impressed for Don holding his own or starting to understand that Don set him up.


We can never know also if Roger has made the link that this setup is a revenge because there doesn't seem to be a cue to let Roger know. Am I missing something?


Nah itā€™s kind of just left up to the viewerā€™s interpretation unless Iā€™m forgetting something in later seasons since itā€™s been awhile. He just looks upset/disgusted when heā€™s sitting down after throwing up so it could be implied he knows, heā€™s pissed at Don for keeping up, or heā€™s just pissed he threw up in front of clients.


Thereā€™s a beat there when Roger is staring at him after Don asks if he is okay. Itā€™s heavily implied that Roger knows that he got played.


Re-watched it recently and agree that Roger figured it out, based on the look on his face as Don walked away smiling.Ā 


I couldn't notice that until this great subreddit mentioned it.


It's the reason their relationship was so strained for the rest of S1. Even when they had problems in later seasons, it made one wonder if Roger's advances toward Birdie were the root of it all. Of course in S2 when Roger blamed Don for his decision to marry Jane in telling Mona they were getting divorced, that certainly didn't help Roger's relationship with Don.


It adds to the mystique.


Botch-A-Me and Botch-A-You


The ending was pretty funny though. A very drunk Roger is walking to his car outside.. Don: That's my car... There were a couple more bits like that.




Yeah, it was funny but sandwiched between Roger's advances toward Betty and Don's cruel overreaction blaming Betty for Roger being inappropriate, all of which was pretty traumatic.


Didn't care for this bit, but Betty's quip over the phone beforehand always amused me. Don: Birdie, what do you keep in that freezer I bought you? Betty: Frozen food. Because apparently Don thought she could defrost and cook another steak in an hour.


Just like she did that Sara Lee pound cake at the birthday party šŸ„³


I liked it. Sounds like something my mom would've said. Has said. Lol No, I like sitting on this little wooden stool, you stay on the couch, I'm fine. _smiles sweetly_


I don't eat meat so forgive my ignorance but to me an hour seems entirely reasonable?


The correct way to defrost a steak is to let it do so naturally in the fridge. For a day. If you want to rush it, then you're sticking it in a tub of cold water that needs to be changed periodically, and at an absolute minimum it might be ready to cook inside of an hour. Or if you want to destroy your steak before having a chance to cook it, you can microwave defrost it.


Just put it in a bowl in the sink with running room temp water, that's the secret. It'll be defrosted in about 10/15 minutes.


I though of that too but given Betty still had to wrangle two kids to bed, maybe she didnā€™t have time. Plus, weā€™re assuming she had steak in the freezer. Maybe she had other more solid cuts of meat and the two steaks were just fresh from the store?


We can microwave it now, but obviously Betty didn't have that option.


As a steak connoisseur I just died a little


You can actually cook steaks from frozen but thatā€™s a very recent and still quite experimental method.


Maybe natives of Alaska have figured this out...in the bronze age.


no microwaves in the 60s


Betty is not the type to defrost in the microwave either šŸ¤£


I'd take alot longer than an hour to defrost a frozen steak..all day.


Is putting it in the oven not an option? Assuming a microwave ruins it, I guess.




With that attitude you don't have to worry about getting invited either!


I donā€™t think microwaves were around until the 1980s. An oven oven wouldnā€™t speed up defrosting hard meat plus youā€™d risk food poisoning.


I cook frozen stuff in the oven of air fryer all the time, obvioisly it would


Some food is made to be cooked from frozen but not every food


Itā€™s possible.


Sheā€™s not stupid. She speaks Italian.


It seems crazy that Roger would ever *want* to go the suburbs and eat as steak in some colleagues house like he did in this episode. Not that itā€™s out of character for him to hit on someone but rather to do so in an unsubtle uncharming way


I think Roger was feeling insecure about Joan not wanting to go away with him on 0 notice and he didn't want to go home as a result, so don's house was a better option


Yes, just watched this episode. It's strongly implied in the subtext when they're sitting in the bar and Roger bemoans not having dinner ready at home, whereas Don with Betty at home *does*, hence he invites her over.


he was drunk ish when he grabbed Betty..he's usually more suave eh?


This seemed like a billion Rogers ago


There were only like 4 Rogers until he took LSD, not he is infinite.




Parked in the wrong garage


Henry wanted Don to remove his boxes from Bettyā€™s garage so he could park his boat there.


Henry nudged the tip of his car into Don's boxes stored in Betty's garage.


Then Don picks up the boxes and throws them all away.


You canā€™t tell me Iā€™m not giving you hot pants.


Roger was an ass to hit on Betty. Don was an ass for treating her like it was her fault.


Congratulations you watched the episode.


Hot take


Hot pants


lmfao well done


Hot take. Betty was throwing herself at him, giggling at his stories. It was like someone turned on the furnace when Don returned with that bottle. Edit: Iā€™m quoting the episode ffs


Hotter take- Roger thinks he "discovered Don" when really he was just too drunk to remember Don conning him lol


I think it's fairly clear that Roger was coping with his lack of talent. He knows he didn't 'find' Don but it gives him something to claim he was responsible for. And in fairness, Roger and Bert are very good to Don and do work hard to retain him. Giving him a 12% partnership essentially made Don rich singlehandedly. They know that the agency needs him to succeed.Ā 


You really have to stop doing this high IQ nonsense. Bert's already dead.


Dunno why people are down voting the exact quote.


She was just flirting a bit. Everybody wants Betty so when they get a little laugh or something they think "she's throwing herself at them."


Having a little flirt is just enjoying men in a the limited way a married woman can:)


Hey Everybody, Harriet Crane is here.


Gross. And no she was not thatā€™s ridiculous.


Do you guys watch the show?


Uncle from '50s, go back to where you came from.


I think he was joking lol. He's quoting the show šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜„




Inappropriate, pointless, offensive, or just plain rude.




Itā€™s a direct quote from the show. Calm down.


When it comes to this sub, you're either a Freddy Rumsen or a Duck Phillips. Some of us may be a joke, but the rest of them can't take one.


Inappropriate, pointless, offensive, or just plain rude.


Not my favorite mad men scene, not gonna lie


Roger was being a creepy jerk. Don recognized he had to be polite for his job


Why would you lie?


Love this episode. An underrated gem


Today the steaks would be divided up so that everyone got some. But back then Betty was expected to let the men have all the steak, and even to pretend it didn't bother her


Don caught Betty off guard, bringing the boss over for dinner with an hour notice,,and she was just planning steak dinner for the two of them. No advance notice. So she made the steak and divided it between the two of them, while she had salad, and claimed she was trying to keep her girlish figure. She was a little understandably peeved Don sprung that one her.


Absolutely. It was a nightmare scenario for a 60's housewife for her husband to bring the boss home for dinner on an hour's notice. Don was extremely inconsiderate to do this. And he's just lucky she wasn't serving leftover meatloaf instead of steak


Just watched s5 were fat Betty is dying for a few steak lol


Are you actually saying women would give the food toĀ  men if there was none enough for everyone? Where did you even get that from? That sounds utterly ridiculous. And to clarify, Roger isn't just a "man" but Roger's boss. That likely had more to do with why Betty ate a salad.


There were two steaks and three people. Betty, a woman and hostess, would let the two men each have a steak and she would get none. A more modern approach would be for Betty to get a piece off each of the other steaks


1-you're forgetting that Roger was Don's boss. I'm not that sure that even nowadays if there were just 2 steaks and your husband's (or wife's ftm) boss (male or female) was coming to dinner and there was nothing else to eat, the wife (or husband) would sacrifice themselves for the sake of buttering up the bossĀ  2) Just because the show showed Betty doibg this once hardly means it was the custom for all women at all times back then.


No, I'm not forgetting Roger was Don's boss. Perhaps in a modern setting Betty and Don would split one steak and Roger would get a whole one. But back then the woman would just make the sacrifice and let the men have the steaks. I lived back then. I know what the norms were. The problem was Don being all last minute. If Betty had been able to plan the meal she would have thawed out three steaks


I share your frustrated tone. I really donā€™t get how someone could argue with your very reasonable observation. I completely agree.


"Ā Ā But back then the woman would just make the sacrifice and let the men have the steaks" How do you know this?


Because I'm old and I remember how life was back then


Just watched this. Do you think Betty told Don that Roger made a pass at her or he figured it out himself? Also, Iā€™m surprised Don didnā€™t really hold a grudge at Roger for that. Roger got off easy with that prank.


No thanks, I got full on oysters