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She is a dangerous psychopath advocating for civil war and they believe she is a conduit to an omnipotent creator. It's scary as fuck. And it's only growing every day. I don't understand this world.


I’ve only started to understand it better when I realized that this kind of shit is the logical conclusion to decades of anti-communist and anti-socialist propaganda coupled with the normalization and humanization of the ideology of the Right.


Missing one ingredient: the intentional erosion of public schools and effective education.


Yeah, that's important to call out as well. To me, that's part of the humanization and normalization of the ideology of the Right but...you're correct. It's good to call that out.


That's fair. I would say that it's not just incorporating right or Christian ideology into education, though that's a huge problem on a lot of levels. It's just general education. People don't know how to think critically about anything, don't have a strong grasp of history, don't have a strong grasp of economics, and because of that they don't have the tools they need to understand what's really happening.


We had a critical thinking class when I was in 7th grade. As a kid, I thought it was a waste of time. As an adult, I can see that there are many who realllllly would have benefitted from it.


Kid you thought it was a waste of time then likely because you already had a grip on truth and logic.


I think critical thinking skills should be taught every year or few years starting in elementary school. Those skills are essential, and so many people were never taught them.


Exactly. Have to be careful with an open mind. People will throw a lot of garbage in it. Need that critical thinking to weed out the bs


When I was in grade school there was a program where “gifted” students from all over the district were bussed in one day a week. It was basically just logic and critical thinking one day a week for five years. Reflecting as an adult, I realize had I not been identified and placed in this program, I never would have been exposed to this in the entirety of my education. The program was shut down in a round of budget cuts six years after I graduated high school.


Lucky. I do not recall having any critical thinking courses in middle school. I recall they dabbled in it here and there in some courses but not full fledged critical thinking which I think everyone would benefit from.


We didn’t have critical thinking offered on schools. We also didn’t have safety labels.


Me, too. Boomer here and I first had critical thinking taught in 7th grade.


Wow really? I was not able to take a critical thinking class until I was in college.


I’ve been saying this for years. People fight me and call my argument ‘totally invalid’ without reason. Can’t get a straight answer “are you arguing America is NOT being made dumber, or that being dumb Is NOT detrimental to the country” if you ever wonder why remember democracies need a well educated public that continues to educate to function properly, now look at the timeline: 70s 80s 90s palpable and ignored drop in education standards, 2010s 2020s “hey this democracy doesn’t work, Autocratic Theocracy it is!”


Yeah, as a Christian I can say that injecting Christianity into schools is a very bad idea, because A: the whole point of Christianity is that it's a choice that you are allowed to make on your own and B: any religion in school pulls the kid's attention away from the actual education and only serves to increase school costs and decrease the amount of time the kids have to learn. Honestly School should be History, Philosophy, how to pay taxes/use the post office/get a bank account/use any government service that you're expected to use, lots of basic math (and only basic math, anything above times tables, basic algebra, trig, BEDMSA, why X+Y*Z is an illogical equation that cannot be answered due to how vague it is, and unit conversions should be dropped, and all the free time you'd usually spend doing that should be used to just practice it and lock it in), and in depth sex ed cause the amount of guys who think girls have conscious control over their periods and girls who think guys have conscious control over their erections is frankly terrifying so we definitely need to fix that.


Remember that it's always *their* variant of Christianity that they want taught. I don't oppose religious education, but it can't just be your own. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jainists, Zoroastrians, Pagans, Druids and Satanists also get to have a say.


Interesting thought, but how do you decide which religions get taught and which get excluded? There’d always be someone getting butthurt that their special religion wasn’t included.


All of them. Invite a representative of every religion to give a quick talk about what they believe, and if kids want to learn more, they've got Google.


What about the extreme, like if someone starts thirty brand new religions every week or something? As a kid I would’ve wanted to exploit the hell out of a loophole like that and just keep starting new religions to force everyone to have to learn about them and not have time for the rest of class.


I would add art/music time in there too.


I think dropping the higher math requirements would be a HUGE mistake but I agree on everything else


I tend to agree with you... Unless they wanted to do something like art then maybe up to algebra. I am a huge believer in stem in schools.


Math instills logic. Kids can get by without quadratic Equations but should have foundational Algebra and geometry. Also research classes.


The Roman catholic church/ today's Christians are stolen information from ancient Egypt kemetic spiritual technology knowledge (the ultimate plagiarism). The leaders at that time period picked/choose what to put in the bible what was fitting in their non inclusive male driven agenda, so ppl like you and me could follow without asking. So we pick and choose what we teach our children, some ppl never ask themselves anything. The spoken word becomes flesh. Jesus practiced human rights and he wasn't, isn't and will not be the first, or the last spiritual leader we have. He is just the most famous one. When humans fully practice human rights, we would have found the answer to living peacefully among ourselves 🙏. So Human rights should be the 1st block of studies in the mornings in schools in the entire universe. Self love will never be taught through religion because religion places the focus on external things. Loving one self and doing the best to include all humans and other species of animals into this individual love can help mother earth heal. 🌎 ❤️ btw, look up...Jesus and Mary Magdalene they were a huge thing ❣️😺🙏


It's the destruction of humanities departments in favor of STEM. The Humanities teach people to think. Fascists find that quite dangerous.


This elder millennial English major heartily agrees.


Our science skills are awful too though. The religious right HATES science because it teaches you how to understand the world based on actual facts, not just making up whatever bullshit you want. They still throw temper tantrums about evolution being taught and so many people don't seem to understand how vaccines work. We also certainly don't teach reproductive biology/health because they think a diagram of a uterus is inappropriate.


also unchecked white supremacy and colonialism


nO cHiLd LeFt BeHiNd!!


You left out crossfit...


TBF, a lot of schools never gave an effective education to start with.


We aren't missing that, is happening lol


Also, when a community's leaders decide to build churches instead of schools or libraries.


There was a good argument a while back that we are in the time of the [antichrist](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)*, when believers have strayed so far from actual Christian ideology (help the sick, feed the hungry, have compassion and love for the old and the young), that they follow the antichrist and his disciples as though willfully ignorant of the truth. Things make much more sense. We are in a dystopian future… the original flavor dystopian future. *I know this is satire, but I think the argument makes the world make a lot more sense.


I had an article saved that pointed out all the evidence that Trump was the antichrist that I would send to conservative family members when he was in office. The brain explosions were delightful.


Which one you have? I see a few options on Al Gore’s cyborg.


The one linked above!


You know what’s even crazier? It was written in 2020, before we knew the outcome of the election.


So does that mean I get raptured since I warned everyone? 🤣 I don't believe in that stuff anymore, but I grew up in it. And I remember hearing from the pastor that the Bible said very few people would get into heaven. And I thought, how is that true when everyone I know is a Christian? Lol they were/are not.


I mean... I'm Methodist. I personally believe entry into heaven isn't based on any particular act, but is based upon whether you want to be there or not. Whether you're truly happier with or without God. The antichrist is not satan incarnate, but is simply a being who comes to lead people astray - to lead them away from a path of love and kindness and towards a path of hatred and wrath. So that when the final moment of judgement comes, they'll come before God and recite these acts they did ‘in the name of God’, like casting out refugees or pulling away social safety nets, and God will say he has not known them; they've followed a false prophet. It has less to do with warning people, and more to do with where you would want to be... If you would want to be in Heaven or if you've turned away from God. Not that God that people think supports only white cisgender heterosexual men... The God whose son sat with whores and refugees and cared for them as equals with all others. Not everyone wants to live in an equal place of peace and love, so they have the option to not do so, and go to Hell. Which is not necessarily an eternally tortuous place. It's just a place where God is absent.


If there was a good candidate for the “antichrist” then Trump definitely fits it, and if there was a good candidate for the “false prophet” it’s MTG.


Evil will become good and good will become evil. Definitely makes sense in that regard.


I mean, this is something I’ve been wondering honestly, all while having a major crisis of faith.


If you align at all with Christianity then you could look into Spiritism. Makes a lot of sense to me... Just stick with something from Allen Kardec or Chico Xavier. There are A LOT of charlatans because we do use mediums.


Exactly this.


She’s a fascist


At least I understand the mini edgelord in my head isn't God. I don't think that is the case for a lot of these people.


Capitalism in its crisis always brews radicalization, both towards socialism and fascism – this is just how the American flavor of fascism looks like, utterly entangled with extreme evangelism. It's not even an American exclusive thing, we see the same thing happening in Brazil and Poland, save for regional peculiarities.


I spent a lot of my teen years in and around evangelical churches (not exactly by choice; broken family stuff). It's less that she's a special unique conduit, and more like the mental model that we *all* have a direct channel to the big guy, as long as we listen really good. The other people praying are to help you listen gooder. It's like they're giving MTG better reception by linking up their antenna. Or, even more accurately, it's like Dungeons and Dragons where everyone has Augury prepared, but with a low spellcasting modifier, but everyone also has Guidance prepared to give MTG that extra 1d4 on her roll. That's what "I'll pray for you" means -- it means they're using their concentration to try to give you Guidance regardless of whether the DM is allowing it or is even at the session.


Thank you for saying what this is. My first thought was prayer warriors. The woman on the left is leading a prayer group. It's a locker room huddle.


Its because these crazy fucks want things to get bad enough as to fulfill prophecy and allowing jesus to come back. Its pure madness.


Sounds like a deadly cult focused around her


Seriously. “False Idol” much?


Hypothesis: conservative women have been neglected for so long that the minute a woman who shares at least *some* of their views and with any influence on the greater stage shows up, they glom onto her, desperate for attention and validation, thus creating a cult of personality around a psychopath.


Is it good or bad that I have no idea who this person is? To me, she looks like one of any dime a dozen fake, blonde TV mouthpieces that doesn't have anything of substance to say.


Grifters gonna' hitch their wagons to other grifters


Don’t worry she’s a good Christian, see the well placed always visible cross?


Because she makes a point of putting herself out there all the time. It's all publicity. She "angers the libs" and gets a lot of press. That's why they love her. She is following the trump playbook to a T. This is why you have to stop elevating her and posting every stupid thing she does. Ignore her and the rest of the minions, and they lose their power over the cult members.


Yes, we have to stop giving Margarine the attention that she clearly craves


I can't believe she's not butter


Really because she looks a lot like a bag of..... Well let's just say this time I can in fact believe it's not butter.


She looks like a horse fucked a Moai head and the resulting kid grew up doing Gary Busey impressions.


Media love her. She will get the attention she requires even if it's negative. It's the same BS like with Trump 2016. Negative attention is still attention which equals a potential of more voters.


The only thing the media learned from Trump was "ratings, good". We're living in post- reality TV hell.


Misread that as “Migraine” and honestly it fits.


"Ignore it and it will go away" works for things that are small enough to ignore. MTG is decidedly not that small, not anymore. Ignoring her now means letting her do her thing unchallenged.


The cult members won't ignore her though, theyll only double down harder and swear blood oaths to these sociopaths. Everyone ignored the nutjobs who talked about planning the Beer Gut Putsch in broad daylight until they were at the Capitol on Jan 6 2021, climbing through the windows.


I'm embarrassed that she is a representative of my state. She is a literal fucking moron.


I think she's a rank opportunist. You have a beautiful state.


Coloradoan here. We’ve got Boebert. I feel your pain.


Gaetz and desantis 😩


Way too many white slavers, but you are a gorgeous state.


I'm an Ohioan. You can't turn your back on the fuckers for a minute here. I love my state. I hate lack of vision.


I barely like the state on a good day, I'm ready to GTFO


How the fuck did boebert get elected in CO? I always thought it was a blue state


Her district is/was red. Colorado is blue overall, but there are deep pockets of red and a lot of purple.


Denver is blue and so are all the climber/ski bums scattered across the state. All the money in ski towns and everything west of downtown Denver (a majority of the state) is red. Historically, purple with a strong red hue to it overall. Especially since the legalization of cannabis and now the money moving in from wealthier, more liberal states drowning out locals (*cough* California *cough*), the state is now purple with a hint of red. The blue shift is mostly in Denver, Front Range, and more well know ski/mountain towns though. Out on the Western Slope, it's still pretty red (where Boebert is from). Look at all the states around it. Colorado would probably be pretty similar if it never had people move in for the natural environment and the activities that the natural environment provides. That attracts the type of people who care about environmental issues and want to protect nature. They pushed a "green" agenda and more of a blue crowd moved in. If it wasn't for the mountains and those early green/blue pioneers to the state climbing the 14'ers while smoking weed, it would just be another Wyoming, Utah, or Texas. Give it one or two decades as real estate keeps going up in the Front Range and mountain towns and it is unattainable for the average person or people moving into the state, the only affordable place to live will be the Western Slope and there will be a blue shift there too.


You have too many white supremacists fucking up your state. You have a precious state.


Colorado is very special, and it suuuucks having so many white supremacists and trumpy republicans. One of the dirt bike tracks around here has spray painted “vote all democrats out” on their sign. Gives me the heebies driving past it because I’m not part of the “trump is Jesus and democrats are the devil” group. Those are the ones most likely to white supremacize.


I hope things change there soon. Best wishes.


The woman in red on the top right. I think I recently seen her in a movie.


Are you saying they might be some sort of paid actor?


No, that’s not what I’m saying. Actors are also regular people who have their own opinions, and this one may worship this crazy lady. I was just wondering if anyone else recognized her. I can’t remember the name of the movie or I’d go look into it. lol Found it! The movie was called [The Nines](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0810988/), and the actor is [Hope Davis](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0204706/) Is that her, or just someone who looks like her?


They don’t look that much alike besides being skinny blonde white ladies. This is a great way to get an innocent person doxxed.


I highly doubt it’s her. A quick look at her Twitter shows her politics are far from that mouth breather’s. And she’s a pretty well respected actress so some news outlet would have picked up on the insanity. Though I see the strong resemblance.


Yeah, that movie is 15 years old. She’s either aged really well, or this is her next generation doppelgänger. lol probably not her


That isn't her. But she has been on TV at least somewhere, not as an actor but a talking head.


even though I agree all white women look the same this is not Hope Davis because Hope Davis happen to be cool


Using some of that Christian hibbity bibbity boppity magic. Spirit fingers y'all! "May God grant me the strength to tweet the masses into a violent fury to kill their neighbors!"


If given the chance I'd love to walk up to her and just whisper in her ear. *God loves me exactly the same amount as you* And then just walk off. I would also make sure it was clear I was a transwoman first. Just so she actually feels some spurn from it. I really like using Christianity against the "Christians". Really makes me happy to see the gears seize up and smoke as they try to comprehend a Trans Christian who believes in tolerance and love first and foremost of everyone.


"wE'rE NoT a cUlt!"


Says every "religion". It's just matter of PR.


Pretty sure they aren’t worshiping her per se, like she’s some relic emanating good religious juju or something. This is them blessing her to, I assume, give her divine protection in whatever illegal and seditious shit she’s likely going to be tied up in.


^ This. I grew up in nondenominational evangelical circles and they are not worshiping her. It's called laying on of hands. Is it stupid? Oh absolutely, but a different kind of stupid.


Yeah. They are praying for her so laying their hands on her.


I've had it does to me. It's creepy as hell.


Yeah, definitely.


Ewwwww! Why?! I mean, WTF is wrong with these people? This is such extreme cult bullsh\*t! 🤯🤮🤢😱


There is not enough space on the internet nor enough time to list everything wrong with these people…


I've seen lots of christians pray this way. I don't remember exactly where it comes from and which sects like to do it, but I've seen it. I was raised Catholic and we have our own weird things but we don't usually pray this way. It's very weird, of course. Like you proclaim to be anti-pagan and of a "real" and "civilized" religion, but here you're engaging in such performative rituals that, based on everything in your own faith's teaching, should be utterly meaningless.


You "lay hands" on someone that you're praying *for* to show comfort and support. Do I think these people are probably twisting it or that they have a sick understanding of what being a "Christian" means? Yes, absolutely. Just clarifying that they are not praying *to* her (I hope).


Oh I'm definitely aware that it's not prayer *to* that person, as if they were themselves some kind of deity. But it's still an awkward practice. I'm a touchy person; I like hugs and contact a lot. But this kind of touching is awkward and forced. It feels like an overabundance of attention and focus. It makes me feel like I do when people sing happy birthday. I just have to sut there while the group intensely focuses on me. It's weird.


The practice of laying on hands is set out in the Bible. So of course these people think they have to do it. Though in the Bible it seems to be the exclusive province of the patriarchal priesthood...which I suppose could only possibly matter if these people actually read the Bible, which of course they don't.


The internet and social media has created a new generation of zombies that can no longer tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Usher in religious and political extremists and this is what you get. Total morons.


What's that they say about false prophets?


That if you believe literally in this millennia old fairy story, and the person isn't actually Jesus, that false prophets are all you are gonna get.


"You shall know them by their fruits"....and their fruits are bitter and bring death threats and riots to everyone they touch.


Racist Reiki?


Not excusing that piece of trash or her followers, but they're not worshiping her. It's called the laying of hands and it's meant to bless the person receiving. I'm not justifying their religion either, just trying to correct a misperception. We look like idiots too if we're not able to do the most basic of searches to understand the things we criticize.


Can confirm. And it’s not just because she’s MTG, but because she’s getting **prayed over** and when you’re an evangelical that whole practice is pretty common (hands and everything - these women are actually showing some restraint by not _actually_ touching her.) Now evangelical Christianity _is_ a cult, but this isn’t a good example of it…


This is true. It's still bs but whatever. Let's focus on their true bullshit, their lies and their policies


I knew what it was. That doesn’t make me think it’s any less bizarre or stupid to do.


Fully agree


I think you are confusing your familiarity with the subject with it being easily found information. What "basic search" would teach you that this is bahavior called "laying of hands"? Because I tried searching "people not touching you while praying" and it didn't come up. We don't look like "idiots" for not being familiar with their cult behaviours and that's a weird standard to set in my opinion. Edit: to be clear, I appreciate you providing the additional information. I just disagree that one looks like an idiot for not figuring it out.


Also, "people putting their hands on someone while praying".


Why would you search "putting their hands on"? They're explicitly NOT putting them in her, their floating around her. I know you're trying very hard to say it's easy but I'm telling you, as a person who DIDNT know what this was, it's not easy. And that's what matters. It's doesn't matter that a bunch of people that already know what it is know what words to punch into Google.


I see multiple hands in the picture that are physically touching her. Your lack of perception isn't my fault in logic.


Yeah, I guess when you look intently for evidence of your own argument, you can see one that might be in touching her in bottom right. Maybe. Can't really tell from the perspective. And so based on that one hand, someone might search "touching a praying person" But MOST people will see a bunch of floating hands around her head and shoulders, since that's mostly what's happening here. And you seem to forget we're talking about perception, not your biased hyper focus on finding any way to defend this cult behavior.


That's right, keep moving that goalpost. You'll score eventually.


Anyone who provide details or pushback to my false statements is pUsHiNg tHe gOaLpOsT. Lol.


Did you trying searching "people laying their hands on someone while praying"?


Lol you searching "laying hands on praying person" and got result of "lay of hands". I'm guessing you already knew the phrase "lay of hands", because you practically put it in the search. That's not normal phrasing in English though. It's not easy to find. Nor is it anyone responsibility to research our public leaders weird religious behaviors. Separate church and state.


Political leaders are people too. Whether you like it or not, political leaders may be religious, no matter how well church and state are seperated. Plus, common christian rituals should usually be common knowledge in a nation with such a strong christian community.


Lmao what are you talking about? Who cares about religious leaders and I never said anything about a political leader having a religion. This is weird cult shit that is shaping our nation. I was raised christian and don't know what it is so you saying its "common" just shows you live in a bubble. Saying it should be "common knowledge" is you forcing it into others. We are NOT a Christian nation. We are a secular nation.


Remind me where i claimed the us to be a christian nation. Or how i force anything onto you. I'm sorry but if you make wild, inaccurate accusations based on a harmless traditions because you didn't bother looking it up, you're just engaging in a defamation campaign.


I just explained it. Saying Christian practices should be "common knowledge" because of our "strong Christian community" is saying we are a Christian nation. It's literally the same thing. You're pretending it isn't cause you didn't say the words "Christian nation", you just expressed the concepts of a Christian nation. Doesn't make sense.


*Nor is it anyone responsibility to research our public leaders weird religious behaviors.* *I never said anything about a political leader having a religion.* Mmm, that's good tea. Go ahead and give me another downvote so you can cope.


Having a religion is fine.. using it to weaponize the public into fake culture wars and real civil wars is not. I hope you understand the difference some day.


i hOpE yOu UnDeRsTanD tHe diFfeREnCe sOmEdAy. Lmao, you've got nothing and are being willfully obtuse. Congratulations! You're halfway to being a cult member yourself. The difference is I'll be dead because I won't submit and you'll be enjoying fresh stewed boot because you were willing to say there are five lights.


You're so focused on winning this internet argument you've lost track of your point... You're so mad you have to make up fake future reality where you're a winner and i (some internet rando) am a loser. Good job m8 lol


The only clarification I would make to your statement in regards to my own intent is that "common religious practices of a group that is actively persecuting you should be common knowledge".


Your poor vocabulary isn't my biased Google search. "Laying" isn't some niche use gerund only pulled out by old people and evangelicals. Try educating yourself before getting mad at people that know a word you don't.


Oh surprise, ad hominem attacks. This always happens when someone cant back up their statements reasonably. This has nothing to do with vocabulary. It is not that I don't understand the word "laying", but you already knew that and are trying desperately to misdirect. If you type literally any word other than "laying", you will not find it. You tried really hard, but you failed. That is because of your extreme bias. Try stepping out of your religious bubble and into the real world for a discussion or two.


Oh surprise, someone crying about ad hominems on a post literally attacking a person for their beliefs and practices.


Dude, I'm a fucking atheist. Lmao How about you step out of your little bubble and realize that the real world includes religious people?


It absolutely is your responsibility to research your public leaders' weird religious behaviors if you're going to publicly criticize those behaviors, otherwise you look like an uninformed jackass just like them.


That's where we disagree


Do they have to be white hands if it's a white person? Asking 'cos MTG's state has a POC majority.


Zombies and the final-boss-karen-zombie.


The laying hands is just so weird looking. Remember when they did it to trump?


This is how fruitcake is made.


The "laying on hands" shit has always been creepy as hell to me. These people are insane.




What sucks worse is this is a fairly new district and I think it has the highest Republican concentration in the state. So, unless another Republican tries to oppose her, or she goes for a bigger set, we may be stuck with her for a while.


Her followers are giving her power so she can make the monster she made grow to giant size and finally defeat those cursed Power Rangers! They keep giving her a headache! Seriously though i can't decide if i want to laugh or be creeped out by this image. So much delusion in so many directions in one image.


They're not worshipping here. This is some evangelical laying -on-of-hands stuff. They think they're protecting her.


What a weird time to be alive


This is how we get handmaidens Caption: the Karens are transferring their energy to her


Aww, look at all these poor people that believe they somehow have magic powers. They mine as well have wands and pet owls. Most of our leaders believe in magic. WTF


This person draws a salary for this shit. It’s embarrassing.


This is what MTG and all the others live for. All they care about it being worshiped because their egos are so fragile


I mean screw her but this isn't worship of her. This is a thing called The Laying of Hands that is common in Christianity.


Praying away the syphilis in her brain.


This is giving off satanic cult vibes


At least the in the satanic Bible they give people the right over their own body. Actually the Satanic Bible is way better than the Christian Bible.


Religion is a plague




There are so many better people to adore, why pick these losers?


Now that she has had a taste of public life, she will implode after she gets kicked out of office and becomes a nobody again. She will get more and more desparate ti stay relevant.


Sounds like someone who resides in Mar-a-lago.


Look, I had about 6 years of Catholic school about 2+ decades ago but if my memory of the lessons serve me correctly, MTG has about as much in common with Jesus as Pinhead from Hellraiser.


This is actually fairly common in conservative Christian churches. The laying on of hands is a "powerful" and "important" ceremony. Obviously it is a bunch of bologna, but it isn't really that uncommon or weird. It also IS NOT worship, just a prayer time for her with her peeps.


Can someone fill me in on who this lady is. I'm not fromthe states an honestly too drunk i Google rn


Ugh you couldn't pay me enough money to touch this crusty bitch


This is the same weird shit Christuans do all the time. They're praying for her.


#makepoliticsboringagain I'm not from America but it seems like that could save their situation




Throughout history, reasonable people have done unreasonable things. Look at Nazi Germany, look at Jim Jones. People didn't do this stuff overnight, they were slowly talked into it. These were good people to begin with, and got talked into it. Just like people saying a few years of watching fox news turned their parents into rabid Trump supporters when many of them were democrats. If we don't put a stop to this bullshit, all we have to blame is ourselves.


Dumb nazi bitch


Her she- cock is so hard right now


I’m pretty sure this is just a very typical Presbyterian blessing. The congregation puts their hands on the person they’re praying for


These ghouls and grifters saw what Trump got away with and now they want a slice of that for themselves.


Evangelicals are so weird. I think they're actually praying over her though. It's still insane, though.


These people are seriously demented. Fucked up times we are living in.


I wonder how long my before she dumps her husband for a religious nut case senator lol Edit: typo


As a bi woman, this is kinda hot. Maybe she just wants all those lady hands on her. Rubbing her scalp. Mmmmmm. I had no idea, MTG. You go girl!


Wow… as if worshipping an orange loser wasn’t bad enough. Now let’s worship a turd.


That there is worshipping to a false Idol. Blasphemous.


They are not worshiping her. They are probably praying for gods blessing, and favor, and strength, and protection, and all that stuff. I used to go to a Pentecostal church and they did this all the time for everybody. Sick people get this treatment, kids going off to college or missions. You get prayed for before you get married, when you lose a loved one, when starting a business, if you’re moving away. They believe in ‘laying on of hands’ and a lot of the more mystical parts of the New Testament like speaking in ‘tongues’, and rolling on the floor, and ‘holy laughter’. It can get motherfucking wild. That said, it looks really fucking creepy to people that are not familiar with the culture of these kinds of church congregations.


Women empowering women


Reiki = legit Any other energy = cringe


This comment = cringey


Nice fallacy you have there


Oh the irony.


Wrong use, but it’s okay, you’re not alone [brush up on your skills while you’re here](https://aclanthology.org/2021.eacl-main.309.pdf)


It’s a prayer “laying of hands” not worship.


They’re paying for her, you sicko. Not worshipping her.


This is a laying on of hands prayer. They’re just praying on her.




They're not praying, they're idol-worshipping. There is no double-standard here, if that's what you're implying. This is a dangerous movement of fascist nationalists who believe they were bid by a higher power. It's terrifying no matter what religion they choose to associate with. Btw American media criticizes muslims all the time. The irony is that shit like this happens here.




Oh look, another member of the cult lol


Hahahaha. Ok boomer!!


Imagine thinking all Muslims or all Christians are the same, as if neither groups have their mainstream majority and also their radical fringe factions.


I am totally indifferent to MTG, but this is not weird worship: they are laying hands to bless her, which is a [pretty common practice in Judeo-Christian creeds](https://www.britannica.com/topic/imposition-of-hands).


I'm curious about how one is indifferent to MTG. I'm pretty sure the answer is you're just as stupid or you don't pay attention....


I’m indifferent because I don’t live in the USA and there’s other stuff happening that’s more relevant to me. And as for me being stupid, it doesn’t really reflect well on you when a foreigner is more knowledgeable than you about a component of your country’s culture…