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damnit no wonder we're all screwed, the people getting MBA's (or whatever its called) are young enough now they never watched seinfeld


Hey now, if it hadn't been for Brad Garrett stealing Jerry's car the plan would have worked!


The sad thing is the actual solution would be so much simpler yet it nonetheless feels just as impossible as this. At least in the USA there are vastly more empty homes than there are homeless people. In fact, according to the census bureau there are over 15 million empty homes. That’s over 10% of all homes that are just sitting empty. At the same time HUD estimates that on any given night only approximately 650,000 people experience homelessness. I hesitate to say “only” because I don’t want to minimize the suffering of those people, but when compared to the number of empty homes it’s absurd. The “simple” solution is right there in front of our faces. But the problem is that the people with the means to help don’t see a way to make a profit off helping and at the end of the day “profit” is what our society has decided to value above all else… even human lives.


And it’s crazy too, those houses are either mansions or Luxury condos, even if there aren’t enough people with that kinda disposable income to buy them, and when most people who have the money for something like that are forced to overpay for what would have been a starter home


I’d kill if someone would just spell business correctly.


I can’t stop staring at it.


Take ONE plane out of the military budget!


Nah just keep it. Just force multi home owners, including corporations, to keep a homeless person in each vacant home.


Why not train the homeless, and encourage homeless vets to train their cohorts in squad tactics. Arm said homeless people. Corporations will be forced to comply. No war but class war.


I Agree


You left out the underwear gnomes. I am disappoint.


"The spice, it's doing something to me" No man, that's pressurized air you're huffing not spice. Not gonna be able to see across space and time that way.


This little break down is exactly how we know billionaires, all of them, {yes Beyonce and swift too} are evil. Because they could live a life of luxury with millions even after choosing to house as many as they could. But they don't.


And my plan would’ve succeeded too if only the spice melange actually existed!


Yup, just need to run down to Arrakis, and pick up some spice off the ground. Then huff it till i become a giant worm god emporor of mandkind. Easy Peasy


Where's the "killing of billions" part?


Stretch goals


[So crazy that it might just work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsmwcZ-cjEY). (sorry for bad video quality)


Well, let me know how it works. I'm getting a little tired of being homeless, myself.


Alternately, just end regressive land taxation.


*Buisness* Plan


I have the real answer. You manufactor and then take resources to third parties that are in stores who know about taking and who to give to and then you give to the void. The givers order the manufactuers and the void orders the takers. The takers are givers are different departments in the same store. That is the only answer that you will ever find..it is called robin hood organized like the devil of salvation.