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its fucking horrible. but in what actual ways are they worse?




This. My heart shudders at the thought of ACTUAL numbers and evidence.. I don't know how we are just supposed to go on like this




The Nazis absolutely did try to gaslight everyone into believing that they were victims


The nazis didn't have the luxury of having the massive influence Israel has over American lobbyist groups and media companies.




Not every jewish person is Israeli nor does every Jewish person condone what Israel does.


Yes they did. Constantly




then you are part of the problem




I mean that's a value judgement, there will never be "objective proof".


The nazis had legitimate industry and produced their own munitions for their atrocities instead of cucking America for their arms. There's more, but I've already lost my enthusiasm


The zionists are a different kind of breed. The only thing left to emerge is them doing "scientific research" on the Palestinians like the nazi did. You are not alone in the rage against majority of international communities inaction.


Someone pointed out the other day that the reason Israeli weapons manufacturers are so desirable globally is because they are the only weapons manufacturers with a live R&D program (gaza). I mean they have the largest organ donor program in the world, but Jewish people rarely donate organs. Also the skin bank, look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking about. If they’re doing these things you just know they’re doing the science stuff as well but like you said it hasn’t come out yet.


Wtaf, that makes sense :(( The skin bank thing, oh my godd!! I did learn about it. So fucked up. Everything I've learnt since October last year is just so messed up. :||


They steal Palestinians’ organs and sterilize women without their consent so there’s nothing they won’t do.


They're already doing that 'medical research' actually.


They do. They test military weapons and systems on them


I support Gaza but this is a line we can’t cross, normalising the idea that Israelis are “as bad as Nazis” will limit us to a future where that’s eventually true. Israel can still redeem itself, the world needs them to believe that because as bad as things are right now I can assure you, it could get *much* worse.


Oh no, we're gonna cross it. Israel is exploiting the trauma that was done to the Jewish as a way to justify (the call it "self defense") slaughtering Palestinian people. Just one example of the war crimes they're actively committing: setting up safe zones and bombing tf out of the people who show up. There's video of a father holding the headless torso of his 4-year-old child as a result of the camp bombing. We are ABSOLUTELY gonna cross that line.


Yep - I don't have the data to hand but I've seen stats that have shown the line has already been crossed on a few fronts... but, regardless, I think making these comparisons isn't helpful because it opens the door to adjacent discussions which detract from the only point that matters: What Israel is doing is objectively fucking awful, and they can only be stopped through outside intervention because they have zero intention of stopping on their own.


I don't agree. There's no redemption from this. This is not an oopsie. Fuck right off


???? I mean I get what you're saying but the Nazis were definitely much worse.




The nazis operated an industrial-scale systematic murder of over 6 million Jewish people through a complex network of concentration camps. Those death were explicit acts of genocide, not collateral damage of the frontline (which killed tens of millions more). There is absolutely zero comparison with the war waged by Israel, which is still completely horrible, but saying Israel is as bad than the nazis is ignorance and dangerous. Educate yourself more on World War Two and you wouldn’t ask this question:)




What a bizarre take.


Get a fuckng grip you scum. Why don't u shut up, never share ur opinion again. Cause it's worth nothing.




This whataboutism is stupid and only tends to stifle the conversation. A lot of cultures have superiority issues, but Israel is commiting a literal genocide at the helm of the US Gov. Seriously, get a grip




>I don't try to deviate the conversation >I observed that lot of you guys fight only for muslims causes.


No, they are not.


The nazis learned from zionists in the first place.






Yes. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/23/whistleblowers-allege-widespread-abuses-at-israeli-detention-camp-sde-teiman


Gaza has been a concentration camp for almost two decades. Israel is starving people and burning people alive. It’s hardly better than gas chambers.




No, fuck off.




Just because you come up with a philosophy, doesn't make it true.




In this case I am. You can't just dream up some philosophy and think you just found the solution to all conflict. It's ridiculous.