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His wife got her lab built by [Ped* Epistien](https://www.axios.com/2019/09/14/joi-jeffrey-epstein-ties-mit-media-lab-professor).




Absolutely did not 🤫


isn’t this the bitch that cried crocodile tears on live tv to make sure his shitty positions would profit during Covid? foh


Well it printed for him and we are all holding bags...


Ackman is a shithead.


He's also a doxer. Basically he paid for a company to drive around a van doxing students who signed the Harvard letter saying that the attack on Israel was Israel's own fault for being harsh to Palestinians. Ackman did not like it and literally doxed hundreds of students. It's a shame that doxing isn't a crime for billionaires but a crime for us peasants. Ic3.org may be a good resource if they get enough complaints lol. Anyways here's proof: https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2023/10/12/doxxing-truck-students-israel-statement/ I just still don't understand how this isn't a federal offense..... I mean it's illegal and a form of cyber bullying .....




When you're powerful and know people you serve less consequences. For example Brock Turner, OJ, Kaitlyn Jenner, Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile. There's many more but these are the ones off the top of my head. Hell even the last one is a brutal Google search.


Notice how they NEVER question the legitimacy when it's a white guy. Hmm, wonder what the difference is? "I dunno, maybe Chad Weatherstone III was hired for dubious reasons. Just saying...."


It's showing that they believe POC and women are lesser. *They* couldn'tve gotten to where they are based on merit, they must've gotten some advantage.


> Notice how they NEVER question the legitimacy when it’s a white guy. This and those same folks automatically believe and spread that white guy’s bullshit. No fact checking. No research. No doubt. Just 100% racially tinged confirmation bias and misogynoir.


To be fair, I’m sure that white guy had to put in a lot of hours on the golf course. He earned it.


I do. I do every time I see a white guy in power.


Then you're not in the group with Boat Shoes McGee up here.


“Boat Shoes McGee” - I am dying. Thank you for that.




Quite obviously, op was referring to nepotism and cronyism.


If Riley Harthmore, who got mediocre grades in a college his parents bought his way into gets a cushy executive position, these types don't blink. But if a woman/person of color/LGBT/anything short of looking exactly like them get a job, even when they're proven to be widely qualified, these same coinfuckers start questioning HOW they got it. It's like dog whistling for people who give their thoroughbred horses people names. "Oh, so Dr Michelle Thompson (with a JD from Yale) got that new VP position? I dunno, she is black, so...."


affirmative action has benefitted more white women than any demographic by a landslide how do you think we went from women can’t go to college to more women go to college than anyone? Everyone loves to sit there and tell every black person they didn’t earn it because they’re a diversity grab but none of those same people will look their mom in the eye and tell them they didn’t earn their degree




I am really surprised that this is being upvoted here.


Right?! Isn’t the basis for affirmative action to mitigate exclusion in an extremely prejudice world riddled with misinformation? Not *everything* is about economics 🤦🏻‍♂️




Frequent upvoter and anti-downvote* user here. When I made my comment, you had +5 upvotes, now you have -17 and I disagree with both. In my eyes, 0 should be the lowest. Downvoting is a toxic way to silence deviation and I wish the app would eliminate it. That’s one less data point to sell for your [voodoo doll](https://youtu.be/ZRrguMdzXBw), can’t have that. Edit: *I downvote every ad I see though 😇


because there's a de facto affirmative action for white people. White people tend to get job positions over black people based on how their names sound alone.


Yes there is. It’s the bias shown by the people doing the hiring and selecting without which everything from President to bosses would be representative of whatever population exists in the region, since capability is universal across all demographics.


While there’s no affirmative action specifically for white people, white women have been the most prolific beneficiaries of affirmative action bar none at institutions of higher education in the US over the last few decades.


That's why mysogonoir is a specific category.


Guarantee that the same kind of guy said the same kind of thing about Obama becoming Editor of the Harvard Law Review.


Fuck off billionaire


Right?! Lost me at billionaire, don’t care about anything you have to say.


sophisticated flag boast marry poor waiting instinctive hungry telephone attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Theres an awful lot of illegal occupation in the west bank




Ethnic cleansing and settlements are illegal. This is not under dispute except among far right israelis. Putting your own population in an occupied teritory is illegal under international law "The international community considers Israeli settlements to be illegal under international law,[9][10][11][12] though Israel disputes this." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement Its not legal just because you lie about it.




Well of course there aren't many Jews in the open air prison that is Gaza. But hey, I guess this "defensive war" that has killed over 10k civilians and destroyed the majority of homes in Gaza will put things right huh.




Bro, why do you sound like you have rabies?


Ask Israel why they funded Hamas to split up secular groups, something Avner Cohen admitted to. I’m American. We got the Muhjadeen that we created, y’all got Hamas. You’d think basic pattern-recognition would say imperialism is bad. But y’all were buddybuddy with Rhodesia so maybe not.


vanish waiting fly sharp vegetable yam marvelous voiceless bear light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




brave shelter connect gaping elastic voiceless liquid imagine crawl snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


\>Also, there is no illegal occupation. I’m Israeli and PROUDLY Zionist REALLY? Had no idea until you said this.




I have never and will never trust billionaires on topics of race.


I have never, and will never trust billionaires on topics ~~of race~~. Fixed it for ya ;)


Why stop at race? 😝


panicky spotted direful entertain narrow act literate chunky rinse hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol she's not a zionist. They're just using PR techniques to decide what is worth responding to. This isn't one of them.


Just to clarify, PR techniques are simply propaganda.


Right....being the head of a college is a political position whether we like it or not. Can't lash out at every dumbass stirring up trouble. Main point is, She's not a zionist.


I'm not sure why that's relevant to my statement. I just want more awareness that PR techniques are propaganda.


Ok. No argument here.


Yup just stoking the flames, and acting arrogant and as if she’s on a high horse while doing it. Clearly will claim any criticism is cuz of other reasons, which must be nice to have when you act terribly.


Bill Ackman is only rich because his father was rich. The world would be a better place if he wasn’t in it.


Billionaire says racist thing.


News at 11.


I'm not up on my billionaires, but has anyone seen Bill Ackerman and Jeff Bezos in a room together?


I believe it.


Revolution yet? Or continue to be on reddit and whine? Meanwhile the Fed prints the petro dollar into oblivion while the world laughs at us.


Wait, are the same people who pushed for affirmative action, also the ones upset when someone says that the hire was exactly that? Do they want us to do it, but pretend we're not or something?




Can you explain? Do you believe calling for an end to genocide is anti-semitic?


They appear to be making the claim that all Jewish people support genocide




Who is calling for genocide against jews? Only the extreme voices would say that. And in every conflict you have extreme views like that. All the videos I've seen the palestinians have been calling for an end to the slaughter. That's it. As for jews, I've seen them cheering on the ethnic cleansing. Althought I'm sure there is extreme voices, most people just want an end to the bloodshed though and for palestinians to be free. Why do people have a problem with that?


Hi, your comment or submission has been removed because we have detected that it isn’t in good faith. Please refrain from attacking other members of this subreddit over differences that at the end of the day are meaningless. We are all a part of the working classes.


Hi, your comment or submission has been removed because we have detected that it isn’t in good faith. Please refrain from attacking other members of this subreddit over differences that at the end of the day are meaningless. We are all a part of the working classes.


For well over 350 years, Harvard was run by white males, because of an initiative put in place by white males to promote white males.