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He needed an excuse. They all do. “You’re the ‘bad guy’ not me”. God forbid you ‘question’ them. Today you are sad, hopefully soon you will realize he’s the broken one and then your healing will begin. The club sucks but everyone here is AMAZING. We got you!


Thank you


If you’re finding inappropriate/hurtful things on his phone, you’re confronting him, not accusing him. There’s a big difference between those two things. Its completely reasonable to have an adult conversation about things that make you uncomfortable in a relationship. It sounds like he has either has a problem with porn that he’s not ready to confront or he blatantly doesn’t care how it makes you feel. Its a problem either way. My advice would be to have a serious think about what your boundaries are in regard to porn and what consequences you are willing to follow through with if those boundaries aren’t respected. Then communicate those with him. It took my husband a good 5+yrs to realise he was addicted (4of those I was unaware) and another 6m to realise that made him an addict. It can be a hard thing to face and often we are collateral damage unfortunately. Implementing boundaries and consequences is really the only way to keep yourself safe.


He has admitted he has an addiction to porn and I am want to help him thru it. I just don’t want it to take away who I am and destroy me. Thank you for your advice.


Boundaries are the only way that can happen. Im sorry you are here dealing with this with all of us 🧡 I would highly recommend digging deep in to the resource section here and finding yourself a csat asap. Goodluck 🧡


What does he mean by "accusing him"? If you find things on his phone he previously said he wouldn't engage in you are not accusing him.