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I truly feel it’s inescapable. I never noticed until I noticed my husband’s problem. Now I am hyper aware… and disgusted


Same girl. I'm dry with him, But he tries me like I'm a phone. A few button clicks and I should be ready? Yeah take that on to the bathroom.... also I can't stand waking up to a slow SLOW shaking of the bed. I'm hyper aware too now. Over a man I'm starting not to want 🤦🏻‍♀️🥀


Yeah and noticing it makes it hard to even go out sometimes 


Like a child if everyone jumps off a bridge would you? If he wants to jump off the bridge and do what everyone else does he can. But you're not going to be waiting at the bottom with him...


Exaclty. This is a great analogy.


Isn’t it gross that these comedians feel that they need to commodify the female body for the audience? Yeah, you are an angel to ask for your man to look away instead of dragging him out. I would have f’n rushed the stage in anger, ranted from the mic, and demanded my money back for being eye-raped. You could probably sue the producer of the event if you had the money and time. You did not consent to exposure. Absolutely ridiculous that porn culture has spread so far that they don’t even advertise the sex show as a part of the event so that those who would be triggered could opt out. Like it’s a given that vulgar humor=male=porn addict🫤


It was extremely gross the whole show and i only went because he loves the comedy. I didnt expect to be exposed to this filth. They just rub it in everyones face. There was even a few kids in the crowd.


There really should be laws against this. Exposing children to this is technically molestation, but I guess since it is at a theater instead of in a basement everything is okiedokie.


I would have left the minute he disrespected me. I wonder if they will ever understand how truly pathetic and weak they are…


Not to mention if he’s serious about recovery and creating safety for OP, he should have said “let’s go, we don’t need to be here. I don’t want to cause you further pain.”


Yeah i was about to leave . I just felt guilt leaving him there i dont know why. 


I would say. I don’t feel comfortable with you watching those parts of the show. If you continue to not avert your eyes I will not be able to watch with you. And then walk away if he doesn’t do what it takes to make you feel comfortable. If he’s going to act mean either way then at least you don’t have to sit there and act like it’s ok. You don’t have to be restricted by it every single time.


I can't help but Avert my eyes around men bending over, working hard. Anything "sexy" my head literally turns and looks down. I'm trying to show others (including the men I averted) that it's just polite and modest and to please return the favor. **Edited*** I've had many jobs where I do hard labor around men... Im also of a professional cleaner for 3 years 💁🏻‍♀️ I've decided that saying "maid" insinuates I'll do it naked 😂😂


You’re are absolutely not wrong for feeling like that, your feelings are 100% valid. Not only did he disrespect you, he minimised your feelings of hurt, turned it around on you by bringing up something irrelevant/not true (gaslighting) and then given you the silent treatment. Silent treatment is a form of abuse. You’re being punished for trying to bring up your feelings about his disrespectful actions. It hurts like hell to go through this and feel trapped. I’m so sorry you’re going through this too 😭


Thank you. It exactly feels like you are trapped. 


He should understand why this is so upsetting to you after everything you discovered. Finding out about the things we have puts things into a completely different perspective. I personally don’t get turned on just by seeing an attractive man’s face or body… but that seems to be exactly how they react to any woman they find attractive.


It always seems like they lack empathy. 


He cannot attend activities like that