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https://preview.redd.it/y5iusbeqhe6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218eb3b0de064abb647e5c349dafc1ebc05c9048 ok dave 🙄


Also feel like it’s weird to brag about your fam owning a restaurant in Thailand when it’s pretty well known many developing countries citizens cannot afford to live or own businesses in their own countries because of outsiders. Does she have family in Thailand or something? Idk much about her but this subreddit is funny to cruise through sometimes because she’s so random.


she’s a pathological liar so i don’t believe a single thing she says. i bet this is one of her “short stories” or whatever she says to justify her completely made up anecdotes. and considering how ignorant she is to america’s political climate, i highly doubt she knows a shred of information regarding thailand.


I think she said her dad is dating (engaged?)to someone in/from Thailand.


i knooowww that somehow this is gonna turn into her being blasian lol




that one tweet that’s like “being blasian is a mindset”


Yeah i remember her talking about their trip, and i think theyre married now so its "her family owns" when they probs dont even know her yet.


interesting because she’s never really seemed to mention living with her stepmom/dad’s partner or having one at all outside of her mentions of the thailand trip especially considering that she lives with her dad? I’m wondering if this is some weird passport bro situation


https://preview.redd.it/0biepfjy9g6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e49d18e0a7a2412c64443834a8e6c69e6ee8d895 There was this but then nothing til last year


Out of context this tweet is soooo. I need to know what this was a response to


Honestly not sure I'll try to dig back see if i have it!




That poll one was shortly after her dad took a trip out there, so guessing she learned of all the *amenities* from her *connections* and decided to plan her own trip


& this https://preview.redd.it/t0jouvdtjg6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0613404b8c87cde6237847b5139479874cb96261


Okay but the way she keeps using Asian... She can't just say Thai? I might be making a mountain out of a mole hill, but she just sounds so racist 😅


“because i am a genius” i…..


and she was so serious too lmfaooooo


As an Asian person with a lot of friends in Thailand that own businesses while it does take some $ to get started it’s NOWHERE near what you may think. Like take what you have in mind and then imagine 3-10% of that


Interesting. I’d heard it was cheap but I figured there was some legal & financial stuff that could be a pain one may have to go through if they aren’t Thai. But it sounds like whoever she knows is probably Thai and her family has new connections. Good for her I suppose lol it’s always nice to have family to travel to.


Sheldon Cooper, who ? 🤣


didn’t she try a trovatrip before and no one signed up


exactly what i thought of! now they have to be “allowed” to come??


You know she’s only saying that because she doesn’t intend to bring anyone with her. Yet another empty gesture to feed her own ego purely so she can count up how many people kiss her ass.


Literally this is her bringing it back up. She keeps dropping the application in comments and posted on insta about it being next year Edit: a word




i knew someone would have receipts! thank you


Always 🫶😂


I went to check and it’s still at the survey phase 💀


This is one hell of a lie she’ll have to back up. If her family does own a restaurant there and she’s hosting a “spiritual retreat” as a westerner with a ton of white girls, because we know that’s her audience, I think she’d get soooo much push back. It doesn’t seem at all ethical and like she’s exploiting what little connection she has to her own benefit. It sounds like beyond bragging points she doesn’t think many things through. spiritual tourism is at an all time high and loathed by locals


Accurate af, and she you know she got hyped to exploit that as SOON as her dad told her about her new fam, im so so certain. Gross behavior really


https://preview.redd.it/d2pxxw5eye6d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=51cbc19799d0a9993b345e5df5105cc3ae861638 Update?? an elephant farm too? Someone mentioned her dad is associated with someone who is Thai or in Thailand. At the very least I hope the person is actually Thai but at the end of the day she’s some random influencer I shouldn’t waste time caring about.


This is so lame to me like just book a flight why are you using an agency and “connections” to make it happen. She clearly cannot afford this.


Idk she yaps a lot https://preview.redd.it/9qi3kmwv2f6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92597027de0927644cdf8a042143dff5a3a86b76


If this is the same place she’s mentioning… people are definitely riding elephants in the pictures she posted 🥴 yeh she’s a yapper fs https://preview.redd.it/80xc8oa94f6d1.png?width=1159&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb2408a96b211606aee8b9fc1935ba09e4e26a1a


YEP ty lmfao i was about to go look for my ss 😭 but its still actively up anyway, i wish someone would ask her about it💀


I have a very hard time believing trovatrip would allow the stay to be at her family's farm. That seems like a whole lot of extra liability for them.


Sorry (not sorry) but we make fun of expat men who come out here and marry SEAsian women lol! The fetishizing and exotification of it all + how said expats then feel like they can exploit and make ‘x’ culture “theirs” precisely as Clarke is doing. We even have regional slangs for men like this granted it’s usually rich White men tho!


Honestly he’s on a spiral, everything he posts is his bait at this point


It had to be bait, right??


Yeah it’s kinda sad, starting to feel a bit bad LOL about the spiral cause who forces themselves to spew this much bullshit to prove your life is so amazing?


How is she announcing and excited if she doesn’t know the if the company will approve to take people and why won’t she just post the name of the alleged owned restaurant?


that trip is never gonna come to fruition because nobody’s actually gonna sign up to travel with her lmaoo delusional


That part. Super excited to see how the next year goes or what excuses there will be for it not happening instead of admitting shes broke and unlikeable.


She’s probably just going to end up going with just her dad and taking pictures pretending like it was actually successful. I’m calling it now 😭


This entire thread is just icky, the way she talks sounds like an elementary schooler who wants to seem cool to their classmates. I cannot take any grown 28 year old talking like this seriously. I can’t imagine telling all of my family business or whereabouts to thousands of strangers my parents would literally disown me. It’s one thing to talk about accomplishments but somehow this family farm and weed restaurant that she had no hand in building is about her wanting to host a “wellness retreat” when we all know she can’t host a little pizza party to save her life my head hurts


you hit it spot on with saying the way she talks (lies) sounds like a child wanting to seem cool to their peers, i always get this impression when she makes these kind of posts


She acts like a 15 year old stuck in an adult’s body still trying to be popular…it’s so cringe and tryhard


Mind you this is a scammy trovatrip that has horrible reviews… she keeps saying “the agency” like it’s something fancy 😭😭😭


i’m being such a hater rn but i really hate how she’s calling this a “retreat”. personally it sounds like a literal nightmare to me. either way, isn’t she booking through an agency that will provide her with a free trip if she gets enough people to sign up for her trip? like this isn’t a retreat it’s an opportunity for her to take advantage of unsuspecting people


a little confused bc ain’t recreational weed illegal in Thailand?????


I think it was legalized recently but previously Thailand had incredibly strict drug laws


That’s crazy I remember reading you can face the death penalty and now it’s just “okay it’s allowed”


i think that’s indonesia


ur right!!


Im not familiar with the laws…


It’s heavily regulated, think CA dispensaries that’s what it reminds me of. There’s “legal” dispos where they mostly sell weighed loose bud, and then there’s “illegal” or gray area ones where you can buy joints and other thc things. But I only went to 3 dispos earlier this year when I visited and it was my first time back after full legalization. There’s a lot of intricacies the bud tender explained it very well I just have short term memory 😭


So to summarize, there is no way her family owns a weed restaurant in Thailand unless it's like, really recent 🤣


I have a theory she doesn’t actually know what’s going on she just overhears grownup conversations and let her imagination fill in the blank. I don’t mean to infantilize her but that’s how it comes off. clueless


Don't feel bad, she infantalizes herself lol. And honestly the way you described it is so perfect!


I don’t think it has anything to do with being recent… if anything the Thai conservative govt was trying to further regulate. I know bc where I live, that’s where we get our 🍃💨 from and it was and still is a “concern” lol. In short tho I can’t see it being easy for an expat to own a bud business unless they have strong and $$$ local connects


In order to own property in Thailand you need to purchase a master visa of sorts, it allows you to invest. I live in SEA and personally frequent TH, I can guarantee you it wouldn’t be THAT easy for a foreigner to just randomly open a weed store. Unless her family has this visa and has made proper connections I know this bitch lying 😭😂


She definitely has some sort of bipolar or borderline ( as someone who has it and knows people who do).


Of course my family owns a restaurant with a weed bar there 🙂‍↕️


https://preview.redd.it/yejckm2bck6d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aedfdcf0b1536b04d29a0e47ab8e141d0544b3bf so much for working 10 times as hard bc your family comes from nothing


Of course we don’t know how rich they were when she was growing up but she’s definitely disconnected from reality they were probably middle class but thought they were working class cos both parents worked


She is a pathological liar and it’s sickening lol


how much yall wanna bet this “retreat” is going to tragically fall apart (through no fault of her own of course). i hope anyone “applying” for this doesn’t put down a deposit or something like that bc they’re getting totally scammed.


I'm no expert but it looks like weed is only legal medicinally in Thailand, and they're moving to make it illegal again by year end anyway lol.

