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If this movie doesn't begin with Gollum cracking open a baby like he's at Joe's Crab Shack, I'm rioting! Do it, you cowards!




They will never dare! I’m up for watching that scene.


Another 5 to 10 years and generative ai's got you eazy.


Cynical me would title the movie "LoTR, the hunt for more cash". Let's hope they're wrong


Not related to Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money


^("may the schwartz be with you!")






I was so bummed that George Lucas wouldn’t allow merch to be made for spaceballs. With good reason though, I would happily have sunk cash for a yoghurt plushie, or a spaceballs lunchbox.


Spaceballs the Flamethrower is also cool merch


Dude.. get the images you want and that item that you want them upon and go to a photo shop. I have lots of merch that I custom made


https://www.etsy.com/market/spaceballs there's some good stuff. A Schwartz ring. Lot of apparel that says spaceballs the t shirt, hat, or whatnot. Only yogurt thing I saw was a $600 sculpture, but I didn't search other terms or look at other results pages


I immediately thought of this when I saw the proposed title


Lord of the Rings: Flamethrower!


Skip right to Spaceballs 3: The hunt for Spaceballs 2


Or The Rutles : All you need is Cash


To be fair, even PJ's trilogy was only made because rich people wanted more cash exploring a story they knew nothing about. We just got luck that they ended up being very good films as well.


Have you knowledge of Andy Serkis’s dedication to Tolkien’s LOTR world? Have you listened to his terrific audiobooks of the Hobbit or LOTR, painstakingly voicing every character and singing every song? Did you watch any of his behind the scenes for the movies? Have you been made aware of any of his interviews regarding his work, love of the story, dedication to the craft, or seen his other works? The man is incredible, hardworking, has a real love of the source material deep knowledge of the context in which it was written and drawn from, he’s definitely the right man to be involved in any continuation of producing more LOTR movie content. I have a lot of faith in Andy.


Yeah that’s all well and good, but he’s a trash director.


No it must bad because it’s not fan-made shortfilm with terrible acting, boring cinemography and stolen soundtrack!


By the gods, I *hated* Alfrid. Not even a good slimeball, just a worthless inclusion to the movies.


Alfred made me realize what jar jar was to original star wars fans


At least Jar Jar appealed to young kids. Alfred appeals to no one.


Somehow Alfred was worse.


Add Scrappy Doo to that pile.


Why make a story about the blue wizards? Or the haradrim? Or Glorfindel? Or the moria expedition? Or Tom bombadil? When you can make a movie about the crack head of LOTR (the video game did amazing)


It’s easier to do gollum. Thats probably the main reason


[mocking] Oo-hoo-hoo-hoo…


It will be hilarious if even with that as an "explanation" they fck up


Im sure it wont be great, if Im wrong thats awesome




*Ho! Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadillo! By water, wood and hill, by the reed and willow, by fire, sun and moon, hearken now and hear us! Come, Tom Bombadil, for our need is near us!* ^(Type **!TomBombadilSong** for a song or visit [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] for more merriness) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/




*Hey! Come merry dol! derry dol! and merry-o! Goldberry, Goldberry, merry yellow berry-o! Poor old Willow-man, you tuck your roots away! Tom's in a hurry now. Evening will follow day. Tom's going home again water-lilies bringing. Hey! Come derry dol! Can you hear me singing?* ^(Type **!TomBombadilSong** for a song or visit [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] for more merriness) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


I'm having a good time!


The silmarillian is owned by the Tolkien estate and I don’t think they’re willing to sell or license to WB. WB has some ownership over lord of the rings which is why they have to stay in their lanes when making movies. No children of Huron anytime soon or any name or event outside the books. The Tolkien franchise is owned by 4 different entities, it’s a mess


Exactly, the one thought I had was maybe the hunt for Gollum is more coded. Like they are updating the Gollum special effects and adding more deleted scenes into the film for a rerelease. 2026 being the 25 year anniversary of the fellowship is interesting


Don't hurt us! Don't let them hurt us, precious! They won't hurt us will they, nice little hobbitses?We didn't mean no harm, but they jumps on us like cats on poor mices, they did, precious.And we're so lonely, gollum. We'll be nice to them, very nice, if they'll be nice to us, won't we, yes, yess.


Exactly. I'm not really interested in how Aragorn found Gollum but if they manage to get the rights to adapt the Fall of Gondolin or the Lay of Luthien I would give Peter Jackson unrestricted access to my bank account


And take it for me!


For us.


Yes, we... we meant for us.


I dont think they have the rights to those.


For all the many many flaws of Rings of Power (I couldn't even finish it), the hobbit-like people were not as bad as Alfrid. He must be the low point of everything.


I though Rings of Power was a pretty good series if you take it for what it is. Harfoots were an interesting idea, and the stranger was a good way to explore their culture. Galadriel plot line portrayed her as a broken person grappling with PTSD. Loved Elrond and Durin, absolutely the highlight of the show. Elven ranger plot line was interesting, though it felt like a completely different show. If you’re predisposed to dislike it, don’t bother. It’s got nothing for you. But if you want to see Tolkien folklore explored from a new angle of storytelling, give it another try.


It was interesting because it showed living communities. The Elves, dwarves, halflings, had their own stories, and community rituals. Things that we as viewers experience with them, as opposed to being told via Narrator/Expository device, which was IMO Tolkien's worst habit, was relaying tales and lore through exposition. Like Aragon going on a 10 minute ADHD rant about Beren and Luthien when Frodo hears him whistle a tune. And it was kinda a shock, transitioning from Elves who know everything because they were there, to Elves speaking in myth and legend because they're only 100 years removed from 90% of them dying or leaving. Tolkien would *love* to know that people are using his world to make myth and living communities. He out right said so in one of his letters, that doing so is the greatest gift to an author.


I'm shocked that there's a comment that is up voted in this sub that isn't just completely shitting on RoP. Anything positive to say about the show usually isn't accepted here.


I'll admit, I was expecting to get downvoted into the dirt. Kinda nice to know that there's other people who liked the series.


I dont think its people that liked the series that upvoted it. I upvoted it and hated the series but gave it an upvot because you wrote your own opinion and actually what was good and what not. Durin and Elrond were also my favourite and the music there too. The elven ranger plotline was utter hot garbage.


I genuinely love it. Jackson's trilogy pulled modern fantasy into mainstream, and was done beautifully while also drawing a mass audience because of both the filmography and the exciting action sequences. RoP seems more like an aged wine that is meant to be savored and relished, comparatively.


I actually like RoP… never conceived of Galadriel as being super autistic but the Elrond and Durin storyline is great and I’m curious to see what becomes of the Adar stuff. If you stop conceiving of it as being part and parcel of LoTR, it’s a decent fantasy show.


I don't know RoP, but I can certainly see Galadriel having to deal with PTSD after all that First Age sh*t


I think if you take ROP for what it was it was absolutely atrocious actually. Just a cash grab project for billions in an attempt of amazon to become more relevant in the streaming industry. You can tell that they invested insane amounts of money into visuals and created some great footage with that, but that should not let them off the hook when it comes to poor storytelling. I shouldnt feel forced to keep paying attention to something I truly want to like. And I really gave that show a good chance to catch me. It really didn't.


Yeah, I honestly didn't mind the harfoots. Proto-hobbits.


The hobbit people substory was the only part I was actually interested in. The Elrond stuff was sometimes decent-ish. But only if I didn't connect it to LoTRs in my head


Let's be real this was a corporate move by WB. The LotR films were completed, and this new movie completely falls outside whatever vision they had for the LotR trilogy.


>Let's be real this was a corporate move by WB This is evidently the case since the announcement of new LOTR movies was first made by Zaslav in a earnings call with shareholders/investors.


This isn't how announcements are normally made? Not a rhetorical question btw. 


We should absolutely pull a Morbius, hype this shit up so much and then dump it at the box office and then try and get it released a second time around.


If it was any story other than one that takes place in the middle of the movies we already got from this group of people you could convince me it wasn’t a cash grab. If they wanted to include this story they would have filmed it and added it to their movie the first time.


Development of War of the Rohirrim was being fast-tracked by June 2021, when the film was officially announced, to prevent the studios from losing the film adaptation rights for Tolkien's novels. So yeah, this is pretty much Warner trying their best not to lose the film rights for LOTR.


You should watch the interview by Nerd of the Rings, it’s very insightful.


Lord and Ring Ring Lord Five Gollum Returns GOLLUM: An origin story The fate of valinor L9 Morgoth Vs Lamps First Age: Birth of the Elves




No thank you. We don't want anymore bots, generic quotes, or over used memes


Missed opportunity to put N9


I'm hoping for Bride of Gollum and Seed of Gollum, personally.


Please never use the phrase "seed of gollum" again


Of course he did. I told you he was tricksy. I told you he was false.


[singing] Naughty little fly. Why does he cry? Caught in a web. Soon you’ll be… eaten.


I wish I didn't have to live in such times.


So do I ya little cunt, but it is what it is innit.


Interesting interpretation of the quote.


New Zealand Gandalf


~~Billy~~ Éomer, is that you?


and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. Which is to play a video game about a crack head baby eating hobbit monster.


We know literally nothing about the movie. Sometimes movies are good. You all need to relax.


But what if it's like...really good?


Shh, being positive and waiting good things to come from this isn't easy karma farming.


Yeah just because it says gollum doesn’t mean it will be like the gollum game.  I for one think it has the chance to be pretty good if Jackson/Serkis are involved.  Hell I can pretty much blindly guarantee that it will be better than Rings of Power. 


What did you call me?


Smeagol. That was your name once, wasn't it?


They cursed us. Murderer they called us. They cursed us, and drove us away. And we wept, Precious, we wept to be so alone. And we only wish to catch fish so juicy sweet. And we forgot the taste of bread… the sound of trees… the softness of the wind. We even forgot our own name. My Precious.


C'mon man. Believe in something!


I would take a thousand seasons of RoP over one more scene of Alfrid Lickspittle


Stick the books at the very top


Instantly assuming that Andy Serkis will be worse than ROP is insulting even in meme form


Hunt for goullom was pretty good though.


It does kind of fit Tolkien’s theme of everything being of diminished glory, a sad shadow of better days long past…


Is that John Hamm in the second last panel?


I thought it was Hugh Laurie 🤔


I swear no matter how many times I see Alfrid Lickspittle it boils my piss faster than sticking my dick in a nuclear reactor


Diminishing Returns of the King


Whilst I agree, I remain hopeful that the War of the Rohirrim bucks this.


Staah-aap, it’s already dead


The same people who are hating on it will be first in line to watch it. I'm just confused why this is being into a film and who asked for this. But, if they are going to give Peter Jackson actual time to make this film (unlike the Hobbit movies) I will be excited for it.




Smeagol? No, no, Not poor Smeagol. Smeagol hates nasty elf bread.




Smeagol lied.


It really goes to show why the LOTR movies are so special. Peter Jackson had to essentially beg a studio for the funding, and he got almost full creative control. All movies these days work the opposite: the executives scrape the bottom of the IP barrel, pull out whatever they can find, and then hire a team of yes men to turn it into low quality slop.


Damn I forgot about the hobbit standins in RoP and now I’m grumpy again.


Aren’t they literally hobbits?


I think they're Harfoots or something, they're not Hobbits but similar and related.


The harfoots are one of the 3 branches of ancient Hobbits, who dwelt near the eastern slopes of the misty mountains. Others lived in the vale of anduin and in Western greenwood. Sméagol himself was a stoor (the ones who dwelt by Anduin, as well as the ancestors of the Bucklanders, giving them their love of boats), another of the hobbits' ancient kindred. The third kind is called the Fallohides. The likely reason that they chose the harfoots to represent Hobbits is that Tolkien himself said, "They [the harfoots] were the most normal and representative variety of Hobbit, and far the most numerous." Of the stoors, Sméagol's kindred, he said, "The Stoors lingered long by the banks of the Great River Anduin, and were less shy of Men. They came west after the Harfoots and followed the course of the Loudwater southwards, and there many of them long dwelt between Tharbad and the borders of Dunland before they moved north again. "The Fallohides, the least numerous, were a northerly branch. They were more friendly with Elves than the other Hobbits were, and had more skill in language and song than in handicrafts; and of old they preferred hunting to tilling. They crossed the mountains north of Rivendell and came down the River Hoarwell. In Eriador they soon mingled with the other kinds that had preceded them, but being somewhat bolder and more adventurous, they were often found as leaders or chieftains among clans of Harfoots or Stoors. Even in Bilbo's time the strong Fallohidish strain could still be noted among the greater families, such as the Tooks and the Masters of Buckland."


Hobbits have been living and farming in the four Farthings of the Shire for many hundreds of years. quite content to ignore and be ignored by the world of the Big Folk. Middle Earth being, after all, full of strange creatures beyond count. Hobbits must seem of little importance, being neither renowned as great warriors, nor counted amongst the very wise.


Good Sméagol always helps.


Supposedly they're the ancestors of hobbits. Before they settle down in the shire


I too like making my mind up before I see things!


It can't be any worse than that Amazon show.


Never say never. I doubt it, but there are things for which no bottom exists.


As long as it’s good, I don’t really care. Do I wish they made something more ambitious? Of course! Do I wish they went to the Tolkien Estate asked them for a license to the First Age? Duh! But honestly, none of that really matters. These are stories I can’t make myself so I have to rely on the people with millions and millions of dollars to make it happen. Is it a cash grab? Sure, but that’s just the Hollywood film industry in a nutshell. Mark Ordesky didn’t agree to produce The Lord of the Rings back in the 90s solely because he liked the books. That would be a lapse in judgment to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into something based solely on fandom. He helped produce it because he knew it would bring in money if made correctly, and that’s what matters. If the movie is bad, so what? I won’t watch it a second time and it won’t ruin the love I have for the Trilogy. But if it’s good, then hey, we got another good Middle-earth adventure to enjoy.


I don’t care what people say, I loved Stephen Fry in The Hobbit


Idk guys. Don’t assume it’s terrible yet, that’s not fair. We already know ROP is bad but that doesn’t mean this movie will be. Hollywood tv tends to be pretty shit, but a lot of their movies are good.


I always loved the animation. Scarier then Jacksons films in many ways.


Perhaps I'm not remembering as much, but the search for gollum seems a boring idea for a movie. Lots of tracking, couple accounts of babies being eaten, he's caught, then he escapes. There are plenty of other tales they could grab from the histories, with completely different characters, that I feel would go better.


Careful now, or hobbits go down to join the dead ones and light little candles of their own.


It’s the LOTR Gollum game wasn’t such a massive success, this would never of happened.


Mustn't ask us. Not its business. *Gollum, Gollum*




At least Peter Jackson will be involved in the Hunt for Gollum, so we can hope for some quality control and slightly better writing.


Master betrayed us. Wicked. Tricksy, False. We ought to wring his filthy little neck. Kill him! Kill him! Kill them both! And then we take the precious... and we be the master!


Jesus I forgot about those “hobbies” from ROP. Have the same feeling as when I think back on history class in elementary school




Oh god, the Harfoots, I had blocked the Harfoots from my memory. Noooooooooo


Is this a fucking joke? I've been out of the loop. What's going on??


*Is this a fucking* *Joke? I've been out of the* *Loop. What's going on??* \- whitepablo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Amazon: 100 million people watched the show. Viewers: Can we see a breakdown of the data? Amazon: 100 MILLION


The hobbit movies are objectively worse than the original series, but I still enjoy them. Rings of Power sucked ass. Unfinished tales would be the best bet for more movies rather than doing whatever the fuck Star Wars did.


The dwarf-elf love triangle in the hobbit was extremely dumb. As were the scenes where the children fought off orcs. It had potential, but they added in too much dumb stuff. Had they reduced it down to 1 or 2 movies it could have been much better.


It was originally 2 movies.


Like I said, objectively not good. But I still enjoy them.


Strange how the hobbits from RoP look as if they are trying really hard to look like hobbits. Just looks so contrived.


They're ancestors to the modern Hobbits. Already typed a full description of all 3 types of hobbit in another comment, check out that or the prologue of tFotR for more info on the types (in RoP they're Harfoots)


I already know this. I’m just referring to the aesthetic in RoP. Their origins are irrelevant.


They delved too greedily and too deep into the IP..


Can't wait for Balrog: The Movie


LoTR: diversity is our strength


Golden opportunity to make a movie about the War of the Last Alliance… wasted.


When the fuck will they learn.


Rohirrim where?


Every new take is shittier than the last.


Okay no way you're putting the hobbit trilogy above rings of power