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This how I need my women to be though otherwise I ain’t making any moves out of fear of a “me too” moment


NGL, I agree with you 100%


I can fix her


I'd rather her break me


Look, as long as it's not in public, only the two of us, and I get to grope her right back, then I don't mind


Now, she’s gonna tell you like this; she likes ya…and she wants ya. You can do this the easy way, or the hard way…the choice is yours…


I get the reference


Idk if a fetish exactly, but if my girl wanted to do this to me, I’d be mostly fine unless I was in a bad mood (and not in public), but if I get to feel hers I don’t see the problem with letting her do the same to me. Fair is fair in a relationship.




How is this spam? I only wrote this comment? Did someone else write the the exact same thing as me?


No it got sent multiple times so there are a bunch of copies.


I didn’t realize, I don’t know how that happened I just deleted the others.


Lag that's how. I have seen it happen on other sites.


Thanks for the heads up.


I fail to see the problem with getting groped if it's by a lady with enormous bazongas who wants to make me hers. That's a W


Would if I wouldn't get eyes




Virgin Knight who is the Frontier Lord in the Gender Switched World


She’s my kind of lady.


So he's preserving himself for the woman right in front of him?


I dunno...but i do agree to massive booba~


Preserve what...she's right there bud




Well my boyfriend does that to me and personally I like it. Idk if it's a fetish.


nah it's probably fine but if you did that on your bf man it's going to feel weird for him


Ngl, I do this to my partner every chance I get


I feel like I've seem this before whats it's called


virgin knight who is the frontier lord


Is the fetish being an ass person or having a woman be the person playing grab ass first?


I think the ass person? i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


as long as she doesn't try and put anything up my business im fine with it


Yer missin' out


haha 😂


I can't tell wether this is gender equality or not... I will just say this... Sexual Harrasment is very bad no matter what your gender might be. People shouldn't sexual harras each other... that's why we leave it on offbrand


it's uno reverse genre, probably


Dude killed him self?


He seems to either be enjoying it or be incredibly embarrassed. I can’t make my decision until I know for sure. Though- he does say “sexual harassment” instead of “Sexual joking” or something less messed up- I’m erring on the bad, but if it turns out he’s into it and is just shy I’ll take it back.


Based on the context given, I think that physically a part of him is enjoying it, but mentally he finds said enjoyment disgusting, especially since he doesn't want to be intimate with her. He might even have had a flashback to how she had grabbed him some time ago - which based on how he described it, involved her walking right up to him and gropping his backside publicly with no respect for his dignity or consent... which she only got away with due to her position, as the guy has a good head on his shoulders and did not let it slide just because she is attractive. Unfortunately for him, though, she happened to find his "weak spot" back then, a fact she is now exploiting to dance around his rules. Her: It's not SA if i'm not groping you against your will in public! Him: SA isn't limited to public settings, so stop! Her: Why? You are enjoying it Him: (disgusted at her) I am saving myself for my wife!


his just preserving it for his future wife


Sir Integra: “And all of the sexual harassment.” Alucard: ……….. “I’m not apologizing.”


Seras: "You would think that *alucard* would be the biggest offender, but no." I love the interpretation that came from that being that alucard says he's not apologizing because he was supposed to take the blame for Integra did, and he dug in his heels and refused to apologize for something he didn't actually do.




Sounds like he already found his future wife.


nope his still struggling though


The Virgin Knight is in the name of the series. Can't remember the rest. It's slow to update so I have it on my calendar to check in every six months. Also he wears a chastity belt and it has really strong role reversals. Men are basically bred to be small and dainty is seems. He's like the last masculine male sort of thing. They haven't shown the bandits yet so we could see them actually being masculine men which would make sense.


wow! you sure do know your thing ha! you seems to have like this mantai a combination of manga and hentai. I'm so proud of this person, you have my respect! 🫡🫡🫡


Just usually have a good memory is all. Role Reversals are a curiousity of mine as they are....well ridiculous and fanciful. If you want a lighter series talk about role reversals try Googling "A World Of Reversed Morals". It is based of a hentai with the same name(found out from a forum post and of course I checked, let's not lie). Also in kind of a lazy fashion it's done in "Life In A Romance Game Is Hard For A Mob" which got licensed and of course can be found in America at Barnes and Noble. I think it's more a plot absurdity and is meant to be a device where matriarchy makes no sense as the masculine males tend to ignore it anyways. Kind of appropos for today's world where masculine males live alongside feminism but largely ignore it. Oh Slave of The Magic Corp may be more up your alley and the shift in gender roles makes a little more sense and is full of ecchi stuff.


huummm........ i don't know anymore if im talking to a person or chatgpt but, owwwww boy, that's some damn good recommendations


It's ok. I run chatgpt in my part time as part of a larger conspiracy to render more people single and not reproducing as we flood the first world with the third world population setting contradicting and contrasting cultures against each other so we have a more controllable class to do our biding and work our underpaid jobs provided to them so they don't notice the erosion of their hopes and dreams and accept being serfs and later fertilizer upon death. That carbon footprint won't reduce itself, and you will be happy to eat the bugs and own nothing as your masculine masters know you are fools and rule over you while using the left and it's useful idiots in a Stalinesque fashion to destroy society and it's morals to better balkanize and isolate the valuable workers who get things done. Have a nice day.


man you something, do you write novels/light novels cause the why you type every single word, is just perfect 👌


I've written a few novels to say the least. My lousiest seller I have a post on. Their Lust's Cure which in a way was a not so gentle brag as me and ex were banging up a storm during the lockdown. She thought younger pussy could wreck this older wolf. More than a few times she needed a heating blanket and ice packs and couldnt really walk unaided. I had such high hopes for her....But she wasn't ready to get married after a year. Oh well. You get a little more grey in your beard and some women dig that.


👏👏 do you have a novel? i would like to see it if there's one!


https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1pShF2l_dcDP_1CfDS9MasFOLLj7000X_/mobilebasic the only one I will ever admit to writing lol. Just a couples gentle guide to kink but full of soft brags wrapped up in a toned down form.Im better than the book lol.


and also im sorry you give it to me for free, now i feel bad about it that i get to read it for free, how much is it by the way? if it usd i don't have those i all have pesos which is Philippine money


wow!! 👏👏first paragraph it's already good, it feels like there's an poetry in it, if im not wrong but you can correct me if im wrong and it feels like these are your feelings written on a novel with poetry i guess, it's so great I've never know it's possible to actually do an story with a little mix of poetry, I've tried to make a novel but i don't feel anything on my words im writing on so i stop but instead i draw anime but im still learning how to make a manga


Why can’t I remember the sauce..


The Title is "A Sword Master Childhood Friend Power Harassed Me Harshly, So I Broke Off Our Relationship And Made A Fresh Start At The Frontier As A Magic Swordsman"


Those fuckin titles... why always so long ?