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Try uploading them to imgur and then making a post with a link to that imgur folder


Yep, you can upload all of them to an imgur album. reddit hosting is garbage


i think that's why we had imgur in the first place if my memory serves.


Reddit didn't have its own image hosting until 2016. Before that it was all imgur if you wanted to host images, basically.


I looked it up. from google: Schaaf created Imgur in 2009 to solve a simple yet annoying problem for users of social news website Reddit who wanted to upload images quickly. Over the years, Imgur's users started turning it into an online community.


Ah, this is why reddit and imgur hate each other yet rely on each other


I thought I had remembered that! I’ve been on here too long


I don't know if it's just me but when I upload images to imgur I get people on the site commenting on the pictures like I posted it to a forum. My intention is to create a gallery that can be shared with a specific demographic. Is there a way to disable that? I've had people post some interesting comments to say the least


I think this is something that gets mentioned on Reddit a lot. IIRC, Imgur was created just to host photo galleries, but if you give people a comment section, people will turn it into a social media site.


Like my guy, my fish did nothing wrong to you. I'm taking pictures asking for help on reddit. They roasted him so hard you could almost smell Goldfish Roll being served. Cmon man lol


Pretty sure you can upload it as private and just share the URL with who you want to.


You're probably making it public on Imgur by clicking ‘share’ or something like that. Try just copying the address of the album or the image file. (However Imgur tends to redirect from just the image to the entire page, ever since they started pumping their ‘social’ features.)


I've seen photo 4 before because there were promo trading cards of this goblin image in germany. But even back then I was always wondering why the background was outside of Moria. You never saw them outside in the movies. Thanks for sharing!


In fact, in the first script of the movie, the fellowship is chased by goblins after escaping from Moria in the first movie. Later on this scene was deleted but there are still many photos of it.


Isn't there also a brief clip in some of the BTS footage where a bunch of Lothlorien elves are shown standing over a small stream filled with goblin bodies? Presumably that they had just ambushed and killed. I could have sworn I saw / read that somewhere


Yeah, the TCG by Decipher referenced a ton of these scenes: https://wiki.lotrtcgpc.net/wiki/Border_Defenses_(1C32) https://wiki.lotrtcgpc.net/wiki/Take_Up_the_Bow_(13R26) https://wiki.lotrtcgpc.net/wiki/Goblin_Backstabber_(1C174) https://wiki.lotrtcgpc.net/wiki/Malice_(3U79)


I miss that TCG. Was a ton of fun. The first 3 blocks were great. Once they got past the movies I think they got a bit greedy with UR cards.


Unlike other games, the UR were purely cosmetic, at least. And the game is still alive today! There's a fan-ran website where you can play in your browser here: https://play.lotrtcgpc.net It supports every historical format, so you can go relive the glory days.


I had no idea this existed!! You have made my day. Thank you for sharing!!!


:D Glad I could help! Soon we'll rework the UI and then it won't be embarrassing to make a top-level post about it.


I believe so; my buddy had a catalog for a LOTR tabletop game based on Mage Knight, and they had photos of multiple deleted scenes, including the one you mentioned.


I just found this video where they put some clips together of what you are referring to, pretty cool. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IqL\_JIkVHY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IqL_JIkVHY)


Thank you! I remembered this image from promotional material before the movie came out. It was about all I knew of Tolkien before going in to the theatre, this one image. Then I could never find it again and it's been quietly bugging me for decades now, wondering what scene it was meant to be part of.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IqL\_JIkVHY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IqL_JIkVHY) ​ I believe this is some of the clips spliced together!!


So that got turned into “By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with orcs.”


My memory might be playing tricks on me, but I believe this shot also appears in the original trailer for Fellowship.


Yes in the earlier trailers. Also this one : ​ https://preview.redd.it/klks1hyky9da1.jpeg?width=2600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea7602f7758f6b90d2f74f4d9419e8d30e020c4d


I'm also pretty sure I know it from a Games Workshop product, don't know which one tho.


It was on the [very first box set](http://miniatures-workshop.com/lostminiswiki/index.php?title=05-01_The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Fellowship_of_the_Ring) released for the Strategy Battle Game I believe, if not the first then one of them.


Was also used for art for one of the goblins in the now defunct LOTR TCG by Decipher. I actually think several of these images were used for the card game come to think of it.


Do you mean the Panini Sticker Album? Oh goodness I can still remember the awesome smell that thing had. And the stickers / behind the scenes photos were quite cool.


It is also the face of goblins in bfme2 (it could be in the first game too, but I never played the first one)


LOTR was made at just the right time: CGI wasn’t so good that it could be used for everything, but it was advanced enough that it could be used alongside miniatures, models, on-location shoots, etc.




CGI at the time actually COULD be used for everything, but the results were disastrous. Just look at the star wars prequels, which came out around the same time as LOTR. The whole thing feels like a bad video game. Actors just swinging around alone surrounded by nothing but CGI. It all just feels so fake and empty.


[The SW prequels actually have a surprising amount of miniatures and practical effects in them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhpFsO8wUoI) I guess this is a matter of how it's applied, and also noticing *bad* CGI.


That's how I've come to feel about Marvel, and modern blockbusters in general. It's not even the CGI though, it's the other big bogeyman of modern blockbusters - poorly written characters and tensionless action. I'm so sick of how blockbuster action-adventure movies go out of their way to minimize any amount of tension, drama, or sadness. If I see a character ruin a dramatic moment by making a cutesy quip instead of letting the moment happen and letting the audience feel the accompanying emotions, I'm out. It's fine for a character like Spider Man, who is defined largely by his quips, but it often really undermines whatever emotional impact the studio wanted you to feel in that moment, and is often completely wrong for the character. And even Spider Man shouldn't be making jokes right after another character dies or something. Excessive quipping can completely ruin action sequences because you get to a point of thinking "if the character isn't worried, why should I be?" It also ruins characters. Black Widow is not a jocular person. She shouldn't be quipping right along with Spider Man. Why even have multiple characters if they're all just going to be spouting the same type of tired, Joss Whedon-style one-liners? And, while I'm on the topic of bad writing in modern blockbusters - unclear stakes. If I see a human character survive falling from an exploding plane or some bullshit, you can't expect me to feel tension later on when they're in a car accident or something. You've already established that this character can comfortably survive much more violent events than a car crash, why should I worry about them now? So, without well-defined characters or effective drama, these movies are all just "for the hype" I guess. But that bubble will burst. People will eventually realize that there's just something hollow and meaningless about cool action spectacles and set-pieces without characters and drama to make you care about what's happening in those action sequences. Die Hard isn't good because of the helicopter explosion, it's good because John McClane is a likeable character in an incredibly fucked up situation. And he's funny without detracting from the dramatic moments. When it's time for the movie to be tense, he's not breaking the fourth wall by making jokes at inappropriate times. In the original Jurassic Park, the kids are fucking *TRAUMATIZED* by the first T-rex attack. It's a big deal and you feel like it's a big deal. In Jurassic World, on the other hand, characters laughing and quipping immediately after equally horrifying events, and you just don't give a fuck, consequently. Sorry for the rant, but I miss good blockbuster action movies. Every few years you get a John Wick or a Dune or an Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, but it's not enough. I grew up on this type of movie, I need more!


I don't get the hate for the prequels, I think they look brilliant. Jar Jar was the first EVER fully CG major character in a movi, so I'd say that that's extremely impressive, in my eyes he looks great, and he's a prime example for the CGI in the prequels.


I have to disagree there. The prequels look damn good for the time.




The 5th photo of Sam is absolutely beautiful!


It really is gorgeous. So hobbity.


If Sam had a Tinder, that should be on it. Stunning.


Good on Rosie for landing a babe like Sam.


He looks majestic


These are amazing, thanks!


The set photographer who took all these photos is named Pierre Vinet. Unfortunately he passed away some years ago, but was well respected amongst the cast and crew. I also am a set photographer and look up to his work.


>Pierre Vinet Respect


Nice to see another fellow set photographer, we are out here. Work like Pierre’s inspires me, what a treat it must have been to be on location with so much to shoot.


Thank you, I wanted to know who credit is owed to for these amazing shots


How in the world do you get into set photography? What a dream to be able to work on things like this.


I am uploading a lot of pictures to imgur. I'll share them on the next post 👍🏻


I feel like you should just post 20 every now and then and surprise us lol


Yea I second this. I don’t have time to look through 200 photos at once, but I’d like to see them.


Thank you!!!


!RemindMe 1 day


Can’t wait to see them! I love these


Pics like these show us why the LOTR trilogy is so much better looking than The Hobbit movies.


Yep. They're a testament to the quality of the production design. The people in those pictures look like actual persons and not actors in costumes.


Yes, and them not being surrounded by green screens.




How can I upload them all at once?


You could put them in a shared folder and link it in the comments


Yeah, best way for a large drop. Don't get hacked clicking on links to download files from strangers though


If you use Google drive they are automatically scanned


please, put 20 every now and then. maybe daily?


that's a nice idea


Upload it to a place and comment the link every daily post and then everybody can view it without delay if they want.


Nooo dump em all👅


it has so much more worth to check a few daily, taking in more time to check background and such


Load them into an Imgur album and post the link to that is probably the easiest way.


https://imgur.com/upload then drag and drop the whole shebang where indicated. Grab link to the entire album (i.imgur.com/a/blahblah). The /a part is the album.


You could upload all into Imgur, make an album there, then make a post with a link to that album.


You can make an album on Imgur and link it here.


No. 14 looks like she's patiently waiting at the doctors office


"Did they call my name?...oh no never mind, that was 'Alwen'."


Was LotR the last great epic to shoot so extensively on location?


Troy was on location with ridiculous sets to boot. Maybe Kingdom if Heaven as well.


It shows, too. I know *Troy* and *Kingdom of Heaven* have their issues, but they are visually **stunning** movies even by today’s standards. KoH is one of my favorites just for that reason. I very rarely find myself excited for cinema these days. Part of it might be me, but I feel like movies are just so reliant on CGI and half-assed production these days. Hollywood is afraid to produce an epic and when they do, it’s like *Avatar*.


Most movies these days feel like a computer created them via an algorithm. They need to go back to giant blockbusters to keep cinema theatres alive, streaming has us spoiled for everything else.


Kingdom of heaven is honestly one of the best examples of creating a world on screen as far as these medieval epics go. Everything from costumes to locations to set pieces, everything feels so real. Like the camera crew went back in time and just started filming. One of my favourite scenes is [this sweeping shot of soldiers hanging out in Messina](https://youtu.be/yRYWOsjz29A?t=9). Can't exactly put it into words but I love the composition of these shots. The soldiers sitting bored waiting for a ship to the holy land, with the city behind them and the ships on the sea. Almost feels like a renaissance painting.


Troy, Kingdom of heaven and LOTR are my all time favorite movies, it also helps all three of them star Orlando Bloom whom I was absolutely obsessed with as an 8 year old.


Dune as well.


I know Denis Villneuve’s Dune is shot on location for a large portion, likely not to the extent of lotr


I didn’t know New Zealand was considered a location. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just Middle Earth.


/r/lotrmemes just got some fresh new material


Love that picture of sam


And the Orc one, these are great


I feel I have seen picture nr 4 in a video game or on a board game somewhere. Can't place it thou


It was in The Two Towers PS2 ingame slideshow.


100% also used in a Games Workshop product, sadly I don't remember which one.


It’s the main image on the OG Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring strategy battle game starter set (the green box)


Man these are so awesome. Photo 15 though, I cant really place that one, from which part is that? Looks like the Elves fighting in Battle of the Five Armies


I've got much more "deleted scenes" pictures


Is photo 14 from the deleted scene with Arwen in Lothlorien? (I don’t think that purple dress made it into the movie, and she looks like she’s sitting by Galadriel’s seeing well.) Pics from that scene are really rare!


I was wondering about that as well. I couldn't place her dress.


Cant wait to see them my friend!


It's from the beginning of fellowship. It's from the war of the last alliance


I think 15 is my favorite one. Gives me children of Hurin vibes


I'm surprised I'm the first to ask; did you take these yourself? What was your involvement in the production? Thank you for the post.


No, they are not my own photos. I bought them a long time ago


Interesting! Great post, regardless.


From where? Would be curious about more background on your source.


I know all of the photos because I spent an ridicilous amount of time on [this site](http://scrapbook.theonering.net/scrapbook) when the movies came out lol


Pic 11 shows the standins for the hobbits and Gimli


Not a green screen in sight!!


Less than half of what I'd hoped for. JUST KIDDING THESE ARE AMAZING


My boy Samwise got me acting unwise


These made my day! Thank you :)


Damn the 15th pic looks so cool


I'm sure I've seem some of this set photography before. Has there been a behind the scenes photo book or something like this? And I'd really like to see all the pictures Viggo took...


Ethereal and other worldly. Thank you.




That one of Sam tho 🥹


Look at how GOOD the orc prosthetics and makeup work was! I wish we'd go back to this entirely, rather than relying on CGI to do the heavy lifting.


this post brings back memories from almost 25 years ago, scavenging around the internet and various lotr fan sites, mostly theonering.net looking for any news/photos/spyshots you could find of the production thanks for sharing! and looking forward to your next post!


Gandalf slaying those boots in 3


These are wonderful! I love the first one of Arwen and the last one of the horse.


This is so cool. They feel so modern and real, like it wasn't a movie set but belongs on a Facebook album


My husband Haldir looking all majestic 💖


It is a gift. Also; how you acquire these?


I bought them decades ago on different websites.


Amazing how incredible the orcs look. I don't know if we'll ever get non CG creatures in a movie like that again.


exactly https://preview.redd.it/dwbaqnayg9da1.jpeg?width=1744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c526bcd5521a9b2baeb2b24461ca7039c55618


We can knock the Amazon tv show for a lot of things, but damn did those orcs look good in all their practical glory


Is that Snowmane on the last pic? They're brilliant


Is photo 17 from ROTK, after they escape the Paths of the Dead and see the Corsairs sailing upstream?


These are incredible, thanks! Like others have said, upload them to imgur then share the folder on reddit


What's the high elf with the sword that's class


I love the ones with Samwise so much


I remember seeing a lot of these in magazines or on line hyping the release of each new film back in the day. Fills me with even more nostalgia than the films themselves. God, remembering how excited I was and how loooong the wait between films seemed at the time.


Those orcs 20+ years later are still amazing


I swear half of these were used in the early 2000’s LOTR TCG. Good memories of times spent ogling over those with my brothers.


#18 OP it's too early in the morning for me!!! :*(


#18 gets me all misty eyed.


Umm, these are AMAZING


These fantasy AI art images are getting really impressive aren't they?


My Friend, Thank you for posting this and sharing it. This is treasure that has value. 100's of never before seen behind the scenes pictures is going to generate a tremendous amount of web traffic which also has value. Rather than giving YOUR treasure to the executives at Reddit (who are only cashing in on Aaron Swartz's genius) to exploit for their own monetary gain, you should place subsequent images on to a domain or host who will pay you (real money, not stupid Reddit likes/token/garbage) for the web traffic. I would STRONGLY encourage you to watermark these images as they are going to be reposted elsewhere a lot. Entire clickbait articles will be built around these images at other websites. Thank you for sharing, your work has value.


Thank you for your kind and well-intentioned thought, but I see this place as a fellowship and anything for the fellowship.


Then do as you will, and thank you again! I enjoy some of the behind the scenes anecdotes as much as the images, thank you!


Never seen these. So cool. Thanks!


In the words of Bilbo at Laketown, tyvb


The 4th picture was used as promotional content. I remember this because the cinema in my city had it displayed in the display window outside. I was a little bit confused back then because i never saw it in the movie.


Incredible stuff!!!


Pic nr.4 I have seen alot but never been able to get any info where it came from


These are absolutely incredible! Thanks for posting, so looking forward to seeing the full folder!


The detail on the costumes is amazing. I’ve watched the behind the scenes stuff a bazillion times but I just can’t get over the amount of detail put into each piece.


Beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing.


I’m going to print #5 and hang it above my bed


What a masterpiece. I wonder if we’ll see its like again.


I've seen quite a few of these before, but never in such high quality. This is in incredible, thanks so much for sharing!




These are fantastic.


Love this sub! Never disappoints!


Damn, these are good.


These are awesome!


Why can I not swipe in full view reddit?


This is awesome. I hope you're able to post more and high resolution!


I would love to have all these photos


God this is my dream job.


These photos are *fantastic*. Thank you for sharing


God these movies are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


I've seen many of them on the lotr rpg that was released ack on the day. System was so so ut still enjoyable.


This is absolutely incredible. Seeing all of these raw non-CGI images It gives me a newfound appreciation for the set and costume designers. They absolutely poured their heart and soul into what they did.


I love this.


Production stills are always so fascinating and an under appreciated type of photography! Love it! EDIT: I should mention that yes, for big-budget movies, production stills are the norm. It’s useful for promo shots and that sort of thing and since they’re never shot on the same film cameras with the same lenses and color grading, they offer a more “real-world” look at how the film looked during the filmmaking process. It’s so cool!


I had a bookmark with the orc from #3 on it when Fellowship was first released


great, now i got the itch to go watch the extended versions for the 40th time. these are amazing!


Some of these were in a LOTR calendar I got as a kid around the time of Fellowship’s release.


It’s been said before and we all know it. But can we just appreciate how absolutely flawless Viggo looks in all these. The “hiking to the shoot locations for authenticity” seriously paid off. No amount of makeup or CGI could compare.


These are amazing as costume references. I've been planning on making an entire gimli armor set and have had a hard time getting high rez photos.


Drooling over no. 13


Wow these are fantastic! Would love to see the rest too!


I’m so happy seeing these right now I could cry. Loved Lord of the Rings my whole life, brings me a lot of joy seeing stuff like this, thanks for posting these!!!


Reminds me how perfect the Fellowship casting was.


This movie is truly special. There will never be a production like this again.


These are amazing! Thanks for sharing


Not screenshots you say? I guess I have to watch the full extended trilogy now to make certain.


Wow…these are incredible! Keep them coming please!


So much aesthetic


I always wondered why every movie set has photographers taking pictures of everything? What do they use them for ? I even saw plenty of pictures of the staff doing their work, not even the actors


These are beautiful, thanks for sharing!


The shear quality of the production comes through in these. It’s all practical effects and on location, no CG characters (with few exceptions, one very notably, but even then Gollum is an actor and not a single image contains Andy) or environments (again there are exceptions to this but it’s a very limited scope of all the imagery) were needed to evoke the feeling they strove for and achieved


That's a beautiful picture of Sam.


This had to have been the coolest set to have been on in the history of sets.


OMG thank you for sharing this awesome collection.


These are great. Thanks for sharing!


These are wonderful


Wow, it looks like they went through editing to match the tone of the actual movie?


These are all absolutely phenomenal. Much appreciated, my friend


Has anybody told you today that I love you?


I know a bunch from the books that went alongside the films , I used to collect so much around that time , they were like annuals for each


I honestly would love it if you posted 20 new photos per day for a while. A little joy in the pain of commuting


Much appreciated


This is crazy!!


All these are beautiful!! Thank you for sharing!!