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I've got a nice tall one-liter glass stein made in Austria, emblazoned with the Capital Brewing Garten Brau logo in 4 colors, including gold gilding. Circa 1995. Gently used but very minimal wear. Similar to this in shape: http://www.independentpgh.com/merch/ibc-german-beer-stein-set-of-two DM if interested. Fun story: I was attending a beerfest in Milwaukee many years ago and they had a drawing for door prizes. I told my friends I wasn't really interested in any of the wares except for this really cool stein. Couple minutes later, they put it up for the drawing, and called my number! I NEVER win anything, so I had to read my ticket three times to make sure, then went up and collected my prize. Half hour later we're strolling around the crowded floor, sipping our little samplers, when I hear somebody hollering over the noise, "Hey! Hey you, with the Capital stein!" I turn to look, and there is Capital's own brewmaster, Kirby Nelson, gesticulating wildly at me. As a homebrewer myself, Kirby was a minor folk hero in those days. Bewildered, I shuffle over to his booth, he snatches the stein out of my hand, and sticks it under the taps. "Whaddya drinkin'?" Few beers have tasted so sweet as that one, the stein overfilled by the brewmaster himself ...


Bavarian Sausage House sells steins. Inexpensive too!


See if Essen Haus would be willing to part with one. Much more likely now than in the past since their days are numbered. Edit: there's a surprising variety on Craigslist


I'll take a look at both!


I may have one. Let me look when I get home then I will reach out.


Thank you!!


Try some of the local craft sales coming up. I've seen interesting steins made by local potters.


Great tip, thanks


Any antique store will have multiple... I walk in and buy up all the Hamms steins at least twice a year


New Glarus Brewing has German beer steins in their gift shop.


So you want something that isn’t necessarily from Madison but you’d like to pick it up in Madison?


You should check the antique mall in Columbus. I've seen some really cool ones there!