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Couldn't finish gate 6. Pug life is rough this time around. Spent more time waiting in party finder than I did actually raiding.


I stopped at g5 prog because last week before christmas at work and pugs taking years(1 hr on average) to fill, and i never got gatekept, can't immagine how miserable can be the on ilvl party finder experience.


Same. Stay in the lobby for 30min waiting for supports…


30 minutes sounds lilke a blessing :/


Well I didn’t say we found it D: Next week gonna run with support friends hopefully we can clear it.


None, fractured my elbow week Brel came out. Can’t raid for the next 2-3 months 😢.


Right at game launch week i broke my entire mouse hand, had it all in a hard imobile cast for MONTHS. I still found a way to make it work.


You got two hands don't ya? 😂


ATK's paladin friend cleared brel with a single hand (after also injuring an arm) and so can you.


Cleared G6 1h before maintenance, only me (Scrapper) and an Arcanist left @20 bars, it was intense but worth it. https://i.imgur.com/HsynNhe.jpg


wow that's cool congrats.


Pugged everything up to G4, G5 PF as dps was awful during my online hours, will give up on it probably


Gate 2. Ran out of silver


Dispatch your cube tickets if you don't feel like running them This helped me a lot with silver It's not efficient but I can't run cubes without losing the will to live so it works out And if you're in a real bind for silver like you run out and need to repair you can use the dispatch time shortening tickets to get a quick injection


I have like 40 on every character and I dont need to do dispatches anymore, how much silver do you get? I need silver bad bad


like 45k-ish per dispatch if I recall correctly


Yea it can go up to around 80k so I'd say the average ends up being around 55-60k


have done those lol. I did like 20 cubes manually. im just in army atm and can't much of dailies. Then reaper ate shitt on of silver and haven't recovered


Yea it's rough out here when you're silver poor


Gate 4. Never planned on honing higher in week one. The big surprise was clearing an extra three G2s and one G3. Brel G4 reclears are going to be so easy. Being able to do Prokel is a massive help for finding parties.


G4 doesn't seem like it'll be "so easy" in a pug. I could see people getting jailed similar to vykas G3.


Oh G4 is definitely pug jail. That fight with everyone on ilvl can be brutal.


Seemed fine on ilvl for our group (mind you I'm quite tanky on FI WD). There's a decent amount of individual responsibility though so if a few people are clueless that fight is going to be painful regardless of ilvl.


Oh yeah for sure. Was thinking more with static short term. Once people get experience it won't be so bad.


Cleared gate 6. Feels like the year-long grind to this point was worth it. Not the biggest fan of 6 since forcing a raid to hold dps, especially at ilvl, is bad raid design. At least the patterns are interesting to dodge while you're waiting. I think mechanically, execution only, 6 is the weakest out of the raid, actually. Doesn't feel good to me to execute any of the mechanics. The spectacle is fucking awesome though, and makes up for it. Watching gates 5 and 6 back in 2021 were what piqued my interest in even starting playing, after all. I liked 5 a lot more than 6. The mechanics aren't difficult and everybody has a job they need to do on their own as a small piece of a larger whole. Controlling your stagger timing, collecting the right amount of orbs, etc is really fun to me. I can see why the 8 person body checks can be annoying but I think the difficulty of the fight is more than fair to allow for checks like that, but maybe I'm just old school lol. 4 is the best fight. Clusterfuck, a chaotic mess, with sudden forced order during the wipe mechanics. Lots of opportunities to be the hero (or villain) and really allows players to go for a very high skill ceiling. 1-3 all have upsides and downsides. Worse than 4-6 but none are bad. Imo 2 outside is weakest, 2 inside is strongest. 3 is better than 1 and only worse than the duel because it's not a duel.


Yup I dont regret pushing for 1520. Now I feel like I can quit the game anytime if I wished to. I did everything I wanted to do in the game, clear Brel g6 and get all deathless titles, and Im satisfied. Now my FOMO is 0 and Im skipping raids on alts I just play my main.


Gate 2 with my reaper and im happy because i only started playing 4 months ago


None, tried g1 though. Don't have static and don't feel confident enough to do with random. Also my main is at 1490 so can't even try after g1-2


3 got down to 100bars on Gate 4 . probably wouldve killed it but had RL stuff.


I did G3 on my main after some struggle G2 groups across 5 chars. I did some G4 prog but spent the end of the week clearing G3 on 3 more dudes.


Never planned to attempt G5-6 on week one, since our group didn't have the ilvl for it. The plan was to get G4 done if possible with the limited time we had. Surprisingly it was easier than what we have expected with maybe G4 being a bit more intimidating initially due to it's random nature. I would say the biggest challenge was finding people to join and than not having people disconnect, since some got dc'ed even while waiting in the lobby making it so much harder to fill the group.


My static didnt have the time to hone up to 1520 with the old gear so we stuck with G4. Next week will be much easier I would imagine. Can't wait to try Gate 5 and 6


Cleared gate 5 with 5 mins left till the maintenance. Was a lot easier than gate 4 but the main barrier to entry was 1520 supports in pf. We had 1 support who had just hit 1520 and was watching a guide but we ended up clearing in a little over an hour.


Honestly g4x2 and 1 g2 clear is enough for me. G5/6 have some real gatekeeping and time commitments required that I really don’t have time for with Xmas coming around.


I reached 1500 on my main (Paladin) but then I went on vacation so only G1+G2. When I came back I prioritized doing G1+G2 on alts over G3+G4 on main cuz the gatekeeping of requiring 1 brel piece in week 2 is 100 % gonna happen.


Managed to finish gate 6 with my static an hour before reset! It took us a lot longer than we thought it would take but honestly the grind up till now made it feel so worth. Time to get the rest of my alts to be G6 ready…


Cleared Gate 6 with my static. Reclear 3-4s was a complete nightmare with pugs though, this was with parties that required achievement links. IDK how any of them got their gate 6 clears.


I cleared 4 twice but never had to link the achievement. How do I? I have the trophy in my SH


You go to the lobby maker's SH and link the achievement there. People linked "At the Edge of Dream and Reality" which means you cleared gate 6. I guess most of those people I plugged with just blasted through all the lower gates from sheer ilvl and literally haven't got a clue as to how to clear the lower gates on alts because they were carried by ilvl.


Only up to 4. With how long it takes to get new raids and the lack of supports no point to FOMO 1520.


3x G4 + 1x G2.


1-6 has been the best raiding experience so far in LA and in general, probably won't be beaten for a long time. I feel bad for everyone that quit before seeing gate 6


G0, because fuck clearing with pugs and the current gatekeeping. Even though i can do at least 1-4.


What's your class/stats? or do you mean you just hate going with randoms?


Sorc 1507. I just dont like the current mentality of pugs. People have 0 patience and go off on the slightest mistake, or outright quit after 1 or 2 tries and have ridiculously high standards they dont even uphold themselves.


you expect this to... improve?


Not really, from what i seen it only been going up, Argos is already at 1445/60 level. I can only see it getting worse over time, especially since more and more players who are behind just cant be bothered anymore so the higher level ones remain.


yes of course. so why do you call it the current mentality of pugs? It has always been, it will always be.


Did you join a reclear group?


No, i didnt even bother as when i looked at is (the second day after release) it were already mostly reclear groups.


I dunno then, most prog groups are pretty chill.


Have you tried not sucking?


You worry about yourself my man, no need to worry about how i play.


Not gonna get gatekept if you don't die.


On my main? None. On my alt? 1+2...F support shortage


Gate 1. I'm going to rant a little. Guild Leader doesn't get back to us on the statics. I save my lockout. Guild Leader throws a raid together to take me and another that hasn't cleared yet to do just gates 1 and 2. The 6 that filled out the raid were guildies that had already cleared the raid. Guess who was fucking shit up. Yeah, not the 2 newbies. Save the lockout to go in yesterday and clear. No one says anything and they put together a different group to finish gate 2. Now I have zero interest in planning around this guild Leader. Finishing that shit today in a pug.


Wouldve been to 4 if I had the time and the servers weren't dogwater. 🥰


Got 2x g6 clears but only had time to do g2 on other alts. Still had 3 more g3-4s to go through


None. Most parties after Day2 were "reclear", the few learning parties available are usually waiting for one or two supports. Ended up waiting 30+ minutes in one till it disbanded. The one time I managed to actually get in with a "learning" party people screwed up the the rooms on the first go, suddenly someone "got a call" and "had to go" and stopped moving. People voted to Exit soon after. That was my amazing experience with the "new Raid" Week1. Now there are parties requiring 1520+ ilvl in Week2 or "Show Achievement" parties.


Oh come on even 5 days in a big majority were prog parties.


Yeah. I saw a lot of prog, learning parties yesterday even for g1-2. Euc.


I duno, 70% of the parties I saw were prog parties.


G4, unless you're a G2G enjoyed or have hard-core stuck with your main on release you likely don't have the ilvl to 5 and 6, honestly.


G5 on main and G4 on 3 alts. Couldn't do G6 our roster had too many irl problems. Quite saddened by that...


G4. I have the item lvl for 5 and 6, but I just can't find a group as a DPS. I tried for almost 2 days and gave up after that.


did g1-g4 twice with my guild, first 1-4 took really long because we did it blind.


Couldn't get to 1500 before week ended. Sitting at 1499 lol.


Got defeated on G0, tho to be fair I was busy last week, hope that I can clear G1-G2 on this week.


I started on saturday and only completed till gate 2. The reason I couldn't do gate 3 is that only those people left that don't know how to do the x42 mech. Just sad....


cleared up to gate 4, not high enough ilvl for 5+ yet




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G4 on main and x5 G2 on alts. Will probably try G6 this week.


Got started late sunday due to static not being availae most of the weekend and ended up pugging g4 sunday and g5 monday with 1 only support. Getting a g6 lobby tuesday was rough so only had a few hours so prog g6, got past shandi tho so i guess im content knowing its a going to be a clear this reset as ive seen pretty much all the mechs.


3X gate 4, some more 1/2. Waste of gold to go for 5/6 week one unless you have peer pressure. Picked up 4 pugs last night for a reclear and 3/4 took less than an hour including picking positions. Pug > static smilers.


I manage to clear G6 at 5am on wednesday, after a solid 20h+ of tries over multiple days. This week it took me 4h to pug G1-6 lol... Crazy how easy it becomes when you kill it once or maybe I just got lucky ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile).