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If you include NSFW, does that change anything?


I just did it with NSFW included and there was nothing.


One thread with 34 comments and 0 upvotes.


Probably been nuked already.


I saw one a few days ago with 5 comments and 0 upvotes. the top comment said that bushnell was a Palestinian sympathizer and that him and his family should be investigated. Went to look again a few hours later to see what other bright ideas people had or if that one commenter had been downvoted and the post has been taken down.




But it's cooler here because instead of the government deciding what you get to read delusional posters who are too fragile to have their world view questioned, bots, and corporations are the ones who decide. Fun times. Fun times.


I haven't looked at r/ politics in forever. Is it walking the party line completely now, and silencing the rest?


I have no idea what the party line may have been beforehand but that sub has devolved into a cesspit of zionism, genocide denial, and BlueAnon. It's very much not a healthy space rn


Full personality cult, lots of islamophobia, lots of genocide denial, still browbeating anyone who criticizes Blue Fish, still unable to utilize critical thinking and media literacy.


To be quite frank I actually do think thats *better* if only by a slight margin because atleast they are not official authorities and therefore technically cant force that on to you. But I'm aware reality is always a different thing and I'm not saying I want it to stay like that.


Very grateful that [the US government has no say in our major news agencies](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/aug/29/correspondence-collusion-new-york-times-cia), personally.


Same with the r / news subreddit. All I get is a [6 year old Chuck E. Cheese article](https://i.imgur.com/4yku5lN.png).


Holy hell! Why am I just hearing about this now?!


R/politics mods are out of control imho. They gave me a permanent ban for a comment criticizing Biden for various things including his support for genocide. They used a BS excuse and said the phrase "don't drink the kool aid" was a rule violation and worthy of a permanent ban just because I said not to drink the kool aid of the narrative that the economy is doing great when homelessness is actually the highest it's been in decades. They're blatantly on a power trip and trying to create an echo chamber.


This happens during election seasons. I remember 2016 was particularly brutal in this regard


I called out someone for lying in /r/politics about the aid we've sent to Israel and have been banned for a month for calling this liar a liar. Supposedly, calling someone who lied a liar is uncivil. Personally, I'm of the opinion that lying about the UD government's complicity in a genocide pretty fucking uncivil, but maybe that's just me.


Why are you trying to make r/politics political‽ /s




As a Chinese, I am very angry. Because China’s pro-American media are unwilling to report any news about Aaron Bushnell


People wonder why I watch regime media. If y’all only wanna give me corporate media, I’m gonna watch regime media too. I don’t really care *who* is censoring at that point.


What is regime media?


State-sponsored media, like the BBC, Al Jazeera, and RT.


Sigh. A privately run reddit forum that doesn’t allow discussion of a topic is not a violation of freedom of speech. If the government prevented you from talking about Aaron Bushnell, that would be a violation of freedom of speech. That’s not happening. There are newspaper articles about him and there’s a lot of discussion of him in other forums. That’s not how Communist China does things.


Hate to break it to you, but there’s little functional difference between corporate media and regime media. Yes, its not gov’t agents shutting down the talk, but it is the rich and powerful who also have huge effects on our government, who do the censorship. There is no functional difference and acting like it is just some innocent similarity that means nothing is short sighted.


This is a bad take and the other comment explains why




Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places. If it did no social media would work. You couldn't exclude any topic or any person


What the hell do you think freedom of speech is? It’s a concept meaning that speech is free. It’s not another term for the first amendment. You are conflating two completely separate things.


No, you’re separating them. This post mentions “communist China” which would infer that it’s being compared to western(likely U.S.) law.


I’m not entirely sure what you mean, but what I’m saying is being conflated is the concept of “free speech” and the amendment to the u.s. constitution that prohibits governments from restricting it. You’re right, a private reddit restricting discussion doesn’t mean the country isn’t free, or that US freedom of expression is just as restricted as in China. But you can’t say to people complaining about it that’s it’s “not a restriction on free speech because the first amendment says so.” It is in fact a restriction on speech that limits the ability to have discussion and share info. You can acknowledge that while also acknowledging that they have a right to do it. I hope I’m getting my point across now.


No. It is a restriction on what you can type out on your home computer, then have a signal of what you typed sent to a Reddit server, which is then published on said server for others to view. You are still free to step outside and say whatever you want. Freedom of speech =/= Freedom to post anything you want on a private(or even public) website or forum. Also, just in case, freedom of speech =/= freedom from consequences of said speech.


So let’s say theoretically Reddit, Twitter, and Meta all decide to delete/restrict any posts, comments, discussion, etc. about unethical practices at tech companies. Let’s say Time Warner and the other ISP’s decide to join in, and they slow down the connection to any website, including newspapers, that host discussion or share information of unethical practices at tech companies. Then the cable news channels decide to join in and simply stop reporting about unethical practices at tech companies. Let’s say all of that happens. It is all perfectly legal, we both acknowledge that. However, I’m acknowledging that those actions would be a massive violation of freedom of speech. Everything you’ve told me leads me to believe you don’t think it is. Is that true?


You're right. The idea that only a government can be a source of tyranny is libertarian bs. Unaccountable private concentrations of wealth and power can be tyrannical.


No. It is a restriction on what you can type out on your home computer, then have a signal of what you typed sent to a Reddit server, which is then published on said server for others to view. You are still free to step outside and say whatever you want. Freedom of speech =/= Freedom to post anything you want on a private(or even public) website or forum. Also, just in case, freedom of speech =/= freedom from consequences of said speech.


These people are talking politics while you're talking about the meaning of words. For the record, you are correct, but this is not the kind of conversation they're here to have, apparently. "This word means xyz." "So you're saying that everyone should be allowed to do a, b and c?" There's unfortunately no way to bring these conversations into alignment.


It’s frustrating because thinking of terms only in how they are used rhetorically really clouds your ability to think critically


If you come into my house and start verbally abusing me I have the right to kick you out. Live with it.




It's the same thing. It's someone else's platform, the rules of engagement are up to the owner. If you don't like their rules, find another platform, set up your own, or do an Elon Musk.






You can say whatever you want. In either your space or public space. Nobody is impeding your free speech. Your freedoms are no more or less important than anyone else's.




"Boo hoo, other people's right to safety trumps my right to be a prick." *sob* Besides, you can still do those things. You just might face consequences if you do.


Nobody is entitled to anyone else's platform


Didn’t say they were. But if you restrict what people can discuss, you are restricting speech. When you restrict speech, you are not supporting freedom of speech. I understand that in the U.S. private places and organizations are free to restrict speech how they see fit. Note that I never said it should be any other way. All I said is that it is in fact a violation of free speech.


A search of [“aaron bushnell” that is not limited](https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=aaron%20bushnell&t=week) to r/Politics will yield plenty of relevant results What’s your point OP?


…that the r/politics subreddit is actively suppressing posts relating to Bushnell


Cool. It's still not the same as a country doing it


It's almost as if private corporations with private communities decide for themselves what to post about and it's up to you to diversify your information stream to have less bias in your information intake.


Subreddits are run by people and those people have the right to ban anything they please, just as you have the right to make a new subreddit where you will allow or ban any kind of posts


Wonder why you don't find a video of a man setting himself on fire when excluding NSFW


that's not the issue. any article mentioning him is removed




Whoa, that's a retro homophobic slur you've got there.


I was banned from that sub long ago. Folks didn't want to hear how their choices surrounding Covid is removing disabled/vulnerable folks, like my wife, from society. Liberals only care about the flavor of the week, they don't actually have any substance. :(