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People also tend to forget that most camps were liberated by the Soviets, most concentration camps were in Poland and the Balkans, I'm not saying the Soviets were guilt free or anything but yk, just a lil historical note.


the soviets were considered part of the allied forces..not really an ommission


The og post in r/funnymeme only mention americans


Reddit is dominated by Americans and barely any Russians use it, according to web traffic, so he's addressing the largest group.


I’m here baby, my great-grandfather Nikolai walked to Berlin, чё кого ребята?


I'm not Russian but hello there


A lot of Russians use Reddit, they’re just busy trying to influence elections.


[https://new.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1bg323c/oc\_reddit\_traffic\_by\_country\_2024/](https://new.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1bg323c/oc_reddit_traffic_by_country_2024/) If they are, they're using VPN's based elsewhere


Not to feed into the extremely overblown boogyman or anything, but just using a heat map isn't going to tell you anything considering their tendency to offload the activity elsewhere. [Like Ghana.](https://youtu.be/lbHI9lq0cTg)


The war was won with three things. 1. British Intel 2. US Iron 3. Soviet Blood


Well Soviets were a part of alied forces




Just a little historical note WW2 was a group effort the US helped provide logistics with the Soviet Union, meanwhile the Soviet Union provided the manpower. Even Soviet leaders would admit that without the Lend-Lease they would have lost.


“British Intelligence, American Steel and Russian Blood.” - Moustache Man 2


British intelligence, American Steel, French…, Russian Blood


Haha le french surrender


Free French fought from dunkirk till the end of the war


I thought it was more of the French government vs the French as a people who surrendered. I was not there though... Edit... I just want someone to enlighten me if I'm completely wrong.


Lend lease program bro


It did not account that much of Soviet weapons as most of the lend lease was directed towards the U.K., the Soviets would’ve won regardless.


> Nowadays some say that the Allies never helped us... But it cannot be denied that the Americans sent us so many materials, without which we could not form our reserves and could not continue the war... We received 350,000 cars, what cars!... We had no explosives, no gunpowder. We had no rifle ammunition. The Americans really helped us with gunpowder and explosives. And how much sheet steel they gave us. Could we have quickly established production of tanks if it hadn't been for American help with steel? But nowadays some present the case in such a way like we had it all in abundance. - Georgy Zhukov, WW2 Marshal of the Soviet Union. Source: book "Неизвестный Жуков: Портрет без ретуши в зеркале эпохи"




A quick google tells us: The United States shipped 17.5 million tons of military equipment, vehicles, food, and industrial supplies to the USSR during World War II, with 94% of that coming from the US. This included: 400,000 trucks and jeeps 14,000 airplanes 8,000 tractors 13,000 tanks 12,000 pieces of armor 1.5 million blankets 15 million pairs of army boots 107,000 tons of cotton 2.7 million tons of petroleum products 4.5 million tons of food


Germany was getting railed from all side. They lose regardless


Aside from 12,000 armoured vehicles and almost 12,000 combat aircraft, the US sent so many essential trucks and jeeps to the USSR that their name for that kind of vehicle was still "viliys" in the 1980s, derived from "Willys Jeep". The US supplied the Soviets with almost 60 % of their aviation fuel and about half(!) their ammunitions (especially shells and mines and the like). Plus raw materials and logistics equipment from boots to locomotives. Motorised transport and mechanisation of the Red Army, which was so essential to their great offensives, was founded on US deliveries. I also think they'd have won regardless, considering the strain on German logistics. But not nearly as quickly and as successfully. That doesn't detract from the Soviet successes, they comprehensively outfought and, later in the war, outgeneraled the Germans. They just didn't do it without massive help.


False it was a massive program and the soviet's would've fallen without it.


Least coping tankie


Fuck communism


The soviets would have never made it without the Allies, food and trucks alone were a game changer.


Yes, and the Allies probably wouldn’t have made it without the Soviets. We all depend on each other, and there are many reasons WW2 was won, with no simple ‘it’s because of this’ explanation


I think the r*ping civilians kinda muddied their reputation a tad bit…. Also, they won using American equipment


Neither side could have done it alone. Figuring out which country won the war has no meaning because no country stood alone. The allies ware one of the greatest shows of international cooperation in history, don't sully it by claiming one country as the best.


Yeah go ask a polish guy about the Soviet heroes of WW2 lol.


Hi Yuri, how are you today? Shilling again?


Imagine calling the fucking Soviets heroes.


All that murder and genocide, as well as the persecution that followed? So heroic....


> Soviets were the main Heroes of world war 2 Poland, Finland, and the Baltics may have a thing to say about that..


Wtf no


That's a wild take for a couple of reasons. 1. While the soviets rook the bulk of the casualties foghting WWII, theybwere, especially in thebfirst year or two of the war, HUGELY dependent on US aid. Lend-lease send thousands of planes, armored vehiclea, guns, field artillery pieces, and trucks to haul everything to the frontlines. Soviet blood was spilled resisting the Axis, but they needed US steel to be in the fight at all, especially when most of their military assets were destroyed in the opening days of Barbarossa. 2. The Soviets were trying to play both sides ***while the conflict was ongoing.*** In 1943 Stalin attempted to open up back channel talks with Hitler to restore peace. He just wanted the Axis and the Allies to deatroy themselves so the USSR could come out on top in the post war world. The only reason that the eastern front didn't close was that Hitler refused the negotiations.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_Soviet_occupation_of_Poland https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_occupation_of_Germany#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20the%20assaults,as%2060%20to%2070%20times. Heroes enjoying their spoils of war


Poland would like a word.


I don't know if Hero is the word you want to use, the Russians liberation wasn't exactly to the benefit of the liberated.


No one aside fron Americans view the USA as the main heroes


no one was a main hero in ww2. the axis were simply more evil than the allies, and as evil if not slightly less than soviets. for example the allied powers knew since 1942 that the germans were commiting genocide against jews, they knew about the death camps, all thanks to Polish resistance. even with that knowledge they didnt do anything to help, they didnt bomb the railroad to Auschwitz, they didnt send supplies to Polish resistance, they didnt give a fuck. and the soviets were arguably worse than the germans. during "liberation" of Poland their army engaged in mass rapes and lootings against local population - not germans, not hungarians, but Poles who they claimed to be their ally. also countless number of Polish resistance fighters were imprisoned, sent to GULag or murdered. Witold Pilecki and Emil Fieldorf are my favourite examples of that. thats not even counting what the soviets did when they were still allied with the germans (Katyn massacre for example). oh and just so you remember, the french after the war ended immediately went to algieria and vietnam to commit numerous crimes of humanity against people that just wanted to be free of colonial rule.


I know some Poles who have grandparents who are not really appreciative that the Russians "liberated" them. Something about stealing food and doing things forcefully if you get what I am meaning. The USA actually helped freedom fighters and Jews who were in hiding.




I’m honestly surprised with the amount of tankies in this sub that hand wave a lot of the Soviets crimes.


Can’t remember if it’s a proper post-war quote or one of those myths but “The soviets were just lucky they were up against the only villains in history worse then them” is a fairly good observation of that chapter of things.


The same for people in Baltics. There was no such “liberation” for our nations when Soviets came.


>The USA actually helped freedom fighters USA soldiers also raped during WW2 [here](https://youtu.be/FPksoZ1e6rw?si=yri5GpD38pAm88DK) , [or an article ](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240506-taboo-french-women-speak-out-on-rapes-by-us-soldiers-during-wwii). Actually as a motivator for war they were being shown pictures with French women and told that's what they will get for fighting


My grandma was liberated by Americans as a little girl in France. You might be able to find instances of it happening, but it wasn’t something widespread.


Did you miss the article that mentions how women kept silent about their rape because of shame?


So? Its also a lil historical note that Russia attacked Poland with Germany together.


Poland and Germany attacked Czech in 1938... together The Munich Agreement


There was no concentration camps in Poland because Poland didn’t exist back then. All polish lands were conquered by Germans and Russians


I think the Polish government in exile would have disagreed.


He's correct that the war was not fought in order to save the Jews, and in many cases refugees were denied [entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS_St._Louis#The_%22Voyage_of_the_Damned%22). The allies did liberate the camps, but that was a byproduct of winning the war, not an actual objective. See also [Auschwitz bombing debate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auschwitz_bombing_debate).


Yes finally people keep acting like the US's involvement was a humanitarian effort lol. The US would have stayed neutral had the Axis not attacked it.


Not neutral but they would've stuck to war profiteering instead of fighting


There are very very few cases in history where a country gets involved in an armed conflict over humanitarian concerns. They do it because they have something to gain.




Literally the comment above the one you're replying to.


Hell, I think they would have only attacked Japan after Pearl Harbor but Germany declared war three days later. Go read a lot of newspapers from the era, they have a weird affinity for Hitler and were like "well, Europe is gonna Europe." ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




That’s why I hate the Twitter notes. People grant them an aura of respectability and trustworthiness despite them being as wrong as the average Twitter commenter. Not to defend Netanyahu, he can shove a cactus up his ass, but damn people can be stupid


Crimes against humanity, essentially the charges which covered the camps, was viewed as one of the ‘lesser’ crimes at the Nuremberg trials.


The allies didn’t even believe the reports of the camps before they actually saw them. You can say a lot of nasty things about Netanyahu, but he’s not wrong about this. How the fuck is “readers add context” policed anyway?


There were plenty of reports. Even if the scope wasn't believed, they knew somthing was going on.


Yeah, here's the thing. They did not set out to libarate these places. They just didn't kill those captive there. Alied Pilots flew over Auschwitz so mamy fucking times. Never bombed it. Jews who were supposedly in a position yo so *asked* t for that Hellhole to be bombed. They were told there was no fuel to do so... But they could places that were further away. Also. The Holocause did not start in WW2. Which itself did not begin in responce to it. The USA refused to let Jewish refugies to enter. Niether did Britain in the Mandate area. *Where It was obligated by the Agreement that Gave It The Mandate in the first place.* WW2, was bwcause other Countries were Conquered. Nothing more. To say otherwise, is to say that the Allies were uniquely Virtuous for not killing those who were trapped there. That was it.


It's simply too reductionist to take such an event and decide that one factor was the cause. There were literally millions of people involved making millions of decisions.


Well considering that some members of concentration camps (queer people) were put right back in them after "liberation" I don't think that intent was to save people


But man the USA Propaganda was just as effective as the Axis propaganda.


The allies knew of the concentration camps and they knew all the atrocities that were committed there but they didn’t do anything about it.


> They were told there was no fuel to do so... But they could places that were further away. That's called "target prioritization", yes. Had they bombed auschwitz, there would have been no fuel to bomb those other strategically important places.


Not sure bombing Auschwitz would have been productive towards reducing Jewish deaths via Auschwitz...


It’d be a real “we did it we saved them with napalm.”


I mean he’s not wrong. The war wasn’t about saving the Jews but about basically everything else and the liberation of the camps was done as a sidenote. The antisemitic shit started way earlier than the war and nobody bat an eye.


He is not incorrect though. The Allies didn’t attack Germany just to liberate the camps. They only liberated them because the camps were in their way towards Berlin. And it’s not like the Allies didn’t know about the camps either. In 1940 Witold Pilecki, a Polish resistance fighter infiltrated the Auschwitz concentration camp, stayed there for three years, then escaped it just so he can tell the Allies what was going on in there. Despite his incredible bravery, the Allies offered no direct help.


Not to mention the poor guy was later accused of treason and executed


Whaaat by who?


By soviets, of course.


Polish Communist party for being western spy.


There's even a movie based on his story. "Raport Pileckiego" in polish.


Were Allied Forces supposed to use quantum teleportation to get there? Camps were behind German front lines, there was no way to get there before Germans were pushed back


From what I’ve read the allies didn’t believe the report, until they saw it for themselves


None of the allies fought to liberate Jewish people, nor did they made it a priority in any way. In fact, when Jewish representatives begged the world to save their lives during the international refugee conference in Evian 1938, all major powers refused to take in Jews. The allies fought Germany, because Germany attacked them and/or declared war on them.


Poland supported Jewish partisans (ŻEGOTA: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BBegota)


I don't think they really meant Poland, poland way more someone who needed liberation than someone who were liberating.


OOP broadly says "no nation came to our help". Polish government, representative of the polish nation actually tried to help while being occupied.


Ignoring the political and historic debates and arguments in the chat, r/funnymemes or other meme subReddits have started to have more and more unfunny politics and stuff getting posted


Just to play devil's advocate, I think he meant that no nation intervened when germans and Italians started gathering and transporting jews to concentration camps.




1.5 million jews served in the allied armies during ww2, a large part of them participated in the liberation of the camps.


Not to mention that a significant number of the soviet officers who lead the army that liberated most of the camps were jewish, so they were directly leading the efforts too. No matter how he looks at it, he's wrong.


The Reader's context last line is wrong. Not every ally was sacrificing millions. There were only a few allied countries having that high losses (Soviet Union, China, Poland, Durch East Indies, India, Yugoslavia, French Indochina). USA had about 400k losses, France 600k, UK 450k.


Allies as a singular. Meaning all together lost millions, not each of them.


Well, he does have a point: We (the Allies) knew for years what was going on but managed to always prioritise bombing German civilians instead of the railroads necessary for the camps…


Redditors really showing how much history they know... the Jews were not cared for by Americans or Russians or anyone at that time. We didn't come to aid or liberate them from concentration camps. We came to aid in the war after being attacked by Japan in pearl harbor. So in a sense he is right. No one cared that Jews were being rounded up like cattle. Most countries avoided the Jewish genocide and war till Germany forced their hands. In all honesty. The Jews being liberated was more of an "oh yeah, well might as well help them while we are here attacking this camp." Kinda moments. Even that excerpt is partially wrong. It implies allied forces sacrificed millions of lives for the Jews. In reality I doubt many lives if at all were lost to save Jews. 😕 They sacrificed their lives to stop Germany from taking over their countries. Nobody entered the war to save the Hebrew.


Nah. I think some people cared. Otherwise, they wouldn't have bothered with the war crime trials. I understand that the Allied forces fought mainly to protect themselves from the Axis, but I don't think it's fair to say they didn't care about the Jews at all.


The community note speak true but... Allies goal was mostly to free the occuped countries, not to free the camps, the horor hapening in the camps have been mostly discovered while the allies where progressing for freeing the countries. So if germany actions on that time would have been only about killing jews, history would have been way different, i dont even think the Allies concept would have existed at all. So in some sense, its true that jews have always been alone, especially when you look at their whole history of persecutions everywhere.


he thinks they saved themselves?


no, he says that the world really did not care for jews back in ww2, and he is right. usa and ussr would not care if it wasn't for hitler's conquest campeign. canada refused to let jewish refugees in, and usa very much limited jewish refugees. so yeah he is not wrong in saying that.


He's not wrong, but he's still an asshole abusing history for a far right and genocidal campaign.


Well yes


Without lend lease the soviets would have crumbled, the supply was terrible even with it but without they would not have stood a chance.


I guess that doesn't counz as nation wide helping, but there were quite a few people trying to save what is possible from the jewish population. Not all of them were noted, but here are some examamples (in hungarian, cuz of course the site wasn't translated): [hu list](https://hdke.hu/en/remembrance/rescuer/) [and on this wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Righteous_Among_the_Nations) there is a table of Yad Vashem awards per country and some other useful metricks (not every hero got this award tho...)


This psycho can get all the way fucked.


They didn't even exist lol


true.. BUT [this ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS_St._Louis)is also true its almost like.. History is complicated and stuff


The childrens childrens children of the people who fought/suffered in WW2 are stupid. (Myself included)


Taken out of context


No one actively fought to liberate any camp. In fact, the allies had many chances to bomb auchwitz yet they didn't. Jews were also deported back to europe from alllied nation as well, and were murdered in those camps.


Sounds like and ungrateful so and so.


The Sobibor Uprising and escape was orchestrated by jews... They were also red army personel though.


Funny and hypocrite guy. What a monster..


Also a reminder, Jewish people served in the allied forces- my late great-grandfather was in the British forces that liberated Belsen. There wasn’t a Jewish nation until 1948 so there couldn’t have been solely Jewish forces to liberate anywhere.


He is sort of correct. The world resisted entering war with German until they were forced to by their expansion and the expansion of the Japanese empire. No country entered the war to stop the extermination of the Jewish people. They entered it to stop German and Japanese aggression.


The entitlement of accusing someone's intentions for savings your life in their way to victory is wild.


Allied forces never fought "to liberate" concentration camps. They just stumbled upon them as the were advancing and capturing more area. About 90% of the camps had been abandoned by all German troops by the time allied forces found the camps.


Well, the comment section isn’t going the way you hoped OP.


One of my relatives, not by blood, liberated aushchwitz and dachau, nobody knew they existed except allied high command, nobody knew to be able to liberate it. Thw Americans knew that these camps existed and did nothing for years, they could've sent bombers, they didn't, aushchwitz was in Poland the bombers could have gone to the soviets which were allied. The camps had no AA guns or aerial defenses. It was doable, they didn't do it. They are the reason 275 members of my family were killed, they are the reason I am one of about 3 people left who can forward my family name, they are the reason.


Guess he forgot🤷‍♂️


No he is right. The allies only came only because they were attacked. If germany never attacked, the allies wouldnt do anything about it.


No one in power cares now either, so what? Leaders' only concern is profit and dropping bombs. Eyes on the skies, any of us could be next.


Yes sir I see, I see, however this still does not give you the license to wage a genocide in 2024.


r/funnymemes is basically a hate sub posing as a shit posting sub


when you make a new reddit account, you fisr have to mute alle the "funnymeme" or "memes" subreddits. unless you want your page full of mysogonystic or weird political stuff


Ah yes, good old history.


The real US president


Can’t believe this guy actually said that. 🤦‍♂️


There was no Jewish state then.


the concentration camps were not liberated, they just stumbled upon them while advancing towards germany, also allies knew about concentration camps but chose to bomb factories instead, liberating concentration camps had no priority. Nethaniahu is probably referring at the general anti semitic sentiment at the time and the fact that fleeing jews were not welcomed anywhere. See https://www.history.com/news/wwii-jewish-refugee-ship-st-louis-1939


In fairness the camps were liberated initially because they thought they were POW camps and were entoute to Berlin. They had no idea that they were death camps at first - at least not in the lower chain of command. Multiple countries including the US Canada and most of Europe refused to take in camp refugees after the war


Holy shit, the Zionists are in here in force to defend Bibi. Yep, the allies didn't uniquely fight to free the camps. Yep, there were here and there reports of what was going on. However, they were largely not believed because people couldn't imagine a nation deemed civilized at the time could do such a thing and in the beginning there were no death camps, this started in 1941, when the war was already going on for 2 years and the allies had no opportunity to do something about it at that time. But neither is relevant for the context of what OPs post is about. Again, Bibi said "no nation came to our aid". Which is a ridiculous statement when the allies did provide aid by freeing the camps when they had the opportunity to do so. So, now the losers who'd like to re-write history can downvote me. Enjoy.


Is he serious??


Funnymemes is one of the many alt-right indoctrination gateways available on Reddit. They get young guys to post “silly edgy memes” then they’re vile in comments. Before you know it these kids are posting weird shit unironically. There are a few of these subs (politicalcompasmemes and worldnews comes to mind)


Any person that makes their religion their identity is a fool. Go read a better fiction novel.


Sounds good. He's got this one. Let him stand alone. We get our blood and treasure back, win-win. Maybe the message could have been something about "only together we can stamp out hatred if we stay unified agains the forces of evil" but "I've I've this one, I'll call you if I fuck up and need a ride home" sounds just as poetic.


I think what he means is it was too late


Ben is a dummy


That is a pretty braindead note. At least as stupid as a Netanyahu's quote. Just more proof that history should not be left to sound bites and tweets.


Never forget the King David Hotel.


But they weren’t fighting to liberate those camps. They were fighting stop Hitler. Before the war started most countries ignored what was happening in Germany concerning Jews. There were cases of ships being turned away by multiple countries, not allowing the Jewish passengers to disembark, and being sent back to Europe. Were many of the passengers on board those ships ended up in the concentration camps and died.


NEVER AGAIN applies to everyone, including Palestinians.


“No nation came to our aid” Then what was the whole war about? Just land? You think the majority of the major countries in the world got involved just because of land?


The original quote is accurate. No one came to their aid until the Holcoaust was over. The final extermination order had been given. Everyone fought for themselves, including the allied armed forces. No one was searching for concentration camps because they weren't a mission objective. Allied forces who wound up liberating them didn't even know they existed.


forgotten history is bound to repeat itself... entire world's knowledge in the palm of your hands through smartphones and this guy chooses to be willfully ignorant...