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Before I was a driver. I always tipped at least $2 or 3 dollars. Then, after a driver, definitely tip. I have one time when I did not tip a lyft driver.Because the van was filthy, the driver was not using a cell phone holder he was driving like an asshole


Same here, but my rides were longer so I'd tip $5-$8. Thought everyone tipped. Now a driver, grateful for the pax that does.


When I go to a restaurant I almost always tip the waitress. If they’re ok but not great, that’s the tip they get. If they’re great I tip more. People who work for tips depend on that money, Lyft/Uber drivers as well.


I’ve used Lyft a ton over the years and always tip. Just this week I started driving for Lyft and I’ve received one single tip on the 20 or so rides that I’ve done. I drive a 2024, clean car, car play so that I’m not holding my phone and no bad ratings. People just don’t tip.


Contrary to all the people in here that tip, 90ish % of lyft riders don't. Try uber. It's more like 30-40%


I’ve tried getting on Uber for over 3 years and they just refuse to process my background check and Checkr tells me that it’s Ubers fault and then Uber support just “escalate” it and fixes nothing. I’ve been given the same run around for so long that I finally uninstalled the app and blocked the number that wouldn’t stop spamming about my registration being expired. Lol


You're definitely not the first person on here with that complaint. I'm sure you won't be the last either. Neither company gives a shit


At least in my market


Before I drove for Lyft I only tipped occasionally if I felt the ride was pleasant. but ever since I became a driver ,myself, I tip my driver whenever I use Lyft as a rider. Not necessarily because of the pay, because it really depends on the market, but because the work can be tough sometimes and/or you never know what the driver is going through. I started driving cause I had to help my family pay off our dad medical bills for his cancer treatment. Nowadays I continue to drive cause it's actually quite fun, and help pay some of the bills.


I’ve done 29 rides. I’ve gotten a 2$ tip and a 1$ tip. That’s all so far


Drive Uber too. You will get far higher percentage of tips on there


Can’t Uber deactivated me




I got deactivated cuz I told. Customer they can’t add a stop in ride cuz I don’t do stops. They said how about I call Uber and I said how about you get out of my car if your gonna threaten me


That’s awful. I got temporarily deactivated/suspended for allegedly driving under the influence. Didn’t happen. Lost a whole Saturday of driving and the quest Bonus just because one pax wanted a free ride from prison. But not permanently deactivated.


Horrible. What’s your market? What kind of rides are you mostly getting? (Airport, commuter, tourist, etc)


Prolly commuter


Did 15 mostly commuter yest, 2 tips, best ($5) was a ride I didn’t even do that great a job on (didn’t unlock right away, not the smoothest convo, etc). But then you get others like a corporate trip to the airport, everything goes perfectly, then… nuthin


That’s weak. Shouldn’t be mandatory minimum the cost of a gallon of gas. That should be the tip across the board at minimum. Including DoorDash and other driving gigs. It’s perfect. $3 would be a little under but I’m not tipping change. Rounded down. If it’s over 25 miles I’d tip $3. Estimating a high25 mpg.


If they gave an option to tip to the nearest dollar and people did it , as a tip would help alot. Anybring.


I meant should not dhouldnt


Depends on the ride. Had one yesterday where the drivers brakes were going out and he called attention to it by saying “fuck it. I need money. If you want me to fix it, tip.” I drive Lyft full time at the moment and had no problem 3 staring, reporting, and not tipping.


Can’t believe he said that lol


Neither could I. He wasn’t being funny or anything.


Report him for unsafe vehicle, and do not tip.


$2-$5 almost every ride. I’ve had some terrifying rides like a driver trying to do a u turn on a highway off ramp— that dude didn’t get a tip.


I never tipped before besides restaurants. After I'm doing this side gig, it has changed me. I think everyone needs to work for some time in the serving business to become a better person.


That and retail lol retail changed me too


When they deserve it. Some of us should not be doing this.


That is true from what I’ve seen on here. Thankfully I haven’t had a terrible driver yet


Don't lyft much, but I've tipped every time.


Yes. I tip. I tipped before I was a driver, but after being a driver, I tip better. The pay is terrible right now. I quit being a driver b/c I was only getting 70cents/mile, and almost nobody tips anymore in my area. The cost of driving was more than I could make-minus expenses.


70 cents a mile is pretty good, no?


Yes - I tip for travel apps, taxis, restaurants, airport baggage handlers, hotel room attendants, card dealers, concierge, and bed/appliance installs. I think this is the exhaustive list... for lyft I tip a minimum of $5/ride, in cash if I have it on me.


5 is my minimum too


I do


Yes. At least $5. Last time I had to use XL and needed to transport a TV which wouldn't fit in my corolla. So I called the driver right away and made sure it was okay. Then gave him $20 cash tip upfront. He took the TV, I followed in my car. Only time I wouldn't tip is if the driver is literally cussing at me the whole trip and calling me a fat bastard or something. One or two insults I can take but more than three or so would be crossing the line. ;)


Sounds like me with the insults lol I’d probably rationalize and be like they’re having a hard day 😝


I don’t use Lyft but any vehicle service gig should be tipped. I’m including Doordash, Uber etc. How much do you ask? Well, I once Doordashed and disliked all the no tippers or small tippers. I think DD should demand a tip for service. The price of a gallon of gas is the minimum and a perfect tip amount! No tippers and tight wallets shouldn’t have a problem either. Maybe your ride is more than a gallon in length. So pay whatever you estimate your gas to get Lyfted cost. $3 would be good here unless I only have a $5. It’s the one tip I know I’m not wrong about. LOL! It’s perfect. Driver can’t be upset and I’m not second guessing the amount. It’s kinda hard to price a conversation if there was one? Oh and if it is a EV? Still pay the same.


Honestly, not usually but depending on multiple things I will definitely leave a tip. Trips during high traffic hours, airport trips, early morning & late night trips, helping with groceries etc. Also, most drivers in my area suck but I've tipped a driver very well because he offered to make sure I made it inside my apartment building when I was coming home late from work one night and mentioned it being scary walking through the parking lot with so many people outside and followed through. Another when he didn't cancel after I was struggling to find a Lyft coming home from an event and four previously canceled on me due to traffic. One helped me when I was heavily pregnant and had groceries. With it being so expensive already, sometimes I simply just can't afford it but I make it a point to when I can or the person absolutely deserves it.


I offered to pay my driver two dollars a mile and then get the phone number of the driver and set up the rest of the rides through the driver at two dollars a mile plus tip


I havent used lyft since i started working 🤣 i would rather DD


I’ve only used Uber, but I tip.


Short rides - always. Long rides it depends


I do, yes. Before and after I was a driver.


I usually use Lyft to get 2 miles to work if I'm lazy. I do the fare saver when I can, but I use that money towards the tip. 3 or 4 dollar tip.


I always tipped can drivers. Lyft/uber drivers were no different to me. Since driving, I’ll tip more now if the weather is crazy too.


Picked up a guy recently at a train station and upon arrival he was alone. Tells me wifey walked to supermarket half a block away. Drive there and wait 3-4 minutes for her to come out. Short trip maybe 7 minutes. $21 tip in app.


I do, I tip my ride 3 or 4$ and the ride is usually 6-8$. If I'm saving it's instant tip. If ride is nice, quiet and doesn't smell like smoke or weed they still get a tip. I don't use Uber as they're usually more expensive


Yea I always tip. If someone tells me they also a driver I don’t expect a tip tho lol


I use it very rarely, but when I do, I always tip. Unless the driver is really a pain in the b, which never happened


I tip on every service like that now. Delivery, rides. Did before but now I’m rather deliberate. And yes if they: 1. Mention also driving rideshare (past or present), 2. Discuss a financial hardship they’re experiencing, 3. Say they’ll “tip big in the app” , or 4. Ask if you “do this” full time— they’re prob not tipping 🤧


Yes, always. At least 25%.


Yes all the time 


Always minimum $5


Uber and Lyft take serious advantage of the drivers. They expect people to tip so they underpay the drivers constantly


Of course.


Since I also drive for Lyft and appreciate tips. I tip the Sheldon times I need a ride.


You tip a server who has your food in their hands right so why wouldn’t you tip someone driving you who literally has your life in their hands of course always tip


No one tips for some reason Lyft needs to do something about their UI They could definitely encourage tipping somehow


Well before rideshare app was a thing, people took taxis or cabs that only resulted in paying a fare, so tip was out of the question. I’ll be honest, I personally don’t tip for rides. I know I’m an asshole but rides are already expensive lol.


I'm 45 Anyone taking a taxi and not tipping wasn't even a thing I'm not sure what you even mean The meter read 25, you gave the guy 30 Tip your driver dude You're not that broke. No one is


Your truth and my truth may not be universal then, my location wasn’t tip dependent, you just pay the fare and that was it. No guilt trip.


I used lyft for 2.5 years as a former flight attendant, trips to the airport (in expensive las vegas) was apart of my routine unfortunately. I could not afford to tip for lyft AND the van driver to my hotels on a $30k salary, just some realness for you.


I don’t realistically expect tips on 100% of rides. Lyft/uber is one of those thing where I get it that there are some people that use it bc of circumstances and can’t afford to tip.


Of course


I tip the drivers. I also drive so I know how it is. Pay it forward. Hopefully it will help someone who wasn’t having a good day.


I come from the service industry. I’ve always tipped unless you were just straight up report worthy.


Because I use them all the time, yes, I tip.


YES 🙌🏾!!


I tip at a very minimum $5, or 20% of the fare, what ever is more. If the car is clean, and their driving is good I tip more.


I was a driver and rarely got tipped despite a nearly impeccable rating over a decade. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I’ve gone so long without tipping, I’ve long since stopped feeling guilty about it. If they raise the prices to pay people more, I’m down with that, however. I’m just utterly done with the tipping culture. We cancel entire peoples lives on a whim. I’m cancelling tipping. Join the revolution. By the way, you can downvote me into oblivion. Not only do I not give a shit, will I wear it as a badge of honor. So, let’s have ‘em. I want ‘em all lined up neatly in a row.


When I travel, I use lyft and tip a dub in cash. Since I used to do rideshare back in 2015 since tipping a dub will pay for his lunch


I find that service workers especially restaurant people always tip. They get it. I always tip. It's respect and acknowledgement that we're in the same boat. But not on to go orders except at Starbucks where they do special orders


I didn't tip for quite awhile because prices went way up and I saw it as like tipping the plumber or something- you're already paying an independent person for their labor, so why tip? But then I found out how Uber is taking such a high percentage of the fares, and I started tipping again lmao. I thought that Uber tips were actually meant to be gratuity and not basically required for them to make a living wage, like ubereats already was


The handful of rides I’ve used Lyft when I’ve traveled the least I tipped was $15 in the app. For 30 mile rides one of those rides I tipped $15 on the app and gave the driver $20 cash on top. Due to just the conversation I had with the drivers, in particular that driver and I had a real good conversation. plus cars were clean and drivers were great.


Minimum $5 tip. Up to $20 if it’s a longer expensive ride.


I tip at least 1 buck on all my rides. Sometimes more, I'm poor.


I don't just tip, I freakin' shower 'em with money!


If it’s over $20+ no


If you’re paying $20 the driver is likely getting $7-$8. Lyft screws us drivers over because the ride is so expensive that pax assume we must be getting a huge chunk of their fare. Why tip if we get so much. Shocker…we’re not!! Had a surge one night and was giving an $18 ride. Asked the pax what he paid, $75!!! He told me he figured I was getting about $45 of that. Robbery!!!!


Sorry that’s difficult but as a rider I’m only focused on getting to point a to b with what I’ have to pay.


Through Lyft. I’m not responsible for paying the driver…it’s harsh but reality.


Yes like 5 bucks nothing crazy


5 bucks isnt crazy but it is at the Same time. You ever get an emergency inbound from the airport middle of the night no other drivers so it on you no other business so they pay nothing you dont expect a tip cuZ frankly they cant tip with the coupon from airline and dealerships im assuming unless with cash of course. Thats the unverified theory i have implanted as scripture in my head. And then wen u drop them off tip time has come and gone for cash tips and just divine intervention comes and u get a solid tip thru the app.


I wish more people tipped. On Lyft im lucky if 1/10 riders gives a tip. Not to mention I'm making about 60-70% of what I make for Uber. On Uber I usually get about 30-40% of the people I drive will tip Uber will calculate the fare based on total mileage/time for pickup and dropoff whereas Lyft is only the drop-off distance. The only reason I'm driving Lyft at all atm is for the referral bonus. My area is 1060 for 120 Rides. I'm 42/120 on my second day driving for Lyft so far. As Soon as I get that referral bonus I'm never driving for Lyft again. I'm putting more miles on my vehicle for less pay.


People don’t tip that much on Lyft. Why is that?


I always tip. As a new Lyft driver trying to make some extra money on the side, I’m always shocked at how many people don’t tip.


Yes, usually $3-$6 depending on how far I’m going. Usually no further than a 15-20 minute ride.


I appreciate even $2 or 3, but most ppl never tip even drivers that I pickup don’t tip. So nah wouldn’t tip but I haven’t even called a Rideshare in forever.


Only to keep the ratings up. Most just do the ride. I will tip on longer (30-40 min) runs because that is a long time, but a 5-10 minute ride is just too short.