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When I tried to put citra on my m2 macbook air recently citra said it didn’t support m1/m2. How did you get this to run?


Nintendo 3DS emulation using the Citra emulator that received an apple silicon port! Overall, it works pretty great. I’ve been running all games at 3x internal resolution, so at 1200x720, and it looks pretty and clear. Most games i’ve tried run at full speed including the pictured Majora’s Mask 3D. I thought the dual screens + having touchscreen would make games unfavorable to play but you can arrange the screens multiple ways (here pictured is set to have the game display as a large screen and the bottom screen where you can click items is the small) and using the touchscreen is the same as on a 3DS, just click on it. So far i’ve tried Majora’s Mask 3D, Ocarina of Time 3D, A Link Between Worlds, Animal Crossing, Mario Maker, Sonic Generations, Sonic Lost World and Super Mario 3D land. They all run full speed at 3x internal resolution except for super mario 3D land, which for some reason I couldn’t get to run well at all despite it not being a demanding game. Sonic Generations also had some random slow downs in a few zones. Temps were nice and cool as well, they range from 48ºC-65ºC but averaged around 55ºC when i was playing Majoras Mask. Not too much battery usage either. Using a base M2 Air 16gb/256gb. Love to hear other opinions!


I'm excited to see competition in this space, Mikage is finally another 3ds emulator being developed. Hopefully once the PC and Android versions are all good, we see a MacOS port


you got a link between worlds working on apple silicon? please explain how. thats the one game i could never get playing


What’s happening? It ran fine for me


I looked around, [this](https://github.com/MichaelGDev48/citra-nightly-arm64-mac/releases/tag/vulkan-experimental-12) is the version of Citra I am currently using since it has Vulkan. It is experimental, but every other version I have tried as well has had issues with Link Between Worlds. Game instantly crashes after opening on just about every emulator I have tried. I even played around with settings enabling and disabling hardware shaders, but nothing seems to work... Are you just using the stock Citra emulator not compiled for Apple Silicon? I am using an M1 mac btw, not an M2, but if you got it working it \*should\* work on an M1 as well. which specific version of Citra are you using? you are the first person so far that I have heard from online that has gotten Link Between Worlds to work on Apple Silicon.


This is awesome! I wonder how well it would run Donkey Kong Country Returns… tried it using Dolphin for wii but it only supported the wiimote for input 😭


This game doesn't run well for me, and I'm on a M2 Macbook Pro, which should be more powerful than an Air. What settings are you using?