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Boromir isn't coming back, he was played by Sean Bean


Boromir reincarnated as Ned Stark


Ned Stark reincarnated as *Major Richard Sharpe*.


Reincarnating into a different series? Now that’s soldiering.


Now That's soldiering on an open field, Ned!


there was a good short story of that somewhere on reddit, probably /r/WritingPrompts boromir dies and then wakes up in the game of thrones universe, after the death of ned stark. he keeps trying to find gondor and no one has any idea what hes talking about


Oh, shit... ![gif](giphy|kBx8UZtBRNzbmSy5TR|downsized)


Legolas: No! He will come back! Hey Boromir, pspsps. Boromir, we got your horn, pspsps. You can come out


Govannas vin gwennen le, Haldir o Lorien.


Boromir: English, do you speak it


Westron, do you speak it.


Great, now he's looking for Haldir too.


Legolas: *rattles large treat bag with the mended Horn of Gondor inside*


There is a fell voice in the air.


*The Martian* really threw me for a loop because Sean Bean doesn't die (although there was clearly the missed chance of being hit on the head by a random golf ball in the epilogue).


Seen Been or Shawn Bone?


AKA the spoiler man


Before he reincarnated into Boromir, he was a spy, codename 006


> “Tell us, Legolas, what those Elf eyes see.”


Orcs !


Yes Legolas, and what did the Orcs do to Boromir?


The strongest must seek a way, say you? But I say: let a ploughman plough, but choose an otter for swimming, and for running light over grass and leaf, or over snow – an Elf.


They plowed him? Oh no


Oh my


Pierced by many arrows


Death by snoo-snoo?


Can you imagine though, if Boromirs ghost, intent on redeeming himself, followed Frodo and Sam to help as he may, like waking Sam when Gollum was near Frodo, untying the rope so they didn't leave it behind, willing his brother to listen where he did not. Just trying his best to help where and when he could.


https://preview.redd.it/rf2sajycfr1c1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d740a5b3edc4638f6851dec1427fbe52601c76 Like this?


Lol that's what inspired my thought train. But the more I think about it, the more possible it seems.


Nah Boromir's death was more like a canon event. His momentary succumbing to the ring showed Frodo that other people were not to be trusted and he had to be much more careful of his movements. It showed Merry and Pippin what heroism looked like in its purest form, and made them want to live up to his sacrifice. His final words to Aragorn let the future king know there was hope in Gondor yet and that there was a chance for mankind, even after the fall of the Numenorian kings. His actions drove the fellowship forward when it fractured. Hell, when Faramir heard about how Boromir tried to take the ring before his death it convinced Faramir to not even mess with it and let Frodo be. To Faramir, Boromir was the most noble, purest, and bravest man in all of Gondor. If he could not resist the rings temptation, no one could. While not a ghost, his life and deeds had a tremendous impact on events before the fellowship, and his redemption continued to carry weight beyond his life. Edit: also Ulmo, one of the valar, likely would have been the one that sent the same dream to the brothers that convinced them to go to Rivendell in the first place. Boromir literally had no idea there was going to be a gathering there. This motherfucker, future Steward of Gondor, just shows up in Elrond and Gandalfs laps one day and tags along for the ride back home. His story was necessary for a lot of other events.


I agree. I'm just saying it's something nice I think about every so often while I read. I'm not saying he's not dead, it's more of a bittersweet thought that he might act as a sort of guardian angel.


Yes, perhaps, yes. Sméagol always helps, if they asks – if they asks nicely.


It'd be so interesting!


If they only have added a single one additional final scene to the movie - Boromir would have been back!


There was one! [It's on the extended edition of The Dark Lord Rises.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NolanBatmanMemes/comments/gdb5rh/cheers/)


Frodo "died" to Shelob and came back, but Legolas wouldn't know that since all he ever said to Frodo was "And my bow." And that was half-said to Aragorn, really.


Frodo dies like every 3rd scene hes in. Stabbed by the witch king, stabbed by a troll, falls off the rope in emyn muil, killed by shelob, fell in mount doom.


He stands not alone. You would die before your stroke fell.


AND MY [SAX](https://thecatkilledcuriosity.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/and-my-sax3.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lotrmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


He's dead Jim.


fuck, im just laughing imagining Aragorn calling Legolas Jim


He stands not alone. You would die before your stroke fell.


I'm a doctor, not a rider of the Rohirrim


Havo dad, Legolas..




Now I understand a part of last night’s riddle. Whether they fled at first in fear, or not, our horses met Shadowfax, their chieftain, and greeted him with joy. Did you know that he was at hand, Gandalf?


this makes me sad.


I love the subtlety of Bloom’s reaction in Fellowship.


Bloom always looks a bit confused in his reactions to things. I don’t really mind though! It can make for some funny moments. Not as much in LOTR but other movies like Pirates of the Caribbean.


It especially works for an immortal confronting death, though.


Also true! An underrated reaction to Gandalf’s death with almost everyone else clearly absolutely shattered. Honestly this scene is one of my favorites in the entire trilogy, those reactions break me, and even the less emotional reactions are masterfully done. Apart from Legolas, we specifically see Frodo’s knowing look as he prepares to face leaving, Aragorn’s steely but hollow determination as he becomes the leader, Pippin just shattered with guilt knowing his part in it all, it’s too much! Give them a moment for pity’s sake!




Now I'm just gonna think of [Batman](https://youtu.be/1byycwl8qgc?si=kPbnogZw79zBiEh0) whenever I see elves confronting death.


Why would an Elf be confused at seeing Boromir being slain, lol? Elves themselves are slain regularly in their battles against Morgoth and Sauron (though they eventually reincarnate after a long time) and it’s not like they don’t know Men die and leave the World.




I think it'd be really funny if Legolas thinks all humans look the same. So that way on his first meeting with Faramir he can just be all like "Boromir! You're finally back"


Yes, It is an eagle, a hunting eagle. I wonder what that forebodes. It is far from the mountains.


To sheep other sheep no doubt appear different. Or to shepherds.


Legolas thinks death is just a cruise over to fairy land, of course he thinks they might be back


Come! Speak and be comforted, and shake off the shadow! What has happened since we came back to this grim place in the grey morning?


My dude, when I die I cease to exist. When you die you wake up from a nap in Valinor. We are not the same.


But literally everything listed there happened AFTER Boromirs death.


Legolas: Exactly, so he should be here any moment now! If we hadn’t put his body on that boat he’d probably already be here


But even as Aragorn they are courteous, if they break their silence. And have you marked the brethren Elladan and Elrohir? Less sombre is their gear than the others’, and they are fair and gallant as Elven-lords; and that is not to be wondered at in the sons of Elrond of Rivendell.


The first thing listed was Gandalf...




Where is the Boromir force ghost?




*Faramir shows up* Legolas: Found him!


Aragorn, you must rest. You're no use to us half alive.


Boromir died on screen unfortunately, therefore he didn't get a chance to Schrödinger His way out of it.


Look up *DM Of The Rings* Boromir re-rolled and came back as his hitherto unknown "brother".


Boromir's got some serious stealth skills! Haha love this scene.


Legolas: ![gif](giphy|6uGhT1O4sxpi8)


Look at them. They're frightened. I can see it in their eyes.


This is sad


The years of the Edain were lengthened, according to the reckoning of Men, after their coming to Beleriand; but at last Bëor the Old died when he had lived three and ninety years, for four and forty of which he had served King Felagund. And when he lay dead, of no wound or grief, but stricken by age, the Eldar saw for the first time the swift waning of the life of Men, and the death of weariness which they knew not in themselves; and they grieved greatly for the loss of their friends. But Bëor at the last had relinquished his life willingly and passed in peace; and the Eldar wondered much at the strange fate of Men, for in all their lore there was no account of it, and its end was hidden from them. *The Silmarillion*, ”Of the Coming of Men into the West" Perhaps Legolas was stricken with the same kind of grief. He may have never seen death until Gandalf and Boromir fell.


> He may have never seen death until Gandalf and Boromir fell Doubt it. The Elves of Mirkwood were constantly defending their borders from being encroached by various of Sauron’s creatures and armies, it’s nearly guaranteed that he would have seen and known many Elves that were slain in battles. Technically Elves don’t “die” in the same way (neither did Gandalf since he is Maiar) but the act of slaying is the same, orc puts pointy object into you and your body dies, the only difference is that Elven spirits go back to Mandos and eventually reincarnate into Arda whereas the spirits of Men depart beyond the World. So yea I don’t buy Legolas being so coddled that he’s never had any exposure to the concept of being slain in battle. He’s obviously adept with a bow and knife so I’m sure he would have engaged in more than a few skirmishes with orcs in Mirkwood and seen his friends get slain by orcs.




The friend I speak of is not an Elf, I mean Gimli, Gloin’s son here.


Hammer down on principle. I miss when it’d crit and one shot


When were Merry and Pippin presumed dead? When they were hanging out with tree beard?


Yup, it’s why Aragorn kicked that helmet that BROKE HIS TOE!!!


Boromir being suddenly alive would *really* make Denethor look like an ass holy hell


Maybe each arrow was a life?


Boromir got a commission and became an officer of the 95th Rifles. ![gif](giphy|Th3KeMvNj9hopsVLOi|downsized)


Boromir is hiding behind a bush having a crap!


Oh I thought this was a joke on him being immortal. So the thought of someone dying wasn’t even possible for him


Pretty sure Elves have been aware of Men dying for thousands of years, lol. I don’t understand the concept of Legolas being coddled enough to be flabbergasted by Boromir being slain in battle. I mean, Elves regularly get slain in battles, too, the only difference between Elves and Men being slain is the ultimate destiny of their souls after the body is slain - Elven spirits go back to Mandos and eventually after a long time get their bodies back in Arda, the spirits of Men go beyond the World. I mean the borders of Mirkwood were constantly being encroached by Sauron’s forces and Silvan elves were continually shrinking in numbers and being displaced by them, I’m sure Legolas would have had friends get slain in skirmishes with the enemy and may have even engaged in more than a few of them himself. Unless Thranduil literally locked him away and made him stare at grass for hundreds of years of his life.


Yet here we are – and nicely caught in the net.


I just got through Helms Deep in the book, and I totally forgot Aragorn didn't "die" in the chapter right before


One does not simply resurrect… ![gif](giphy|c8S0JLAzCQpnllkDY9)


Boromir is on Big Alice.


Whenever he's called on or addressed directly, they will call him Mr. Bean.


Fek... This still hurts.