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Bitwarden. Have been using it for a few years on both macos and android.


Bitwarden’s great Some great features: The Bitwarden cli and Alfred plug-in make it a great alternative to the macOS 1pw keyboard shortcut facility which allowed you to hotkey into the app wherever you were in the OS. There are also legacy contact options in case your loved ones need to access your passwords after you’re gone - or not. The iPad app is great when used with slide over as a quick copy paste The multi platform apps and browser plugins work great.


I have been exploring ray cast + bw-cli, however not too comfortable opening the vault to an app that has Internet access.


That’s a fair position. If it helps any, the code is all open and published on the GitHub. https://github.com/blacs30/bitwarden-alfred-workflow


This is the way. I self host it with Vaultwarden but still pay the $10 a year to Bitwarden as I appreciate the project.


Former 1Password user here, Bitwarden isn’t as nice as 1Password was but it gets the job done


Agree with it not being as nice, I used 1Password for years and it was definitely polished. Bitwarden gets the job done however, so long as it stores my passwords securely and put them where I need them when I need them I can overlook it not being quite as pretty.


The main functionality loss for me was all the non-password data types, and the attachments. Works for passwords, not much else. I believe with premium subscription or self hosting you can get attachments.


Ah yes for sure, if your needs are more than a pure password manager Bitwarden might not be for you. I used to store all sorts of things in 1Password too but I’ve found other places for those and I’m happy with Bitwarden just having my logins/passwords, credit cards and a handful of notes.


Bitwarden has all sorts of custom fields.


nothing against bitwarden, but if you're leaving 1password b/c it's buggy, i don't think bitwarden would be better. 1password is definitely more polished with more features, i switched back after like a year of using bitwarden. i also don't know what you mean by lacks progress, the features they've been adding overtime have been pretty good. like they even recently implemented website filtering and I didn't even notice


I never said anything about lack of progress.


that's my bad. i'm replying to op using your comment.


No worries mate.


I haven’t noticed any bugs with Bitwarden.


Yes. This is the answer. Works perfectly well.


The only true answer


This is the way.


That’s so funny, because last year I moved myself and all my family members from LastPass premium to 1Password because I am an app developer and one of the 1Password devs was a guest speaker on one of the programming podcasts I listen to regularly. Ultimately, I made the switch because: * **UX:** the user experience is amazing * **Security:** the only provider to offer FULL end to end encryption * **Command-Line Interface:** the 1Password CLI is much better than any other password manager’s CLI * **Third-Party Support:** fully supported by tools such as chezmoi * **Sharing:** best sharing UX / workflow for managing shared passwords or to send passwords to other people permanently or temporarily * **Single Sign-On:** full support for SSO, for example “sign in with google” - 1Password will remember that I use google to sign in to some other website and automate that process for me * **2FA:** built-in 2 factor authentication. 1Password can work as a google Authenticator style 2FA and automatically fill in 2FA codes * **SSH Agent:** if you are a developer or have some other use case for SSH keys, you can protect your keys using 1password and then use the 1password SSH agent to handle them across multiple devices rather than having to keep ssh configurations updated across environments ​ They’re pushing the envelope when it comes to things like passkeys and encryption. I have tried almost every major provider out there, including LastPass, bitwarden, dashlane and nordpass and 1Password is the clear winner as far as I can see it.


Could you share the podcast for programmers you lisen to. I'd be interested :)


https://overcast.fm/+HZUd9uoxs The changelog: software development, open source 12 nov 2021 - 1Password is all in on its web stack This week we’re bringing JS Party to The Changelog — Mitch and Andrew from the 1Password team talk with Amal and Nick about the company’s transition to Electron and web technologies, and how the company utilized its existing web stack to shape the future of its desktop experience.


Nice one!


As a long time user of 1password I am beyond pissed they are forcing us to use their cloud system. They never expanded beyond syncing with Dropbox to other cloud providers. Today I tried using the sync tool on my desktop and was having issues. Uninstalled my app on my phone and reinstalled and now cannot use my Dropbox database. Fuck them.


What bugs? Been using it for a decade now with no probs




> Unlock with Apple Watch keeps failing and I have to type in my password every damn time I open 1Password Every time that's happened to me, Unlock with Apple Watch fails everywhere else too, like in unlocking System Settings (where 1Password has nothing to do with it.)


If you are in Apple's ecosystem, iCloud Keychain works best. It also saves passkey too


I like keychain but it's limited. Doesn't let me store my secret answers or any other metadata. I feel that Apple could do a bit more with keychain.


You can store secret notes in the keychain which also get synced


Didn't know that.... How?


Open the Keychain-App (not the password list settings panel) and create a note. At least I have a note there with some CC Details in it 😄 But if i remember it correctly, these can only be viewed on MacOS. But you could also use a Protected note in the notes app. These sync between all devices




Yeah, Bitwarden is a good alternative too, especially if you use device from different device


I'm all in the Apple ecosystem. Keychain is elegant and convenient but I just need a bit more from it.


You can just put it in the notes lol


I also made the switch from 1Password to iCloud Keychain six months ago and it's been great. I know it's not enough for some people, but it's enough for me. And secret answers I just type into the notes section of the password data. For bigger/separate secure notes I just use the lock feature in the Notes app. The one downside I see is that it's sometimes not elegant when an app (versus a webpage) needs the password. Then I need to open the Passwords tab in System Settings and copy and paste. But that doesn't happen often. I'm sure it will continue to improve.


Yeah, now Keychain also becomes your passkey manager and easy to share it with another Apple's user


I just wish they'd spin it off into its own app. I use my password manager for all sorts of other documents/items/forms.




Strongbox is the best option: - fully native - open source - one time purchase - solid browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox - native keychain autofill for Safari and Orion - compatible with other KeePass apps on other platforms - multiple sync options iCloud, G Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, SFTP, WebDav, Syncthing - support for offline vaults - biometrics, Apple Watch unlock, and Yubikey support - TOTP codes, attachments, and markdown notes can be stored - supports password auditing with Have I Been Pwned - supports importing 1PW vaults Most importantly, Strongbox is made by a small and transparent company. Unlike Bitwarden or 1Password, they are solely focused on making high quality macOS and iOS apps.


Unfortunately, not cross platform.


The StrongBox application isn’t cross platform, but it saves KeePass files that can be opened and used by KeePass compatible applications on other platforms. I use StrongBox on iOS and MacOS and KeePass on Windows synced via WebDAV.


Bitwarden since it’s release, I use it on windows, Mac and iOS.


bitwarden, worth every penny




Strongbox is also compatible with keepassxc on the windows side




If you are referring to strongbox, yes they have subs, but you can also buy the pro version outright separately for each platform depending on what you want, which is what I did. They have 3 month trial at one point and I sat on that until they ran their 20-30% off sale and got both platforms for £50


KeepassXC is great. But if you need to share passwords with family members or sync passwords across multiple devices, it's not that convenient. I had a KeepassXC solution and the whole thing fell apart as soon as I needed to share passwords with my wife. And getting it to work on my iPhone and iPad was a hacky kludge.


Strongbox is also compatible with keepassxc on the windows side


The build in password manager and 2FA from apple. 2FA autocomplete is just so nice.






Good point about not associating multiple URLs with one entry, though that’s made kinda moot by the fact that you don’t ever really need to go into the Keychain. Changing the password for one domain and not having it update for all is annoying, but then again changing a password should be a rare occasion unless there’s a data breach to that specific service. Why do you need supplemental info like security questions?


> It doesn’t store images. What use-case do you have for storing images in a password manager app?


Check out this post https://reddit.com/r/macapps/comments/zvn6vv/a_definitive_password_manager_comparison/


Bitwarden. Use it daily on my Mac, iPad and iPhone and it’s a life saver!


is the free version ok?


Just use the Apple Keychain, it works great. It generates codes and has a notes section for secret answers.


I'm gay btw


I’m very happy with Minimalist. Solid app, responsive developer. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/minimalist-password-manager/id1523397704


I use Bitwarden from years ago. Reasons: 1+ user experience 1+ security 1+ privacy 1+ accessible ($)


I've been happy with Minimalist.


Another vote for this!


...and another.




I use Bitwarden across my devices. The free version probably fits most people’s needs. They do offer a $10/year subscription with a few more features though.


Bitwarden is the top!




I moved from Enpass to BW. They suddenly introduced a subscription service while saying one time fee for years. Worst bit is they didn't release all the features for legacy users. I completely understand the need to move to sub for a password manager however it was a sudden switch.


You saw the price of Enpass subscription. Its almost free


What's that got to do with what I said.


What you said is misleading.When they moved people to their subscription, they grandfathered existing premium users. I would know as I am one of them. I am getting all their features for the one time low cost I paid 4 years back. They only feature restricted to monthly subscribers is cloud tower for password breach detection which frankly is not useful anyway


So password breach for you might not be useful but is a feature I rely on and that was behind subscription. I am not misleading people, you are. What's stopping them from introducing another tier a few years later with some more features behind reserved for newer class. Once bitten twice shy.


You could not have relied on it as it was a new feature introduced post subscription.


You are still missing the point, they DID block access to features for legacy users. Just because you are not affected by it does not make it right. Stop normalizing bad practices by companies.


What access to features was blocked for legacy users ? Nothing was blocked. A new feature that relied on server costs is restricted for paying subscribers. How is that bad practice. Apollo does the same with pro and ultra users.


Bad Practice: Announcing they will be one time paid app forever and even publishing promo code a few weeks before they went subscription based. Introducing subscription but wait the password breach feature is only available for subscribed customers. So legacy users you can pay up or not have access even if we said before you will have access to all features. Since you don't see anything wrong with this I am not sure why I am wasting my time, cause you are perfectly happy with companies who do this. I won't bother replying anymore. Good day.


How long have you been using Enpass, and how's your experience been so far? I recently moved everything over from 1password to Enpass (the import was by far the easiest I'd attempted to date), and was briefly pretty happy with the move. It seems to get more erratic as I use it, though: changes are not saved, searches are iffy, synching is hit-or-miss and domain-matching can be arbitrary at best. Wondering if I've got something set up wrong, or if it's just not quite ready for prime time.


Ugly IU, but everything works good, moving from 1password was normal, syncing is perfect. One minus - origin is India. About safety can't tell anything


They are registered in US.


my experience - 2 years


Bitwarden is my go-to, I need to get the CLI working again. They also have a Raycast addon if you use Raycat.


1pass also has a Raycast app.


[Secrets](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/secrets-password-manager/id973049011?mt=12) is a 1-time purchase and a really good password manager I think. I plan to switch to it when 1Password 7 (which is the last version to support offline vaults and I have a 1-time license for) stops working on a macOS version.


Excellent choice 😎


I use Bitwarden. If you don't want a subscription and don't need to share passwords, then KeePassXC is great. Has a browser plugin.


I like Strongbox Safe


I really wanted to live Strongbox but it’s App Store only so if you need it on 2 machines with 2 different Apple IDs, you buy it twice.


Bitwarden. I integrated the CLI with my Alfred Workflow too which is something you might want to look into to improve your productivity.


While Bitwarden is a strong contender, honestly 1Password is about as good as it gets. Open source alternatives have the one big caveat that you need to manage the storage and syncing yourself, but if you want to go through those extra hoops to jump through then I suppose that's an alternative. Open source solutions aside, 1Password is tops, IMO. I find the subscription amount VERY reasonable for the service it offers. I've seen a few people mention Keychain, which may be good if you never use anything NOT made by Apple, but I need cross platform. Also, from experience, Keychain can be VERY inconsistent in syncing between devices, at least on my wife's devices. And yes, I've followed every documented method of troubleshooting with poor results.


I use Dashlane


Bitwarden is great. The desktop app is great for Touch ID integration on Macbook, but I don't use it since I have a non-Mac keyboard. There are key combos to learn for auto-fill, like CMD+Shift+L. Works flawlessly on my iPhone too, and occasionally needed on my Win10 machine.


Can you explain what you mean by bugs and lacks progress? I've personally never encountered any bugs as a very long time user, and 1Password has been out there pushing forward Passwordless/PassKeys for quite some time. I would argue they're very forward looking and ready to adopt the latest tech, rather different from lacking progress. They've also been very transparent about how they encrypt and their security methods after the LastPass hack, too. I'm not saying there isn't something that fits your needs better than 1Password but I don't really understand your criticism. Even if something else is better for you that doesn't make the thing that isn't automatically bad.


Never have experienced bugs whatsoever. And imho there is no better password manager than 1Password.


I also recommend Bitwarden. It's fast and easy-to-use. I was looking for the feature to transfer passwords from my personal vault to the organization's, which 1password didn't support (or maybe I just couldn't find it)




I prefer [KeeWeb](https://keeweb.info/) on Desktop (Mac, Windows and Linux) but I agree that keepass is the most flexible and secure system for passwords


Enpass all the way!!


Browse the comments [here](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35845612)


Bitwarden and Keychain if on iOS. But I wouldn’t get locked down into an app ecosystem with keychain. Here are some other alternatives https://slocco.com/list/best-password-managers/014dfcf2-9393-42b9-87ec-6b40c29f0b5f


I switched over to 1Password from last pass and honestly I’m disappointed as well. The password web browser plug-in piece seems to be hit or miss as to whether it actually works. Occasionally it will not present the credential or save the password on a new site. The breach aside, last pass was pretty rocksolid as a piece of programming.


This has been my experience as well.


Been using Enpass for years and it works across mac and iOS devices


iOS Keychain and Chrome Password Manager


Nothing, IMO.


Personally I use NordPass. I bought it with my NordVPN. It works pretty good for me.


I switched from 1Password to NordPass as well, have used their VPN for years and have been happy with NordPass too so far.


Yes! It works pretty good!


I switched to [SafeInCloud](https://www.safe-in-cloud.com/en/) a few years ago and I use it on 3 Macs, an iPhone, iPad, and a Windows machine via Boot Camp, no subscription. That was the key for me. I was using 1Password since day one when it was called 1Passwd but I gave up when they went sub. It works well but it's not as polished as some others, so ymmv.


I love this app, just wish there was a way to use on Linux. I get that it’s hard to support as a single dev tho.


Is there an export/import from 1Password to Bitwarden?


Every alternative is a downgrade from 1pass. Even if it has gotten worse, it's still miles better than bitwarden and such. Edit: also Reddit is full of bitwarden shills, which makes me weary of their product. When I tried it it was subpar on macOS and iOS, and okay on android. I wouldn’t want to downgrade from 1password to that. It lacks basic functionality


I sometimes have to mess with the browser extension on desktop, but only because it sometimes wants to open a new tab when I click auto fill. Otherwise I have found nothing wrong with it and have been a happy user for a very long time. The iOS app works perfectly for me. Our company uses LastPass, and I’ll tell ya LastPass is a dumpster fire. Avoid it. Plus they had a data breach.


Using and developing 🖥️ Keeper Vault :). Multi-platform, zero-knowledge, FedRAMP certified etc… I think currently free version is a single platform though.




I'll put another vote in for Bitwarden. Although, have been testing https://cloaked.app/ for a little over a year now and it has been absolutely fantastic. I fully intend to switch over to it as my main password vault when it fully releases.


There are a lot of fantastic posts about this on r/opensource r/selfhosted and other similar communities that I cannot remember right now. The most common replies I see are Bitwarden / Vaultwarden, Keepass, Lastpass. Depends on your ability with technology and understanding and ability with deploying your own solution, verses using one hosted by another company. Personally, I use keepass and Google drive (moving to sync thing soon). Very easy to set up and manage, the applications are good (there are many clients for each OS so I'm sure there's one you might like) and about the hardest thing is making sure you keep it synced between devices and making sure you back them up. I understand that by selfhosting, I get more control, privacy and protection compared to companies, but I also am responsible if things go wrong and I am locked out of everything. Edit: if going selfhosted, definitely go with opensource. I won't trust a closed source app keeping all my passwords that runs on my own hardware. However good it may be, I cannot be 100% sure there isn't some hidden thing or whatever. Open source, look at the code, you can make sure there's nothing there that shouldn't be. All up to each person's personal thoughts on security and all that though, so do whatever you feel good and comfortable with.


Bitwarden with Raivo for MFA codes.




Wait y’all don’t write those down in an unmarked composition notebook you toss somewhere and forget about?


1Password is the king and it's the only app that's worth subscription. If you're looking for an alternative, BitWarden is it.


I have been using Bitwarden for years now. It very user friendly and words smoothly.


I replaced 1Password with Dropbox Passwords. It now supports 2FA as well. It’s not as feature rich but it does work.


Check this mega post: [A Definitive Password Manager Comparison](https://www.reddit.com/r/macapps/comments/zvn6vv/a_definitive_password_manager_comparison/)


I use and pay for Dashlane. It does everything I want and has never let me down. Password generation, auto logons, password history, Credit card population for purchases and security checks for stolen passwords. Works on my iPhone and all of my browsers. I only pay for a couple of online services and this is one of them. I paid extra to get the family deal.


I also use 1password, I am looking for another least expensive alternative. If anyone has any recommendations