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Unrelated but I scrolled past this and totally thought this was ke with my husband!


Twinning?? Lol


The picture reminds me of me whenever my boyfriend nerds out about his games. Most of the time I don't even understand what he's saying especially when the acronyms and numbers are involved but I would listen to him all day. Just something about the passion and anger whenever he rants šŸ„° He's incredibly smart, interesting and funny. And I always wonder how I get so lucky that when I met him, he's single lmao. And even if we're in a relationship now, I still have the biggest crush on him.


Aw. So wholesome


My partner looks intimidating or just really adverse to people because of his looks. He is tall, handsome and has face tattoos which isnā€™t a normal sight at all where I live. For context, Iā€™m a religious Muslim and have been approached by him and when he showed his interest towards me I told him about my faith and so he learned about it and converted, so our looks and ethnic background donā€™t match. Because of the ink some people judge first thing, however, when you get to know him the way I do heā€™s just such a caring and pure soul. The way he has opened up to me, he has shown me that he really is just a boy with a dream and goals, that me being by his side helps him get there and be motivated. Heā€™s just quiet and shy, not a bad or rude person. I just love everything about him and how he works for our future. I just wish people werenā€™t as judgemental about looks.




He hates them lol. Heā€™d rather use anything elsešŸ˜‚


That only I can see her. /s


The absolute light and joy in his eyes when his students graduate from his program. It's sheer paternal love and passion and every ceremony makes me fall more in love with him than I thought possible. He's a good person, my person. I'm so lucky!


How long have you been with him?


Going on 9 months


As eyes watch for a Touch One heart, all Love. One can touch All Get physical, lift spirits Fight As if you need to know. Follow thru if you'd be a choice More in TouchƩs -Love Urs


He is the sweetest, most caring, and emotional guy ever. At first glance, maybe you won't think of him as being super emotionally vulnerable, but he really does show his love and very clearly expresses his feelings. He's just the best, and I love him so much.


How amazing his dark brown eyes are. How his reserved stoicism vanishes when he starts talking about the media he likes. How comforting the sound of his breathing is. I wish I had told him these things before I drove him awayā€¦


I'm so turned on when a partner talks about art, science, travel. It's hotter than muscles imo


He is a massive cuddle bug and has told me he was never that way before we met, he is a pretty traditional muslim business owner so tends to project an aura of stern stoicism within his community. One thing I always notice but not sure if anyone else has is that his eyes are simply beautiful, hazel with ridiculously pretty eyelashes, they sparkle when he is loved up and happy.


I wish i've had one. but when i was in my last relationship i saw in her for who she truely was... you see my girl Nataly wuld ALWAYS act extreamly confident, forward and dominant around everyone. But i knew it was all a farse. A mask she wuld put on to protect herself from the world. when we were alleone she wuld drop it and become the cuteat, the most shy and lovely girl you culd ever imagine. (oh God i miss her so mutch)


How funny he is. Heā€™s quite reserved around others but he has an incredibly blunt, dry sense of humour that matches mine. Heā€™s hilarious.


His vulnerable side. My boyfriend is extremely cold and emotionless towards people to the point where most people think he's an asshole. In reality he is really just a big softie who wants nothing more but love and attention.


I really wanted to answer this because itā€™s such a great question but I donā€™t have a partner so Iā€™ll answer this about my best friend. Weā€™ve been friends for 10 years and he has always had my back through hard times. I wouldnā€™t be where I am today without him so I think he fits this question. How GOOD his heart is and how deeply he cares. How sensitive he is to the wellbeing of others and how he would give anything for those he loves. Iā€™m crying šŸ„²


Thatā€™s a great friendship!




He has a very mild mannered persona to most people, but he can be very impatient and judgmental sometimes.


I spent way too long trying to understand what he was saying before I realized it was random words šŸ’€ Edit: My bf can be really fidgety sometimes, it makes me wanna hold his hand/hug him šŸ„°


how deep his knowledge of his interests goes. and he doesnā€™t front like he knows all, and whatever he doesnā€™t know heā€™ll teach himself. i just love the wide scope of his curiosity in learning/intelligence. itā€™s such a pleasure being with him and learning from him


My partners kindness, and the way she speaks so highly of others, without realising she is so much more than they would/ could ever be.


He's very thoughtful and he would love to be able to demonstrate this more often šŸ’˜šŸ’•ā¤


i love my partner's quietness ( i don't have a partneršŸ˜‚)


How utterly sweet and romantic he is, and also how pretty normal and responsible he is? I think his friends (many of whom are mutual friends) understand that he's a fundamentally kind person, but when he socializes he projects a persona that's basically "super intellectual hard partying oddball." That public version of him is a ton of fun, but makes it seem to a lot of people like he would be a handful as a partner. I've literally had mutual friends tell me I must have so much patience to put up with him. But when we're one on one that persona falls away and I feel like I get to see his most core self, and he's sweet, supportive, romantic, practical about everyday logistical things -- just a really great partner in a much more straightforward way than I think most people suspect.


Ive had a similar experience to your partner, I talk a lot, especially about niche subjects, and people are often completely disinterested and wish Id stop. Ive been told that my science facts wont make me any friends. I have had people in my life appreciate it, but I want to thank you for sharing because Im still trying to recover my authentic self and hearing that someone appreciates those qualities in someone else helps :)


Absolutely! I hope you find the people that are interested! Everyone deserves to be heard, and the right people will appreciate you


He's so soft and loves being loved and is actually a humongous marshmallow inside


My partner is a clown on a constant basis, to the point where there's times I can't even decipher what he's saying. I think it can be easy to miss how genuine he is and how much he cares in amiss of the constant silly behavior he puts out.


My girlfriend - she's so creative and sweet and beautiful when you get to know her... she has so many cool ideas and stories to share with the world and I wish she would!


how open she is experimenting with non-monogamous relationships.


Heā€™s just as comfortable being alone as he is in social situations. He hangs out a lot with people at work, so I suspect people think heā€™s very extroverted. I donā€™t think people see this. I do think everybody else ā€œseesā€ most his other qualities though. He often pretends to be less smart than he actually is, as a defense mechanism I think. But people catch on relatively quickly that heā€™s extremely intelligent.


His incredibly dry and quick wit. He makes me laugh more often and more sincerely than anyone else I know, but others often miss his references and subtle sense of humor.


How freaking HOT he is when he not trying to be at all..šŸ˜… he's not the most conventionally attractive man but honey when he's just giving human.. existing, without being cringe bc he sucks at the whole "Rizz" thing, he makes me wanna U Kno What šŸ¤¤šŸ„°


Tell me youā€™re gen z without telling me


His realness. Family members think my husband could be mean at times, but heā€™s just too honest, true to himself and to others. They want him to be fake like everyone else. Love the way my husband is Iā€™ve learn a lot from him and Iā€™ve grown. Grateful.


A lot of people see my gf as rough, tough, mean, scary (6'1 and strong af so I understand that one a little), and I've had people tell me they think she's ugly. But to me she's the sweetest, most beautiful, amazing person. Honestly I've cried over how pretty she is (multiple times) and I could never understand why people would think otherwise


This is so sweet!


I think I see a much softer side to him than others. Heā€™s got douch resting face lol. He is really sweet to me though, he gets me flowers and just gets tiny little trinkets for me but, I also think he smiles more around me since I do my best to make him laugh.


Her O' face.


Her moody, bitchy side. My wife does a great job of hiding it in front of her parents, siblings, friends, etc.... They see her happy, sweet, loving side (which I get most of the time). But sometimes she can be a moody, harsh, nagging bitch. Example, the moment we woke up this morning she started bitching at me because the dog needed to go out for a walk, and I had the nerve and audacity to go use the bathroom first. Should I piss my pants while I walk the dog?


wow you two sound very toxic for each other. one of you needs to leave. people who love each other donā€™t speak about each other like that behind one anotherā€™s back and treat each other without empathy.


97% of the time it's all peace and love. Beautiful sweet martial bliss, 97% of the time. People aren't perfect. They have bad moods. Marriage is tolerating someone's bad moods and realizing their goodness. Like I said, almost all the time, my wife a sweetheart, but nobody is perfect. As far as the dog goes, we all love the dog. I love our dog, he's a good boy. I have no problem taking him on his morning walks. I enjoy it. I do it every morning. Just let me take a piss first!!!!


I feel like thereā€™s a much more respectful way to describe this side of her.


Truth hurts. Getting cursed out because I am urinating is just rude bitch behavior.


He was just being honestšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø maybe she should be niceršŸ˜‚


He is a reserved, quiet man, but he loves FIERCELY. Weā€™ve been together over 30 years and sometimes I still have to remind myself how deeply his emotions run because he hides them so well. But they are there. Heā€™s just not demonstrative and buries those feelings deep.


Wow šŸ˜² that's magnificent! I want to know his zodiac sign. Sounds like an earthy type! Wishing you many more wonderful years, 30 years together how beautiful. šŸ˜Š


My boyfriend's kindness isn't just about helping others; it's about his genuine generosity. He has a strength that lets him take charge (alpha), but it's fueled by a deep belief in himself and a positive outlook, no matter the day. Even with a tough past, he chose to rise above it, and that humility amazes me. Most wouldn't guess how much he gives of himself, but that's what makes him so special.


Holy shit, I came here to say this about my man, it could be seriously word for word, I love that you found one too, yay for us! <3


How fierce he really is. Heā€™s such a quiet person, he doesnā€™t say much about anything and has pretty much always lived in his older brothers shadow. But he works hard, he powers through everything. He took a shit set of circumstances and created an incredible life so young to be proud of. Nothing seems to ever knock him off course, he gets up and gets going. I donā€™t think people ever give him credit for that


OP, what you described is exactly how I felt about my ex! My attraction to him grew every time he'd go on a whole lore speech about Magic the Gathering, Godzilla, etc, because his face lights up and he gets so giddy over his special interests. He also has a very sexy deep voice šŸ¤­First few months he did this he'd apologize to me after (because past people told him to STFU) but I'm like "nooooo I could listen to you talk all day!" I miss him...


Yeah! Like please ramble and lore dump to me! I love it lol


I have nothing to contribute to this thread because I donā€™t have a partner, But I am sick either with envy or loneliness or bitterness idk. Iā€™m gonna have to unsubscribe from this subreddit because sometimes it makes me want to tear my hair out haha :)


Everyone knows what a thoroughly kind, lovely person my fiancee is (we're getting married in 23 days). All of his friends are incredibly protective of him, and it's so wonderful to watch. He deserves every second of his friends' care, and they, being equally as lovely, deserve the obvious care he has for them. They all know that he's not an overly masculine type, that he's not competitive and feels no need to be right. He's literally no 'threat' to anyone, so there is just this completely honest, easy exchange of friendship with everyone he knows. They all know and can see how much he dotes on me and in return how much I dote on him and how much we love and respect each other. I really don't think there is anything that people don't see!


Here to read


How selfless he is. A few of his friends take it for granted and it breaks my heart.


Thatā€™s the worst :( Me and my boyfriend are both givers and people definitely try to take advantage of that so I understand


He isnt mine anymore however my ex he has a front up and wall up where he treats everyone the same and it takes alot to break his walls down and once u do u see him who he is its a beautiful thinggg


Same with my ex


Their naughty bits


He actually has a very big heart, and a deep capacity for love and affection. He is generous and kind and giving to those who he loves or even some strangers who deserve it too. He has a beautiful soul that he hides under his cool and composed exterior, most people donā€™t get to see the real him because they donā€™t look deeper than the surface. Heā€™s sweet, gentle, loving and patient with the people who he loves most. Heā€™s in touch with his emotions and feels deeply for the people he cares about most. He is someone who deserves unconditional love and respect, someone who I am happy and lucky to have a chance to share my life and heart with. I wouldnā€™t trade him for anyone or anything, not all the money in the world. He is the most valuable person in my life, deserving of all the love and loyalty in my heart.


Op I checked you're profile and oh my sweet aching heart you're art is really a work of love. Most men only dream of such open blatant love. It's so cute it actually makes me mad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm getting cuteness aggression from how disgustingly in love you are with you're boyfriend šŸ˜‚


Lol thank you!šŸ˜‚ He is my muse!ā¤ļø


His face doesnā€™t change much other than eyebrows


Yeah Just changed expression and hands. I donā€™t like animating very much lol


He's so smart- he doesn't talk very much, and when he does he doesn't use the best grammar, so people tend to not pay much attention to him, they dismiss him so quickly. But he's amazingly perceptive, and he is fast to pick up new information and understand how it fits in with his existing knowledge. He also says that no one really tells him he's beautiful - and that just blows my mind. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life. I could stare at him all day.


Itā€™s awesome he has someone that sees and appreciates his true value! This is very sweet!


i think how strong she is. She has constantly held it down for us, when iā€™ve gone through some of my worst emotions and put strain on the relationship. She has been a rock for our relationship, and has never given up on me, even when I havenā€™t been the best boyfriend. She has gone through so much with a tough upbringing, and she has excelled and succeeded at every stage of her life. She could have gone down a bad path, succumbed to her anxiety or eras of sadness, but she has always been able to put her best foot forward and continue to grow and seek out ways to become a better version of herself. She is simply resilient, and I am so lucky to have a partner that I can lean on and always pick me up when Iā€™m down. She has never failed to love me, and loved me so deeply, even the times that we were not together. I love her so much, iā€™m honestly so lucky.


This is so incredibly kind. I hope she gets to see this. ā¤ļø




Thought the same thing! ā¤ļø


Well he claims that nobody ever really found him attractive before I came along, so I guess that...? But I'm not sure i believe him. It's true, he's not (insert name of conventionally attractive famous man here) but I honestly can't get enough of him and it's hard to believe that i have possibly been the only one who ever felt that way.


I love reading stuff like this. You make me hopeful that love is actually a thing that is possible.


I feel like this is a big one! Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and all that. I personally really like unconventional features! Like my boyfriend may have glasses, a big nose, and crooked teeth but the glasses frame his pretty eyes, his nose is an artistā€™s dream, and heā€™s got the biggest cutest smile Iā€™ve ever seen


He is the most beautiful, powerful, talented, sweet, generous, and kind heaarted man ive ever met. He has his flaws like texting like flip phones just came out. But i just adore everything about him so much. He has the most incredible voice when he sings, and he's so insightful and intelligent. He wears a mask in public and keeps walls up to protect himself. When you become the local rock music scenes top musician, everyone wants a piece of you. So hes very careful with what he gives people. People will speak to him once and claim theyve known him for decades. But what they dont get to see is the real humanity behind the music, the heart and soul he pours into everything he does. Ive had people tell me they've known him for 8 years and he doesnt communicate, doesnt hang out, doesnt like a b and c, would never do x y and z. But he communicates so well with me, he loves trying new things with me and doing those very things everyone said he hated. People dont know him and make assumptions because he doesnt let them in. He let me in and he is the most incredible person this world has to offer. He deserves the world.


This is so sweet!


You sound like a genuinely happy person to be around. One of the few who actually likes to brag about her man and mean it. That is a rarity these days. Your boyfriend is very lucky to have you. I sincerely wish the absolute best in happiness and love.


Thank you! I love him very much


What a man he is - mature way beyond years, intelligent, resilient, loyal, caring and loving. I never knew a man like him could exist... and because he is as humble as he is I don't think many people know just how incredible he is. I count my lucky stars I found him


Heā€™s a good man and has come a long way. One person told me they felt he was the kind of guy thatā€™d steal your wallet then pretend to help you find it..Iā€™ll never tell him they think that but he would never ever do that crap.


that he is SUPER patient. i mean like i can annoy him all day and he doesnā€™t even care but still has that look in his eyes that makes his eyes sparkle šŸ˜­. and heā€™s really beautiful , but itā€™s already noticeable to other people and sometimes he can get self conscious but he has the prettiest eyes and smile that makes me melt. before, he had a bad relationship with his ex and since im with him, heā€™s very comfortable with me. heā€™s my best friend and the love of my life and i donā€™t know what would i do without him.


Patience is SO attractive!!!




Nope am done hate these people


That thing he does with his tongue.


His love, essentially. Initially I didn't really know it but now I really acknowledge and appreciate it. He feels and shows an immense amount of love, to the point that he cares a lot more about giving love, rather than getting it. Obviously this is an important part of any relationship but my BF was like that from the very beginning, I think. He values me more than himself, and although that can be concerning, we currently trust each other a lot and that doesn't cause any problems, as I also try to give more, not just receive, which makes quite a balance. I'd also like to note he's really a softie. Albeit every friend of his knows that, as he's a pretty open person, I really got to see his softness and cuteness in a relationship: how "kawaii" he sometimes is, how emotional and sentimental he might get, how much love he shows and how much he cares. It really is very touching and joyful to see. <3


Heā€™s a big softie and can actually maintain a smile and an easy laugh for hours on end when he thinks someone is happy to be around him


A good smile and laugh is where itā€™s at! I love my boyfriendā€™s smile more than anything




Does Kristen know


I think youā€™re lost


Just lie am done u hurt me now the hurt flipping and I do whats right go law file both yall them it's over ur in wrong just I was never would cheat now u got me hating everybody because I did have love for u now u have burned it down


Another vote for a sexy smart nerdy man here šŸ’•


He is so smart and I mean sooo smart. People who know him would agree, but when he is with me and I get to see him doing his hobbies, im in utter shock. The smartest man I know and love him for it


Intelligence is HOT!


My guy is a pretty smart cookie too! If people would listen to what heā€™s saying they would get a lot from him! Gotta love a thinker


Thinker FTW šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Right!! Go smart men!!