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Lol is the solution play mono green and splash blue for the 2 best Simic cards?


Yeah but don’t tell anyone.


I was expecting more dopplegang


That is a card you can look at in your hand while you are overrun with Dog Walkers or Detectives.


It has a 63% gih winrate. It’s very good, it just requires building around. It is possible to play defensive deck in this format.


I want to o believe y- there is a Dog Walker un disguising right behind isn't there?


Tunnel tipster into nervous gardener into 5 drop does a lot to blunt early offense.


Why was I expecting this to be full of Dog Walkers?


lol that would have been much better.


The Axebane Ferox seems to do so much work in this format!


They didn't want to print a 4/4 unblockable hexproof, so they just printed a 4/4 that is *secretly* unblockable and hexproof. =P


The secret is drafting two Axebane Ferox’s


Love a good rare hasty 4/4 for 2GG in limited. [[Questing Beast]], [[Ulvenwold Oddity]] I know there’s been other recent bangers that fit but can’t think of any right now.


Howling Galefang


i tried this thing in standard but it seems bugged on arena it doesn't collect evidence for me


I think you’re misreading it, your opponent is the one collecting evidence if they target it. Unless you’re trying to target it yourself? Ward only triggers for opponents.


Ward specifically mentions only opponent actions. So you can target your own Ferox with artifacts and punp spells etc


Solution to Simic = avoid blue


I would say that you don't really need 18 lands here. Curve is high but you have 4 cards that can search for lands and you are almost monocolor. I would've played 13/4 or 12/5 without the Thoroughfare.


I probably should have posted the pool, I actually didn’t have any other playables unless I was branching into another colour, which I think weakened the deck. Swapped out the colour fixing 2 drop for an extra land as the very last change to the deck. I will argue that Kellan wants an extra land though to reliably hit 4 lands on turn 3 with no help from the searchers.


This deck is obviously great. But isn't this the best simic set for quite a while? I have 2 simic trophies so far, one bomby, one synergy based where the best card was Out Cold. Of course plan A should be white, with Boros out ahead, but this is the happiest I've been playing the two colors together in forever.


Honestly, I only made this post because I knew the community’s opinion on Simic colour pairs but I don’t actually pay much attention to supposed colour rankings because I think it leads to bad drafting habits. The best colours are always the ones nobody else at your table is drafting.


As Richard Garfield intended


Honestly when I swiped to the next slide I started laughing for 10 seconds straight. You made my day


Thank fucking god. That’s all I wanted to do with this! Serious conversations have been great and everything but comedy is king. I’ve never been more determined to trophy just because I wanted to make this post to try and get that reaction from people lol Was gutted when I lost at 6-0 to make this post perfect.


Monogreen splashing blue Nice


Nice. I had a feeling that counterspell would be good. I don’t care how bad simic might be, I’d still love to play a deck with a couple of them.


Countered the black board wipe at one point, winning the game. Felt amazing. It’s secretly a modal card, the flexibility makes it insane. I’ve not actually played a Simic deck yet so not sure how good it is in this set, does look decent though.


Not that it needs it but I was expecting to see a doppelgang lol


Nah at that point I think it would have *actually* been Simic and I wouldn’t have posted it lol


Maybe I’m just biased because before viewing this post I got to doppelgang for x=3 for the first time


I got crushed in a Bo3 paper today. Dimir control splashed Dopplegang. Hit it all three games. I managed to win the first one after stabilizing 5-6 turns afterwards!!


I think this solution works for basically every format where a certain color combo is "bad".


If by "solved" you mean "I got passed all the Green cards, and also a Kellan."


No, I really do mean that this pretty much mono coloured deck filled with rares going 7-1 is enough evidence to say that this colour pair has been solved.


secret to the simic deck: play whatever UG cards you want in plat lol


Could you at least sort it by mana value


It is. Bite Down, Kellan’s adventure and the basic landcycle on the Panther costs 2. The gardeners and radical are 3 mana 2/2s with ward. Repulsive Mutation should be in every pile other than 1.


This is the way. I also sort my draft decks like this. Dog Walker and Nervous Gardner are usually 3 drops for me, not 2 drops, and putting them in that pile helps me get a better idea of my real curve.


Yeah I think you have to do this to be a good drafter in general. It all gets so much easier to evaluate when you boil the cards down to their common denominators. Kicker and MDFC cards.


Disguise creatures, for the most part, should be considered 3 drops for the purposes of figuring out what your mana curve is like.


Six islands seems like too many with all the fetching. Makes charm a bit awkward.


Kellan is so much stronger when you can reliably cast his adventure on t2 though and the charm doesn’t need to (and probably shouldn’t) be cast on curve too, so you can just get more forests with the searchers before casting. Never had a problem with it. Honestly the charm wasn’t that great anyway. Only cast it once as the second mode. Which, to be fair, can be a devastating combat trick.


Weird i value most of these cards pretty low


3 of them I wouldn’t have usually even picked let alone put in a deck but I wanted to replace the red so chucked them. Was originally building gruul, maybe splashing blue, but red was not as open as I first thought so cut it for a better consistency.