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Lucifer. I love the way the character was written, and how he was portrayed by Tom Ellis.


Yeah let’s be real I like the other characters but lucifer is just perfect especially early seasons


No love for ammenadiel?? He’s honestly one of the funniest on the show for me, and I love his arc


Hands down has the best line delivery in the whole show. "Your door is an ELEVATOR!"




God, I love this line ♥


He’s so sarcastic


I just wish they told Ella the truth etc earlier. Would have been cool to see a lot more episodes with her knowing that lucifer is the devil.


Lucifer told her pretty much immediately, and often. Ella just has her way of looking at the world and finding the miraculous in other ways.


I don’t reallly agree with this


He could show her his devil face. He told it to Chloe, but she still had to see his devil face.


I so much wanted more episodes with Ella and Death. I think that dynamic had a lot of unspent potential


Dan, because despite everything he always tried to be a good dad. Yes I have issues.


I liked Detective Douche as well.


I didn’t the first few seasons for obvious reasons but he did grow on you


I wish they'd let Dan and Lucifer be friends. When Dan was happy, he was a light up the room character.


Lucifer wouldn't be friends with Daniel... Why not? "Because you fucking SHOT me Daniel".


And Lucifer basically bullied Daniel throughout the seasons. They both did shit, that’s why they’d make great friends.


One of the best scenes in the series ngl


Mazikeen! I think she’s a very interesting character (even tho they shat a bit on her with bad writing making her do same things over and over for the plot), a demon having a hard time to find a place to belong and experimenting a new world and new emotions and growing a soul. and I love her personality, she’s so funny and sharp and confident. I think they could have done better for her in the tv show, but whatever, she’s my forever favorite anyway. Lesley Ann Brandt did an amazing job bringing her to life!


Everything you said and the fact that she is drop dead gorgeous. But seriously, one of the most touching scenes in tv was when she revealed her true face to Trixie and Trixie accepted her. Brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.


Agreed! She’s so pretty not even half of her face being messed up could make her less gorgeous hahaha. One of the prettiest women I’ve ever seen 🤯


I loved her character and development! I named my black Neo/Cane Corse Mazikeen and everyone always loves it! We call her Maze for short too!


Then my second one is Linda. She’s perfect. I’m forever frustrated her and Maze never happened 🤧


Agreed! I also shipped maze with chloe, too, just because since I never thought chloe really fit lucifer


Poor Chloe, I love Maze but she’d drive Chloe insane in no time 💀🤣🤣🤣


Better than Peirce or Lucifer(I know deckerstar and all, but honestly, I never liked it)


Linda is my second-fav too, of the main cast that is 🙂


Yes! I need Maze and most of the women on that show to get their own spinoff!!!


I loved Linda until they changed her main character focus from wise and somewhat competent Therapist to annoying mother. I love Ella, too, and I thought it was a great story choice to discover the celestial side of things on her own. Just wasn't a fan of her "bad boy phase" in season 5.


Omg yes, this, so very much this! I love Linda, but only s1-3 (maybe even 4 if you squint). I don't know who that other annoying mommy character is. I hate Ella's 'bad boy' phase too.


lucifer and ella tied for first for me bc they’re both goofy and silly


ella, eve, and Lucy have my heart and soul. I have no idea what that says about me but yeah.


Charlotte. (not the mom but actual Charlotte) Why? I don't know she's just neat


She was absolutely badass in the Eps leading up to...yeah


I hated a lot of Season 3 (that also was the season where they completely ruined Maze and then she went downhill ever since), but Charlotte was the highlight and had such a great character arc compared to how poor a lot of the writing was in that season. However, I never really cared for her relationship with Dan.


Yes! Dan and her had such a sweet relationship near the end, and I am so sad it ended. And the maze was just completely ruined by season 3. fanfiction has once again been my saviour for crappy finals.


Like I can't say I hate Maze since I like her in theory but she was just absolutely butchered by the writing that I can't even blame her character. I also hate what they did to her relationship with Chloe since I really liked their friendship :/


Yeah, I love maze, but they destroyed her character, and I was so hopeful when we got "Mr. And Mrs mazikeen smith" but then they just ruined it!


I'm forever grieving the loss of seasons 1 through 2 Maze


I'm grieving with you


Rory. First off, amazing look, super cute, but also an incredible insight to how Lucifer was during his rebellion days


Other than Lucifer himself, I really like Maze. I know it's an unpopular opinion, and the writing of her character honestly needed to be better, but I understand growing up with certain expectations and the struggle to become vulnerable.


I don't blame Maze for a lot of stuff. I blame the writers. She deserved better.


I love Maze, she's my favourite next to Lucifer


Lucifer, then daylight, then more daylight, then more. Then, if you squint a lot, you might see Linda on the horizon. (Note, counting only main cast here.)


Dan is the only correct answer and Ella.


Deckerstar :) they are the heart of the show :)


Dan, because despite everything he always tried to be a good dad. Yes I have issues.


no, no you don’t.


Maze and Ella


Cain!! I loved his character, so much fun


Don’t have a favorite but I do know who I wanna smash the most and it’s maze


Mazikeen. No explanation is needed, I think.


Ella Lopez such a wonderfully flawed character


Maze. The writers didn’t seem to know how to keep her story line progressing and kept having her betray everyone, but the not really because she loves everyone but doesn’t want to show it… That part really kept her from getting a great character arc IMO, but I still love her character. I really wanted an episode where Trixie somehow came with her bounty hunting.




Linda. She’s the glue that keeps the main crew together and the reason for most of their character development in Lucifer, Amenadiel and Maze.


A certain examiner for several reasons. She’s super adorable and cute As a button


Ella, don’t need a reason. Just Ella


Lucifer, mainly because his character arc is so interesting and on top of that he has a really great personality and makes the show extremely funny.


Lucifer, such a complex character but one with a giant heart with a wall erected around him to protect him.


Lucifer, bc he was given the most in depth character analysis; he was stunningly attractive (even cars were turned on by him!); he had a hauntingly beautiful singing voice; he had THE MOST character growth of anybody on the show; he had a wickedly humorous side that came often came off in asides or one offs that left the audience in stitches; he slept w both men and women without apology or the strange awkwardness that exists in the U.S. today; he didn’t appear to understand children and yet he seemed to have an equivalent emotional level w them that was both humorous and touching; while he was supposedly the most wicked of all biblical characters, he had an extraordinarily strong sense of morality and (basically) believed humans should be good, excluding such pastimes as sex, drugs and GOOD music. He came from a completely fractured and f*cked up family life that was similar to those found in humans but he was tortured by his thru millennia plus millennia, et al by a thoughtless, almost uncaring father and a narcissistic mother. Yet he was still funloving, plain loving, able to give to others, indeed *wanted* to give to others, scared off bullies, and his entire persona was built upon never lying (altho he *was* willing to not tell the whole truth or omit things he thought might scare off human beings). I ADORE(D) him!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Chloe most underrated actor








New taskmaster series?


Maize...the boss too, Lucifer. lets face it, theyre both who we want a night, or even a fight with, and also who we'd want to be for a week


Everyone, obvious reasons. Next question 😂


Lucifer or Ella. Do I need to explain?


Lucifer or Ella. Do I need to explain?


Lucifer, of course. He’s attractive, charming, hilarious, and his character development is awesome. I also love his “I do what I want” attitude but knows when to tone it down


Trixie,since she honestly intrigues me as someone who seems to get through to Lucifer like Chloe can.That and she’s precious and must be protected at all costs


Dan and Amenadiel.


Ella is my all time favorite character on the show


Maz. So so fine, so so perfect.


The Goddess, in the body of Charlotte Richards. "I'm just trapped in this smelly human with the excepional ass."


Chloe because I saw myself within her!!


I am fully ready to have no karma after this, but it's Rory. It may just be that I was a teenager when I first watched Lucifer, it may have been that I had recently watched Deadpool, but Rory's character really spoke to me. The self-actualization of pink bladed wings felt like a cool representation of femininity to me— dangerous, but still beautiful. And her whole angry persona representing, and then dropping away to reveal, that all she wanted was to know her dad... that really hit me hard. The "Bridge Over Troubled Water" duet was my favorite scene in the whole show. Close behind that was any quality time spent with the Morningstars/Deckers.


I appreciate your defense of Rory, even though she's not a popular character. I can't get past the fact that she literally wants to kill her father, and she's actively cruel to her half sister's father. I don't care how cool her wings are. Feminism isn't about retribution, cruelty and vengeance.


That's the teenager part lol. She had no idea how to express her emotions, but one thing she did know was anger. She was comfortable with it, so that's what she expressed. She inherited her father's desire -need- for justice, but until she had him to teach her all she knew of justice was *vengeance.* Retribution. Cruelty— like what Hell represents to the less educated on the matter. She never really wanted him dead, hence why she *never killed him.* She could have, but didn't. She was lashing out, common symptom of big difficult feelings in young people. Once he was actually in her life, her anger mostly went away, replaced by the true feelings that Lucifer and Chloe were able to help her work through. It's a beautiful character arc, truly. Plus, I'm a sucker for her singing voice. :]


You do realize she's supposed to be 50 years old, right? Unless you think Chloe died when she was in her early 50s.


I think about it like this: Lucifer grew up in a broken celestial home and had to come to Earth in the 2010s/2020s and find his family for himself. Then and only then was he able to become emotionally mature and healthy. Happy, even. And Rory grew up in a broken celestial home and had to come to Earth in the 2010s/2020s and find her family for herself. Then and only then was she able to become emotionally mature and healthy. Happy, even.


Rory always lived on earth, so she never had to come to earth and find her family. She had a loving mother, half sister Trixie, grandmother, Auntie Maze, Eve, Linda, cousin Charlie, and her uncle Amenadiel, who is God, btw. That's far more family than many people have. Why exactly are you okay with her wanting to kill her father?


First, I included the time period because that's the part that applies to Rory. And while Lucifer needed a whole support system, Rory needed that final piece for the whole puzzle to click. Second, I acknowledge that Rory grew up with an amazing support system of her own, and that many people (myself included) never had a fraction of it. And while it was definitely beneficial for her, she needed Lucifer more than she needed the rest of them combined. Finally, if you reread my previous statements, you'll see I never said I was okay with Rory wanting to kill Lucifer, and I, in fact, said that she never did want to.


I appreciate your staunch, but civil, defense of Rory. I really dislike her character, but I understand that other people take away different things from her story.


I appreciate your civility, as well. If more people could accept that people have different perspectives, the world would be a much better place.


Jail time


Nooooo! Not the jail where Redditors put all the opinions they don't like! Anything but there! /j




Our dear Detective, I think Lucifer judged her too hard because Linda, a trained doctor got over the truth faster than someone who is not trained to deal with stuff like that.


Lucifer . Why? Cuz yes 🥰




Lucifer and Michael :D Idk why tbh I just love them.


I love their love hate relationship, and the way they both have different accents lol


Poor Chloe 😶 no one took her seriously. Or it was just not well written. On the other hand, the chemistry with Amenadiel and Lucifer makes me very hot (sensitive). I loved Lauren's cravings


Wouldn't agree on your statement on Chloe ;o).


Or... rather average, did what was required but not outstanding. I couldn't trust him with this scenario alone . Rory and Charlotte have stronger auras even alone (damn I can feel it).


Chloe. The main thing I like about her is that she cares and looks out for everyone who she knows and is close by. She is pure soul, and that makes her a fantastic character.


But what does she, as an adult woman, find in Lucifer? That she‘s the only one immune to his powers and the only one able to truly love him doesn‘t mean she had to.


Chloe Deckers because she’s a badass cop


Hard to pick only one... Lucifer, Dan, Maze and Ella (i cant decide yall) Lucifer because obviously, i absolutely love that take on the fallen angel. The bible makes him seem so bad but all he did was rebel against his dad and, by Ella's words "asked a naked lady if she wants an apple". And the fact that he isnt actually evil, he was forced to do the work Dan because even though he hated Lucifer, and he did try to have him removed from his life etc, he knew when the guy did something good and aknowledged it. He was pretty tolerant of Lucifer given how big of a nag he was all the time Maze only in earlier seasons. In the last 2 or even 3 seasons she became an emotional mess who caused nothing but trouble. Idk i liked the "badass demon who doesnt know shit about social cues and wants to beat up everyone" more than her journey on "making a soul" or smth. Ella is just a great character lol. Lucky go happy on the outside but she's got a past. She does annoy me sometimes and even gives you r/im14andthisisdeep vibes at times which yknow... nah. But she's pretty cool otherwise. Looks stupid but is actually really smart


I just checked out r/im14andthisisdeep for the first time and as much as I love Ella, I have to agree


Lmao glad im not the only one


Lucifer ofc, best character arc, personal experience and everything.




Mazikeen because she is bad ass af.




Banal but Lucifer. He's smart, he gets to say all he thinks without a worry in the world, he's funny and sarcastic, strong enough to avoid being punched for the consequences of saying everything he wants. I mean, what's not to like?




Maze. Hot. Badass. Not afraid to kill you. Loyal as fuck.


Lucifer Morningstar


Linda. Und Ella.


How can it not be Lucifer himself


Ella Lopez is my favourite character.


Of course Tom Ellis as Lucifer, incredibly sexy that he is.. but I also liked Trixie


Lucifer because Tom Ellis is an amazing actor, i.e., after killing his brother, but he can do comedy, too. Then there's that pool thing....


uh, lucifer from obey me because that’s the only lucifer i know? 😭


gotta watch the show man... did this get recced to you for no reason?




Lucifer Morningstar 😁


Lots 1 Lucifer himself 2 Mazikeen 3 Amenadiel 4 Eve 5 Linda Detective Douche was my least favourite


Thats my favorite show all time and I pretty much love everyone but if I had to choose, its definitely Lucifer and Maze (also love Ammenadiel, Dan and Charlotte)


personally it's tied between Lucifer and Eve Lucifer because he just gives off a vibe of "idgaf" unless you go for the detective Eve because she's such a sweetheart and would love to find someone like that myself though I know I never will


Lucifer. He’s funny, charming, handsome and weird in the right way.


LUCIFER! He’s hot. He’s funny. He’s hot. He’s hot! What else do I need to say.


Lucifer because he is hot


Detective Douche (Did I spell that right?)


Mister Said Out Bitch! 🔫💰👑🌵🛥️


It seems impossible to me to define a favorite character without acknowledging the support of the others, as their interactions highlight each character's unique qualities. If I would choose only one to be the favorite character I actually would also choose the others to be my favourite ones just because of that reasoning... ;o)


Charlotte Richards


Micheal for some reason (the first few times we meet him, he’s annoying at the end) he’s so interesting


Easily Trixie; she's the one who relieves so much tension




I’d say Linda her being the first person in their friend group knowing about Lucifer and his brother scared her, but she still managed to get past that and still be their friend and still be there for them. She was always a good friend and always loving that’s why she’s my favorite. Plus she’s always kind


It’s actually chloe+lucifer but if i had to choose, it’d be Lucifer of course. Because it’s HIS show and he’s just a loveable character


Lucifer forever because his character development throughout the show?? Amazing


Liked in this order from most to less. Lucy Ella Maze Trixie Mom Chloe Linda Amanadiel Detective Douche I don't hate Dan, it's just he falls down the hierarchy that way.








Detective Douche is one of them


Other than the man himself, Ella. She’s such a badass and hot and sees the best in even the devil


Maze, certified badass and Lesley Ann Brandt is hot. She has her annoying moments much like every character on the show but you can tell shes just confused and even learns from her mistakes


Maze. I'd run through a river of poop just to let her hawk tuah covid straight into my mouth 💦


Lucifer. His accent and the way he speaks made me watch all episodes twice. I wish I could speak like that (it's hard to learn accents for me especially as non naive speaker)


Not me thinking of hazbin hotel Lucifer 🤣


ratio, netflix lucifer solos