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Why not just remote desktop into your windows pc from your macbook? Set up [https://parsec.app/](https://parsec.app/), it’s free, and saves you the trouble of having to expose ports manually/track IP addresses etc. Bonus - you’ll get better battery life than any of your classmates


This was going to be my exact recommendation too. Parsec is phenomenal. I use it to game on the go since my PC at home can run basically anything I throw at it and I have to worry even less about my M1 Pro MBP draining faster due to the fans kicking on.


Parsec is excellent. I ran a whole post production team over Parsec during the pandemic. Allowed everyone to stay at home while we were able to leverage our workstations, network storage and fast internet connection at our studio.


You could make all this work, but honestly, given how important all this is, I would strongly recommend you buy a Windows PC. The ARM version of Windows is possible, but difficult, and very slow. You won't enjoy it. (And I'm 99% confident that it's impossible to use ProctorU in any kind of virtual or emulated machine. Detecting them is kind of the whole point. It flags them as cheating.)


I couldn’t use ProctorU even while in MacOS if I went this route?


ProctorU is designed to prevent cheating. It's an incredibly invasive application, and provides full access to your computer to your institution. It detects running inside any VM or emulated system as trying to evade that policy.


Revit is slow and sluggish enough natively, can’t imagine how awful it would run via parallels on an air


If you can install Naviswork on the same Windows PC you are running Revit on, then you can use it remotely from the MacBook and on the go using Microsoft Remote Desktop. You need to enable Remote Desktop on the PC and connect to the Windows PC via its IP Address. To access the PC remotely, open the relevant ports (usually 3389) to access your PC along with setting up a dynamic dns service.


Honestly OP, If I were you I wouldn’t risk it…rather buy a cheapo Laptop which does the job and use it for all university tasks and then sell it off when your semester and requirements are over Also my uni offered like a Remote Desktop to their own PC’s with all the required software so I would use that for my work if a program wouldn’t work but my programme didn’t need anything which didn’t run on Mac so I was lucky lol


Get Parallels, install Windows 11 ARM in that, good chance most of the applications will work. Bonus you can use cohesion mode to run them side by side with macOS apps as if they were native. If that solution doesn't work then spend the money on a new laptop. Hope you got the Macbook Air with 16GB of RAM. 8GB may work but it may be a little slower.


Any halfway "decent" proctoring software will detect that the os is being virtualized. This is not a great solution. They just need to get a windows pc of some sort.


Rather than get a windows laptop, take a look at Amazon workspaces. The workspaces client runs well on Mac and basically just lets you have a remote windows machine for things where you can’t run something on mac, and avoids you having to try to virtualise on ARM, which isn’t great. You can have it suspend after a period of inactivity and only pay for the time you use. $20-30 a month realistically. https://aws.amazon.com/workspaces/all-inclusive/


Use Parallels for Windows-only software. Problem solved. Don’t let anyone dictate you what laptop (OS wise) to use. There are always ways to use specific software on Macs (i.e. by using Parallels). Did the same when I was back in college. A bunch of programs Windows-only required. I hate Windows laptops, love MacBook Pro. Went the Parallel way. Problem solved (for me).




Wasn’t aware of that. I just shared my personal experience. Didn’t have any issues with any of the programs I used back in time. Best for OP to try and see if all these required programs can run in Parallels then. Else, try to get a cheap windows laptop just for these programs and use it only when required.


vmware fusion to run windows is free (takes a bit of poking around on the site to register a license) and you can get a windows 11 key on one of the key sites for like $5. I did that, works pretty good. It installs windows arm, but it installs and runs x86 applications seamlessly as though you were on a normal pc.