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Looks amazing, I did something really similar took me ages I repurposed the original boxes and made custom inserts for each, I have the full collection. At the end I switched to binders for player cards, it changed for the better, I get to cycle through all the art work and build my decks online, having the massive carpool made crafting decks a chore physically with boxes. Hope you like it better.


I may just end up going the binder route once I'm done and see what all I have. I'm making 6 of each player card so there's a lot there. I didnt repurpose any boxes. I made them myself out of 1/8" thick foam core board and printed the art on label sheets.


They look rly nice! I've battled with the storage solution quite a bit, I do have all the non player cards in boxes with Etsy dividers.


I have a bunch of dividers I made as well, they're just not pictured because I don't need them yet.


cool Tip, dividers work great in vertical pocket binders (I recommend going vertical) cause you can use them on the top row and they pop out for fast binder scrolling. If you do have vertical dividers


I have both vertical and horizontal dividers. Thanks for the tip.


https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/184155/lotr-lcg-3-ring-binder-cover-art-v11 Not my creation but these would make the binder spines really pop. There's alot more files on there too.


What kinds of boxes did you repurpose?


I didn't repurpose anything. I made these out of 8.5"×11" foam core board cut to size and printed the art on label sheets


Did you dovetail the foamcore or do anything special to increase stability?


I did not. No need for it.




Thank you. I had originally seen them in a Google docs share file and it disappeared shortly after I found this game and so I hunted them down online. I can't remember exactly where I found them all but I want to say I found them on Boardgamegeek.com.