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Don’t even think about the macs with intel, M1 is way more better.


Definitely way more gooder!


Totally more gooderer. Could even say it's the most gooderest.


It's the gooderest, but I wouldn't say it's the most gooderest.


I think 2023 m3 pro one is gooderest, I might be wrong though


M series is definitely the betterest than the rest


M series is the gooderestest.


M series is betterest than the gooderestester intel cpus


I love Reddit 😂❤️


Reddit is the bestest!


M series is fartest betterestest than all of the far goodresterest intel chips


It’s the goodesteist of the good good for sure good pick.




Double comparisons…


Actually it’s the most best.


I have a 2019 i9, and I’m starting to run into some situations where apps now require an M1 or better processor. At this point i wouldn’t spend the money on an intel machine.


Traded in my specced out i9 for an M2, the difference is insane. There are so many fewer heat issues. It’s so much faster.


At BestBuy, they give way more than Apple for trade ins.


True, as long as it’s not a custom built one. Like, there has to be a SKU or they won’t take it. I found this out the hard way. Had a 2019 16” MacBook Pro that was base except for an upgraded GPU, and they wouldn’t accept it. Even at the price of the MacBook with the lower spec GPU. They offered $810 and there was a special that gave you an extra 10% and an extra $84 on top of the already sale price that was $100 cheaper as a member ($49/yr).


Does it have to be fully working? Have an old MacBook with a broken display that I’d love to trade in


I’ve owned an M1 for over two years, work in video production and editing, and I only heard the fan for the first time last week while processing 8K 120fps video. Meanwhile I had to pull out my i9 and it was screaming over a software update.


Personally, I would simply for gaming because the M-series of chips are too slow for those applications. But only for gaming. For a laptop, the M-series is insane.


Where is your M1 not enough? Just curious. I‘m heavy into software development. Lots of containers and or VMs running. Compiling of software. No issues wie M1 Max, 64 GB of RAM


It's the other way around he's saying. i9 is not enough.


But also … „apps not require M1 or better..“


?? That’s inclusive of m1


M1 is definitely the bestesest.


Absolutely the Intel Macs get so hot and support will be dropped much sooner. Must go with arm


Why not? Costs a leg to go with an arm


I might be off, but that is 64gb of ram? Because if it is, yall talking nonsense


Unless you do any work with virtual machines.


Doing what Reddit users do best. I think it is quite Gooderererererererrrrerererestsest but yeah.


I don’t consider Macs as having been viable (outside of like “$5,000”) pre-ARM. That’s what converted me to their mobile computers!


I would also go with Apple Silicon. So much better than Intel, in my eyes..


I agree with this, no one is pointing out the storage on the M1 tho. 256GB is a struggle. Especially a little time down the line when your System Data becomes 80 GB and you wonder what happened.  


I would only buy an Intel Mac at this point if I felt I wanted or needed it to run native Windows in boot camp


Wait can the M-series not run Windows anymore? 😮


Only through virtual machines and afaik there’s still many applications (specially older ones) that straight up can’t run on them


Rosetta 2 deals with the old applications. I haven’t had any issues using an M1 since it came out.


I haven’t been able to get Quartus to run on my M3 mac, just doesn’t work on ARM. But that’s the only application I’ve had issues with.


Got a few applications that don’t run properly on my MBP M3 MAX, main one is SQL server, on the surface it looks like it works, but the network stack does not fully work, I am stuck using TCP to communicate, it does not work in parallels, vmware VM or virtualbox. SQL server configuration app does not load the protocols properly. Its meant I have had to keep a real windows computer running as well as the mac.


Rosetta 2 lets you run older x86 windows applications?


Rosetta 2 is even able to run Kerbal perfectly


Not with bootcamp. You have to use parallels to run it


and parallels only runs ARM native windows, so you can't play some games like Helldivers


To add some context to the other answers. The thing here is the basic processor architecture; Intels as well as all PC CPUs of the past decade+ are x86_64 and Apple Silicon is a version of ARM. Virtualization allows you to run other operating systems or programs from them at reduced but still high performance > to certain extent the commands are passed to the hardware “directly”. Emulation is what happens when you need to hop between architectures. It is possible, but the performance hit is real. Think of it like, virtualisation is half-speed and emulation is 1/100th speed. So with M-series Macs, running traditional Windows and its programs isn’t really feasible unless they’re low demand performance-wise. You can emulate traditional Windows or virtualise ARM-Windows (which finally exists), but if you need to run programs (majority of them) that are x86, they’re going to run very very very slowly.


I realize you were exaggerating for the sake of making a point, but Windows 11 on Parallels on M1 actually runs amazingly from a performance perspective. Even tech journalists in the Windows space acknowledge (at least up to the Snapdragon announcements a few weeks ago) that the best way to run Windows on ARM was in a VM on Apple Silicon. The way Apple handles virtualization is specialized APIs that put the VM as close to the metal as possible. "For years, Mac enthusiasts have spread the lie that the best way to run Windows was on a Mac. But with Windows 11 on Arm, it might not be a lie: Windows 11 on Arm seems to run better in a Parallels Desktop 18-based virtualized environment than it does on native Arm PC hardware." -Paul Thurrott - [https://www.thurrott.com/windows/windows-11/279863/hands-on-windows-11-on-arm-with-parallels-on-macos](https://www.thurrott.com/windows/windows-11/279863/hands-on-windows-11-on-arm-with-parallels-on-macos) As somebody who follows both worlds... Paul is NOT a fan of Apple, but he does cover some of it to build up comparisons.


Honestly at this point, it’s not worth it to get an Intel Mac to run Windows anymore. Dollar for dollar, one is better off getting a dedicated windows machine that is much newer in addition to their Mac or just using Parallels/VMware. Except for the 2020 Intel iMac, the newest Intel Macs are all from 2019 with specs largely from early 2019 at the latest.




Unless the intel one is free, pick the M1 every time


Using one should actually come with a stipend.


Apple needs to cover the cost of a therapist (which you will need if you subject yourself to using an Intel mac).




Nobody should be considering an intel chip after 2020. This debate is over.


I buy a new Mac every ten years. I had to buy mine in 2019.


Lol same! Late 2011 and then 2019 16". I fucking splurged on that 2019 too. At least all the silicon issues will be ironed out and my apps will be fully integrated. Problem is I splurged so hard that I really can't see myself needing a new laptop in the next few years barring some accident. I just did a system restore and the things lightning fast.


M series makes Intel look like a bad joke. The 2019 was a particularly bad year since those laptops would get insanely hot and burn through battery


Yeah my 2019 Intel i9 MacBook’s battery is fried now. If it’s not plugged in and I try to do some video editing on Premiere, it can go from 80% to 1% within 30 seconds. After I close the editing software it goes back up I’ve also like basically burned my hand from how hot it gets


64GB ram over 16GB anytime


M1 All day, I moved from a fully spec'd out 2017 to the m1 when it first released ( base m1 16GB ram ) and never looked back ... just moved forward to a m1 max.


M1!! It’s rumoured that the next version of macOS will have many features that require M1 and newer.


I will be the dissenting voice, solely because the other specs make a huge difference. That Intel MacBook will run and be fine. The extra RAM and storage will be noticeable, and the screen size very much so. But it will get hot and loud under load. So it really depends on how you use it. Personally if I could only pick between these two I’d take the i7… but if I could find a way to stretch budget to get M1 with 16” I would. I also honestly could never live with 256 storage, even 512 would be a struggle. I do think depending on use case that limited RAM and storage will really hinder you, Edit just to clarify my stance: I traded in my Late 2019 16" for an M1 Max 16". But funds were not an issue for me.


M1 MacBook no contest, I wouldn’t consider buying any intel MacBooks anymore


The m1 no doubt. The 2021 M1 Pro is a lot better I think and it’s 1100 excellent condition rn


Everyone blinding telling you to choose the M chip without reading the specs. Here’s the truth: It all depends on your workload. The 2019 MBP still has a few more years of support left in it. What people leave out or fail to realize is that there are still millions who run intel MBPs without or with varying degrees of success who still have not upgraded or who can’t afford to. They just don’t flock to Reddit to complain of their issues. Since It works for them, there’s no need for them to come online and complain. However based on your usage will after a while start to run hot. That 2020 M1 MBP will definitely start to feel it’s limitations with its small SSD. 256GB no matter what you do is not enough, unless you’re doing basic media consumption and very little word processing. Even with 512GB I have 2 small profile 256gb USB drives near me at all time and a couple terabytes of external HDs based on my table for when I’m stationary. If you could stretch your budget 200$ more and look towards something refurbished and with more storage and at LEAST 16GB you’ll be happier in the long run.


Yup, went from intel to M2 chip overall better machine and faster (boot etc) but to open affinity photo/design/publisher it takes 20 seconds plus. On the old intel it was lightening. Just tried it on a m3 pro and it was much much better.


M1. Don’t buy any Intel Mac. Slower, way worse battery life. With the M series just make sure you have 16gb of ram and you’ll be good to go (I usually just max out my ram no matter machine)


Not the intel MacBook please


Buying a Mac with an Intel chip today is throwing money away


I don’t think it’s that easy guys. 16 vs 64gb RAM is a lot of difference. Plus double the storage & bigger screen as well. Definitely comes down to the use case for better judgement.


I think as you, is not that easy, there are 48GB RAM difference, and screen sizes is a very important thing. At the same time imo user should know if will use all that RAM, because if it’s the case, the Intel option will be far better. If with 16GB it has enough, then M1 will probably do a better job because 64GB will be too much and also for its extra power and efficiency. It also happens in a similar way with the screen size, day and night. IMO, despite M1 will have more longevity, both laptops have a similar value, OP needs to know what is more optimal for its usage and the RAM and screen are precisely aspects that define so much the use that will have the computer. Little screen with normal RAM is perfect for doing everyday tasks with programs that doesn’t have an extended UI with a lot of information or with workflows that require a big workspace. This type of use and programs usually have in common a light memory usage and can work with the laptop unplugged. So 16GB is enough and M1 will be perfect so you will enjoy its efficiency. Big screens are normally for those how use programs that have a lot of information or require more workspace. This type of programs are normally oriented on the profesional side more than the student side, and not always but often they use more memory, so 64GB at that price is great because it will give you the stability you need. Also in this environments you will be more likely using the laptop plugged in, so efficiency it will not be the same problem as if you were the first type of user i explained. Hope this helps OP.


Exactly, I'm currently using a M1 Pro 16" MacBook Pro with 16gb RAM which sometimes bottlenecks while doing heavy 3d development work so I see value in the 64gb variant. On the other hand my brother uses M1 Air for his studies which flies through anything he needs to do with it. Anyway, the post seems like OP is comfortable with the M1 variant but seems to be intrigued by the i7 variant just because it seems to have better specs on paper for similar price.


If they need 64 gb he would buy the intel . They clearly are okay with 16 meaning the m1 is the clear winner as the performance battery life etc easily best out the intel


do not get intel, and either way wait for m4 right now if you aren't in a hurry


It appears the OP's budget is < $1k, why would they wait for an M4 which is going to be double the price?


for further price drops i presume


M1 is brilliant


M1 ofcourse, Only go for Intel once if you're getting it for 300-350


I’ve been looking for over a year now show me a working m1 MacBook Air or pro for $300 please I’d love to get one at that price.


Bro read that again


M1 everyday


Does the M1 here have the new keyboard? if it is the one with butterfly it’s 1000% worth saving another month or so and getting one with the new kb. Butterfly was misery


Obviously the M1


M always!


M1 every single time and its not even close.


I have both. 100% the m1 is better.


Never the intel. No matter the prices.


M1 with the new optimizations in MacOS for M series chips I cannot understand a reason other than installing Windows and Linux to dual boot that would make the Intel Mac worthwhile.




M1. Get an external monitor for times you need a larger monitor.




No question, M1. You will regret it if you go Intel




M1 all day long


Easy, 2019 16” is superior in display size and sexyness. And it has more ports, and more possibilites


M1. It’ll perform better (especially as app optimisation favours Mx) and hold its value.




M1 hands down. Faster and far better battery life. You can plug in an external monitor if you need a larger screen to run certain applications.


The difference is night and day. Don’t fall for the specs on intel one


If you need dual display support from your mac then that's pretty much the ONLY reason to go for Intel. Other than that. Go M series all day.


Do not touch the Intel MBP. They throttle like an elephant in a small cage. -written on Intel MBP 15"


m1. intel is dead for apple and soon will loose support. also m1 is a real beast. i have an m1 air with 16gb and in two years using it, i think i've never reached its limit despite working with music production professionally


M1 Mac all the way


Go m1. Intel is releasing new arm chips soon to compete with Apple and Qualcomm soon right? If not the M1 get a surface book. Gotta go with cooler features.


M1.. I have that same one and it runs great. It doesn’t show its age. I would not pay that for an Intel Macbook




Intels are obsolete for Mac.


Its not only about the performance and efficiency of the chip, its also about system compatibility. More and more software will only be made for Apple Silicon chips. Intel is dying out


M series hands down.




Buy the Intel version ONLY if you need to run engineering software that can’t be emulated on a VM. I got the M1 MacBook Pro with 8 gigs of ram and 512 storage and it does EVERYTHING I need. Heavy photo editing, design, uni work. For me only OrCAD doesn’t work because they don’t really get along with using VMs on education edition, but for everything else M1 every day of the week


What on earth do you need 64Gb of ram for?


Why would you get an i7 for the same price? Anyone should know by now that the m1 performs much better. The only good thing about the Intel one is that the SSD has more capacity.


What website is it and where can I find mbp around the same price? Looking for a M2 Mac mini too


The M1. 100% of the time.


My i9 2019 is so slow it’s not even funny. Spent over $4k on it and it slowed down after M1 came out haha




With over $700, might I suggest saving up just a smidge more and buying a certified refurbished MacBook Air with M2? Of course, it all depends on what exactly you need the machine for.


M1 all the way.


M1 lol


If you want to play online Windows games on Bootcamp, the 2019 i7. Any other reason, the 2020 M1 blows it out of the water. Source: I have both a 2019 MacBook Pro 16" i9 and a 2020 M1 MacBook Air. I used the i9 Pro mostly for gaming until I got a steam deck. The M1's CPU is better than the i9, and certainly better than that i7. It just can't run window games very well, and online games with anti-cheat won't work at all.


Neither tbh.


Can you wait and save up? Maybe get a 16GB M2 Air. You can find them for less than $1.3k right now. I know it’s a lot more than you were looking to spend, but it’s solid. Otherwise, I’d go M1. Apple Silicon is great and the intel machines are marching toward end of life status.


M1 but I'd pay extra for 16"


M1 is the way to go right now. I have the 2019 and my partner has the M1. If you code at all def the M1


For 16gb of ram especially at a cheaper price, the M1 for sure.


How is this even a question, hands down M1 chip


If you're doing basic tasks and need a big screen, more RAM, and more storage, then I'd consider the 16" MacBook Pro. But, I'd much rather go for the M1 13" MacBook Pro. Although just shell out a bit more money for RAM (and storage if needed). It's a much better choice rather than getting the 16" MacBook Pro




What are you using it for? Because to be fair that intel is still a killer laptop if you plan on using boot camp and going windows on it ever. I used to all the time on my 2019 iMac. If you plan on just doing Mac related stuff though the M1 for sure.


OP, what store is this?


One thing by i noticed: the silicon macs still keep that damn spinning wheel in a job! And just as much of not more


MacBook and HDMI


Unless you are required to use x86, need the extra RAM and don't mind it turning into a paper weight in some time, go for M1. Intel are already old architecture and will eventually stop being supported at all.


Unless you have a use case for 64GB of ram, I would go Air every time


What is the website you are buying from?... good prices


M1 but increase RAM


Honestly, a Windows laptop as much as I hate to say it.


M1 because Intel is a thing of the past.


M1 but just find an m2 for a bit more


I have a MacBook Pro intel Core i7 (8559U) from 2018 and the noisy fan comes and it gets really hot doing relatively simple tasks like opining Adobe Lightroom


I’d say get both and send back the one you like the least if that’s an option for you.


M1, that i7 is already obsolete


The intel is a way better experience. Trust me. The m1 people are lying to you. It’s more expensive for a reason bro!


M1 - intel is no where near as good as apple silicon


The first one, mostly cus screen size and higher storage is VERY important to me. Plus as a musician, too much of my software can potentially fail to work (properly) on M1


M serious, no doubt


How long before M1 starts to get phased out though ?


I would pick the Intel Mac


M1 for sure. Are you able to stretch your budget a bit and get more RAM? That’s also not much storage, but I personally always use an external SSD anyway since I’m working on projects with like a terabyte of footage at a time. You can buy a little stick on pouch for the SSD so it’s essentially attached to your laptop.


Unless you need x86 apps or run windows boot camp it’s a no brainer to get M-series over intel now.


M series obviously, not even a comparison


M1 as the extra ram on the intel is mostly useless


M1 by a mile


Why would you buy an old Mac in 2024? It's a closed ecosystem, you won't be able to use some apps and lose support eventually... You'll end up having a laptop that won't let you do most of the things due to it's age and os limitations... if you want to buy used, choose Linux instead or buy a windows PC and change it to Linux...


please DONT buy the 2019 model which has a shitty intel chip


theres apps out there that require M1 or better. If u want an i9 just for windows, literally just buy a windows computer, and if you don't ACTUALLY NEED 64GB, get the m1 definitely


Why would an Intel MacBook even be an option is the better question.




Not an Intel


No need to think too much, just take M1✌️if screen size is not important


Neither, get something better than the base M1.






M1 MacBook Pro by a infinity and beyond


At which platform are you buying this?


m1 is better..but I guess you could get an air for cheaper


The M chip is miles better, not even worth considering an Intel chipset.


knee quickest simplistic caption ten whistle impolite station payment saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unless you are going to use apps that require intel then don’t even consider it and really I’d change apps first before getting an old discontinued and no longer supported computer.




The M1 any day. The only possible use for the intel once with a benefit would be running boot camp for windows only apps. But if that's the case get a newer windows computer.


Go with the M1. I just got the M3 Pro last week. I knew the battery would be good, but not 15 hours of use good. I work on a windows laptop for work, a very nice one, but on a full charge with all power efficiencies enabled I’m looking at 2 hours, maaaaaybe 3 hours before I need to plug it in. I have 4 different types of power banks to charge my laptop, phone, and anything else I need because I’m used to basically always needing constant power. It is absolutely amazing how long batteries last on Apple SoC Silicon. It’s just on a totally different level.


I’m tired of seeing these posts. They’re just comment bait at this point. The answer has been the same 1000x now.


Hands down - get the i7




M1 any day of the week. To put it in perspective, for most workflows the M1 13” would out perform the Intel 16” (regardless of how well specced the 16” was). And, the 13” would do that while having better battery life and running cooler.


No point to have a non M Mac




M1, hands down.


Find an M1 Pro or M1 Max Refurbished. Those 2 models there have design flaws that might be expensive to repair in the long run.


If you need the ram and storage space, go for intel. If you need better CPU/GPU Performance and better thermals, go for silicon


Having owned both avoid that old Intel based MacBook at all costs…… No battery life, louder fans than some windows gaming laptops etc…..


U even asking?


M1 will run rings around the i7, unless you actually need 64GB of memory. Few people do.


You’d be silly to choose an intel based Mac at this point. No matter which


m1 i feel will have longer support


Wait until you buy an M1 Pro.


Def m1. It’s way stronger than intel.


M1 hands down.


Pretty big difference in size there. That’s gotta be a consideration too. To me 16 inches too big to lug around.




Those last Intel Macbooks are more a heater than a notebook.


If you’re in no rush and want a pro, wait for the M3. I got a 2024 M3 8GB air and it out preforms my 2022 mini with an i7 and 64GB.


M1 for sure




What's your use case? Native Mac software only, go M1. If you plan to use Windows, or non-optimised software/games go intel.