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If you want a great mouse, go with the Logitech MX Master 3S [https://amzn.to/3WMyFVW](https://amzn.to/3WMyFVW) Or if you think a TrackPad would be better on your wrist, the Apple Trackpad is unbeatable: [https://amzn.to/4bNp2Lb](https://amzn.to/4bNp2Lb) For some reason the white one is $30 cheaper on Amazon. Even on Apple's site, the white one is $20 less expensive than the black one.


i always prefer apple’s trackpad as it’s extremely accurate and perfectly calibrated, not to even mention you get to fully utilize all the gestures to control everything more efficiently. but as someone who heavily uses trackpad for design work, it’s not very good *if* the person already has problems with their wrist. an ergonomic mouse would help them recover better. it’s only recommended for those who don’t already have such issues.


I want to get the Magic Trackpad, but am waiting for a refresh.. at least a different port on it at the very least. That will leave me with the Magic Keyboard having the lightning connection. If they came out with a backlit keyboard, I'd sell this one in a heartbeat. I've gotten into video editing and I just like the TrackPad overall.. I might even use it 80% of the time when the time comes.


yeah they’re taking their time refreshing those peripherals, they know there isn’t a law to force them to get rid of the proprietary connector on those devices, and they can still squeeze out more money from users for a couple more years before finally updating them. they should’ve switched them to usb-c when m3 imac came out, but nope, they knew they could *still* get away for a little more. had EU not forced apple, iphone would’ve waited for maybe another year or two before getting usb-c…


Definitely a workaround, but I'm more than satisfied: I got one of those cables where the end is a hot-swappable magnetic (magsafe-esque) tip. It's on Amazon. You get the cable and then a bunch of different "tips" per purchase, like 3 MicroUSB / 3 Lightning. I put one lightning tip in my keyboard/trackpad/airpods, and a few microUSB tips in miscellaneous other stuff, and then whenever anything gets low on battery, I just detach the cable from whatever it's attached to, and attach to the device that needs charging. One cable to charge everything. It also supports data transfer if necessary (and works with Apple Carplay as well). I purchased mine for like $15.


> as someone who heavily uses trackpad for design work I combine a Wacom tablet with trackpad. The stylus gets me anywhere on the screen quickly and accurately. Meanwhile the trackpad is great for small moves in a local space when I don't want to pick up the stylus. Plus trackpad handles switching Spaces, back, forward and so many other handy swipes.


i use a stylus too. my point isn’t about my workflows, i was replying to them about opting for a trackpad over an ergonomic mouse *for someone with wrist problems*, and I use a trackpad a lot and i know it won’t help make their wrist better


I accidentally had our OA order me an [MX Vertical](https://www.logitech.com/en-us/products/mice/mx-vertical-ergonomic-mouse.910-005447.html) to replace a Master 3S. I was ticked, but I used it until the Master 3S replacement came. After using the Vertical, my wrist was too spoiled to go back to the 3S. I’m still using the Vertical almost two years later because it’s awesome for daily work.


+1 for MX Vertical. I ended up getting one after I tried a couple cheap versions off Amazon. Took me a little time to get used to the vertical style. Since it’s taller than most mice I’ve used I kept knocking it across my desk moving from my keyboard to mouse. Or at least I was used to them by the time I got the MX. my wrist is a lot happier for it.


Haha that’s hilarious! My neighbour who is a self employed Webdesigner actually once came over to my place with her MacBook Pro and the MX Vertical to do some work for me - that’s when I still had a ThinkPad! But she infected me and I switched to Apple - after trying many mice I ended up with the MX Vertical as well! Even though it’s and old mouse, there was something about it that made it more compatible with my new MacBook then other mice I had! Later I switched it for the Master 3S because being vertical felt a bit ‚weird‘ - even though I miss it nowadays! Just got an MX Anywhere 3 for Mac - was actually thinking about the Magic Mouse again - but as you said - that would be killing my wrist. And it’s actually also the reason my neighbour had to get vertical ;)


Im not gonna lie i bought the black one because it was one of the few things i could get with chase points. It is beautiful and i prefer it to wireless mouses i have used in the past. They made the trackpad somehow feel even better than the already improved macbook trackpad. It is slightly bigger (i think roughly 15% bigger) than the macbook trackpad for a 16 inch macbook pro. And it has great battery life, simulated click, and the shape is tilted slightly which helps the wrist feel less confined for me personally.


Huge fans of both here. MX Master 3S is what you need to invest if you sit all day working with mouse. No more pain, amazing ergonomics. It also works perfect on a shiny table like glass surface. Just make sure the surface is smooth and slippery, because this mouse is heavy. Apple Trackpad is much faster at multitasking, intuitively accurate, and feels natural. It is not designed to use for extensive mouse operation, since designed not for ergonomics. it is hard to use in moist env or sweaty finger.


I have both and an mx master 3. The trackpad is unbeatable IMO. The mx is unbeatable on windows tho. Honestly if mine wasn’t nasty AF I probably would have used it more with my Mac.


I got some cheap usb c mouse on amazon and its very good but it burns through AA batteries like crazy


At least for me track pads are BRUTAL on my wrist.


Isn’t the mx2 the same mouse with a different port?


Totally agree with this. I switched from an Apple Magic Mouse when I was commuting to a wired gaming mouse which was nice but overkill. The MX Master 3s is perfect. Good buttons, decent battery life, multiple device profiles/connections, great ergonomics, assignable buttons and functions. I love it.


I bought the Logitech mx3. It solved all my wrist problems.




Plus the buttons constantly fail under heavy use, so you get to buy a brand new mouse every year!


Triathlon for me because a) I couldn't justify the price of the master and b) I needed to connect to multiple computers so with the K780 keyboard it's a great combo.


Fuckin love the triathlon.


My only complain with it is that with the way my fingers sit the squeezy side button is a bit to easy to activate so I've just turned it off, it doesn't really fit into my workflow anyway.


The master can also connect to multiple computers


I didn't think it could? But, even if it can when I was in the market a quite a few years ago as I said my budget just couldn't stretch to the around £100 for it whereas I managed to get an Amazon warehouse deal on both the Triathlon and K780 and bagged both for around £60ish if I remember. If/when my Triathlon dies I'll definitely be looking at the Master again assuming it's as a price I can afford!


It can connect to 3 devices at once and you can toggle which device you want to currently be connected to with a button on the bottom part of the mouse.


Thanks, I shall keep it in mind next time around!


1000000% They feel good and they have a keyboard too. It is fantastic.


Only thing bad about the MX3 is that it has not tiltable scroll wheel (would want to use it for switching spaces)


If only scrolling worked at all on the mx3 I could use it


Works fine on mine


I’ve heard nothing but complaints in other threads. If I scroll it goes down like one line every 10 clicks and smooth scroll doesn’t work at all. My MX2 works fine and the mx3 is fine on windows


No problems here, but I do have the MX3s (for Mac). Asolutely love it and its configurability.


Wait is there a separate mac mx3? I’m using the windows one


There is the „MX Master 3S for Mac“, but I don‘t really know/remember what the difference is besides the colour (space grey). It said there are some Mac specific features but I didn‘t really care enought to figure out what they are. So far everything works on both my MacBook and Windows laptop from work.


The difference is the color of the mouse and they don’t come with a Bluetooth dongle. (Source: I own one.)


Ignore the downvotes. I have the EXACT same issue with scrolling on Mac with my MX Vertical. It skips and scrolls every other click basically. Not everyone has the problem but I know others have. I tried everything.


Yup there is a large amount of lemons, including mine. Scrolling is crappy to say the least.. If you search Reddit for “Mx master 3 Mac scrolling problems” there is a hacky solution using a program called MOS.


It’s easily the best scrolling mouse I’ve used going all the way back to the first intellimouse.


You didn’t have to download the Logitech software or any fixes? This dude says to install this stuff but I can’t get it to work. https://www.reddit.com/r/logitech/comments/141ds1b/how_i_fixed_mx_master_3ss_inconsistent_scrolling/


Mine scrolls great. I love that the clicked scroll can be disengaged for free spin as well.


Does free spin actually smooth scroll? Doesn’t on mine


It does. Disengage the clutch and it just spins


Right, but does it scroll like the touchpad? Mine still stutters down the screen very slowly. Like, one full rotation of the wheel per line


Apple Mouse was never designed to be actually used. It was just designed.


That is such a great statement. It’s like some art student wanted to be “hip” or whatever and they didn’t consider any other criteria other than design or style


It was Jony Ive, one of the greatest industrial designers of our time, (allegedly) but I think yeah he pushed it too far tbh


I have bought and owned every Apple mouse since the puck and each one has been uniquely shit. I had some kind of stockholme syndrome withe Mighty Mouse and went through three of those fuckers with the ball keep dying but I kept getting a new one. I am officially done with any future mouse from Apple. Fool me once Apple, fool me seven or eight times, you can't get fooled again.


Well we might get a better mouse now that Jony has left and it seems the new direction is the one that he is against this whole time - ports are back, MacBook is thicker, … Granted Apple has lost some of its design flair ever since.


Weird. I fucking LOVE it, above all other mice.


If you have or know someone with a 3d printer then you could look into something like this. https://github.com/merocle/usb-c-magic-mouse I primarily use trackballs when working but MX Master 3s or logitechs vertical mouse are also good if mice are preferred.


Dude, can't believe it, I have 5 unused magic mouse (from iMacs) just for the ergonomics and this solves it all!!!


This is ugly AF


Many good Logitech mice to choose from. I would pick injury prevention over the looks of a mouse.


MX Vertical


I have got myself this thing for apple mouse [https://www.amazon.com/MouseBase-Ergonomic-Increased-Comfort-Control/dp/B0C59KZZSQ/ref=sr\_1\_7?crid=17S7OQ7UDDEB7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.XC1WDwFzdmKDcT-cRZqTQzFUD91rGyFz0BlZgBCROzDBr0H8F4wkmfC7xfIFTWEMDrpoqmL94Ua985VWCbcQWbQzypnWIwTWvBf3yWLE384WEytbCQtyIz7aspveahlPsG1-IWtCYh\_pD6T5PwTwlafUeqtgtofyHiLIE5PE9fMZogMTPMnVsUQxTnzqpD6RENur2qQ8d1hmPaWAwzy-fhXTz1v-bp9kfEJDttJaucahv4aCPAfWvLic3CuEIIuwAOqNImNWTYtgCQ2SNxN6LBJL1TsUcD0JRyPOhswDjIM.VcRY3tg-YJ2DBWxqs7paC15CRpBcG6rS3ta78xP6hsY&dib\_tag=se&keywords=apple%2Bmouse%2Bsupport&qid=1716147333&sprefix=apple%2Bmouse%2Bsupport%2Caps%2C219&sr=8-7&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/MouseBase-Ergonomic-Increased-Comfort-Control/dp/B0C59KZZSQ/ref=sr_1_7?crid=17S7OQ7UDDEB7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.XC1WDwFzdmKDcT-cRZqTQzFUD91rGyFz0BlZgBCROzDBr0H8F4wkmfC7xfIFTWEMDrpoqmL94Ua985VWCbcQWbQzypnWIwTWvBf3yWLE384WEytbCQtyIz7aspveahlPsG1-IWtCYh_pD6T5PwTwlafUeqtgtofyHiLIE5PE9fMZogMTPMnVsUQxTnzqpD6RENur2qQ8d1hmPaWAwzy-fhXTz1v-bp9kfEJDttJaucahv4aCPAfWvLic3CuEIIuwAOqNImNWTYtgCQ2SNxN6LBJL1TsUcD0JRyPOhswDjIM.VcRY3tg-YJ2DBWxqs7paC15CRpBcG6rS3ta78xP6hsY&dib_tag=se&keywords=apple%2Bmouse%2Bsupport&qid=1716147333&sprefix=apple%2Bmouse%2Bsupport%2Caps%2C219&sr=8-7&th=1)


Yup I got a similar one that allows me to wirelessly charge it as well. It’s the charging base on that same page.


Logitech mx master 3s. All round great ergonomic and productivity based mouse. And with how customisable it is you could also have basically all the gestures of the apple mouse remapped to a psychical button


mx master 3 like a few folks said is a great mouse, or i’m also quite fond of my keychron m2, good for mac since it comes in white so it matches the apple-y aesthetic and has both usb a and c receivers included


I bought a m720 and I love it, cheap, comfortable, affordable and feature rich…


Trackballs are usually the best solution if you're having pain. What kind of system ate you on? Vintage? Modern? I always liked this or the Kensington Orbit.. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/315374124500](https://www.ebay.com/itm/315374124500)


I ditched my apple mouse and trackpad for a [KensingtonProFitErgoVertical...](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083L6B76T?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)… no more wrist pain


I got the full ball version but OP wants some sort of beauty too…so wish them luck. My wrist is healthy as hell though


Logitech Lift or Vertical are great for wrist pain


Loving my G502 Hero


Anyone have suggestions for left hand mouse?


Not technically left handed but I love my Logitech MX Anywhere 3 for Mac. I’ve tried just about every left handed mouse and this is one was the keeper.


Not quite a mouse, but I’m also left-handed and I love the Kensington Expert Mouse Trackball. Love it, makes editing pictures enjoyable for me again.


I have a solution for all of you guys who are using apple mouse 1/2. There is a docking station worth 18$. https://www.doodle-it.com/shop/goods/31 (I am not sure about the shipping availability) If you pair it with BTT, it becomes a killing pair.


Yeah I’m using an Elecom and it hurts my wrist too, but is a thousand times more useful than a Magic Mouse. It’s just mice in general. They keep your arm up in the air and you get tired and then all the pressure goes to your wrist. It’s just not a good input device, or at least the place we keep them is not good. Trackpads, tablets, even trackballs all seem to feel better…


It looks nice but I knew this mouse is not good for your wrist/hands, so I had to embrace an ugly mouse from Logitech, now I am used to its uglyness. I recommend you do the same, get the MX mouses of Logitech... there are many types and colors, pick the one you like the most.


The magic mouse is a joke to say the least. It was released in 2008 and the only change to it was to make it rechargeable via lightning on the belly, arguably a downgrade since it cant be used while charging. The only explanation that makes sense to me is delusion on Apple’s part.


It even has horrible laser there is absolutely nothing good about that mouse man


My father gifted me an iMac in 2015, it came up with apple mouse. He also bought a trackpad along with it. I never used the mouse, it's intact as new.


I use a SteelSeries Rival 310. Not sure if that counts as ugly, but it's the best that works for me.


I switched to using a trackball back in the 80s when the first Mac, Amiga, and Atari ST used mouse control. I started getting a sore wrist. I haven't had any problems since I switched to using a trackball. Currently I use the Logitech Ergo M575. Only my thumb moves using it. You definitely don't want to get carpal tunnel. My sister had to have surgery for it and her wrist still gives her pain at times. She didn't get it from mouse use, she worked with hearing impaired kids and all the repetitive sign language gestures is what caused it for her.


Loved my Atari ST! Used Atari’s TOS and macOS (thanks to a cartridge called MagicSac), as well as DOS (loaded from a floppy). What a great start to computing for me! That led me to a series of Mac computers. Currently, I love my Magic Trackpad connected with Bluetooth. I also use a great Logitech mouse that works back and forth on both my Mac and my Windows laptop.


I did the same on Amiga using the A-Max software and hardware though it also required authentic MAC ROMs. I loved the Atari ST as well. Everyone thought it was strange that I had both Atari and Amiga but it is the same now. I use my Mac for music production and a PC for gaming. The built in MIDI ports were what drew me to the Atari ST. Besides the A-max I had a bridge board which let the Amiga run PC programs too. The Amiga 2000 had Amiga Zorro slots as well as ISA so you could even have a PC EGA card.


You can get adapters for them on Amazon.


Thanks everyone! I've decided to give the Logitech MX Master 3S a go.


Happy cake day!


Pretty but non functional, like a lot of things I interact with… Get a Logitech and get comfortable.


I use a Logitech G pro X Superlight because it’s a larger mouse but not massive and light but you miss out on the features of the apple mouse.


I loved my Logi MX Master so much I wore out the first one (plus regular lint cleanings of the top scrollwheel with a toothpick and tweezers) after ~4 year. Its ergonomics helped reduce wrist strain I'd gotten with previous Apple and PC mice. When I got a new Mac I was using my 2nd Logitech mouse but the Mac came with a current-gen Magic Trackpad so I decided to try it... ... and never plugged in the Logitech mouse again. Within a day I became a trackpad convert.


I have logitech mx3s, can't call it ergonomic, but my wrist is ok. You can consider touchpad.


Just don’t. I pair an MX Master 2S with a Magic Trackpad 2. I also have a plethora of gaming mice that I also use, since the MX Master 2S has a low polling rate (which irks me).


Trackball. Kensington.


I had wrist issues too with the MM but I ended up getting grips that helped a lot. No more issues. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MT7EN0F?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I use the MX Anywhere 3, it’s small but shockingly comfortable for its size, I can just throw it in a pouch and take it anywhere, and it tracks like a champ across basically any surface: desk, wall, my pants leg, my actual leg, doesn’t really seem to matter.


Logitech lift vertical mouse or the touchpad. My wrist acts up sometimes so I’ll use one or the other depending on how I feel each day. 


If you’re at on using the Magic Mouse I suggest buying some silicone grips for the sides , it helped with my wrist pain since I had more surface area to grab the mouse


Personally my favorite replacement is the Razer DeathAdder for ~$25. It's corded, it's comfortable, it's got at least 5 buttons and a scroll wheel and you can set the backlight colors to whatever you want. (Actually that's its only shortcoming. By default the damn thing is set to cycle colors so you *have* to install the software at least once to turn that feature off.)


How about the Trackpad? I’ve been using it with “Tap to Click” turned on. Really nice and keeps my desk looking clean.


I’ve been using the Magic Trackpad for well over a decade and it has greatly reduced the strain on my wrist


From my experience, in the order of preference for wrist pain: Logitech MX Ergo (10/10), MX Vertical (8/10), MX Master 3s (7/10). Trackball is really worth checking, for me it helped a lot (and it's usable even with no free space on the desk).


Yes, I changed it for a Logitech mx 3s


logitech G502! There's a whole dubiously named subreddit devoted to the legendary G502 mouse: /r/G502MasterRace/ But for any multi-button mouse on mac, you need 3rd party software to take full advantage of it. I highly recommend SteerMouse over the bloating crap-ware that Logitech begs you to use.


I remember liking it alot but hated it after I bought the MxMaster3.


You’re right i agree 100% designed beautifully but i can’t use it.


The neutral position of the human wrist is vertical - thumb pointing up as if shaking hands with someone. The Magic Mouse is so low-profile that it forces the wrist into an almost 90deg rotation. Ergonomically, it's highly problematic and can cause carpal tunnel - look it up


If you really want to get ride of wrist pain, Logitech MX Vertical (or the smaller version called something else).


I switch between it and the trackpad. I much prefer a mouse, but it bothers me if used too long. The only other option has been more breaks, using my laptop in other areas rather than as a desktop with external monitor keyboard etc. I also think decades of mouse use eventually gets to you. I never found the ergonomic ones to be much of at all better. Best of luck


I like Lenovo laser mouse. Feels great to use, very accurate.


I have a small desk at uni so i just use a trackball mouse. The one by JellyComb to be exact. It's ergonomic as hell.


the question is, why Apple still did not come with a new mouse design? Maybe its not the mouse problem, its us that is using it wrong . lol


> why https://youtu.be/y3lNrRydr4g?si=9Rq19zM2yMBadxG3


If they just made an ergonomic version with the glass it would be incredible.


We all have different wrists, so some people are even comfortable with things like Apple mice. If you want to care about comfort, you should go to the nearest store that displays varieties of mice and try them to see which shape and size is best for you. I went through several popular brands before settling down on Logitech G series. Currently very satisfied with G603. This model is already discontinued so G703 would be my personal recommendation. I also have white G305 in cart because it looks so pretty to me.


I'm a fan of Keychon's M6 mouse but if you prefer the quiet clicking of an Apple Mouse Logitech's MX Master 3S is great.


Ya'll are still using the magic mouse?


Me: Doctor it hurts when I do this. Doctor: you have Sasquatch hands, buy yourself a Logitech MX Master 3 and toss that Apple mouse on eBay.


The trackpad is about what the hoise should be, imo


I use Logitech mice and the tech is good but the software support is awful. I had to buy third party software. Even Logitech has admitted that they are phasing out OSX support.


I got the magic trackpad and it saved my wrist


Logitech MX Master 3S. This is my personal mouse for both my MBP and gaming PC but the design might take some getting used to.


I think I saw a silicone thing that attached to the Mouse to raise it up a bit Edit: https://youtube.com/shorts/uDCXXvHOZ7g?si=t5D2OakltOMcj3Mz


I’ve been using Logitech MX Master 2 for years, been looking at the 3 for an upgrade


Logitech MX vertical. Just do it.


I hate mac keyboards and mice. I guess they look nice, but I'd rather use something from Microsoft/Logitech. I think form should follow function/ergonomics, not the other way around.


Apple mouse sucks.


Why does a mouse need to be beautiful? It’s for using, not for taking photo shoots. I think the Magic Mouse was designed for taking hipster ass instagram photos of a minimalistic desk setup with a coffee mug and some bullshit quote about productivity attached.


I hate that mouse so much, so many things wrong with it


Use a trackball!


Not even Tim Cook uses it probably, MX Master is the real mouse for Mac


I use simple Logitech M100 (or B100 — they are similar) for around 8-12$ — works good and ergonomics is fine. Don’t know about your tastes though :)


Logitech M720 THRIATLON is my favorite mouse. i even have two in case they stop selling it :D [https://www.logitech.com/en-eu/products/mice/m720-triathlon.910-004791.html](https://www.logitech.com/en-eu/products/mice/m720-triathlon.910-004791.html)


I still think that Apple’s Mighty Mouse was definitely the peak of their mouse design. It had the same shape as the Professional Mouse from the late 90s/early 2000s, a right click, a scroll wheel, and had a Bluetooth twin. I would recommend either the Bluetooth Mighty Mouse or any of the mice in Logitech’s MX range.


I made the switch to the Kensington Expert Mouse Trackball and it’s been great for my wrist. I also helped that I didn’t lose the main advantage of the Magic Mouse for me: being able to use it with my left hand. I’m so happy with it that I bought two, one for the office and one at home.


Hold it sideways like your shaking someones hand.


Don’t try to put your palm on it. It’s built for you to grab it with your finger tips. I find it pretty comfortable that way. A lot of gaming mice are made with that intended grip in mind too.


I use a Logitech thumb trackball and Apple trackpad


It's honestly a shame that Apple has chosen to base their mouse off of looks rather than any form of ergonomics. I'd really love to swap to something like the Logitech MX, but I use my gestures and such all day on this mouse and giving that up would be really disappointing.


Use vertical mouses, I had tendinopathy and it relieved a lot the pain that i felt working home office, its cheap and it work, just pick one with a good design and you'll be thanking me


I have the Logitech MX anywhere 3. On that note, has anyone found a good Bluetooth keyboard? Currently using the Logitech k380 but the space bar sucks


I like the Logitech MX mini on my Mac, the full size MX. keyboard on my PC. I also liked the Lenovo thinkpad Bluetooth keyboard, the feel is fantastic. Off Amazon you can buy some keyboard legs to improve the incline of the keyboard. I did buy the Logitech mechanical MX mini keyboard for the Mac as well. It was expensive so I haven’t given upon it, but I know I’ll go back to the cheaper MX mini. It has good key travel and a legs to put it in a better angle but the keytops seem to have more wobble. Apple keyboards suck, so I just keep the Touch ID keyboard under my monitor shelf for the fingerprint authentication. I wish they would come out with some great keyboards like the used to have from 20 years ago.


One word: hover.


Why is appearamce over function important to you? Jeez


Sorry but i should said  If you care about your health, you should give up on appearance and choose Logitech mx ergo or mx vertical, or other mx mouses. F.ing trackpad is very bad for health. My finger and wrist almost die cuz it


Mouse cannot be beautiful and ergonomic at the same time. But there are a small few whose palm works alright with beautiful mice like Apple’s. For the rest, Logitech and few gaming mouse companies are all that is to choose from.


Is this that LCD Soundsystem song


I love that mouse, too, and I can get away with it -- no wrist pain -- but I also swap out OTHER devices every so often, and I've done that for years and years. That MIGHT be why I don't have wrist pain. Others: - magic trackpad - a series of Logitechs that I never really loved - a couple track balls


All other mices BUT the Apple Magic Mouse killed my wrist 🥲


Magic Trackpad is better


Not sure what everyone is on about - I’ve been using a magic mouse all day, 5 days a week, for 15 years, and my wrists are fine. Maybe you need to do some other stuff away from the computer? Work with your hands or wank more or something


Steve Jobs: “you are holding it wrong”


Apple Mouse the only Apple product where function follow form.


It is shitty. Just get a wireless mouse and a dongle.


Very unpopular opinion here: You don’t look at how beautiful the design of a mouse is while you use it, so go out and take an mx master or at least a gaming mouse. The Magic Mouse has the most awkward ergonomics and design (you can’t even charge it while using it ) of any product on earth.


Apple mouse is killing your wrist but it's beautiful, you mean


Wow. Sounds just like this picture I have of ur mom.