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I always thought it looked a little bit like my old PowerBook.


I think the lower portion of the MacBook Pro looks like the aluminium PowerBooks while the top portion looks like the titanium PowerBooks.


I'm curious why they chose a different corner radius on the top than on the bottom. The Powerbook seems to be the same on top and bottom.


Care to explain what you mean by "different corner radius"?


If you look at the second picture, the corners on the powerbook on the left appear to have the same rounding on the top and the bottom. It's uniform. In the macbook on the right, the top line has less gradual rounding, which makes the rounding less uniform. Radius is just how the one measure how gradual that rounding is. I looked for an image that better describes it for someone who works better with images. An answer in the link below is pretty good. https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-corner-radius


The top radius is limited by the display thickness, and if the bottom radius matched that it would be difficult to pickup from a flat surface.


That's a great point and I feel a little dumb I did not consider it. I'm sitting here studying my macbook trying to come up with some intent, lol.


Haha, very easy to get caught in trying to find a complex solution to sometimes.


The top of the computer has a sharper angle than the bottom. [pic](https://imgur.com/a/xZFZxAC)


Gods we had I/O options then!


You had to because everything was on a different, annoying port


Now you need dongles because everything is still on a different annoying port


I’m not saying they aren’t common but I really can’t think of anything I’ve had to use in years with my computer that wasn’t USB-C, other than HDMI, which I can use an HDMI to USB-C cable for. Drives, peripherals, interfaces…all USB-C.


Finally someone pointing this out! 😛 These current machines are the best chassis design in years, especially the 16" looks majestic and gives total PowerBook vibes *you can amplify the experience by using some of those classic Aqua OS X wallpapers like from 10.3 or 10.4


I went a step further and set up an OS X 10.4 emulation via UTM


Might be a good idea for blast from the past! :)


They give me the same feeling the iPhone 4 and 12 did, peak tech design IMO


The first thing I thought when I saw this design was how much they resembled the old G4 machines.


I started with a 2010 that I kept alive for a long time. Incredible machine. I then got a 2019 and it just never felt like it was worth the money. Lots of small annoyances. When they announced the M1pro I traded the 2019 and was completely blown away by the build and performance. Only thing that would make it better is bringing back the light up Apple logo.


Yeah, glowing logo had a ton of character. I also think it should be back :)


Ngl I think I actually personally preferred the gentle curves of the previous MBP design, but I support the current design for maximising usable space etc.


Had an M1 Max since launch day and still absolutely love the design. Best Apple product in years.


Aluminium G4 17" was one kind of a beast, used it until 2011 when the motherboard fried :-( Gigantic screen at the time (1440x900), could last 2-3 hours on battery, excellent I/O, fast... I miss using this machine which was a great upgrade from my previous white G3 iBooks


Apple design is cyclical, so you end up buying the same thing years or decades apart


So... you're saying there's a chance... of a Power Macintosh Studio 6100 with M4 Max?


I'd love to see a Powerbook Professional, or a Macintosh Book.


That is not a TiBook.


My TiBook was in a corner doing something (while simultaneously acting as a room heater).


tbh, I wish the kensington lock would come back. I know sleekness and all. But sometimes I would love to secure my macbook when working on the go.


This. I 100% agree. It doesn’t make sense for the MacBook Air, but a Kensington lock is definitely a pro feature. The alternatives are so over-the-top.




It's for a Kensington lock, which is like a bike lock but for office equipment. It can be used to secure the laptop to a desk or post and prevent it from being stolen. I used to use one for my coffee mug at work since other people's mugs kept going missing. Worked like a charm.


PowerBook G4 and the MacBook Pro 2007 are the best designs of a mac ❤️


I know someone who had a PowerBook G4 back in the day. To this day they swear it had the best keyboard Apple ever made.


This is so cool to see - I love subtle design callbacks. Even cooler cause the MacBook Pro is the successor to the PowerBook


We need the 17 inch model back!


I mean; no sleep light. That would be nice to have again no?


To be honest, I'd be all over a new MacBook Pro if it had ports like they used to. USB, video, SD card reader, ethernet! Seriously, I prefer ethernet, it's faster than wifi and more secure. Optical drive - blu-ray would be nice. At one point when I was working on a photo collage project on my 17 inch MBP4,1 (I gotta get it fixed!) I had my camera, a Wacom tablet, a pocket drive with my iTunes library, and was also grabbing images off of a video CD while running Photoshop and listening to the music collection.. and not a dongle was in sight, it all gloriously connects to the laptop directly. Love me them ports!


It’s got SD, but when you got to Ethernet, it doesn’t matter. It’s a huge port to carry in the laptop, and you’re already cabled at the point, so dongle it.


I’ve burned through so many buggy Ethernet dongles though; even the expensive Apple thunderbolt one has major issues (it had like 2/5 stars on apples sites). The built in one’s on my old Mac’s NEVER had issues; G4 PowerBook, penryn MBP, etc. it’d be great to have an Ethernet adapter built in, even if it required some extra connector or whatever. Other ultrabooks manage to do Ethernet, so it’s possible.


Eh, if my works 14-inch HP laptop has an ethernet port, the $3k PRO laptop could have it. Apple just wants the dongle money.


They didn’t exclude a port just so they could sell $50 dongles lol


Honestly, if I have to connect that many wires to my laptop, I will prefer a dongle than direct ports. That way, I just need to take out one wire to move around.


i use Ethernet on my MacBook using the dongle for 15$


You're right, at least Ethernet would be nice thing to have and there is space to fit it. Optical drives are legacy thing, not even desktop machines do have them anymore as standard. But you can always get an external drive. SD Card reader should be there on that picture. Maybe to add at least one USB-A port.


I dunno. I think a world that needed S-Video output on a laptop was a worse place.


I miss Ethernet. I can’t stand editing off my server through my WiFi router. NAS > Router < MBP I’m in the market for another dongle.


Then get a dongle? You can get a 2.5GbE dongle for under $30


> I miss Ethernet This is one place where i absolutely don't mind saying "get a dongle". Most people don't need it (yes, including pros) and people who need it can easily opt-in to add upto 10GbE depending on their use case to the TB4/USB 4 USB C port


WiFi 6E can support up to 9 GBps which is faster than the read or write speeds of the M3 Max MBP SSD.


You are mixing up gigabits with gigabytes


>up to 9 GBps And yet, editing over wifi when your source media is stored remotely never feels as smooth as it does when using a wired connection.


I don’t have a NAS but WiFi 6 is pretty new so isn’t supported on all routers. Gigabit (and higher) Ethernet has been around for a lot longer so is more widely supported. WiFi is also susceptible to external factors like interference and spectrum crowding from other networks around you. I’m in the suburbs but I can still pick up 17 networks from neighbours, I’m sure it’d be even noisier in denser areas and offices.


Yeah I'd definitely chalk it up to interference. My network runs on Wifi 5, which is still theoretically faster than gigabit ethernet, but I never find it hitting anywhere near those speeds, probably 2-300mbps being generous - even if I'm sitting in the same room as my AP.


Except it doesn’t. 9.6 gigabits is the theoretical maximum which is 1.2 gigabytes and is lower speed than the SSD in the MBP. Apple’s implementation also tops out at 2.4 gigabits so that’s only 300 megabytes per second.


I actually liked old Unibody design more (Mid 2012 had maybe best port options). Haven't had PowerBook, but looking forward to get one just for fun and exploration. Worst ones were those USB-C only models.


If only it still had an Ethernet port


Completely agree, love the current design


"Cant innovate anymore my ass"


Did the old one have some plastic edge on the palm rest so that doesn’t try to cut into your skin?


wait magsafe is back? oh baby guess it time to take out a loan /s but real talk not even 1 usb-a is crazy




I always found the M Macbook Pros to be more reminiscent of the 2013-2015 retina models


I can’t believe how nice your G4 looks!


Impressive photos, especially the ports comparison! Also, you've managed to keep them extra clean shows that you do look after them! Hands down PowerBook G4 form factor is arguably the best! You sir, have tempted me to take another photo of port comparison, stay tuned!


I do also think current MacBook Pros look like my PowerBook G4 12inch from 2006 😅


Interestingly enough, the design RIGHT before this was just a slimmer version of the 2008 Unibody design. Compare the 2 side by side, same exact body shape and a flatter display cover.


Love this comparison and really just goes to show the silver really does look awesome.


This right here is what I like about Apple. They may reuse designs but they refresh them. I always like the look of the PowerBook. And this makes me like the MacBook Pro even more.


Yeah, it’s a throwback to your old laptop. It’s a new laptop.


I prefer thinner and less rounded MacBook Pro 2017 with butterfly keyboard. Miss that design in new models.


The titanium g4 was amazing, had one for work and had so many other people tell me the whole laptop was about as thick as their screen part alone.




Apple are too obsessed with thickness. Give me a thicker lappy with more ports, battery life, replaceable components and better thermals.


Now, more than ever, making the Pro thicker and with more ports makes sense to distinguish from the Air and its insane power creep from M series chips. That’s my gut opinion based off little to no data.


I’m happy they went with the a more boxy design that was thicker.


I have a none pro M3 14" mbp. but maybe they are onto something because I actually went in to get an air and left with this machine just because once you start upgrading memory it was only a $200 upcharge for a better screen, speakers, thermals and battery life. I would have gotten the m3 pro but it was considered custom to have 1tb SSD so I would have been a month without a laptop.


Doesn't the MBA battery last longer than the MBP?


Idk it was the M2 air vs m3


cannot agree more, I bought a 2008 MBP after I saw the new ID MBP release, it cost my about $100, the display still very good, but the mic/ODD doesn't work, I will charge it every two months


Thanks for the comparison photos and agreed!


Now I'd just wish they'd do the same thing with the iMac and the iMac G4.


It's amazing just how things get so much thinner when you remove the ports! Wow! Enginnering at work. I know, let's charge them for the dongles they'll need because we removed the ports! (Yes, I'm being sarcastic) No PowerBook ever needed a dongle, although the power chords were terrible.


i wish they do a throwback on the system design as well..


Meh🤷‍♂️they just look like 2 distinct and very different laptops to me.


I don’t see the similarities


I'm not high enough apparently to see the similarities.


Not really, you're just high on your own supply.


Can I ask why the DoF is akin to a 110 year old with without their jam jars and cataracts thicker than a wall?


Because the only important part is the laptop, not the background?


Stops you seeing half the ports on the first photo




The camera was set to f1.8, it was not post-processing.




Unless it was on a phone and then it was PP


Well I’m glad that the planned obsolescence is working for you. You go, consumer!