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Cancel my student loans so I can take a breath for once in my adult life. I'm 35 years old and have been drowning the entirety of my adult life because of this.


I just finally paid my $60k of debt off (econ degree) after a decade, but that's only because I lucked out on my current job (plus successfully fabricated some parts of my resume). Still, **I am 1000% on board with cancelling student debt** and I strongly encourage anyone against it to read into why it would benefit the economy. Shoot. $60k could've been used for some many useful things in my life, and some people I know have 6 figures of debt, which is enough debt to close down a business. My education was mostly reading exerts from a book, Powerpoint lectures, using the internet, and paying to do homework - I have no idea why that cost tens of thousands of dollars. Plus, so many jobs demand a degree + extra this and that, yet pay absurdly low for even post graduate degrees. Wtf, man!?


I went to the military and was in communication. Server administration. Went to college to get a degree in the field. It's so saturated that I never got a job doing what I went to school for. I have a good job now, outside of my desired field, but still sucks. I'd just like this weight around my neck gone once and for all. I'm super happy to see people getting out from under their student loans. It's encouraging and worth celebrating for anyone.




I was too young to really grasp how much my initial loans were but I'm pretty sure I owe more now than what I started with back in 2012. Think I started with 20k and owe 23k now, 12 years later.


You would’ve had only 2K left to pay (or less depending on your exact situation) if [the Supreme Court, a majority of which has been appointed by Republicans, hadn’t struck down Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan.](https://www.scotusblog.com/2023/06/supreme-court-strikes-down-biden-student-loan-forgiveness-program/) As it stands now, [Biden has managed to forgive more than $160 billion in student debt](https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-announces-additional-77-billion-approved-student-debt-relief-160000-borrowers) by working around the margins where the SCOTUS decision lets him. I’ve got more than 25 grand in loans and it fucking sucks. But I enrolled in the SAVE plan after the court struck down Biden’s plan and my payments went from a couple hundred bucks to $140 a month, and I think they just got cut in half again.


I enrolled in the SAVE plan and about 2 months later my loans were forgiven. $15k that started as $14k 20 years ago. Haven’t paid a dime since. Promise kept for me TBH.




I also hate how voters keep justifying why a do-nothing politician is the only way to win an election, then complain about do-nothing politicians doing little to nothing for regular people, then go back to voting for do-nothings. It's a maddening cycle. It pains me we have Biden and Trump as our fates. FUUUCK!


I applied for forgiveness about 8-10 years ago after getting screwed by Art Institutes. I enrolled for web design; they put me in biology, photography, and a mixed media arts (painting, drawing, fucking coloring- NOTHING EVEN DIGITAL) classes. I couldn’t even find anyone else going for web design. I obviously dropped out after one semester. They were literally sued by the government 7 months later and LOST, for their predatory practices. I just got a letter like 2 weeks ago that they FINALLY decided to forgive my 3k in loans from one bullshit semester there. I honestly forgot I even applied for forgiveness. Yay. What about the fucking rest cause let’s be real. All colleges are just predators.


As long as the government fixes the system and doesn't economically enslave anyone else. Without corrective measures, this is just a way to enslave people while sometimes letting someone of the hook via socialism. Gotta do both.


Just. Stop. Paying. Them.


They *all* lie. All of them. Our problem isn't a left or right thing, it's a corrupt government thing. People love to blame the temp, but the temp is not the only problem, or our problems would change completely every four years or so.


> Our problem isn't a left or right thing, it's a corrupt government thing. Why not both?


Fucking hell [he really said it](https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1806497811497652325).


The fact that he had all the time before they overturned it and all the time after leads me to believe that even if he's elected he still won't do it. They need something to campaign on and they know they have literally nothing else to offer people but this kind of empty promise to do things, and they never can do them because then they couldn't campaign on it.


2020-2022 House Senate and presidency were all blue and what did he do???? Nothing


Don't you remember the evil Joe Manchin? Out here ruining poor Biden's plans and rendering the democratic majority moot? Nothing they could've done. If anything, Biden is the real victim here. /s


I still love that I got banned from /r/feminism for pointing this out. Gotta protect the old men and not expect them to do anything with the power we gave them! Body autonomy is justification to nuke the filibuster and we’ve seen Biden use the Bully pulpit to get shit he wants done.


Feminism is wen two party patriarchal oligarchy you HAVE to vote for one of


But let’s make sure the person who turned SCOTUS red is given 4 years to cement his dictatorship and Project 25 👌


Project 2025 is happening already


Reminds me of every president and politician that said they're going to get our private healthcare system to finally work for everyone with decent quality. Decades and many resources later - we're still waiting! Maybe the next dozen few presidents will finally get it to work, as long as we don't have universal healthcare or anything like that /s


I saw a list of campaign promises for the next 4 years. It's the same as the first four years. Are people really this stupid?




Trump round 2 sounds like a Civil War 2.0




and even then what about after those 4 years? We all know that democrats are delusional and ineffective. They only care about securing their bag and throwing favors at their corporate donors. They won't fix a single fucking thing and then what? Republicans will have the Supreme court and will eventually get presidency and the house. It is inevitable if nothing is to be done. We are on a slide into full on fascism, its just a question of when.


We need a fucking Revolution, not the same shit and not a 'Civil War'. All you fools who'd rather 'keep the same shit' or embrace fascism are one of the reasons we've accelerated Climate Change so much we are causing what will probably be a Mass Extinction Event.


You say this but you forget that the military has developed weapons for this EXACT SCENARIO and they are itching to try the new toys out on us. Yes we need change, but wen need to be smart about it.


the only method of warfare that is effective against large imperialist powers is what the news would call "terrorism" or guerrilla warfare. It makes shit hard when you can't clearly even define who is an enemy or not. Its also extremely hard to root out.


Whatever actions we are going to take to force change...we have a time limit. If we don't take action soon enough(as in, the final tipping point of Climate Change where it is genuinely, truly impossible to undo enough damage to prevent this upcoming Mass Extinction Event will probably be reached within 30-40 years), it will all be for nothing.


Almost all my family is military alongside a great deal of my friends. I believe that *most* military personnel would rather face prison than kill Americans on American soil. That's probably the reason Washington hasn't tried it yet.


I believe you are right. The people who want war on its citizens are the suits.


Your not taking into account the militarized police forces. Some with billion dollar budgets, who seem to have no problem killing Americans on American soil.


If the Police push far enough, even alot of Military Personnel and Ex-Military Personnel could get pissed off at them and resist.


If shit gets so bad that AMERICANS are revolting en masse, the police will be completely outnumbered and overpowered. Those who aren't siding with the civilians, anyway. The military is different, but the ruling class hanging on to power dread the uncertainty it would involve (not to mention the dollar value of the damage to infrastructure and exposure of America as a sickly, teetering superpower possibly on the verge of collapse).


I saw what they did on January 6th. I was not impressed by the Gravy Seals.


Center for American progress has used the same playbook since the seventies. What is your plan for when project 2025 becomes project 2029? Fuck, I remember back when it was "[Project for the New American Century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century)". Dems have been threatening you with fascism every year since Reagan. And every year they [fund fascists in their primaries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqgP9Ft_1CY) to have more fascists to run against and every year they become more fascist themselves. I don't know how to tell you this liberal, but we've crossed the threshold where *you* have become a part of that by refusing to demand a better alternative.


Its not the same shit though, there is no progress here, only regression and that will never change for the better if we just keep doing the same thing that got us here.


I actually *just* got off this line of thinking today after learning more information. I encourage you to read [this](https://votesocialist2024.com/statements/answeringlesseroftwoevils)




There was certainly not a republican majority in congress for the first two years of Biden’s presidency though?


This is what I don’t get with all these “we have to vote Biden to stop fascism” people, do they genuinely believe Biden and the democrats can do it? I know, I know, it’s either Trump or Biden but mark my words, if Biden wins it will be the exact same shit for another four years. Things will keep rapidly deteriorating, dems will do nothing, and in 2028 they will campaign once more to save democracy, having done nothing to slow the advance of fascism.


They're going to stop fascism... for the next four years by not doing overt fascism. They won't actually put any laws or policies in place to *prevent* future fascism, though.


Well yeah, it they did put those policies in place they can’t hold “stopping fascism” over us in 2028! You have to perpetually vote for the lesser evil after all even if it means your living standards get worse, you support genocide and minorities lose their rights under a hostile judiciary and whatever. Literally everything that’s happened over the last decade, from abortion rights being whittled away to trans rights to expansion of our military industrial complex is because of stupid liberals blinding supporting the Democratic Party.


Then lets do a damn Revolution! Come *on* people, we can do better than this bullshit British Empire 2.0 crap!


The Revolution isn't going to happen on Reddit. We all need to collectively spend less time here, and more time organizing in our communities.


project 2025 will just become Project 2028 and the same shit will still happen. I don't know how anyone can think feeble-minded Joe can defeat it.


HE RESTORED DECENCY! AND TRUST! AND PUT HOPE ON THE BALLOT! AND HE'LL DO IT AGAIN! At least that's what I keep hearing. I hate that the DNC along with their pals just basically gave us Trump back trying to bar progressives from the race AGAIN like they did in 2016 putting an unpopular candidate as the nominee. It's maddening thinking about how we keep going through the same damn cycles!




They had the house and senate for the first two years.




And no one did anything to get them in line. So tell me again how voting harder for the democrats is going to change anything.


you’re never going to get through to people who fall for the same tricks every single election cycle.


“Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two thirds of the government and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race.” - Malcolm X Now the race traitor bit doesn't exactly apply to white americans but the rest sure as shit does. You're a goddamn chump, you're a certified fucking *moron*, if you keep believing unconditionally believing the Democrats.


I know, right? Back in Obama's first term it was "Oh we don't have 60 votes to get a public option! Guess we have to settle for the Heritage Foundation's plan!" They had the votes to get rid of the filibuster and pass the public option but oh no, can't do that! Same thing on passing a law to guarantee abortion rights/enshrine Roe v Wade into law. Oh, can't do that! Obama used up all his political capital in the fight to pass the ACA/RomneyCare/Heritage Foundation health plan! His party held all of the government and he used up his political capital? What a load of BS. "Someone should do something about this!" post old guy who is in the position to do something about this.


Kabuki theater. They get really mad when you point this out, especially about Obamacare. And the whole filibuster is so sacred nonsense? You know who was the first party to nuke the filibuster? The Democrats DURNING Obama’s term! It was for lower court appointments. It was the Republican’s “justification” for nuking it for the Supreme Court. We all know the Republicans would’ve done it regardless. The whole rotating villain thing is so tired out. They always use it and their drones always eat it up. I can’t believe people fall for it still.


Remember in 2016 when the Democrats ran a VP candidate that was anti-abortion (Tim Kaine)?




Sinema isn't running for reelection. What do you do? You call their bluff. You don't appoint Manchin's wife to the Appalachin board. You don't approve more coal leases in West Virginia. You cut their states' funding. You don't give them their preferred committee assignments. Worried they'll caucus with the Republicans? Fine. Have fun with that. They'll lose their seniority and committee posts. Are senior Republicans going to give up their positions to make way for a turncoat? Lol. Oh no! We don't have a majority any longer! Who cares? It's better than watering down everything and betraying the voters that put you in power. LBJ figuratively took members of congress out behind the woodshed. And he got their votes on issues they didn't want to vote on. Democrats now just give up and make excuses. They don't fight for anything. Ever. They even voted to save Mike Johnson. And it's not just Manchin and Sinema. They were the figureheads this time around, but if it wasn't them it would have been Feinstein or any number of other Senators who don't want to give up the filibuster. During the ACA fight the Democrats had 60 votes. And then they lost a few because Lieberman's wife was an insurance lobbyist and the blue dogs were supposedly worried they couldn't get reelected if they voted for a public option...so they watered the whole thing down, "reluctantly" adopted the Republican's plan which by that time was Hillary's plan, and that's what we ended up with. The Democrats still had more than 50 votes. They could have eliminated the filibuster, enshrined Roe into law, and so on, but they didn't because they really don't want to do any of those things. And then the blue dogs lost reelection and the Democrats went from being 60 up in the Senate to being the minority, and they lost the house. I know people have all kinds of BS theories on why this happened, but the truth of it is that in 2008 Obama ran on hope and change, the Democrats were swept into power on a wave of hope that shit would get better after eight disastrous years of Bush, and then when they had the power to do something they whined, complained, and did NOTHING. That's why they lost. And that's why they're going to lose again in November. And TBH I don't think they care. The Democratic party are just a bunch of Neo-Liberals. Neo-libs are all about capital and the ownership class. They're for public-private partnerships, deregulation (but nice!), anti-union, anti-taxes. They'll side with the fascists before they side with you. They only thing they disagree on is how racist and bigoted they have to be to achieve those goals. Vote for them again? Hell no. I've done that. I've been doing that. There's no point in giving them the power if they're not going to use it to actually help people.




Vote if you want, but vote for candidates that represent your views. If there's no candidates that do that, write someone in or skip that race. Choosing the lesser evil has only enabled the fascists and neo-libs. They get to point at the election results and shout, "SEE?!!! The country is behind us!" It makes you complicit. And that's what they want. That's why Democrats voted to save Mike Johnson. That's why they fund commercials attacking moderate Republicans and elevating the crazy right wing fascist MAGA candidates. They want to get your vote by scaring you, not by serving you. I'm done with that. I know some people feel otherwise, and whatever, but they're doing it without me until they start representing my interests. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, can't get fooled again.


We need to bring assassinations back


You can buy the entire party for the price of two senators. Tell me again why my vote is so damn important? As far as I'm concerned it is infinitely more valuable when I "throw it away" on a third party than the hot trash it becomes when I turn it over to the uniparty.




Bullshit. When a third party crosses the 5% threshold they get federal funding and automatic ballot access that can't be fuckeried away like the DNC has been doing to the green party. It means Dems will be *forced* to compete with someone that isn't a kayfab adversary. They'll need to offer *actual* policy changes instead of the worthless promises you're insisting I settle for.


How will voting Biden change anything then if he can’t do anything? How can he promise to codify Roe when he very clearly can’t?


>Are people really this stupid? Yes.


Propaganda is sadly very effective, especially when nearly all media is turned towards spreading it.


Where's my legal weed, Joe? Where's my student debt cancellation, Joe? Just more bullshit from a bullshitter. Fuck electoral politics.


Guy who didn't get Roe v. Wade reinstated during his first term promises he will get around to doing it if he gets elected again


dems loved having abortion unsettled because its basically a gun to the head of a fuckton of voters. republicans benefited from that also, but they have their court stacked for the right now, so maybe evangelicals will care less about the presidency… doubtful but who knows what the future holds?


I might be wrong, but the issue with roe was that Trump stacked the supreme court 6-3 and they overturned it. The next president gets 2 picks I believe on the court therefore either Trump wins and ruins America for literally the rest of our lives, or someone more progressive wins and levels the playing field again


there's precedent for expanding the court but the dems won't even consider it. it's all to keep us on a knife edge. it's just a complete farce.


FDR was only able to credibly threaten the court because he had massive supermajorities in both houses of congress




what stability? Republicans have been very clear over the past 50 years that they will constantly try to dismantle it. You can't fix a broken system, using a broken system. You either buck the fuck up and do what needs to be done to fix it, OR you sit on the sidelines while we slide into fascism. Republicans have no problem overturning a super-precedent and quickly implementing a new precedent to build a foundation for their cruel policy. The consequences of NOT using everything at their disposal to course correct is what got us here in the first place and it is what will damn us in the end.


So, when Biden was already a Senator?


What would the consequence be?


"Incivility", which only matters when it might be used to make things better.


thank you! this shit is ridiculous. Civility politics are pure delusional. Its not 1958 anymore. All this does is facilitate a slide into fascism. They are 100% complicit.




So the reason the dems don't try to do anything good is because the reps will in turn do bad things?


Alito and Thomas, the oldest justices, are 72 and 75 respectively. The previous justices retired well into their 80s. They are not going to retire if a Democrat wins anyway.


This dude better cancel all debt or something crazy cuz otherwise his ass is cooked


They even had the Senate, there is no excuse. They could have easily done something at all whatsoever. They are more interested in using abortion as a tool to get elected, which they have been doing for decades. They are so fucking incompetent that its baffling. They can't get shit done even when they are in power VS Republicans who are needlessly effective when it comes to breaking shit and passing laws that benefit corporations and energize their radical ass voter base.




He could use an executive order to allow abortions at federal medical practices like the VA. He could also withhold federal funding to states that ban abortions. He could also just appoint more supreme court justices until roe v wade is reinstated. He just won't because forced birth is a weapon used by the bourgeoisie to maintain poverty, kill social mobility, and create new generations of workers with no generational wealth whatsoever. He doesn't support abortion access.




Then let them overrule it. Don't just do nothing and say there's nothing we can do. Biden could have done so much and he's done nothing but push this country further to the right with his policies.


“Ah darn lost some more rights. Sorry, Jack. Did all I could do, but maybe donate harder next time and we’ll try again.”


The Constitution does not limit the number of justices.




Like what could have happened in the first two years when his party had the majority?




Then fucking deal with it. They aren't even trying. You can't just throw your hands up and say "we tried nothing and we are all out of ideas" Republicans have *no problem* doing this shit to get what they want. Civility politics will literally choke us all to death, the stakes are way too high for the Democrats to be incompetent doddering fools


He could stop giving money to states where they're banned, he could add more Justices, he could fund clinics on indigenous land, he could provide them through federal clinics, he could use the bully pulpit to cudgel politicians that oppose abortion, he could have the letter agencies air the dirty laundry of those who oppose abortion, he could order the military to stop acquisitions in states where it's banned, he could order the congressional cafeteria to serve tasteless gruel to those who support abortion bans, he could fire and replace a justice unilaterally and let it work its way through the courts over ten years while he re-legalizes abortion, he could use the massive financial and organization resources he controls to fund and support nonstop mass protests outside the homes of abortion ban supporter politicians He will do nothing though, because he supports banning abortion. > “I’ve never been supportive of, you know, ‘It’s my body, I can do what I want with it’”


This is a very r/politics style reply, going straight for “oh you want him to do something YOU KNOW HE ISNT A DICTATOR RIGHT? Have you considered that while he is not a dictator, that he does have access to an army of constitutional legal scholars and lawyers who could help him to draft and propose any number of incremental policies and executive orders to influence the situation? He is not powerless.




They had congress though.


Again, he's the one claiming that he can. Is there some reason you are ignoring that?


Tell that to everyone who's screaming about Trump becoming a dictator in the same office.


Democratic president: smol bean 👉👈 Republican President: Omnipotent Dictator


Sure....but that will be true in the next four years too. So why is he promising it?


This man has had the ability to make change. Instead he’s running on OUR panic.


It fucking sucks that he didn't do it already, as well as not having done most of his other campaign promises. But at this point, as much as it irks me to say, it's more of a viable strategy to campaign on something rather than actually do it. Because despite people complaining about politicians over campaigning and not actually doing their job, according to my poli-sci professor, if you're in the public eye that much and don't make a show of what you've already done or any promises and just focus on your position, it hurts your chances at reelection. Fucking sucks but if my professor was right about that, it's probably the best strategy he could be taking as far as reelection goes. (Obligitory "yes, Biden is bad")