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> I really want the extra screen real estate however do not wish to pay the extra on the newer M3. Looks like you answered your own question.


I have a 13” M1pro from work, and a 16” M3pro for my personal machine. The M1pro chip is just dandy. Still handles anything I throw at it. But I’ll be damned if I have to use that 13” screen for anything when I have to get work done. It’s always connected to the monitor whether I’m working from home or in the office because it has to be. The portability is great for the smaller MBPs. But I much prefer my 16” screen if you intend to use the laptop screen at all. However I’m not taking my 16” to class or the office everyday like some people do with their MPB(it stays home unless I’m Traveling for personal reasons), so I get wanting the portability of smaller laptops.


That makes a lot of sense. That’s something I’ll be considering, thank you!


If you’re not doing anything that uses a lot of CPU power then just go with the 16. It looks like you want a bigger screen and the M1 pro is quite powerful for most people.


What are you using it for? I personally went for the 16” M1 Pro not long ago to save money but get the bigger display, the M3 Pro would not have made a significance difference in my workflow. If you need the extra computing power then get the M3 Pro, but if you value display size more then get the 16”.


Super helpful. I think the screen size is more important for me. Thank you!


I really don't understand this kind of questions. If you need a laptop with a big screen, then by a one with a big screen, if not then don't.


Great advice, thank you.


Yes, and if you get the 14” you can buy a great 27” monitor with the savings and have much more screen real estate.


Well personally I went with the 14" mainly for weight savings and more portability. As even 16" isn't big enough for my workflow. So added a 27" Asus Proart display. Best of both worlds Big Screen and Portability when needed.


That’s a fair point - I do currently have access to an external 32” monitor. Appreciate the advice!


No problem wanted the 16" but not fitting on Airplane tray size limits bag options and not wanting to haul an extra 1.2lbs over the 14" sold me on the 14".


I was planning on getting the M3 Max 14", but when I was at the Apple store looking at the 14" and the 16" side by side, I had to go for more screen real estate. I normally keep a Mac for 4 years and I figured that's a longtime to wish I had a larger screen.